A&A 406, 305–321 (2003) Astronomy DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361:20030801 & c ESO 2003 Astrophysics The age, life expectancy, and space density of Post Common Envelope Binaries M. R. Schreiber1 and B. T. G¨ansicke2 1 Universit´e Louis Pasteur, Observatoire de Strasbourg, 11 rue de l’Universit´e, 67000 Strasbourg, France 2 Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton SO17 1BJ, UK Received 29 November 2002 / Accepted 26 May 2003 Abstract. We present a sample of 30 well observed Post Common Envelope Binaries (PCEBs). Deriving the cooling age of the white dwarfs, we show that the PCEB population is dominated by young systems. Having calculated the orbital evolution of the systems under the assumption of two different prescriptions for the angular momentum loss, we find that most of the systems have not yet completed a significant fraction of their PCEB life time. We therefore predict the existence of a large population of old PCEBs containing cold white dwarfs (Teff ∼< 15 000 K). Our calculations show that nearly half of the PCEBs in our sample will evolve into a semi-detached configuration and start mass transfer in less than the Hubble-time. These systems are thus representative for progenitors of the current CV population. Only one of them (V471 Tau) will evolve into a long-period (Porb ∼> 4 h) CV,and a significant fraction of the systems will start mass transfer in the period gap. Having estimated the distances −6 −3 of the PCEBs in the sample, we derive a space density of ρPCEB ∼ 6−30 × 10 pc , depending on the assumed angular momentum loss prescription. Taking into account the evolutionary time scales we compute a lower limit for the CV space −5 −3 density, predicted by the currently known PCEB population of ρCV ∼> 10 pc . Finally, we discuss possible observational selection effects and conclude that the observed PCEB population is probably highly incomplete. Key words. accretion, accretion discs – stars: binaries: close – stars: novae, cataclysmic variables 1. Introduction angular momentum loss mechanism. Stellar magnetic braking dominates in CVs whose Roche-lobe filling donor stars still cataclysmic variables In (CVs) (Warner 1995, for an ency- have a radiative core, which is the case for orbital periods clopaedic review) a white dwarf accretes material from its P ≥ 3 h. Once that the donor stars become fully convective Roche-lobe filling secondary, typically a K- or M-dwarf. orb at Porb 3 h, magnetic braking ceases. For Porb < 3 h grav- The standard picture for the formation of CVs assumes that itational radiation takes over as a much less efficient angular the progenitor systems were moderately wide binaries consist- momentum loss mechanism, resulting in longer evolution time ing of an intermediate mass star with a low mass companion. scales. As a consequence of the high mass loss rate in the mag- Once the more massive star evolves to giant dimensions and netic braking regime, the donor stars in CVs with P orb > 3h fills its Roche-lobe, runaway mass transfer onto the less mas- are somewhat expanded. The mass loss rate decreases when sive star starts and the systems enters into a Common Envelope magnetic braking ceases at Porb 3 h, and the donor star re- phase (CE). Friction within the envelope extracts angular mo- acts by relaxing to its thermal equilibrium configuration with mentum, which tightens the orbit. Post common envelope bi- a radius that is smaller than its Roche-lobe radius. As a result, naries (PCEB) with orbital periods of a few days or less may the mass transfer shuts off completely, and the CV becomes an evolve into a semi-detached CV configuration through orbital inactive detached white dwarf/dM binary that evolves towards angular momentum loss. Plausible angular momentum loss shorter periods through emission of gravitational radiation. At agencies are gravitational radiation and – much more efficient – Porb 2 h, the secondary fills again its Roche volume and re- magnetic braking. starts the mass transfer (though at a much lower rate than in the The standard paradigm describing the evolution of CVs long-period CVs). after the onset of mass transfer is known as disrupted mag- netic braking (Rappaport et al. 1983; Paczynski & Sienkiewicz The main merit of the disrupted magnetic braking model is 1983; Spruit & Ritter 1983; see King 1988 for a review). In that it can successfully explain the period gap, i.e. the statis- brief, the concept of this theory is that the evolution of CVs tically significant paucity of known CVs with orbital periods − is divided into two main phases, depending on the prevailing in the range 2 3 h. However, a number of predictions of this standard model are in strong disagreement with the observa- Send offprint requests to: M. R. Schreiber, tions: (1) the predicted minimum orbital period