ARAHAN PENGARAH TANAH DAN GALIAN, MELAKA BIL. 112019 PINDAAN KEPADA KAEDAH.KAEDAH TANAH MELAKA 1966 BERKUATKUASA 1 JANUARI 2019 A. TUJUAN Arahan ini adalah dikeluarkan untuk memaklumkan Pentadbir Tanah mengenai pindaan kepada Kaedah-Kaedah Tanah Mela[<a 1966 ("Malacca Land Rules '1966"; yang telah diluluskan oieh Maj!is Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri l'/elaka melalui Risalat MMKN.PI 4 7N1412018 yang telah bersidang pada 3 Oktober 2018 dan disahkan pada 10 Oktober 2018. B. SENARAI PINDAAN KEPADA KAEDAFI.KAEDAH TANAH MELAKA 1966 Berikut merupakan senarai pinciaan kepada Kaedah-Kaedah Tanah Melaka 1966 yang telah diluluskan oieh Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri Melaka: 1. Pindaan Kaedah I Kaedah-kaedah Tanah Melaka 1966 lI4. P.Lf. 3/19661, -vang disebut "Kaedah-Kaedah ibu" dalarn Kaedah-Kaedah ini dipinda pada Kaedah .l dengan memasukkan selepas subkaedah 1(4) subkaedah yang berikut: "(5) In these Rules "utiliil- box" nrcans an-v- electrical enclosure containing any electrical or electronic equipntents and facilities and includ€S afiv- etynipment defined in any v'ritten lav relating to the electricij, supp/), industrj and any .facilities defnecl in any v'ritten lar relating to rlte conterging c ont tnuni c a I i o n s art d nru I t i nt e di a i n du s tt'v. " 2. Pindaan Kaedah 5 Kaedah 5 Kaedah-Kaedah ibu dipinda pada dengan memasukkan selepas subkaedah 5(2) subkaedah-subkaedah vans berikut: "(3) Lipon approral of the Lahd Administrator, all stutts statecl in suclt notice in Fornt 5A as ntentioned in subrule 5(l) nruy be paici b),the ap1:licant ln.instalments subi€ct to the periocl ntentioned in subnle 5(2). (11 Appeals -for remissiott or variatiou o./ the surtts ntenrioned in sultrule 5(I ) shall not erceed nto (2) tintes " 3. Pindaan Kaedah 8 Kaedah 8 Kaedah-Kaedah ibu dipinda pada denrqan rnemasukkan selepas subkaedah 8(6) subkaedah-subkaedah,vang berikut : "(7) J:ontiiltstandittg subrule 8(i), the rates o.f^ pre'miwtt to be chargecl upon aliendtion of land pret'iousil'acqtrired in accordartce vith the Lai;d Acquisition Act 196() [,4ct 466/ sJrall be caiculated as .fo!lrnrs: fu) Categoq': Buittting ti) Conditiott: Residential - 20 percentLttll of the market t,alue nintts the antourtt of' CO ntp( nSLt t i L,tt fo r a. tlu i si t i o rt Q0%r*i[Yx*AC) (ii) CcnCition;Contnterciul - 25 percentum o.f the rno.rket t,alue tltir.tus the antouni of c o tnp ett s atic,n .fo r a c qui s i ti ott (25%r *141,'r *AC) (iii) Condirion ; For - \tontinal kVt1,000.00 religious purposes or c lt ari t abl e orgarri s a t i.Ltts or Got'ernntent aided schools (b) CategorT: Agriculture 20 percentum of the rnarket value ninns the amounl of c o nlp en s ati o n fo r a c quis i ti on (20% x *1,[1,'x *AC) (c) Categorl:: Industrl e'r,'l' a t u e ni n u s'l h e a m o u n'[ qr ::,:;:,',,"#':; ;1,'::n,',':::,k (30%r *MIt x *AC) + MIl = Market Valtte * AC : Arnoun! of Compensation of Acquisition "6) \tofit'ithstanding subrult:8()1 and sul:ject to sultntle 8(2), the rates oiprenliLttll to be charged trpon re-alienatiort of lldlacca (-ustomart: Ldnds shall