HAVERFORD NEWS C $2.00 A YEAR VOLUME 29—NUMBER 27 HAVERFORD (AND ARDMORE), PA.,TUESDAY, MAY 24, 1938 Z627 ,y.10••••■•■■ Commencement To Derr Chosen Head New Students Association Officers Founders Club Plans Of Student -Body Meeting For June 7 Close College Life Founders Club will hold its annual business meeting on Saturday, June 11 Succeeding Evans June 7 in the Union 'immediate- ly following the College dinner. New members as well- as officers Felix Morley, '15, Editor McConnell Elected New for the following year will be elected at the meeting. Also And Journalist Will Secretary In Vote ✓ to be chosen is a committee to select the freshman "who has Deliver Address Wednesday shown the best attitude towards college activities and scholas- Closing four eventful years, H. H. Derr, 111,.'39,-and R. W. tic work." Founders Club eighty-six members of the Class McConnell, Jr., '40, were elected awards $25 in -books to this man of '38 will assemble in Roberts president and secretary respec- each fall. Hall Saturday, June 11, to cele- Tables will be reserved in the brate the Mat rite of their college tively of the Students' Assotiation dining hall for Founders Club career, Commencement. at elections held Wednesday by members at the regular 6 o'clock Mr. Felix Morley, '16, editor of preferential ballot after a two Inner. the Washington Post and eminent week delay. The officers assumed authority in journalism and inter- their:duties the same day. national affairs, will deliver the Derr, who has been a leading annual Commencement address. CustomsCommittee President W. W. Comfort will make man in his dais since his freshman the introductory speech, and later year, came to Haverford from H. H. DERR, III, '38 It. W. McCONNELL. JR.. '40 in the morning he will present dip- Penn Charter School in Philadel- who was recently chosen Pres- who was elected last week to Names Evans Head lomas to the seniors and graduate phia where he distinguished him- ident of the Students' Associa- succeed Derr as Secretary of students who have completed work tion for 1938-1939. the Student Council, leading to a degree. The various self in both academic work and in `Non-Destructive' Policy prizes, usually announced at this athletics. While at Haverford, time, will be awarded to those who Derr has been a member of the Planned With Rules have fulfilled the qualifications. Students' Council for three years j "Petticoat Fever" is and held the position of Secretary Commons Room To Strictly Enforced Senior Breakfast for the past year. He also has Cap And Bells Choice Preceding Commencement will be been president of his class for two N. H. Evans, '39, was elected the annual Senior Breakfast, years. In athletics, • he received Require Donations chairman of the Customs Commit- which will probably be held in the his varsity letter in football for tee at that body's first meeting yes- Alumni Room or off campus, at- the past two seasons, and has been Spring Of 1939 Set As terday afternoon, Other members tended only by seniors and a few a member of the basketball squad Collections To Be Made Time Of Production . specially invited guests. for, two years. He has distinguish- of the committee appointed by the Invitations for the Commence- ed himself on the varsity track From Student Body "Petticoat Fever," three act Students' Council Saturday after- team for three years, having cap- ment have been distributed to mem- tained his freshman team. He is This Week comedy by Mark Reed has been noon are R. L. Jackson, '39; H. C. bers of the Senior Class to be sent chosen by the .Cap and Bells Club Atkinson, '40; C. K. Peters, Jr., to friends and reiativeS. However, also a member of the Varsity Club - rounds and is an Engineering major. Collectors will make the for its production- next spring. '40; D. B. Boyer, Jr., '41; and D, W. these announcements -are not nec- of the dormitories sometime this essary for admittance to the exer- To Continue Old Policy The selection was made at this Shoemaker, '41. cises. week to raise money from the early dote to make possible the A "non-destructive" policy is Mr. Morley, the Commencement When asked what his plans for students to furnish a Commons the future are, Derr stated that he scheduling of performances at planned by the new committee. speaker, was, the recipient of the intends to follow the policy of his Reran. Faculty members have al- Sehoola Where entertainment plans Evans explained "non-tiestructiver Pulitzer prize in 1936 for his edit- predecessor, S. R. Evan, '38, in up- ready pledged in excess of $100, as meaning that action would be orial writings, has been associated and about $700 