APRIL 14 THE LIMA (0.) NEWS 1,692 VETERANS BELIEVE IT OB NOT >..... By RIPLEY ACTIVITIES FEW Charlie Has Cornel Wilde IN GIRL SCOUTS •LIMA TIME IN OHIO AWAIT As Guest On Sunday Show A.M. SUNDAY !:«• **•• Several Events Are Planned Cornel Wilde, whose film time in taken up these dny* with * stellar «•]* A». M«rl« Moir HOSPITAL CARE role in "Forever Amber," visits with Charlie McCarthy *t 8 p. m. For Easter Week tilt S(»rr (• Ord»r i Sunday over NK(". »:»• We»,t»r C»n«t« Clrlf CMi . , >:4S Tun. Tin* Ml i Cornel Wilde stepped into stardom with hi« cinema portrait of Jl;ftt Volrf »f l*f*ph»cf VA Deputy Says Ex-GIs with Activities in Girl Scout troops . $ R ., mbcr." Sincr them he has taken over more l*:3« NHC glrlnc Trl. NK cll))J)in Jn <A unK to ( nC )!:«• Hunt*! M*rnlitf MtMHw Service-Connected Ills in Lima proceeded thruout the I (. hbucklifig rolei as the son of Robin Hood in "Bandit of Sherwood M:3« Sewn wftx I'.ul T<nH * Plan* Get Priority past week with few outstanding; Fon.sl" HII,i currently is portray- I'.M. events. Flans for Kaster week j <. » the main heart in- 12:00 Chimr* Hour llig flruc0i Sycamore Terrace when Snooks 12:30 Old Faihlontri R»rl»«l Hnr 1 :30 rh(r«»,i Hnunt Takl* I) (PpteUI T» Tke l,lm« Nrwn) meetings were completed in many te,.,,sl in -forr-ver Amber." t;ik»K over the reins inspires Daddy to write another essay— 1:*0 Hjirvrit of Star* ^ COLUMBUS, Apr, 13—A total of the troops, several troops plan-1 The r,innjnK story of a GI Untrrnt'l HarvnUr C».) N ning cook-out meetings. I .. on the proper technique for wield- 2:30 WruhnihonM Prarram N af 1,692 war veterans in Ohio was > who ! 1:00 Rhfafftr Parade N The Leaders' club met Tuesday, P*l" nt * ing a hairbrush on a hair-brained 3:3* One Man'* Family (Royal DtMtrta on the waiting list for admission TOHCMEHARE on the third floor of the Y. W. | crucial operation serves to drama- ] child. A- Kli-l.rhtrunn Y«ait) NBC 4:00 N*ll«n»l Hour NBC to Veterans Administration hos- C. A. Following a brief business tiy.e "The Telephone — Man's 4:30 RCA Victor Show NBC mr£R BUCKETS meeting conducted by Mrs. N. H. 5:00 MIC Symphony (G*n. M*t»ri) NBC pitals as of Mar. 31, Deputy Ad- ,, , . , , - . Swiftest Messenger" on "Explor- «:on Luthrnn Vcupfri BogardUK. president, A program ,, „ 6:30 Karr Hotrl l'roir««t ministrator Ralph H.^ Stone said tll(1 m Sun RICKENBACKER'S r of "Music and Dancing", was pre-j "'« 1'nknown at •» P- - ' «:4 . Minic hy Martin (Hmlaika Jcvtltn) today. scnted. Members of Troop 'Z(i pre-i clay over MI'S. 7:00 Jark K»nnr (Lucky Strike) NBC MU MUSEUMS! 7:30 Fitrh llandwaton NBC Of this number 263 were vet- wnted a minslrel show written j ^ mysterious telephone call PARTNER TO TALK 8:00 Chair and Ranbnrn Prnirmm NBC X:3» Kr»d All*n (Tcnd«rl*af T»a> NBC erans with disabilities resulting -SCARING WITNESS HA5 A SON EVRM Ff B.I7W XMPA PAU6HT£R60m FEBJ7 and directed by Miss Doris Gos-! wa].ns rj~c(e(,tlve Nipi, Charles that S:00 Manhattan Mfrry Co Round iM-ll, aHRiBtant leader. Jtfrs. JVo- h ,, , t ,_ f].om u^(lor his (Or. Ljonii Tooth Po«d«r) NBC from military service while the THATSHE HAS FAITHFULLY uore Hover gave an illustrat''*!, ,, , , , , i Central Pupils To Hear of' '-•"> Album of Familiar Muite • others were non service connected ncw s r b 0r C r { (Bayrr A«pirin) NBC talk on "The Language of the' fc ^' V .°™£, '.' V "l*™ 10:00 Hour of Charm (Gen. Elee.) NBC 'disabilities. Veterans with service- WSCHAHSEP m WIFELY Modern Composers". Miss Irene' " munlf-r »n I ne Case of he Men's Battle with Sea ilt-.xn Mm Me at Parky'a (Old Cold) NBC Kirchner. Girl Scout executive di-j fJ™dI.v Derby at < p. m. Sunday 11:00 NVw» ,,__ connected disabilities have first DUTIES ANP CHORES rector, outlined activities being! over^CJ'.S on '^The Adventures of 11:1 II Ca»«ar S'archlnfer NBC priority for admission to hospitals, SHf CHOSE HEROUtttOmW Lieut. James C. Whittaker. Co-', 11:30 Pacific Story NBC ALLDURIN6 planned for the summer. the Thin Man." A.M. MON'DAY Etone said. F't&SSZZr** te-rHEtROKTEOFHKrH- An Easter egg hunt and covered! Not until Nick and Nora bo- pilot of the plane w*»o--e party, in- j HER LIFETIME Newa Michigan had 1,602 veterans and ""-^" ' *£T AN ALARM CLOCK EG3 dish picnic is planned by Troop 2i come victims of a series of mis- eluding Captain Eddie Ricken-' Sunrine S«renad« Kentucky hnd 28 veterans await- at Faurot Park Apr. 17. Also, haps—including a collision, a hold- backer, was lost 22 days in the fi:30 farm News MO EACH CHILD WAS 16 TWO-THIRDS WTTER Sunrine S'renarfa ing admission to hospitals on being planned is a week-end tripj up, and a fi.