18 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Sat.. Nov. 27, 1982 mxasm UVEimSING MTES Town to darken streets O'Neill is making good Living with Classified 643-2711 Mihimum Charge 46— Sporting Goods 58—Misc lor Rent $2.25 for one day 23— Homes for Sale 35— Healing-Plumbing reorganize green giants W pT IffF S EMPLOYMENT 47— Garden Products ion pledge to 24— Lols-Land for Sale 36— Flooring I to balance the budget 12:00 noon the day IS—Investment Property 37— Moving-Trucking-Storage48— Antiques 1— Lost and Found AUTOMOTIVE PER WORD before publication. 13— Help Wanted 26— Business Property 38— Services Wanted 49— Wanted to Buy 2— Personals 14— Business Opportunities 27— Resort Property ... page 11 3— . Announcements 1 D A Y ............. 15(t ... page 7 Deadline lor Saturday is 15— Siluatiori Wanted 28— Real Estate Wanted 61— Autos for Sale ... page 3 4 —Entertainment MISC.FOR SALE RENTALS 62— Trucks for Sale 3 D A Y S .... 144: 12 noon Friday; Mon­ 5—Auctions 63— Heavy Equipment for Sale EDUCATION MtSC. SERVICES 40— Household Goods 52—Rooms for Rent 6 D A Y S .... 134: day's deadline is 2:30 53_Aparlments tor Rent 64— Molorcycles-Bicycles t8—Private instructions 41— Articles tor Sale . 65—Campers-Trailers-Mobile FINANCIAL 42— Building Supplies 54— Homes for Rent Friday. 19— Schoois-Classes 31— Services Offered Homes 26 D A Y S . 124: 32— Pamting-Papering 43— Pete-Birds-Dogs 55— Otficea-Storea for Rent 8— Bonds-Slocks-Morigages20— Instructions Wanted 56— Resort Property lor Rent 66— Automotive Service HAPPV ADS $3.00 PER INCk Phone 643-2711 33— Building-Contracting 44— Musical Instruments 67— Autos tor Rent-Lease 9— Personal Loans * 34— Roofing-Siding 45— Boats & Accessories 57_Wanted to Rant 10—Insurance REAL ESTATE •••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••• Painting-Papering 32 Building Contracting 33 Servleea Ottered 31 ••••••*•••••••••••****** Manchester, Conn. Help Wanted 13 □ REAL ESTATE ••••••••••••••••••••**** Chance of more •••••••••••••••••******* INTERIOR PAINTING, ROBERT E. JARVIS •/ LAWNS CLEANED and Building and Remodeling • Monday, Nov. 29, 1982 WAITRESSES - Food, mowed, leaves raked and ovfer ten years experience, rain Tuesday 23 low rates and senior citizen Specialist. Interior and banquet and cocktail. Hornet For Sale taken away, general yard exterior renova»ting, - 25 Cents Experienced only. Aroly at care. Call 643-5303 or 647- discount. 643-9980. — See page 2 Flamingo Hotel, Route MANCHESTER residential and commer­ Irralb fBanrl|f trr Mpralh cial, additions, garages, 0 Transferred owner will INTERIOR-EXTERIOR 44A, Bolton. consider offers on this im­ WILL REPAIR rusted PAINTING.................. - Wallpapering roofing and siding, • COOKS - Full service fami­ maculate four bedroom ■ Installation. kitchens, bathrooms, trunks and floors on your Md Drywall replacement windows and ly restaurant needs night Cape. Two baths, garage, car. Reasonable rates. Quality professional work. 'Your Community Piewspuper' cook. Five day work week. treed lot. Asking $77 500 Quality work. Call Ed in Reasonable prices. Free doors. 643-6712. Excellent pay and benefits. Group I, Lombardo and Manchester, 643-7259. Estimates! Fully insured. Must be dependable, hard Associates, 649-4003. G.L. McHugh, 643-9321. JAY REMODELING Si ___ working, over 18. Apply SANTA AVAILABLE for BUILDING CO. - Kitchens, Help Wanted 13 Help Wanted^................ 13 Ground Round, Glaston­ parties, f.iirs, homes, etc. INTERIOR AND Baths, Rec Rooms, bury, 3025 Main Street, 2-4 *jun FOR YOU" Good with children, EXTERIOR Painting, Ceilings, Vanities, Counter PLEASE R|!a D PART TIME Mature p.m. reasonable rates. Reserve paper hanging, carnentry Tops, Decks & Porch woman preferred to work MOVING TO A NEW AREA? Enclosures. Licensed. In­ Lame-duck YOUR AD OUliOKMi POSITION now. 649-5072. work. Fully insured. J.P. front desk at local motel. PART TIME - Tuesday and Kor “FREE” Information Lewis and Son,. 649-9658. sured. Free Estimates. Experience helpful. Must Thursday required. Apply without obligation on that New Call 649-1488 Classified ads are taken Dental group practice seeking be able to work weekends. after 11 a.m. - Gentle Area. Call TOLL FREE over the phone as a con­ ■nature, outgoing individual Call 646-2300 before 4 p.m. Touch Car Wash, 344,Broad with experience in appoint­ 1-800-823-2480 FLORENCE’S venience. The Herald is Street. Manchester. CATERING - Christmas H a n e l i r — ........................ ment book control and “epaifed W e'‘crmnTs n c ii F§1- BIDWELL HOME Im- responsible for only one pegboard system. 