WA-I-071 Trovinger Mill (Rohrer's Mill) Architectural Survey File This is the architectural survey file for this MIHP record. The survey file is organized reverse- chronological (that is, with the latest material on top). It contains all MIHP inventory forms, National Register nomination forms, determinations of eligibility (DOE) forms, and accompanying documentation such as photographs and maps. Users should be aware that additional undigitized material about this property may be found in on-site architectural reports, copies of HABS/HAER or other documentation, drawings, and the “vertical files” at the MHT Library in Crownsville. The vertical files may include newspaper clippings, field notes, draft versions of forms and architectural reports, photographs, maps, and drawings. Researchers who need a thorough understanding of this property should plan to visit the MHT Library as part of their research project; look at the MHT web site (mht.maryland.gov) for details about how to make an appointment. All material is property of the Maryland Historical Trust. Last Updated: 03-12-2004 WA -1-01-t 15 U.llT '.0 lifATCS Of l"AIHl.ll"l:l Ot- Hlf INT [ R IOR 11A 11o r~ AL P AIO' ~: wv1 cr i: .... -, :o ~Ud. !\ ~ G ! sr L: : ~ 0 r }ii STC ~~IC p l.!\C;s INVENTORY - NOMli·U. TIOH FORM (Type n l/ c nlri1!s comph•t" :ip11lic;iblc s ~i; ti om; ) .---- ---------------- - - ----------- ------- - - - t_·• I _ ,.;:_• ' ' 'Ar:________ _ _________ ,, _ _____ _________, __·- -·--------- ------i c.. (J•..I .. ,.,,.., _Jrovi_l}_ge_r._ _t1~]J.:_____________ __________________--i AN O 0 •1 t u~ro ru c! also Rohrer's Mill 12. LOCATIQl.j - -------- - --- -- L:~· 1 s r R l: ET .t. 14U 14 u.,.eL11 : ------- --------------------------~ Trovi.n.g_~~ill Roa.9_,___f>:,bout three._w~l~~ east._.of Ilagers..t~o:...::w,_..•n...____ -' Ctll on T O WN ; CONC1lES51 (\NAI. t'l l'>l n1 r T : ,_ _li?.9 e ~.§..to~n-------------..--~1 --==S~i~xc=...::;t~h;;_ ___ _ _ _ ___ ~----1 !:TA 1 r. I cnu£ C <>UN rv1 1 CODS: Marv land I 24 Washinqton I 043 t:J~ - <.:_':!'j~IF _l_CATION ____ ------ - -----------·- - - --,..-------..,.--------\ CATFGORY ACC ESSI BL E OWNFRSHI P STATUS ( C h.,clr Unr) TO THE PUBLIC :z .,.____ __ ________ -+--------·~--------------+---------+-------~ r_l l>i:.t,. c t 00 Building 0 Public Public Acqui• l!lon: 0 Occupied Y•a: 0 Pr1votu 0 In Proccu I] Restricted n !\ite 0 Structure K) ~ Unoc cup1od Unrestricted 0 Object 0 Both 0 Being Con>idered 0 Prf'!-orvotion wrtlc 0 in pr<' groJ" K'1 No --------------- ----· ---------------! 0 Government q Pork 0 Tronspor101ion l_J Comments 0 lndustriol 0 Prlvote Ruldence b{1 Othor (.'ip~dl>•) rJ Educotionol [] Mllitory 0 Rellgioua Vacant [l ( n t,,rtolnm•nt 0 Mu•eum 0 !cic:ntilic z ~o:;~·~n-·o F f>P.Oi>E"Rr .Y -----·---- - -·------- r<J..-,Nt: n ·s t1•'AC. ·------- --- ·- -----__., _.___ .:3:: .. ..... ~:!:_l_!i~~:.. B . McMa~_on2.._ct . al . ~ > \..:..1 -----·--------------------1 11 ~ ~ r •~f' r T AtlO NU,• ltCl h '< w 2929 Faulkner Place ~ Cl r f 0 11 T O VI N • -------------,--S TATF'------·-----• ----..--':OOP'--~~ ~ - - ---4 0.. ~....._~K~~sin_gto_n~---- ----·----------..__M_a_r_·v.._l_a_n_a'-______._-=2 ~4'--1 ~ '-: ?.C AT l:"'J ~ ~;: L~A~~SC RIP T_l_O_N___ _ _____ ____ C. 0\lf•. t1 ~u -1 ~E. tcr·r.1!'1 r t1 v ot n rt 11:·. r i C; ~ n 0 Sll c ~~~~ington . ~o~nty Court House (J) z S I ll • t: T A NO N U M :lf.R: ::r .. .... -< ~ 1 - -H~~t:_J:l_asJi-!nqton Street --- - - .....-- - ----- - --....,..---tlQ 1-t·rv .. ~ TCIWN 1 !>TAl ' · COO£ rt ~J~~ c :stow~ MarylanB 24 8 '-- -~ :1;. _tT<:- _Ref1.rence of Current Deed .lBQ~tl<-~-~ -JU 1-5?.9.L2..4.9_._ __._ l I'~_: ~ _'>;>~·-~_:'~':~l ~N I~~ ~y~~T2_~~-VFYS --- -- _ _ --- - -- ·--- • r: ~ '···''' • . u ;1~r v ·-· .... --------------~i.--..i ~ ,, I '" t • '"'' ..... rrvr ' Cl F .. de1ol n Sto le L l C c-urH y fl Locol < 0 Lt.• cir..,O.<v ,:on s u ••V l v i~te:tt i r);;"'- • ·---- -- ---· - --- · · ·- ~I~ ... "' ••••. ' 1.nn·;;u1.;;-;;;,: --... - - --·- - · - - --------·-- ·· ---·--·- ~ I~ ' ~ -;7"; ~Ti-- - ·1:-_, ;.-:IL._.·_·_-·-__·-_------ --- r-; o.•.::1-~~ ~ I . - -- . ---·. -·- ·- - - -----·------- - ·- - . ----· _____ L ---L_[_ \'\ ~J f\-1 . 0·11 ~ E·=~~~cff1"r]C!N-~ _---=·~-_-____._- _. ______ --·-· ~--· ------------------1 I :-:;;;_,, r/•"H; J'~'-·f:·-~"·•nl - !1 _~nn•! r-1 For• . ;~re;;'.::_;~,~::~ __ _!_2!·~"~ __r_1 l'""'..:"'"':~---- - (Cl•v• k On~) S1nCe [ (C/•,.ck One) ---· -- . -- - ___rL~'"'"!