March 11, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E279 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS TRIBUTE TO RABBI JOHN L. bamian who won the 2018 Southeastern Lit- RECOGNIZING ARMY NATIONAL ROSOVE erary Tourism Initiative writing contest with her GUARD MASTER SGT. JOHN short story, ‘‘Tunnel Vision,’’ that focuses on PAUL KARPOVICH OF LUZERNE HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF the American Civil Rights Movement in my COUNTY OF CALIFORNIA hometown Montgomery, Alabama. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Born and raised in Montgomery, Jeanie re- HON. DANIEL MEUSER ceived her undergraduate degree from Auburn OF PENNSYLVANIA Monday, March 11, 2019 University. Following her graduation from Au- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. SCHIFF. Madam Speaker, I rise today burn, Jeanie received post-graduate degrees Monday, March 11, 2019 to honor Rabbi John L. Rosove, a man of in English and Teaching Writing from Auburn great integrity and an outstanding leader in the University Montgomery. Mr. MEUSER. Madam Speaker, it is with great respect that I rise today to recognize the greater Jewish community, who is retiring from Jeanie is a stay-at-home mother of three dedicated service of Army National Guard his duties as Senior Rabbi of Temple Israel of currently living in Montgomery. She has writ- Master Sgt. John Paul Karpovich of Luzerne Hollywood, a position he has held since 1988. ten several successful novels, including County. Master Sgt. Karpovich was recently Born and raised in Los Angeles, Rabbi ‘‘Fairhope,’’ a second-prize winner of the 2013 presented with the Pennsylvania Veterans Rosove earned a Bachelor’s in Art History Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award. Her most Service Medal and is the first recipient of this from the University of California, Berkeley, a recent short story, ‘‘Tunnel Vision,’’ captures distinguished award. Master’s in Hebrew letters from Hebrew Union the spirit of social change through the eyes of The Pennsylvania Veterans Service Medal College-Jewish Institute of Religion in Los An- a 1954 Montgomery woman who is magically is reserved for those within our great Com- geles, Rabbinic Ordination from Hebrew Union transported to modern-day Alabama. College-Jewish Institute of Religion in New monwealth who go above and beyond to sup- York, and a Doctor of Divinity from Hebrew Literature like Jeanie’s story can encourage port Pennsylvania’s veterans. A member of Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in tourism and promote economic growth in com- the National Guard, Master Sgt. Karpovich has Los Angeles. munities throughout the United States. The transcended his call to serve. He has become Rabbi Rosove has worked tirelessly and Southeastern Literary Tourism Initiative chal- an instrumental member of the veterans com- selflessly to build a robust Jewish community lenges writers to create stories that attract visi- munity in Pennsylvania, giving selflessly to in the greater Hollywood area, and to bring tors to areas like Alabama’s Second District. many men and women who served before Jewish people closer together, viewing social Jeanie has truly captured the spirit of Mont- him. justice work and ethical principles as core gomery, and I encourage others to visit our For nearly 20 years, Master Sgt. Karpovich Jewish religious values. He oversaw the beautiful city so that they may see firsthand has served on the Wyoming Valley Veterans founding of the Temple’s Day School and the rich history of our area. Day Parade Committee, he is also a life mem- helped spearhead Big Sunday Weekend of Madam Speaker, it is my privilege to honor ber of AMVETS Post 59, a member of Amer- Service in 1998, which today is a year-round Ms. Parnell’s literary success and to acknowl- ican Legion Post 395, serves on the board of organization where 50,000 Good Samaritans edge her impact on the Montgomery commu- directors for the Northeastern Pennsylvania in Los Angeles volunteer annually to help the nity. I am proud to call her a lifelong friend Veterans Multi-care Alliance, and is a member community at over 2,000 events. and fellow Alabamian. of the Honorary First Defenders. Rabbi Rosove has admirably served in nu- Nearly 800,000 veterans call Pennsylvania merous leadership positions, including as na- f home. We are fortunate to have dedicated in- tional chairperson of the Association of Re- dividuals like Master Sgt. Karpovich who work form Zionists of America, where he rep- RECOGNIZING AAYUSH KARAN OF to support our heroes. Madam Speaker, I ask resented more than 1.5 million American Re- MUSKEGO that my colleagues join me in congratulating form Jews. He also served in leadership roles Army National Guard Master Sgt. John Paul at the Jewish Agency for Israel, the World Zi- Karpovich on this well-deserved recognition onist Organization, and the Conference of HON. BRYAN STEIL and thanking him for the many contributions Presidents of Major American Jewish Organi- OF