--t fight—do they take J'acific, will appear on the senior 17:00 Alarm Klock Mar. 31. BOMOHTIMef to Orchard Island May 17. Girls the advice seriously, however, :10 Voice of the Army lyccum program at Central high' Ki-vflllf ftoundnp (CrOTti) NBC The Veterans Administration initiated this year are Shirley j Fred Allen promises to play ball 8:00 World Nfwn Roindup has ordered "full speed ahead" on Korn, Nancy Graff, Janet Peter-! ^j,c,n jx.o "The Lip" Durocher, school Thursday afternoon. (Armstrong) ^* £ son, Louise Pentenburg, Ann Nor- | g the Broolclyn Dodgers, 8:15 Do You RememWr NBC hospital construction projects al- JTmn;l cr of fipgarded as the grreatf.st in-' 8:« Market Backet Time War J( Jo n 1 I ready underway in an effort to ton, yr_ ;/ £v,-? ' C"™ ^1 | turns up in the Alley for a visit spirationnl story of the ag';, the i 9:00 Rodrf f er Cleaner* New* relieve current bed shortages in Infante, Joanne Kill, Thr-res* i at Si-IO p. m. Sunday over NBC. 9:0.'. SfrennHe of Strin«» Minaujrh, Janet Teehan, Mildred, ~ . dramatic "\Ve Thought vS'c Heard ; 9:li Thu Rhythmic A»e Veterans Administration hospitals Snooks wins an essay 9:30 Name It and You Can Har« It thruout the country. In the three- ]Ienne, Kathleen Lyons, and Caro-i ', • . , s made the Angels Sing" will be recon- (Rowlnnds) Ivn O'Connor. | contest and as a reward slructed by the only member pf the 9:1.1 Uohcrt St. John NBC state area, the Veterans Admin- ' During the bu?inr-ss meeting of | 'n«-v(>r f or a,,dav °" "The Baby 10:00 Moorc'i Buny Store* k istration, where practical, has en- 0 group who kept a diary. 10:15 Victorions Livinf Troop 4 at Lowell last wppk srrv-i f>«ooks Show at 6:30 p. m. Sun- 10:20 Tune Time __ •' tered into contract with private icp bureau pins were awarded the. CBS. It is a story of eight men against 10:30 Road uf Life (P ft G) NBC hospitals for care of veterans. the sea, of seven who uere rescued 10:45 Feidmiin'n Social Calendar girls, after which the troop took! Baby Snooks wins an es^ay con- 1] :00 Fred Warinr Constructon underway in the a nature hike to Faurot Park. j test and as a reward is made and one who died. It deals with n:W Social Security Columbus branch area (Omo-Ken- Brownie Troop 5 of Washing--i mayor for a day on "The Baby the finding of a great faith and I! :Vi Tune Time showno s lthne stufU1 f that is in all our 11:45 Flashes of Life (National tucky - Michigan) i n c ludes new ton school reports that its mem-1 Snooks Show" at 6:30 p. m. Sun- j l ,"j? , * 11:3") Prorram Line Up buildinjrs at veterans' hospital at bers have been making coasters | day over CBS. ! TI,!!?.? ?•'!'".", 11:55 Lion Clothlnr Ne*» ^ Dearborn and Fort Custer, Mich., from crepp pupt-r. This is an ac- j The Terrible Tot comes by thr-' Llovd Nolan plaved the part of P.M. W and Lexington, Ky. In addition, ITH WHOOFSieSIf MM.LON3 tivity in the arts and crafts field' honor thanks to Daddy, who 12:00 Rent Roundup i miracle, in the} movie "Captai^ n 12:15 1'r-f. Hurry S. Trnmin >>BC the Veterans Administration on Ownfdbu R. HARPICK. Iowa of the Brownie program. In addi- i ghosts the prize-winning com- i Eddie." the skeptic the 12:10 Plwol News Apr. 1 took over operation of the tion thf Brownies hava been prac- 12:45 Bluttnerf' Rhyme • Lint position for her. What befalls ! The lyceum is open to senior 1:00 Moir*'* Bu*j" Storei Army's Crile general hospital at ticing for the investiture service ' high school activities ticket hold- 1:15 Rainbow Time •uhi<h v,ill he held in Washington! 1:30 Aftrrnoon Tnnpo« Cleveland. Other hospitals main- 1 ers and as many more as can be School on Tuesday afternoon, Apr. 2:00 Guidini Light (Whe»ti«) NBC tained by the Veterans Admin- Redeployment Radio Guide accommodated. ^ BC istration are located at Chilli- Italians Face 2.'!.
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