h 8 EEho& .uh;j. -zhrii: s-uo-zi Two Brothers Die Loscoe In Plane Accident District Clerk Killed At Union Beach Letter To Board After ■ 3 When Craft Crashes In Member National Editorial Association— New Jersey Press Association — Monmouth County Press Association ' -Two Dftys In Office Fog; Another Pilot Is Charges Salary, Duties Forced Down . 82nd YEAR — 27th WEEK* MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1951 Single Copy Six Cents Were Misrepresented Tho' Day Funeral Home, Kcy- For tho fiooond time In Bi)i w eeks port, Sunday shipped to Valley $25,000 Sought the Matawan' Tmvnsljlp Board of Stream, L. I., the bodies of Hoy- Parolee Gets TOWNSHIP OFFICIALS GET SET FOR ANOTHER YEAR Township Employees KducutUm Ik without^ 0 regular m ond Schuster, 20, and Edward in Libel Action ..... ‘ district clerk. • George Loscoe, 3 Schuster, 27, brothers, of Island Washington St.. Motuwnh, who took r Henry F, Delbasco of Morristown Trees, fi. I., who died instantly Jail Sentence Granted Pay Boost office iih HUcecMior to Mrs. 6cot*ffl* ltd., Madison Township, has filed when, their two-seater, BT-13 ad­ unnu L.. Johnnun on Jon 1, lor* a $25,000 dam age action in County vanced trainer plane crashed into warded to tho board u totter of Court, charging he w as injured by Raritan Bay, 400 yards oil tho Suspicious Attions On Salary Ordinance To reylgnutlon yesterday ofTecllve im­ a libelous story printed and clrcu* shoreline at the foot of Dock St.; Highway. Bring His Be Revamped Because mediately. v' • ' Union .Beach............... “ lated in-that community-last Sep­ The letter Wivs rijad to~ii“ «pccitil— The -Union Bdactf .faUUty was tember. The" suit was filed at the Arrest; Dismiss Case Of HigK Living Costs; office of Middlesex . County Clerk mooting of the bourd last night the first of two air mishaps in . Of Freehold Woman Kftlieta Sworn- In but acceptance wan- put over to » the area over the holiday weekend. Edward J. Patten this week. the regular mooting of Jon. IS. ' The action is against Madison Term of 15 days' in' the county A salary ordlnnnce granting *nb The other occurred Sunday evc- Mrs, Christine E. Lumborn, n ning when Carl P. Nelson, Bald­ American Publishing Co., Mary jail was given Robert Brady, 18, stiintlal iiK'U'iisei to Matnwaiv bourd member who netod as clcrk w in, L. I., sheared oft a few 'p ea ch Brown and Leo' McLaughlin, all Newark, by Magistrate Luther A. Township employeca lo meet higher pro tom nftor tho* resignation of trees in the orchard owned by H. of Latfrence Harbor/ They arc Foster, Matawan Township, last living costs will be introduced at Mm Johnson bccuinc ; oflcctlvo . L. Warnock. Haztel Ave., Raritan alleged to be the publisher and night as a result o t an arrest made the municipal meeting tonight, Nov, Jto, In again nerving as acting Writers of the pUegcd libel. by Key port State Police on Route Chalrmun John Mnrs Jr. announced Township, when he brought his district clerk. ► Fairchild PT-1D cabin plane down Mr. Delbasco says he was “in­ 35, jClifJw ood, 1:13* a.in. yesterday. at the organlratlou meeting Mott Mr. Lohcoo'n letter Qf roslgnutlon jured in good name, esteem. repu­ . Troopers George-Armstrong ond d a y .....................• . _ . , in an . emergency. landing, Mr. is art follow s: ................. ^ . Nelson, a former j^ir ^orcc pilot, tation and heaith end has been John' Latawclpz, on patrol noticed Stcpliell J. Kallctu, itlarlihg ilia “ 1 regret to inform you Unit was accompanied by "his "wife. casTTnttT public discreditrdisrepute a—car -starting- and -stopping— re­ Jicenlld-full term nu lhf» rnm n^lpn effective— Immediate!?;— 1— hereby— Neither was .injured. 1 and har>assmchi in the community" peatedly In a peculiarmanner and was sworn In at the orgpnltatlon resign as clcrk of the Matnwnn -— Mr.- Nelson * roturned-Monday- to -by.^puhUcatlon-Ql.^a. .story. Ihat Jic questioned, the- dwverr-Brady, -and. lnacting.v^. ....,_____ ____________ Hoard .of^Rducntion for the follow^ ; improperly submitted a voucher for his three youthful companions. remove the plane nnd thus clow Mr, KaMeta was the only member Ing reasons:' Not satisfied with their explana­ • the case for Keyport State Police. work on the township roads to the of the coimnlttco to run for rccloc- Madison Township’ Committee.': •• tions, the- troopers ; took ; Uxcm to ... Jl) I wnfl delibOL’ately Ued to ■... ' The coupTdiiichcd a ride after tlic tion last November. Ucrdrt) lii« hendquortcrs for a further check. as to what '<he position paid. landing- and -went..to. New. York Soon afisr Metawan Townshlp Commlttseman Stephan Kalleie was sworn Into office for hit second election- three. years, ugo. he . was. A call to Newark police disclosed term by Clerk Hoift K. Weniel on Monday, he and the other ofilciali shown above, go! down to business for When approached-for the pbtti* without -notifying the authorities. appointed to -flniyh an unexplrcd State police said Mr. Kelson was Brody had been' implicated . in a 1951. Sieaied ai the fable, left to right/ are Esra W. Kerkui, township attorney; Committeemen Salvatore tion'I Informed tho bourd that Tier Qujts Police Vena and John M an jr., who was reelected .chairman, tcrnj. 