
---=-----;~.~- - - - . -.' • PW;=. _. P -." ! < , $, >. ~ $C m / All the News Home of the News of All the Pointes • Every Thursday Morning * * * ros.s.e Call TUxedo 2-6900 Complet~ News Coverage of AlI'the.. Pointes Entered as Sc;:ond Class Matter 5e Per Copy VOLUME 19-No. 7 at the Post Office ,at Detro~t. Mich. GROSSi: rOINTE, MICHI'GAN, FE~RUARY 13, 1958 , 13.50 Per Yea2 24 PAGES Fully Paid Circulation ----------~,;--------------...,-------------~-~------:-------------~..:-_---:_...:-_----------'----------------_._--_.) HEADLIl\' ES Women Prep'are for World Day of Pray'er Pick Jerry Gerich Gro~pFights of the . - ••. IChalh Store \VEEK As Compiled by the For New PrInCIpal IProposals Grosse Pointe News Poi n t e Business Men's Association Opposing, Thursday, February 6 Of GPHigh Schoof THE- SECOND SPECTACU- Sales on Sabbath LAR failure of a Navy satel- '--- I lite-bearing Vanguard t est Canadian-Born Graduate of Northwestern University The Grosse Pointe Busi- missile was explained officia'l- Being Brought Here from Similar Post in Arlington, Va. ness Men's Association has ly late Wednesday as due to --------- gone on record as opposed d e f e c t s in the first-stage Jerry J. G;erich of Arlington, Virginia, has been ap- to Sunday business, putting engine cont:ol s y s t em. The pointed Principal of the Grosse Pomte High School, the s p e cia 1 emphasis on the flaws, after .three seconds, Board of Education of the Grosse Pointe Public School sale of merchandise by split the rocket in two and caused its ultimate destruction System announced February 5. super markets. The follow- by radio s i g n a 1 from the Mr. Gerich, age 46, has been ... ... ... ing resolution has been ground. Principal of the Washington- adopted. Lee High School in Arlington, The Van g u a r d took off Virginia, for the past ,five At a special meeting of the beautifu1'1y from Cape Cana- years. He will assume his new board of trustees",of the Grosse veral. Fla., shortly after 2 :30 position in Grosse Pointe on Point~ Bu~iness Men's Associ- a.m. Wednesday. Then, while March 1 this year. ation held on Thursday, Feb- hundreds gaped, the aureole- "Mr. Gerich is the unanim- ruary 6, the matter of the ringed jet seemed to separate ous choice for this job of all action of certain large chain and fall slOWly back toward the sea. The top part of the the people interviewed by the markets or so-called super rocket wobbled weakly and school staff and the Board of markets in establishing or in- emitted a smoke trail, while a Education," Bert Wi c kin g, tending to establish Sunday mighty roar of sound overtook President of the Board, stated. hours of operation for sale of it. "Dr. Bu!5hong and members of mercnandise to the public, * • • the school's professional staff being un d e r consideration, TWO V I C IOU S THUGS have been doing a terrific job and, in the light of inform a- were arrested 30 minut2s after ever since Mr. Clemihson died, tion available and noting the opposition expressed by the they roboed an Inkster gro- to find the best possible can- general public to such Sunday cery Wednesday. They were didate for this important as. operation of such establish- tripped up by an alert house- signment,' ments. BE IT RESOLVED: wife. The woman and he~' baby From iimilar Area 1. There is no demand or daughter were in a nearby -Picture by Fred Runnells "Mr. Gerich comes from a requirement that could pos- Seven Pointe churches are participating iI! the an- phone booth WRen she spotted SMITH, MRS. CLYDE K. BOWLES and MRS. MAl:. school system in an area very sibly justify the operation of the bandits, armed with shot- nual observance of the World Day of Prayer, to be CDS W. JOHNSON. Back row, left to right:-MRS. similar to ours," Wicking went lai'ge mercantile establish- gun and pistol. entering the held this year at Christ Church at 1:30 p.m. on Friday, JOHN B. MILLIS, MRS. CLIFFORD C. WRIGLEY, on to say. "The Wc..shington- JERRY J. GERrCH ments in Grosse Pointe dUiing store. She phoned police who, February 21. The committee which is making arrange- MRS. J. LANE DONOVAN; MRS, FREDERICK M. LeeHighSchoolin Arlingtont~""-------------- the 24hoursof the Sabbat11. minutes later.. foiled the get- ments includes, seated, left to righi:-, M.RS. IAN WHITNEY and MRS. JAMES A. LAFER. V:irgi~ia,. ~as 2600 boys and I Woods Judge 2. .Any such open to the ~way and subsequently sent gIrls m It, IS rated as one of public operation on a Sabbath both men to the hospital, one the toP. public