20 - MANCHESTER HPJRALD. p’ri., Oct. 15, 1982 MARCH home Meet MMH's Cards win, dedicated 'worry' doc lead series 2- U&R CONSTRUCTION CO. p a g e 15 East of the River presents . page 10 ^ ... page 11 Real Estate Valley View Manchester, Conn. Priced To Qualify For Cold, cloudy THROUGH THE YEARS The CHFA Buyer. today, Sunday Saturday, Oct. 16, 1982 See our newest area of Custom — see page 2 Single copy 25q: home ownership has been the best homes on Warren Avenue In Vernon, HanrhpHtrr Ipralb investment a family can make ... off Tunnel Rd. Be ready for the next Issue of IT STILL IS C.H.F.A. Fixed rate mortgages. Choose your Individual home site, and your new home plan now. Don't wait, this type of financing will not last Pales long. Call us todayl Trust made Homes priced from $70,000 and up. U&R REALTY CO. riating ' 99 E. Center St., Manchester PWA issue 643-2692 By Raymond T. DeMeo blazed across the front of a broad­ side prepared by the International Robert D. Murdock, Realtor Herald Reporter again Association of Machinists District Whom do you trust, P ratt & 91, and handed out to P&WA hourly Whitney employees? employees at the gates of the com­ WARSAW, Poland (U Pl) — The company brass, that tells you pany’s four Connecticut plants at Street clashes erupted Friday for your union is using you to increase the start of Friday’s work day. the third straight day in the Krakow STRAND REAL ESTATE Take your time MANCHESTER — its own power? “ Dear Fellow Employee” is the suburb of Nowa Huta after riot “LOVELY ROOFED DECK” Or your union, that tells you com­ salutation of a letter signed by police used tear gas, stun grenades and drive by these homes... Pack your bags and move right In. Out of state pany brass is trying to hoodwink you Arthur E. Wegner, executive vice and flares to disperse hundreds of owner will hold first mortgage at 12%. 7 room into belleving'management will look president of United Technologies Poles mourning a youth killed in an $37,000 Unit 14 Al Boll Court, East Hartford cape with 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, fireplaced living out for your best interests in ongoing Corp.’s commercial products and earlier anti-government protest, One bedroom condominium, applianced kitchen, wall room, formal dining room. 2 car garage, and In to wall. Assumable mortgage. contract negotiations? manufacturing division, and mailed witnesses said. ground pool. Asking $69,500. but open to any the homes of P&WA hourly workers $51,000 40 Homo Tarraca, East Hartford “Who do you trust” is the legend Poland’s official PAP news agen­ Tw o bedroom ranch, gas heat with extra Insulation, serious offer. in September. - two enclosed porches and large yard. The union’s leaflet attacks UTC’s cy said police acted “energetically $69,900 191 Woodland Straat, Manchaatar and unambiguously” to prevent dis­ Three bedroom ranch, baths, fireplaced living credibility, citing an alleged 1977 promise by the company’s “chief turbances sparked by the police room, targe family room and garage. killing Wednesday of a youth $70,900 16E Ambassador Drlva, Manchaatar Girl fell spokesman” that the existing five- Three bedroom townhouse condominium. 2 full and 2 MANCHESTER - REASONABLE OFFERS? year contract would “stabilize and protesting the nation’s martial law Pretty & private backyard add to the value of this 3 bedroom Ranch. half baths, family room. VA Approved. This older style Cape has so many N EW IM P R O V E M E N TS ! Con­ preserve employment — your jobs.’’ authorities. E SK , Fireplace, full basement, 12" of insulation in attic, aluminurii $79,900 122 Floranca Straat, Manchaatar Yankee Mac money will be here shortly. Don’t sider these pluses; Heavy police vehicles and water sided with a brick front. Won't last long at 162.900! Tw o family home. 2 bedrooms each unit, applianced miss a chance to take advantage of these below • Newer roof Since then, over 5,000 P&WA jobs kitchens, one fireplace. 2 car garage. • Newer gutters & downspouts have vanished, because, the cannons rumbled through the $04,500 591 Adams Straat, Manchaatar market fixed rate mortgages. We offer two 8 room into pool, streets of the drab industrial sub­ "ATTENTION: HORSE LOVERS” Garrison Colonials In a new subdivision. Those • Fully Insulaled pamphlet says, the contract’s Eight room Colonial. 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths, two car • All new thermogard 3 pane windows (cost $7,000) language “permits the company to urb, the site of the huge Lenin steel garage and Inground pool. homos Include 4 bedrooms. 