1 would not accept Icjim than tho flying over the site of the previous “safe" ease last March and was on ■ ■ ------------■■■, ..f------------------------- ' John Mar^ Jr., again was named parole.; It was also ?6und the am ount paid tire previous d o rk ; •day’s accident when he ran out of committee chalrmun by the volt*"of plates on the cqr he was operating namely, $1500, t wan thfiit In­ gas. He told police he knew the Post In Madison Mr, Kalieta and Sulvutore Vena, were ~not those, Issued for that Oppose Division formed thnt- »lH> w»h receiving —Schuster— broihors,------- :— :------------ — and he embarks on his 17lh year vehicle. His three companions^/ere School Budget Is Kalin New Chairman -imly-JiliaiL^Howevec. ulnew then . Residents Heard Plane The Matawan Teachers' Asso­ as head o f tho body? Sudden Resignation released because they " were soon I have dlweuvered she was re* Residents in the area where the ciation,* m eetlrg yesterday, In his New Yeur’n message, Mr to report for‘military service, but colving $1(100." Schustcr plane crashed, told police Submitted Without Set At $332,922 adopted a resolution opposing Of Civil Defense M«r/. exprefcyod the hope that t Brady was detained for arraign <21 After talking with county they hoard a plane flying very . the division el the Matawan “higher rate of employment will Explanation; Second mcnt. , f ofricJais regarding tho position, low in the dense fog shortly after Towmhlp School District In the provide a higher percentage o f tux Within- Month Aside from ^,thb ,;Jali sentence Increased State'Aid Applegate Names Vet 1 have come to tho conclusion 1 p.m. Thp motor ccomcd to be election to be held Jan. 30. A collections during this year.*’ given him by Magistrate Foster, thut to do u rcumiiuibly good Job firing only intermittently, suddenly Holds 'District Tax copy of tho resolution, signed by To Post As Council Patrolman Gilbert 'O. Tier o f Brady, . was given a suspended Promises School Statement would roi|iih'o m ore tluuy Junt conked out ^nd there was a loud To 1950-51 Levy ; Some Arthur Soracl, president, and Orchard Ave., Laurcncc .Harbor, sentence on a $23 fine an d $3 costs Reorganizes; Dennis, K/.ra W, Karim*, renamed town- purt'tlm o service. In Ynct, tu crn&h. Helen Murphy, secretary! follows! Tuesday night resigned from ‘ the on an Improper plates charge. ' Figures Questioned fihip attorney,, announced that ho do the Job proporly w ould ro. Whereas, the voteri In the Armellino Take Oath Union Bench Police Sgt. John Madison Township Police Depart­ would prepare a full statement tpilre the dutlea o f at leant a Charge DUmtased Borough of Matowan will decide Sanders was at the scene lm ment. v . Budget for 1051-52 in tho amount Hurry j ; Kiilm w n* mmied, m**t week regarding tho whnnl full-time dork. (Many poaplu . In a second case, a careless whether or not .M ain wan mediately after the. era*h and he His resignation was confirmed o f, $332,430 w as udoptcd by the director of Civilian Defense in the separation issue. OltieialN or Mat w ill riilno their eyebroWH at this and others who nrrived soon there­ driving charge against Mary Bail- Borough shall become a separate yesterday by Madison Township lie, Freehold, was dismissed. Vin Mntawcm Township Bourd of' Edu­ Borough o f Mutuwan at the re* uwan borough have hiibinltted « atatenumt, but iltthi doen any* after were able rtc-discorn the craft, . school district, and . ono unfamiliar with tho nmmmt Committeeman Jiiincs Wheatley, cent Guarlno, Newark, signed cation ’ Inst night, This year’s organization meeting of the mayni’ reMolutlon to the boaid o f education part of which had submerged in chairman of the police committee budget w as $310,922.50, but the in ­ Whereas, In our optiUon, the and council Monday. The nppoin^* culling for n special election tu o f detail veitulved, ve»\W,o tho &jx feet”of water. The bodies still complaint against her alleging that paramount question In this elec- Ho_rjeasau_wa8.jBiX£ILv crease . was offset by added stato mont was the only new ono in th<V decide the ((itestjon of dividing the initial time required to prnttunt " 5 g r while_h xi—wasAvaitin g^jnihc-EUli th- were? 7n tfic encToseH"l*5cTy5Hr Mr. Tier is the second patrolman "aid~ nn~d~maKTng-MtIglif' ^nproprfnr -tler»~l#~tfce~w«!far«~of ihe-boy*-- riTnltH^fMinrmTRfrTJiTiTlnfdnnTrrmTi' ;MjfTnr»l-riii?trirt-hrtwt7rn~the'bormtgh- bound traffic lane at Route 35 and and girls attending our schools, , Sanders and Special Officer Sam to quit thc forcc in little more.than lions in several categories ho that Kgan )uid been acting »n- thin and the township, the varloua bnard memberu and uel Robinson sent in a call for Cliflfwood Ave.
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