is 65−70 min, e-mail: [email protected] 10% shorter than the observed value (Kolb & Baraffe 1999); Article published by EDP Sciences and available at http://www.aanda.org or http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361:20030801 306 M. R. Schreiber and B. T. G¨ansicke: PCEBs (2) CVs should spend most of their lifetime near the minimum 2. Recent modifications of the “standard period, increasing the discovery probability for such systems. scenario” of CV formation and evolution Population syntheses predict a significant accumulation of sys- tems near the minimum period, which is not observed (Kolb The “standard scenario” of CV formation and evolution out- & Baraffe 1999); (3) whereas all population syntheses predict lined in the introduction has essentially remained unchanged that ∼95% of the entire CV population should have orbital pe- during the last two decades, even though being challenged with riods <2 h (e.g. Howell et al. 1997), similar numbers of CVs a number of alternative suggestions (Livio & Pringle 1994; are observed above and below the period gap; (4) while the King & Kolb 1995; Clemens et al. 1998; Kolb et al. 1998). population models predict a space density of a few 10 −5 to a Very recently, two far-reaching modifications for the standard few 10−4 pc−3 (de Kool 1992; Politano 1996), the space den- scenario have been proposed. sity derived from the currently known sample of CVs is only Sills et al. (2000) and Pinsonneault et al. (2002) presented several few 10−6 pc−3 (e.g. Downes 1986; Ringwald 1996). If theoretical models of the angular momentum evolution of low the population models are correct, we have identified so far mass stars (0.1−0.5 M) and compared their models to rota- only a small fraction (∼1−10%) of the existing CV population tional data from open clusters of different ages to infer the ro- (G¨ansicke et al. 2002); and finally (5) there is no observational tational history of low-mass stars and the dependence of ini- evidence for a discontinuous change in the spin-down rate due tial conditions and rotational evolution on mass. The studies to magnetic braking between late-type field stars that are fully of Sills et al. (2000), Pinsonneault et al. (2002), and Andronov convective and those that have a radiative core. et al. (2003) have two important consequences for the theory of CV evolution. On one hand, angular momentum loss via mag- It is apparent that detailed populations studies of the netic braking is less efficient above the fully convective bound- CV progenitors (i.e. PCEBs) are extremely important for a ary than in the standard CV model, and as a result the evolution global understanding of CV formation and evolution, and ex- time scale of PCEBs containing a secondary with a radiative tensive theoretical analyses of these systems have been per- core is expected to be 2 orders of magnitude longer than in formed in the past (Ritter 1986; de Kool 1992; de Kool & the standard model. On the other hand, the observed angular Ritter 1993; King et al. 1994; Politano 1996). However, the rel- momentum loss properties show no evidence for a change in atively small number of known PCEBs limited so far the com- behaviour at the fully convective boundary. Magnetic braking parison of these studies with observations. Throughout the last remains, hence, an important angular momentum loss mecha- decade, a number of additional PCEBs have been discovered, nism in PCEBs with a fully convective secondary, and these significantly improving the statistical properties of the known systems evolve faster than in the standard scenario. Due to the PCEB population. increased angular momentum loss below the gap, the theoret- In this paper, we analyse the properties of a sample of ical orbital minimum increases, which is in better agreement well-observed PCEBs and discuss possible implications for the with the observations (Kolb & Baraffe 1999; Patterson 1998; PCEB/CV evolution. In Sect. 2, we briefly summarise recent King et al. 2002). alternatives/additions to the standard CV evolution theory out- However, the evolution time scale of CVs above the gap lined in the Introduction. The different angular momentum loss is much longer than in the standard scenario, and the exis- prescription that have been used in the context of CV evolution tence of the observed period gap is tentatively explained by are described in Sect. 3. We introduce our sample of PCEBs Pinsonneault et al. (2002) by two separated populations of CVs in Sect. 4, and discuss the past and future evolution of these with differently evolved donor stars. One problem with this stars in Sects. 5 and 6, respectively. Section 7 provides the dis- modification of the standard CV evolution scenario is that the tances to the PCEBs in our sample.
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