WISCONSIN he has made and continues to make, to our zations, and from 2012 to 2016, he was a na- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES veterans. tional co-chair of the Executive Rabbinic Cabi- f net of J Street. Monday, March 11, 2019 For his work benefitting the Jewish Commu- CONDEMNING ANTI-SEMITISM AND Mr. STEIL. Madam Speaker, I rise today to ANTI-MUSLIM DISCRIMINATION nity, Rabbi Rosove has received the World honor a young, bright, and talented student Union for Progressive Judaism International from Wisconsin’s First Congressional District, SPEECH OF Humanitarian Award and honored by J Street. Aayush Karan of Muskego. A student at the Rabbi Rosove and his wife Barbara, have University School of Milwaukee, Aayush is in HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE two sons, Daniel and David. Washington this week as one of the top 40 fi- OF TEXAS I ask all Members of Congress to join me nalists—and the only finalist from Wisconsin— IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES today in honoring Rabbi John L. Rosove for in the nation for the most prestigious science Thursday, March 7, 2019 his decades of outstanding service to the Jew- competition for high school seniors, the Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, as a sen- ish community and his unwavering commit- Regeneron Science Talent Search. ment to peace and justice. ior member of the Committees on the Judici- His Regeneron Science Talent Search f ary and Homeland Security, the Tom Lantos mathematics project untangled a mystery in Human Rights Commission, the bipartisan HONORING MS. JEANIE PARNELL knot theory. Knot theory has puzzled mathe- Congressional International Religious Freedom maticians for years and advancements in the Caucus, and the Helsinki Commission, I rise in HON. MARTHA ROBY theory could help our understanding of DNA. strong support of H. Res. 183, a resolution In addition to his studies, Aayush runs cross OF ALABAMA that puts the House on record in its con- country and plays the piano. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES demnation of anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, On behalf of Wisconsin’s First Congres- racism, and other forms of bigotry as hateful Monday, March 11, 2019 sional District, I congratulate Aayush for his in- expressions of intolerance that are inimical to Mrs. ROBY. Madam Speaker, I rise today to credible achievement and wish him all the the values and aspirations that define the peo- honor Ms. Jeanie Parnell, an exceptional Ala- best in the future. ple of the United States. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:05 Mar 12, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K11MR8.001 E11MRPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS E280 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 11, 2019 I support the resolution also because it also There is an urgent need to ensure the safe- tudes towards Muslims and people who are forcefully expresses the condemnation by this ty and security of Jewish communities, includ- perceived to be Muslim, including the irrational House of anti-Muslim discrimination and big- ing synagogues, schools, cemeteries, and belief that Muslims are inherently violent, dis- otry against racial, ethnic, religious, and other other institutions. loyal, and foreign; or sympathize with individ- marginalized communities. Outside of the United States, Jews are the uals who engage in violence or terror or sup- Mr. Speaker, nearly thirty years ago, as a targets of anti-Semitic violence at even higher port the oppression of women, Jews, and young mother, I first visited Israel and the Holy rates in many other countries. other vulnerable communities. Land, and I have returned many times since Anti-Semitism includes scapegoating or It is very important and significant that the then to the region that gave birth to three of blaming Jews as Jews when things go wrong; resolution before us also condemns White su- the world’s great religions, civilizations, and calling for, aiding, or justifying the killing or premacists in the United States who have and cultures. harming of Jews in the name of a radical ide- continue to exploit bigotry and weaponize hate I have been a passionate supporter of the ology or extremist view of religion; or making for political gain, targeting traditionally per- Mickey Leland Kibbutzim Internship program, mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or secuted peoples, including African Americans, which for nearly thirty years has enabled stereotyped allegations about Jews. Native Americans, and other people of color, inner-city high school students who live or Another way that anti-Semitism manifests Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, immigrants, study in the 18th Congressional District the itself is when Jewish people are subject in the and others with verbal attacks, incitement, and opportunity to spend a summer in Israel.
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