lte calctrlated as.lollov's' (a) Categotl': Building (i) Condirion ; Residential - Nontinal R\[],000.00 (ii) Conditittn ; C'ontnierciL;l - 1i4 r \,Ir' - (eE lno)"ell) (iiil Condiriort ; For religious purposes - I 1r l1l- - lrylt x nLl) or charirable orgattisations \ n0 ) or Gc',,eriuiient aided scltools (b) Cilegory': .4griculture - t 1r .11i' - | rtil't' RLt) lno ) (c) Category': Indtistrl, - l,'4 :: itrI' - ( Ont, ru,) lioo ) * l,[Y = Market I:alue * RL = Rentaining period of lease (91 The rates o;f premitutt to be charged uport approt,al b), the State Authori1' o-f an applicarion tnder section 9()A of'the Code .for extension ef the ter"m of t:ears .for ant, alienatecl land shall be itt accordance v'ith subntles B(11. (101 \:ot'v'ithstanding any other provisions in these Rules, the Stqte Authorih: mat'prescribed a nontinal prentiurn o-f not less than P-11,11,000.00 in any particulor case or cases as the State Authorih, deents.fi1." 1. Pindaan Kaedah 118 Kaedah 11B Kaedali-Kaedah ibu dipinda dengan menggantikan subkaedah 11B(1) dengan subkaedah yang berikut: ,,118. (1) Thefeespayabltzittrespecto.ft|teperntitshaltbeinaccordancev.iththefol|oting rotes' Rate Per .4ttntun k\I Item Categctrt o.i L-sage (per scluare melre I 20 (a) TelectnmrunicatiottTransntitterTov'er j (U Lsed Car Trctding Prentise 2 (cl Trade Erhihiian Premise _t (d) Faod Stoll j (e) ll'orkshoP ) O Fruit Stal! )0 @l Readl'\fixed Centent Indusrtt j (hl Sc'ro.P metal j (i) Iiardvare ShoP j 0) \itrser\and.'flov'ergardening j @ Car Y'asit 5 (tl Spare part cotllponent trading 8 |nl Su lflels's Pr€ttltse 20" (n) Attt other pi'tr])oses ds the State Authctrin' deems 'fit 5. Pindaan Kaedah 12 menggantikall pefenggan-pefenggan Subkaedah 12(1) Kaedah-Kaedah ibu dipinda dengan pefenggan-perenggan 12(1XA), 12(1XB), 12(1XCl), 12(1XD), 12(1XE) dan 12(1)(F) dengan vane berikut: .1. Tourt Lattd I ; Melaka Totttt and.Bukit Baru Tott'tt. Rent pal'able per 100 square melres Categon, o.f Land ExPress Conditions or thereo.f Lise Part R1.1144.00 Building Conimercial PurPoses 12.00 Residential PurPoses k\.t e kM 18.00 Re I ous PurPo s es Charits bl Organisation or Got'ernntent aided schctol (s) Rl,I 10.00 Golf course i Drfting range pLtt'poses Industrt' Indusn'ial Pur"poses R\,1204 00 B. Towt Land II Alor Gajah, Jasin, l[asjid Tanah, l[et"litnan, and Pu]au Sebang Categon,o.f Land Fr-rl'pts Cnnditinrtt Rent pat'able pet" 100 sqLtore m€rres L:se or port thereo.f Building C ortutr e rc i't / Pt rpo s e.r R\,Il I6.40 R.esidenria/ Pu'poses k\,139.50 Re ii gr o us Ptu'po s es C lnri t ab I e k\I I8.C0 Orgarti sation or Gotentment o.i decl school 6) Golf c'oitrsc / Dt"i','ing ronge pltrpose s P,lvi I C.00 IndLtstt)' Indtrsir!o.I Purposes M,[180.00 C. Yillage Lend Tanggu Bcttu, Para )?wnput, Bukit Ramboi. Kanciang, ,4yer l,folek, Tattjottg Klirtg, Stutgai Lidang, Butu Berendarn, Klebang, Lirbok Cina, Kuula Stutgui B'dru, Rembia, Durian Tnnggcl, Sintpattg Bekoh, Asaltan, CJtin Cltin, Surigai Rambqi, Irr,n/a-s, Barang llelaka, Bentban, Kesang Paja:k, dnd Selandar.. Categon, of Lanci Erpress Contlitions Rent pa,abie per l0C squai'e metres