2% baths, first floor Cal) now to see this 4 bedroom, 2 full bath Cape today! Asking $91,500 lie Shepard Drlva, Manchaatar transfer work ‘wherever they see . mill. But residents reported family room with fireplace, appliances, carpeting Low 70s. sporadic grenade explosions late Eight room Colonial, 4 bedrooms, 2 and one half baths, throughout, and 2 car attached garage. Would fit.’’’ fireplaced family room and two car garage. ALIBRIO REALTY, INC. ALSO OFFERS: is 'stable' Wegner’s letter attacks the un­ into the night. $95,000 124-120 Floranca Straat. Manchaatar you bell'eve $89.5001! • N E W L IS T IN G - 7 room Cape, 2 full baths, with ope car garage. 'Four-four duplex. Separate heating systems, two We also offer 2 lots In same subdivision, one 2 $68,900. ion’s proposal to replace the “They are chasing people through bedrooms each, applianced kitchens. existing contract with one that seeks the streets," one witness said of the acres that you can build a now homo for under • Spectacular 9 room Dutch Colonial style log home beautifully By Raymond T. DeMeo When you choose one to suit you, $81,000 (CHFA limits). Please call for details. positioned on 2.7 iacre». $119,900. to make sure more jobs are not lost. third straight day of street battles. • M A N C H E S T E R ’S B E S T B U Y ! No points! No Balloon payment! Herald Reporter The union's “thick sheaf of Police moved in on hundreds of peo­ give us a call. We will be glad to Straight 12% fixed rate mortgage for 25 years! You can’t pass up a demands” pose “a real threat to A three-year-old girl rescued Mon­ ple leaving the Our Lady Queen of Mini Farm with acres in Andover. Cleared pasture and small deal like this on a Forest Hills L-shaped Ranch. $88,500? jobs and security in our plants” and show you around. day from the bottom of a back yard Poland church following a special pond included with this large custom built ranch 3 bedrooms. 3 • VERNON - RENT WITH OPTION TO BUY! This adult 4 room will work to the advantage of mass for the slain youth, 20-year-old fireplaces, 2 car attached garage, full basement, nicely landscaped. rondo is just perfect for the young couple starting out. Assumable swimming pool was reported in General Electric, P&WA’s chief Owners anxious* $99,700 mortgages available. Call for details. Mid 40s. stable condition Friday night in the Bogdan Wlosik. competitor, Wegner says. DANIEL F. REALE, INC. laordoii pediatric unit of Hartford Hospital. “They came in jeeps, trucks, Theresa Hebert, daughter of Mr. Union and management firing grenades,” a priest at the STRAND REAL ESTATE REALTDRS E R LTY ALIBMO REALTY, Inc. and Mrs. Roger H. Hebert of 100 negotiating teams met Thursday church said. “They routed people 156 East e'enter St., Manchester 1B2 South Main S t . Manchaatar and Friday at the Quality Inn in 175 Main 8t., Manchaatar 11X1 MAIN S T. MANS. Summer St., was reportedly in a who were going out to a prayer ser­ ^ Talcottville to discuss the union’s vice at the memorial, but people in­ 646-2000 646-4925 mg 643-2174 649-0917 coma until Thursday night when, ac­ proposal for a 2‘<4 year contract to cording to neighbors and fire depart­ side the church too had to leave replace the present five-year con­ ment officials, she regained con­ quickly.” tract, which expires Nov. 28. sciousness and opened her eyes. A monk at a monastery in Nowa BOLTON According to union spokesman Hftrqirt photo by Pinto McCAVANAGWS The girl had wandered to a Lou Kiefer, the negotiators are Huta said children who arrived for a C > oi' neighbor’s fenced-enclosed swim­ about halfway through reviewing religion class at 7 p.m. were BUY OF THE WEEKI ming pool where, police said, she _ J£ b _ J"sr/ the union’s 90-page proposal. Plenty to smile about stranded there three hours later climbed on the pool deck and fell in Friday afternoon union because street clashes prevented the water. their parents frorri picking them up. Another neighbor, John Nitschke negotiators issued a statement Manchester High boys' cross country coach for him Friday at Wickham Park. Just as Witnesses said police also entered Ji3' of 46 Cooper St., dove into the pool denouncing UTC for mailing the Wegner letter and publishing a George Suitor starts to break Into a smile pleased is Manchester girls’ assistant coach many apartments to check iden­ T5|’ and pull^ the girl’ unconscious “special issue” of the P&WA house after seeing his team get career win No. 100 Karen Follett. See story, photos, page 15. tifications. body from the algae-filled water, fire newsletter Power News, in which department officials said. Riots in Nowa Huta Wednesday — Nitschke could not be reached for management’s chief negotiator among the most vicious during blasts the union’s contract proposal.
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