■■'J- ; . Jil/ \ \ ./ ", . 1. ■ ■•■; ■f ■ V#; : / I ‘ / THURSDAV. DECEMBER 4, 19S2 . The W wthcr i |a g e t w e n t y -p o u r • iianrhPBtfr StoPtiing l^pralii AYerage Daily Net Press Ran rerechut of U. •. Weather ■w aoo . ^ For the Week Eaded I Nov. SS, ISBt 'recently at a linen ahower given by K iln tonight, Satnrdajf morning. Jean Garlinghouse Mias Patricia Wllaon at the home Partly cloudy Saturday., attemeoB. About Town o f‘her mother, Mrs. John Wilson, 10,812 Minimum tonight 40. Has m ien Shower on Woodland atreet. '-Member of the Audit The decorations used were pink ~ Bnreoa of Clrcnlatlona, Manche$ter-^A City of Village ^Charm t il* Looml* School Press Club, and white streamers and the bride- Windsor. InsdvertenUy omitted the elect opened her gift/whlle-Seated of two Manchester boys at- Miss Jean A. Garlinghou.se of 895 Center street, who will be mar­ under s watering can decorated MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY., DECEMBER 5, 1952 tending the school In the story ried to Charles Baldwin of Tor­ with the same colors. A buffet wMch appeared In last night's Is- rence. Calif., on Dec. 27 at St. Brid­ Itincheon was served by the host­ Boa of The Herald. The two are get's ChurCh. was guest of honor ess. Jtoiii C. Reed, a senior, and Thomas Milton Reed, a sophomore, sons of Mr. and Mra. Harold M. Reed of 5 ? South Mahi-streefe-----^.... ‘ The Manchester Garden Club WiU hold .lU anrtusl Christmas, puty Mofitey nif^ht At 9 ociock | 6» the RcAbins Room of Center ^ Church house. The business ses-' Sion will be brief, and an enter-1 r taimnent and freshments will be : enjoyed. Each member la reminded , to bring a gift of interest to a I gardener. BR/NO US yOUR TWO FER , The Manchester 4-H Dairy ^ ob j wm meet tomorrow night at 7 :30 | PROCTER ^GAMBLE CHEER-TIDE I - at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Von Bcher of 60» Keeney street. ^ , Ouest qteidccr will be Mr. Turner COUPONS ef the Glastonbury High School, who wlU tslk on “Vocational Agri- JOY I culture In the Schools.” A short Bummary on judging the udder ^ WITH coueoN Keeps Campaign Pledge and mammary system will be given ■ Wage Rules by Charles Wilcox and Natalie Says He’s against Strife Cook. _ AUTOMATIC DELIVERY SERVICE Lie Bans Nine JUST TELL US TO KEEP YOUR TANK FILLED TWO FER The son bom to Mr. and Mrs. Unchanged; E . B. Inman. Jr., of 183 North Elm DUZ street, at Manchester Memorial L. T. WOOD CO. Hospital Nov. 24 has been named U:S. Workers WSB Head Spread to Red China Stephen Bass Inman. Dr. and Mrs. TEL. 449fi < Karl Sillers of Tulsa, Okla., are the 51 BISSELL STREET OXYDOL maternal grandpareiiU. and Mr. TTnifpil Nntiona N Y Dec*-«Iro>“ entering the UN Secretariat Seoul, Dec. 5—(A P )—U. S. Presidenl-elect Dwight D. Elsenhower took and Mra< B. B. Inman, Sr., of umtea INaiions,^. I ., refused to answer Washington, Dec. 5— — Henry street, are the paternal 6—(/P)—UN sources said Sec-: nuggHon* by the U. S. Senate In- The^_.new chairman of , the a hard look at the Koreap war situation for three days, inspected combat grandparents. retary-General Trygve Lie: temal Security aub-commlttee. Wage Stabilization Board IVORY SNOW fired nine American em- headed by sen. Pat MoCarran (D- (WSB) said today President units near the front' and departed, today for the United States. He indi­ ■ Mrs. Harry Sweet, rehabilitation ehaimian of the American Legion ploy., l^ .y for r.f».in. to, Nj.., on Truman’s coal wage decision cated that he does not believe in attacking Red Giina or otherwise spread­ AincUiary, and Mrs. Harold Bel- answer McCarran committee in no way changes wage rules ing the 2V2 y*®*" conflict. Eisenhower was well-guarded and he was mier spent one day this week IVORY FLAKES questions about Communist was said to have served an and regulations which the • ahaistlng the veterans confined to affiliations and subversive' uitimatunL to the nine last Mon- board has adopted. in excellent spirits. \ beds at the Rocky Hill Hospital to connections. This brings to, d«y * answer Charles C. KUllngaworth. ap­ select, wrap and mail Christmas pointed last night to replace Shortly before his departure, Eisenhower visited President Synghman fBaents to their familiea. Tester- 18 the number dimissed answers ail were re- Archibald Cox as the WSB chief, Rhee of South Korea for a hastily arranged conference. A source close Say Mrs. Ruth Hlckox and Mrs. 1952 for this cause. i ported unsatUfactory. ' lydla Wlgreri performed the same told a news conference he hoped Lie, in a formal statement, j The Secretary General's decIsiOT to "preserve for the new adminis­ to Rhee said they exchanged notes which may be made public tomorroir. tasks for ambulatory veterans at \ warned his staff of 3,000 they face was backed by the recommenM- R ^ k y Hill. Later, members of the SAVE AT tration a functioning program and -------- t It was EiBenhower’s last act in his three day tour and lifted the same fate If they act similarly, tlon of a th ^ -m a n panel of dia- agency which can be continued, auxiliary will visit the Newington The hew notices of dismissal I unguisneutingulshed international1111C...