I LIBERAL NATIONAL PARTY 2015 State Council Agenda Kingaroy 20-22 November 2015 Paper No.: Date: I S ^ M em ber: ^ - ' Tabled Tabled, by leave ^ Incorporated, Remaind/r incorporated, by leave by lea>c C lerk at the Table: CONTENTS NATIONAL ANTHEM....................................................................................................2 AGENDA......................................................................................................................... 3 AGENDA COMMinEE REPORT...............................................................................6 STANDING O RDERS.-................... 7 REPORTS_____________ _______ ________________________________ A cting P resident's Report: Gary S p e n c e .....................................11 State D irector's R e p o rt Lincoln Folo ...........................................12 State Report: Lawrence Springt>org MR ....................................... 13 Brisbane City Council Report: Cr Graham Q u irk ........................14 LNP VALUES.............................................................................................................. 15 2015 STATE COUNCIL OPEN SESSION RESOLUTIONS.......................... 16 AMENDMENT TO RESOLUTION FORM........................................................ 2 3/2 5 STATE COUNCIL MINUTES.....................................................................................26 Advance Australia Fair 2015 State Council - Agendalangamy Australians all let us rejoice, For we are young and free; FUNCTION 5:30pm • 7:30pm EVENT; Paddock Party ’H illside" Coolabunia We’ve golden soil and wealth for toil; Our home Is girt by sea; DAY ONE / SESSION ONE; OPEN SESSION Our land abounds in nature’s gifts 8:00am Registration Opens State Council Ddegates, Alternate Delegates, Proxies and Otfservers Of beauty rich and rare; URGENCY RESOLUTIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING TO THE AGENDA GOMMIHEE In history’s page, let every stage CHAIR, SUE QUINN, BY NO LATER THAN 3:00PM SATURDAY 21 NOVEMBER, 2015. Advance Australia Fair. State Cajncii Commences Deb Freckllngton MP, Member for Nanango Welcome to Kingaroy In joyful strains then let us sing. 9:00am Official Open Gary Spence, Acting President Advance Australia Fair. Prayer: Pastor Rob Fechrer, Peace Lutheran Congregation Kumbla 9:05am Prayer, National Antfiem Anthem: St Mary's Catholic Coliege S eniors Junior Choirs Beneath our radiant Southern Cross 9:10am Agenda Committee Report Sue Quinn, Chair, Agenda Committee We’li toil with hearts and hands; Minutes of Previous Meeting State Council 10-12 July ^ 1 5 Business Arising 9:15am To make this Commonwealth of ours State Executive Resolutions for Ratification Renowned of all the lands; 9:30am President’s Report Gary Spence, Acting F ^ id e n t Hon Warren Truss MP For those who’ve come across the seas Deputy Prime M lnis^r 9:50am Federal Report Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development We’ve boundless plains to share; Federal Member for Wide Bay Leader of The hladonais With courage iet us ali combine 10:15pm M orning Tea To Advance Australia Fair, DAY ONE / SESSION TWO: OPEN SESSION 10:45am Open Session Resolutions in joyfui strains then iet us sing, 11:50am Presentation: Hearts of Australia D r Rolf Gomes, founder & Cardicdogist Advance Australia Fair. 12;00pm lOIKh 2015 State Council - AgendaKingaroy 1:00pm Election of Office Bearers 11:25am Open Urgency Resolutions Including Urgency Resolutions 1;30pm Portfolio Report 12:30pm Election of Policy Chair 2:10pm Open Session Resolutions 1:0Cpm President's Close 2;55pm Women in Politics Theresa Craig, President, LNP Women 2015 State Council Concludes 3:15pm Leadership Development Duncan Bnswn, Chair, LDP Committee Program *Note; This Agenda may be subject to change 3:20pm Afternoon Tea DAY ONE / SESSION THREE; CLOSED SESSION 3:50pm Young LNP Report JackPiggott, President 4:00pm State Director's Report Lincoln Folo, Slate Director 4:15pm Treasurer's Report Denis Moore, Treasurer 4:2Spm Honorary Legal Advisor’s Report Swain Roberts, Honorary Legal Advisor 4:30pm Policy Standing Committee Richard Williams, Chair, Policy Standing Committee Report 4:35pm Membership Committee Report Michael 0 'Dwyer, Chair, Membership Committee 4:45pm Closed Session Resolutions Includes Qosed Session Urgency Resolutions 5:30pm Adjoum Day 1 TICKETED EVENT Gala Dinner Special Guest "Cassis'’ a t Boole 7:00pm DAY TWO / SESSION FOUR : OPEN SESSION 9:00am State Council Reconvenes Portfolio Reports 9:40am Open Session Resolutions 10:30am M orning Tea 11:00am State Report Lawrence Springborg MP Leader of the Opposition Member tor Southern Downs Agenda Committee Report Standing Orders Sue Quinn These Standing Orders shall be applicable to all meetings of Party Units. AHENDANCE 1 (a) Each Member shall sign the attendance register and having done this the Member REGISTER will be issued with a voting ticket. Except where a ballot is required, a Member entitled to AND VOTING vote will be required to show frie voting ticket to register a vote for or against a notice of TICKETS m otion. Following