u,) c or part tltereo.f Building C onurt e r c i a I Pttrp o s e s k\r 90 00 Residentictl Purposes k\( 21.00 Religiotts Pttrposes Charitabl e R\,1 9.00 Orgatrisation or Goyernment aided sclrool (s) Golf coLtrse i Drit'ing range ])urposes k\,1 I0 00 Indttsrtt Indusrrial Purposes R\r102.00 D. Country Land I Boundry Tov'u Klebang Kecil, Baldi Panjang, Bochang, Peringgir, Ljong Pasir, Padang Semabok, Bukit Piatu, Semabok, Cheng, Bertam and part oJ Bukit Baru. Cttlegon; of Land Express Conditiorts Rent pal,able per 100 sqLtare metres L'se or part thereof Building - Conmtercia/ Purposes R\,190.00 - Residential Ptu'poses P-tt,{24.00 - Religious Pr.rrposes Cltarirable RV 9.00 Orgartisation or Goyentment aided schooi (s) - Golf cottrse t' Drit'irtg range p'Ltrposes Rt[ 10.00 Industtl - Industriol Purposes R\,Il02.00 E Countt-t Land II Hang Tuah Ja,v"a Battr Berendam, part o.f Bukit Baru, part of Dtuiott Tunggal' part o.f Bukit Katil. part o.f Boc'hcng' ]''o'rr o.'f Peringgir port of '4t'er Patias, part o.f (.e::arig and part o.f '4','er l[o/ek' per 100 squar€ tlletres Caregorl' o.f Land Express Cortditiotts Rent patable thereo.f Ltse or part Building Conunerciei Purposes k\.190.00 Re s i cl enti al Ptu"p o s e s k\[ 21.00 Re/ i g| otrs P urpo s es Ch arit abi e Rl,,I 9.00 Organisation or Got'errunent aiied schoc,l 1s1 GolJ course ,' Dritirtg rorlge pllrposes R1,.1 I0.1)0 hdusirt Indtrsfi '! al Ptii'p o s es N.[102.C0 F. Cotuttrt'Land III . Other lv[ukint Categon, o-l'Land Express Cortditiorts Rent patable per 100 sqltare nt€tt'es Ltse or pqrt thereo.f Building C o rrurt e r ci a I P ttrp o s es k\[ 48.00 R.e s i den ti al P ttrp o s e s k\,1 8.10 Reli gi otrs Purpo s e s Charitab I e k\,1 3.60 Orgcnisation or Gcvernment aided scltool b) Golf course / Driving range pltrposes M,I 10 00 IndLtsttl) Indtr.;trial Purposes R\4 60.00 6. Pindaan Kaedah 17 Kaedalr 17 Kaedah-Kaedah ibu dipinda dengan menggantikan perkataaTT "itent 53 of rule 20" densan Derkataan "item 5 I rule 20". 7. Pindaan Kaedah 19 Kaedah 19 Kaedah-Kaedzrh ibu dipinda dengan menggantikan subkaedah l9(1) dengan subkaedah yang berikut: occttpation ct'f State land in respect of licettces lbr lentporan' "1g.0) The .fees pat'able tt'itlt ilte lollou'ing rates sltoll be in accordaitce " ntinittg lattcl' datt resen'ed lond (a) Tertrporun' Occtrltarion of Stote Lond- a year et'en' 9')903 Totrn and t illage latid k\,1200.00 .for SC1'u1re me{res '' ',ea]' eret hecti;t€ (oIli:!11'!LlllLi il.[250.A0 a for '' s,r part o.f a hectcu'e; hcctcire ci' |,:-!\I5A.A0 tt ';ear .for atct'\' part of a hectare; a t'ear.|'cr each sltoli: (i., ) Land lcr roadside - ILl,I200.0A shops k\'150.00 a t'ear.for each house: (t ) Land .lor prit'ote - residenc e per ri'ct' .t'or e'"err hectctre t|i ) l-iltd .lcr prtblic - N,[5U.()0 0r part o.f d ltectctre,' Pet"formattce a t'ear etert' ltectctre (t ii) Land for exlr"actto!1, - Kt\,,t500.00 .fbr part o,f a hecrare' proc es sittg and retnoYal or or rock mdterial per Rl'180.00 each Jilling storion h'iii1 Land .for t'isible petrol - .for fillers ntonth.
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