-V.™-, JJu----- s- ''' I aA veilv e il oftil disappointmentlllO ca|/|/V»»«$vlIixriiV thatS'lSCOW hadaioavs prevailedpavvaoaav-aa inaaa a.-rvMva|South Koreanv>o»oa Hospital for the same service to who advised him to fire any Amerl liquidated, or placed on a stand­ . ■ ....... ^ I governmentBWj-kozAtwvM circlesa99^Iam sincening*A itif hadKaH beenVtAAti indicatedingliPAf.AH heHa mightTnllfHk notn/it’. patients. Mrs. Sweet and Mrs. were contained In letters, the UN ■ by basis at the new PrMident qnd "sources said, which are expected to can employe who dodged questions Statem ent b y Ik e 1 pay his respects to Rhee. V-'.ty Brosnan attended the rece.nt about alleged links to the Com­ the Congress see fit.” Christmas party of the Hartford be made public later today. The Kllllng/worth said he does not I Eisenhower had met Rhee at Eighth Army Headquarters 3 lbs. terms and mechanics of the firings munist party. Red espionage or -IMstrict-Past-Presidents Club in know wbat action the angered in­ but hi^ not call^ on th^ RC)K President. The meeting averted are also expected to be announced. subversive rings. The Jurists said . Hartford. ^____ such refusals created a climate dustry members of hla board will Seoul, Dec. 5—ifi— Here la the _ poMlble loss of face 'or the* Lie, in his atatement to the Sec­ of suspicion.” take. Oox, a public, member like transcript of Dwight Elsenhow­ I United States In Asia. retariat, said he was following the himsel/I resigned in protest over I lieft 17. 8. Saturday advice of a distinguished three- Contents of the nine replies to er’s Statement at a news‘confer­ Lie’s ultimatum were not made Truman's decision to allow John Eisenhower had left New York man panel of International Jurists ence today: | by plane In the pre-dawn hours ROKs Give H A LE'S who recommended this course. public. ' . L. Lewis' miners the full $1.90 daily Contracts Not Renewed wage boost agreed to by the mine " I stated publicly long before w# g,turday. He arrived here Tuea- Plana Advlaory Panel Of the nine previously fired, six operatore. A majority of the board came over here, we came over | j night. Hla flight waa— to learn. We have no panaceas, throughout — a tightly-guarded Headquarters He------ announced that withinJ a. few.. have been let out since the McCar- had voted to reduce the increase Ik e Sevei| days he would set up an advisory no tricka of aetUlng any problems. |I aocret.. ^ SUNLIGHT days he would set “P committee started lU probe of to $1.50 and Industry members an­ We came over here to g<4 o ' FOR panel to help him in dealing with employes in Octobor. The six nounced yesterday they would boy­ _ _____ ____ tha I nje U,8. KightK Away specific cases. ■ ______ of the feeling la this poii nouncad that tha worUbfknoed, FROZEN EGGS cott the board until they can de­ world. ' A look at thaJha aTtiiMattuai^.oiHl , The nine fired have been p -^xw enty-tbroe) cide whether to resign. Colorful ganonlliad eara^gUd hla Point Plan. Grade A T.Jirge BUTTER special leave with pay—but banned j (Coattnued on rag e »y a bettor undarstandlng qf many whirlwtnd tour of this Yraf-tom na- The new chairman said Truman’s foetora that wlU ba Important to FO O D . Just Reduced action overruling the board’s coal tUMu’ TbO gonarhl—chlaf of tha • < n Lb. my Boaodataao and mymX nsd to Cnisado to 'Victory tn Emopa In Seoal, Dfc. 8‘^TT(ff)^DwifM Doz. deeislon "has undeniably added'to ovatybody b a n during tha months D. Eioenhowar tnd Frasldsnt our dilflCUttlas.” But he empba- to cm««v■ ' 'I ... World War II—waa fttHUMiw- * jiaM) the p re^ en tlal decision ‘•Kow bafogd r talk k J l t t o J W pramjaa ha ' mads th-.Jcmaxiei $jriifnum , Rhse confiwral votora hi Xiirtiiil tha trtjt'. iif the threo mMtingb Durkin to Call Taft, "4m not aaUbliBli a new p a tta n aibout jo m a ' Of IBkho ' " J * * * ^ Whather dds imprecwHBtod mla; Bens there la <m0-point that nas SNOW CROP orlyaeadeilt’’ MM» «hrt "wo aiua” ■Ion will prove to be a.
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