more must be col- for the coming year are completed for a number of years with Brook- holding the constitution and en- taken to keep any interclass war- forcing the College rules. "I be- lected, chiefly from students. Prom- in the early summer. ings Institute, and has written lieve I will get full cooperation ised donations, other than cash, in- The. locale of the play is a wire- fare out of the dormitories. How- several authoritative books on ta- from all the members of the Coun- clude a $1,000 radio-victrola and less station in Labrador. Daseom ever, this does not mean that next bor and world affairs. Knewn as cil, and we are looking forward to two ping-pong tables. an excellent sPeaker, Mr. Morley Plans for the Commons Room, Dinsmore is the operator. Un- year's rhinies will be let off easy. has been a Far Eastern -corres- a very successful year," he said. The committee, although it will at- McConnell, newly elected secre- submitted some time ago by Phila- kempt and careless as to costume, pondent, the Geneva representative tary, came to Haverford from delphia department stores are now his wild oats are behind him, and tempt to be more constructive than for the League of Nations Associa- Frankford High School in Phila- on view in the Union, Comments the future stretches, heartbreaking- in the past, will not tolerate any tion of the United.--.Stetes,a Rhodes delphia and since his freshman are invited on the various suggest- violation of rhinie regulations. Scholar, and one of the most prom- ed layouts. ly womanless, ahead. inent Critics 'Of the Pies-ea Admin- year has attained many honors. While no definite plans have He received a Corporation Schol- Those appointed by the Students' Into this lonesome world fall two istration. An yet,: Me...topic of-his arship for the present year, ban Council to collect in the various more people, Ethel Campion and been made for the rhMie equip- address is unannounced. been 'vice-president of his class for dormitories are: Founders, R. M. her fiance, Sir James Fenton when ment, it will probably resemble White, '39; North Barclay, J. M. that used this year'with the excep- two years and a member of the their airplane is smashed. The ef- Students' Council for two years. Sykes, '39; Center Barclay, L. H. tion of the tie. It was felt that the He is also News Editor of the Simons, Jr., '39; South Barclay, D. fect on Mr. Dinsmore is what might flowing artists ties used this year Bready Made Head Of News, and assistant manager of N. Williams, '39; Lloyd, R. L Jack- be expected. The situation is fur- were somewhat unsatiefactely. As Coop Store Committee; the Cap and Bells Club. McCon- son, '39; Merlon, H. P. Balivet, Jr., ther complicated by the arrival of usual, this equipment will be sold nell is a Government major. '40, and R. A. Poole, '40. a cast-off fiancee of the wireless to the rhinies at the reception giv- Sees Prosperous Year Other nominees for president According to Jackson who is in operator. As Robert Garland ex- en them by the Students' Associa- were R. L. Jackson, L. C. Lewis, charge of the general student col- pressed it in the New York World tion, T. H. Bready, '39, was confirmed Jr., J. M. Tinnon, M. A. Webster, lections, a substantial amount must Telegram, "Added up and divided Three of the new committee also as the new head of the Co-opera- Jr., and J. C. Wingerd, all of '89. be collected this spring from the into three eons, it amounts to a served on the retiring body. These tive Store Committee by the Stud- The other candidates for secretary students to secure any outside help brisk and fun-filled evening, with men were Evans, Jackson, and At- ents' Council yesterday. The fresh- were H. P. Balivet, Jr., and R. A. in the furnishing of the room. a chuckle here, a giggle there, and kinson. man chosen to be on the commit- Poole, both sophomores. an occasional guffaw to make the Evans is present manager of the tee is D. -W. Shoemaker, who auto- moment merrier." Cooperative Store and has been act- matically 'becomes secretary next The cast will include six men and ive in track and soccer. He has held year. S. M. Dye is the member of Bonham Made President four women. several class offices. the class of '40, while the second Social Science Classes senior member is as yet unehosen. Hear Dr. Egbert Munzer At Engin Club Meeting N. H. Evans, '39, is the ex-officio member of the committee. Of Berlin Last Week W. S. Bonham, '39, was elected Several Professors Plan Travel W. B. Krieibel, '38, retiring head, president of the Engineering Club said that the .bookstore issue, cry- Dr.
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