a V0 7 successful Annual Convention in July this year, LNP to have a quick look at the standing orders prior to each Convention (b) Each Member shall sign the attendance register tor a session at which a ballot is to be members have been busy contributing to debates at branch, SEC, or State Council. As the Flight Attendants remind us, even if we fly conducted providing it is in advance of ttie designated closing time for the issue ot tiallot FDC and Policy Standing Committees. The results are ttie resolutions regularly we need to pay attention to the safety warning as we might papers in that session) and shall be giver the relevant ballot paper or papers. printed in this booklet. sit in a dift® »it seat. You may have been attending Conventions, State Council and other party meetings for many years however; a 2 The President or Vice-President or Chair or Deputy Chair of the Party Unit concerned The motions in this "State Council Agenda Booklet" will provide CHAIRMAN different situation in a debate might confront you, so a quick refresh (as the case may be) (or in the absence of such persons, a Member appointed by the the basis for constructive debate and those resolutions carried will of the Standing Orders will make life easier for everyone. meeting) shall be Chair. provide the impetus for further policy development and provide a roadmap fw our State and Federal Parliamentary teams. BIG CHANGES RE CLOSING DATE FOR NE)CT YEAR’S When the Chair rises to speak any Member on his feet shall resume his seat. CONVENTION: 3 AGENDA COMMinEE’S ROLE & MEMBERSHIP Now I have your attention, 1 can confirm that next year's convehtlon Und®’ our Party’s Constitution the Agenda Committee is charged will be held mid-year • and therefore the cksing date will be 30 days CASTING VOTE 4 The Chair shall have the right to a deliberative vote and whether or not he casts a with the phrasing of notices of motirxi and the consolidation of suoh prior to the convention. This is and has been the cut-off date for deliberative vole to a casting vote on an equality of votes. notices of motion whicJi are similar in interest or intent, as long as I remember. Before every State Council and Conventioi The Ag®ida Committee would like to put on record their thanks to there is always the iast minute rush. Can I ask ail State Councillors RULINGS BY 5 Before ailing on a matter of interpretatior of the Constitution, By-laws or these Standing those members who spent many hours ensuring their resolutions to please ensure their SEC or FDC has a meeting scheduled in May CHAIRMAN Orders the Chair may request a Member or Members present to make submissions were carefully researched and had ttie necessary supporting 2016, Don’t leave your resolutions to your June meeting as they thereon. documentation provided on the approixiate form. It really is may miss the deadline. By having a meeting in May any resolution important that the conect formal is followed, If you have any passed and submitted immediately with the appropriate minutes and DISSENT 6 A motion of dissent from the ruling of the Chair shall lapse unless seconded. Discussion Questions please do not hesitate to contact me or talk to your documentation will be received in plenty of time for inclusion in the on a motion of dissent shall be limited to six minutes, the mover and the Chair, each Regional Chair. 2016 Convention Programme. having no more than three minutes to put his case. As Chair of the Agenda Committee I have been ably assisted by In closing I would IS<e to thank all those party members i spoke to Deputy Chair \Acki Morns along witti Richard Williams, Wendy during the preparation of the agenda and frieir willingness to assist PARTICIPATION 7 The Chair may at his discretion vacate the Chair to participate in the debate. Armstrong, Steven Mammarelia and Victoria Shenstone. Ot course w ifi this process. As volunteers we all spend time that would have IN DEBATE the wonderful team in the Secretariat led by Angela Awabdy have been allocated to our family, friends or oth® int®esls and the ensured the committee have been provided support needed and no willingness to pitch in and work towards our common goals is to COUNTING OF 8 The Chair shall declare a motion carried or lost. Should ttie Chairman's declaration be request was too hard. be commended. VOTES disputed by ten or more voting delegates present, or should the O iair so require, a count of votes for or against the motion shall be taken provided that a request by such voting STANDING ORDERS I look forward to seeing y o i all in Kingaroy. delegates shall be made immediately after the Chair shall have made his declaration. In order to ensure the debate flows tmd every State Councillor can contribute to the debate in an orderly fashion, it is always worthwhile TELLERS AND 9 In the event of a count of votes being required in accordance with the preceding Standing SECRET BALLOTS Order, the Chair may appoint two or more tellers to oount tt>e votes for or against the motion then before the Chair and report the result to the Chair.
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