t-r TER. limed Wsekly, Enter*! M Sscoml-Clais Matttr at tbs Post- VOLUME XLIX, NO. 27. office at Bed Bsnk, N. J, under the Act of March a, 1879. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER-29,1926. $1.50 PER YEAR. " PAGES 1 TO 8i SPREADING XMAS CHEER. NEW RIVERSIDE HOUSE SCHOOL NEARLY DONE. CHRISTMAS FISHING TRIP. A CHRISTMAS ENGAGEMENT. BUYS OUT HIS BROTHER. Now Rtver Street Building to be Put A NEW SCHOOL MANAGER. Miss Laura Schanck to Wed a Farm- SAVED FROM DROWNING. ihgdalo Man. CHILDREN MADE HAPPY BY HARVEV W. DOBBINS TO BUILD Into Uie Soon. WILLIAM M. PETINGALE SUC- RED BANKER GETS THREE TWO BROTHERS END PART- GENE TUNNEY HAS NARROW ' ; " INDEPENDENT FIREMEN: A FINE RESIDENCE, The addition which is being built CEEDS RALPH A. BOWMAN. CARP AT OCEANPORT. Miss Laura''Schanck, daughter of NERSHIP OF 46 YEARS. ESCAPE IN MAINE. tho River street schoolhouse at ohn C. Schanck of Colt's Neck, an- Q * i . ' H There Were, Any" Girls L Boys He Will Spend~J2O,00O for the Red Bank is nearing completion, liver Plaza Man "Selected to Fill Ha Had to Break a Hole in the Ice lounced her engagement Wednes- John W. Crawford. Buys Out the He Broke Through the lea of Maoia* at Red Bank Who Didn't Have a House and About sit Much More ind the grades, of the Shrewsbury, Vacancy Caused by Death—Mid- to Do His Fishing—Did It As an lay to W. Grandin VanNote,.son Interest of His Brother James G. head" Lake and He Wat Saved .-: Merry Christmas It Wasn't the to Beautify the Grounds—The .venue school will be moved to the dletown Store: Rented for Office Experiment to See If Carp Would if Frank P. VanNote of Farming- Crawford in the Crawford Home- From a Watery Grave by Threes Fault of -tho Firemen. House to b« Flrilihed Next July. Bite in December. ,ale. , . stead Farm for $8,000. ' building next month. The , and Store Room.' : % Men Who Were With Him.' •:-;--;ifce annual Christmas .party of Harvey ty. Dobbins will build a grades may be moved next week The Middletown township board "I always thought you had goodj, The announcement was made at For 46 years John W. Crawford Gene Tunhey, the heavyweight Independent ,firo company for the house costing ?20,'000 on his prop- when school studies are resumed af- f education at a special meeting sense, Will Bennett, but I dont card party given by Miss Schanck and James G. Crawford' operated pugilistic champion,1 who spends to children of Red Bank took place In erty on the east side of Riverside ter the holiday vacation, but this Is last week appointed William M. know what to think about you right ,t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur the farm near- Holmdel which was much of his time at Red Bank that its usual successful manner Satur- drive, in Middletown township, op- :onsldered doubtful. Considerable 'etingale of River Plaza secretary now. <} How many fish do you .think pplegate of Farmingdale, with owned by their father, the late John Red Bankers look upon him as a day morning at tho Strand theater. poBite Red Bank. The woi-k will be idds and ends of work remain to be f tho board and business manager you are going to catch -his morning horn she lives. J. Crawford. The two brothers owned anequal interest in the land, fellow townsman, had a narrow «s- , The use of the theater was donated, tarted next week. Frsnl: Scott of lone, but the principal part of the >f the schools of the township. Mr. with the ice on the river hard as The color scheme of the table was cape from being drowned Christ- M.ws also the music r.nd the mov- Fair View has the contract. The ob has been completed/Hugh Getty, 'etingale succeeds Ralph A. Bow- iron and half a foot thick." ed and green with a little, Christ- buildings, live stock and farm ma- plans were drawn by J. C. & G. A. chinery. Last week John W. Craw- mas morning. The incident OC" . .liVTPlcture.B. "nc,, is the contractor. man of Now Monmouth, who died The person to wfiom these re- mas tree prettily decorated center- curred at Moosehead Lako, Maine, iDelatush, In addition to spending ten days ago. The appointment was marks was addressed was William ng the table. Around the tree was ford bought his brother's interest in .