4'a day LIVK-IN Another Unique Service of parties, cocktail parties. Ho u s e k e e p e r for don' t y o u f e e l sorry incorrect insertion and week Salary commensurate SnUNO REM. ESTATE Let me bake your Holiday ly insured. Quality work! provem ent Company Congreiss with experience Please send elderly woman. Room-, for this little ad competing pies. No party too small. Martin Mattsson, evenings R o o fin g , s i a i ^ ,. then only to the size of board and generous salary. with that great big one 048-2000 049.4431 alterations, additions, 649- the original insertion. resume to li4>x K, c/o The 649-5801. Manchester Herald. Call 646-6464. looking for people to sell 6495. Errors which do not Avon? 646-2327. lesson the value of the X-RAY TECHNICIAN - advertisement will not Private office, be corrected by an ad­ Manchester. Send resume ditional insertion. to Box LL, c/o The returning Manchester Herald. VOCATIONAL By Ira R. Allen be got under control.” INSTRUCTOR position to United Press International Baker said he has made a commit­ 3 l \ r supervise Hockanum In­ ment to call up a pending antitrust dustries Task Team in WASHINGTON - A lame-duck bill, and also wants action to permit sewing factory. Skilled Gifts that make it a great Christmas! session of Congress called by Presi­ the Senatp to be televised live, But iHaurlipfitpr sewer with desire to super­ dent Reagan is facing a few post- he predicted that little more than vise developmentally dis­ TYPEWRITERS FLORISTS 'Thanksgiving leftovers and a platter abled adults required. Send TELEVISIONS JEWELERS HARDWARE some appropriation bills and the gas Hrrali) resume to Hockanum In­ ENGLAND TRUE VALUE GREENS & THINGS - 296 full of pre-Christmas controversies. tax-jobs measure will be enacted SHOP PEARLS - 649 Main J & J JEWELERS - 785 YALE TYPEWRITER dustries. Inc., P.O. Box Main Street, Manchester. HARDWARE - Route 44-A, West Middle Turnpike - Foremost among the legislation to before Christmas. 2002, Vernon, Ct. 06066. Street, Downtown SERVICE - Typewriters Bolton. 649-5201. KERO- Fresh, dried and silk be considered at the post-election Since there is no way that all the Manchester. 643-2171. Most “Quality Merchandise at Rebuilt, Portable K O.E Old Fashioned Prices.” SUN SALES AND Service, arrangements for all oc­ session, which begins today, was a pending money bills can be passed Brands Available: G E, Typewriters, From $35.00. Kerosene, Skll power tools, casions. Full service proposed nickel-a-gallon gasoline Zenith, Sony, RCA. I4K Chalns-Bracelets- Sales and Service. during the short session. Congress LOOKING FOR a source of Diamond Earrings- Stanley hand tools, plum­ florist. COME SEE OUR tax to pay for rebuilding the nation’s also will have to pass another so- ...... V- 1:. □ NOTICES income'’ Come work at Typewriter and Adding bing and electrical NEW STORE! 643-1635 ANTIQUES Pendants and Cultured Machines. 41 Purnell deteriorating roads and bridges. called "continuing resolution” to vour local newspaper. Pearls. Keepsake Your supmies. Tru-Test paint Passage seems certain as both finance government operations in Potential to earn above Place, Manchester. 649- ana paint sundries, PENTLAND FLORIST - Lost and Found 1 LACE, LINENS, LOVELY Christmas Diamond 4986. Republican and Democratic leaders the interim. average wages and help Source. wallpaper and housewares. Visit Us For All Your THINGS! Furniture, Holiday Needs. See Our are pushing the measure with the That action will not be a happy one out a local cause. For In­ frames, fabulous things! A COUNTRY FOUND - SET OF KEYS formation, application, in­ ANTIQUES COINS Choice Selection, 24 Birch backing of Reagan. It would create for rqost members to take, since it at Lincoln Center. Can be RED GOOSE FARM DIAMOND SHOWCASE is terview call Mr. Kurowski ANTIQUES, Coventry. CHRISTMAS Street - 643-6247. “ Pleasing about 320,000 jobs. is certain to include a continuance of. picked up at the the place to shop for that A STAMPS You Is Our Pleasure” . With the main issue in the Nov. 2 Manchester Herald Office between 5-9 pm at 643-2711. Saturday and Sunday, 10-5. special man in your life, COUNTRY CHRISTMAS the ceiling on top federal pay in­ Herald photo by DeMeo between 8:.30 and 5 p.m. 742-9137. ^ le c t from Gents diamond Has arrived at the THE MOST COMPLETE election the nation’s double-digit un­ creases. If that ceiling were MEDICAL SECRETARY CRAFTSMEN’S Coin and Stamp Store in CHRISTMAS PLANTS, employment, Reagan is preparing, dropped, members of Congress and Monday’ - Friday. for doctors office. rings, stone rin^s or WQRKERS W A r IN LINE OUTSIDE CIVIC CENTER COLISEUM SUNDAY watches for a Christmas GALLERY - 58 Cooper the Area - Also Buying CENTERPIECES, Holiday to submit to Congress a package other top officials would get a pay Experienced in transcrip­ JER I’S ANTIQUES AND Gold and Silver. SU-DEB Rose Special and Christ­ about 9,000 attended union meeting on now contract for P&WA Entertainment 4 COUNTRY FURNITURE, gift he'll long remember. Street. Stained glass desigiied to stimulate the economy. raise. tion and insurance forms. DIAMOND SHOWCASE - chandeliers, copperware, COIN COMPANY, 747 mas Parties. KRAUSE He is also expected to decide Baker’s remarks also appeared to Call 649-1057.
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