_ ----·- -~~ _u_n~ft,.,~171.1. n Moved ~ Original Sit .. f.JESr:l~IOE: Tltt::: PRr_~ ...:NT ANlJ 0'11GINAl (if known) PlfYSIC4L APPCARANCr Trovinger Mill is located along Trovinger Mill Road, abou one mile north of Maryland Route 64 and about three miles east of Hagerstown in Washington County, Maryland. It is situated along the east bank of the Antietam Creek with its east gable facing the road. The mill isrconstructed of roughly coursed local field­ stone. It is five bays in length with the mill racG running underneath it about midway along its broad side. At the peak of the east gable is a date stone marked 1771 with the initial J. R. The stone work at the exterior of the building shows a number of seams in the walls probably indicating several periods of building. A vertical division line in the stone is evident just west of the mill race. A horizontal seam in the masonry is evident about eight feet above ground level, running along the north, west, and south walls west of the race. Within this area there is evidence that window openings m in the north and south walls have been raised about one foot. Most of the windows and doors in the east, north, and m west walls of the building are topped with segmental arches. The openings have no decorative stone work over their lintels. z The openings in the north and south walls for the race are lined with coursed upright stones forming a segmental arch. Many early timbers and milling machinery can be observed in - the race. The \vindows are framed with wide wooden members which are secured with pegs. The openings are located at random on all sides of the building although few are present in the south wall. Doors are framed simil;irlv to the windows with entrances located at ground level at the .. east and west ends of the north 0 wall. At the mnin story doors are located in the east gable z end and in the second and fourth bays of the west wall. A ·door is located within the east gable at the attic level. Just above this door a large beam protrudes to carry u block and tackle. The ends of the roof at the gables are finished with a tapered barge board. The roof extends beyond the north wall of the building several feet to cover the remains of an eleva­ ted walkway which gives access to the second story openings. The roof covering is sheet m6tal under which can be seen c~~li.er wnoJ0n s~inglcs. Two small gabled dormers are present on the south si<le of the roof. The mill race remains intact w~th concrete side walls nq~r the builaing. Nearby is the site of a new mill which is s~id to date later than the grain mill. Also present are the abutments of a bridge ~~1ich cros~ea the Antietam at the mill as part of an eighteenth cnntury ro;id leading from Hagcrstm,·n to th~ Old For00 about 1 1/2 miles upstream. 'l'he mill is f'lt. present vocant and is in deteriorated condition. It st.ands on c:i tract cont;:iini~<r 1. ~3 i1cres. ·- -------· ·-. _____ . _____ _. LuA <t-011 f'J. SICNIFICA.NCE - PERIOD (Check Ont' or More 011 Approprlole) 0 Pre-Columbion: 0 16th Century [)I 18th Century [] 20th Century 0 15th Century [l 17th Century rl 19th Century SPEC I Fl c DAT EISI (If Applic~b-,·.,-a-nd_K_t_•O_W_nJ--{~d~a~t-e-s~t-o.~n-e~) ~1~71"-~.l~J~. -R~.------------4 AREAS OF SIGNIFICANCE (Chcclc One o' Moro aa Appropri11to) Abor iginol I I E ducati an f I Political [l Urban Plonning 0 Prehistoric fJ Engin.,ering l.1 Religion/Phi. ~ Other (Sp~c-ltr) Cl Historic r-1 Industry 1osophy Industrial I Agriculture r I ] Invention I ( Science Archaeology D4' Architecture ( I land•cope ( I Sculpture f _J Art A .. chit,.clure [ I Socio I 'Human" Commerce ( ") Literature 0Q itorian L] Communicotions ( ( Military I _I Theater [l Conservation I I Music l l Tronsportotian STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE I The Trovinger Mill, originally Jacob Rohrer's Mill, is significant for its architecture and for its contribution to I early commerce in Washington County. A dated example of V1 Washington County's eighteenth century architecture, the mill I z has received no significant alterations since 1771. Much of I 0 the original woodwork remains as well as a. significant part of the milling machinery. Functioning as an early business, t- the mill represents an important part of the early economy : of Western Maryland. A large number of mills were in operatic~ - u along the Antietam Creek during the eighteenth century (at => least ten are shown on a 1794 map), an indication that milling IX was a major industry in the area. Unfortunately few of these t- mills are standing today. There is considerable evidence to suggest that Jacob V1 Rohrer's establishment was among the earliest of the mills on z the Antietam.
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