high schools in Hears 11(fuses by any such store is cerlain to with a possible skull fracture the Uruted States, and serves excite and sponsor a highly and another in serious con- Innovations Protestant Church Women Police Nab a strictly residential area. --- infectiDus spirit of competition, dition with a pol ice bullet "Under Mr. Gerich's leader- Woods Judge Don Goodrow which will lead to a general through his neck. Being Tried' Uniting for Observance' Thief Act ~ship,the Washington-Lee High fOUlid Stephen H. McCarthy, trend of such Sabbath hours- >4< * * in "or for 2153 Hollywood, guilty of School has made maJ - ot of public operation which will PRESIDENT EISENHOWER ward steps in improving cur- leaving the scene of an acci- lead and result in problems of said Wed n e s day a tax cut By Schools Of World Day of Pray.er Of Burglary ncu. 1urn, ~..'leve1OpIng. an exceI- dent and ordered hirr" to pay. a traffic, parking, noise, con- could be a reserve weapon to lent staff of teachers and en- fine of $75. '.fusion and disorder, and addi- give business a shot in the Servic~s to be Held' in Christ Church 'February 21, 'F P t I' S". gendering the e nth us i a.stic Raymond Bo,Barnel t, of 2587 tionai demands upon local arm, but gave no indication of Final' Article on Public arms a ra men urprlse supp...rt and t.o f II Springle, Detroit, w.as found " recommending a cut now. In- and Committees Will Visit Hospitals -.J c09pera 1 n 0 a 'It f d" " h" h" publIc safety and public works School System Deals Burg Iar in M ac k Avenue those conf!.ected with it. gu! Y, o. nvmg VI lie 1S divislOns with much extra stead, he stood by !";ispredic- with Experiemenfs and Convalescent Homes Bar During Check, "Over 85 percent of the stu- dnver s llcer:se was revoked. expense incurred thereb . tion that business should pick dents at Washington-Lee pur- and he was fmed $50 and sen~ y up around the middle -of the and New Pro- The womt;n of seven Protestant churches in the . d sue college preparat""ry pro- tenced to 30 days in the Wayne I ~"Sunday hours of operation year. A burg 1ar was surprise v t "bl b " T d " • grams Grosse Pointe area once again ,have joined forces to pre- grams and 80' percent go to County Jail. canno pOSSI y e Just! Ie 1ll • * * pare for their annual observance of the World Day of in the act during the early 11 Another heavy fine w<fSlev- our fine residential comrnun- }"riday, February 7 hours of Monday February co ege." Its. accelerated pro- ied against Robert R. Carie, of it)', and there is not now, nor Editorial Note: This is the Prayer, which will be held this year at Christ Episcopal . ' . grams In SCIence and mathe- WILLIAM E. MALONEY, ninth, and final article in the. '10, by Far;ns pollee ~ho, matics have received national" 20908 Anita, Harpel' Woods, has there ever ?een any desir~, general president of the Oper- Church, Grosse Pointe, Friday, Fehruary 21 at 1:30 p.m. series run for the enlighten- Since 1887, on the first Fri-~------------- were makmg a routIne recognition" During the past who paid $50 after bemg found demand nor .w1sh, by our.r7~,I- ating Engineers Union who ts t ment of Grosse Pointers re- day in Lent, women through- check of doors of Mack ave- two years it has, had 31 fin- guilt.y of reckles3 driving. der: , fO~fth1SS.unday actIVlt:: has been under fire by the g'arding their own school Church; and Mrs. J. Lane b' 1 - R1chard F" Montanaro of WhICh, L contmued or Pb- Senate Rackets Committee, re- out the world have united in D,onovan, C h l' i s t Episcopal nue usmcss paces. alists and 8 winners in the ' . ed "II b ., system. This last, briefly . 1087 Lochmoor, was found Ulltt '. W1 e certam to signed Thursday. Maloney said a s e r v ice of p ray e rand Church. Arrested at the scene was National Mer it Scholarship guilty of speeding and paid a result In a totally deplorable presents some of the in- thanksgiving. Services begin he was resigning his $50.000-1 novations various schools Co-Chairmen Named Earl J. Christensen, 26, of 18417 Program." fine of $25. situation which will be bound a-year job on the advice of his on the Tonga Islands, west of are introducing into their Mrs. Clifford Wrigley i~ Moenart, Detroit, who gave up Has Broad Experience Geraldine L. Coleman, of to det!act greatly fr,?m. t.he physician who claims that he the International Date Line, programs--"expedimenis in chaj.t-nian in charge I of all ar- ~i,thout a str~ggle, when po- Mr.
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