•AH tho usual fbaturea took place. ^20,00.0 for the house Mr. Dobbins Eight grades, of which three are the property for ?8,000 and he is Gene and three other men were There was a big Christmas tree.re- ipecial grades, will be moved .from made at a meeting at the home of Bennett of Drummond avenue, who parcel for each friend, which when walking over the ice on Moosehead rill spend about the same amount ames C. Hendrickson, who is pres- is Red Bank's most active Nimrod. now the sole owner of the place. splendent with varl-colored lights. to beautify the grounds. ;he Shrewsbury avenue building to ipened contained cards that, re- Lake to attend mass at n Catholic Santa Claus, to tho accompaniment ;ho River street school. There will ident of-the board and who lives Christmas morning he started in his ealed the secret. The farm comprises 160 acres church at Rockwood, Maine. They of delighted shrieks and cries from Mr. Dobbins will build the house e more than enough room for these near Middletown village. automobile with hook, line and bait. Those entertained were Misses and It is southeast of Holmdel on a had covered half the distance when .girls and boys, distributed hundreds for his own oct nancy. Heformer-j grades in the new 'building. It is Regret was expressed by all the He was on his way to Oceanport to Elizabeth Barr, Ellen Green, Doro- road leading to Scobeyville. It ad- they ran Into a series of ice wrinklei of gifts, The theater was packed, ly owned and occupied a house on planned eventually to have a junior members of the board that the ap- go fishing in the river there, when :hy Bacon, Amy Russell, Elizabeth joins the Gideon & Daly farm, or fissures, some being ten or fifteen the attendance being about equally adjoining property and he sold this high school in the new addition. The pointment of Mr1. Bowman's suc- he stopped to chat with a friend filler, Marjorie Russell, Elizabeth which Is owned by George, William feet wide and others narrow. All of divided between children and ; summer to William E. Foster. board of education expects to sell cessor had to be" made so soon after who made the foregoing remarks. Tilton, Maricta Cook, Sara Shofto and Henry Cross. A large house,' a them were treacherous and dangor- grown-up folks. The latter were After- the sale he went to Florida. ;ho Shrewsbury avenue schoolhouse. ;he death of Mr. Bowman. To de- A Register reporter happened along ind Evelyn Cook, Mrs. James Stan- small house and the usual outbuild ous.. " present to see the fun. It was a For the'past few weeks he has Been ay, however, would have worked an and heard the conversation. kle, Mrs. Francis Vanderveer, Mrs. ings are on the property and they are in good condition. Tho soil is Thinking that he cou jump aver great occasion for everyone pres- stopping at Long Brapci injury to the schools, as there were Mr. Bennett admitted that his Ralph Russell, Mrs. Rudolph Ellis, one of t'nese fissures, which was In ent. No count was kept of the The houso will be built on the FIRE TRUCK BIDS REJECTED. many important matters demanding friend might be right. He said he Mrs. Viola Russel, Mrs. Frank Van- fertile and the farm is accounted one of the best in the neighborhood their path, Gene jumjed tut lost Mi number of children, but grown-up south side of the road on the side Rutnion Commiaaionera Vote to Buy immediate attention on the part of had never tried to go fishing before Note, Mrs. John O. Schanck and Mr. footing. He came down with a folks who saw the festivities were of a hill overlooking the river. It ;he secretary and school manager. at this time of the year. He said and Mrs. Arthur Applegate., A young- apple orchard of six acres of tho opinion that tho attendance ^ an American-LaFrance Truck. is on the property. Included in the crash, breaking through the ice ond will bo enclosed with stucco and The board rented one of Charles he had an idea that carp could be plunging into the watet. He was •was bigger than last year. stone and It will bo of the English The Rumson commissioners last F. Eilert's new store buildings at caught in the winter. For bait Mr. sale are thirteen cows, two horses, a .<• The children's party was only Thursday night rejected the bids BURNED ON CHRISTMAS EVE. tractor and other stock. thrashing about in the lake and vain. typo of architecture. It will have Middletown village for a; office and Bennett had corn meal made into a ly trying to pull himself up on tho half of what the firemen did to a .tapestry alato roof. The interior presented by three fire apparatus storeroom. School supplies are kept sort of a putty. He said that once The farm was originally part of a manufacturers for a new truck and louie at Port Monmoutb.
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