E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 163 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2017 No. 159 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was appoint the Honorable RAND PAUL, a Senator put it in yours. That is the essential called to order by the Honorable RAND from the Commonwealth of Kentucky, to goal of tax reform. That is our message PAUL, a Senator from the Common- perform the duties of the Chair. to the American people. It is what I be- ORRIN G. HATCH, wealth of Kentucky. lieve. It is what Chairman HATCH be- President pro tempore. f lieves. It is what Chairman ENZI be- Mr. PAUL thereupon assumed the lieves as well. PRAYER Chair as Acting President pro tempore. Chairman ENZI has an important role The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- f to play in this process, too, because fered the following prayer: RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY later today he will lead his committee Let us pray. in marking up a comprehensive budget Almighty God, we are grateful that LEADER for fiscal year 2018 that will help our Your will prevails when reliance on hu- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- country achieve balance by reining in manity is futile. pore. The majority leader is recog- Federal spending. It will also help our Give our Senators the wisdom to un- nized. derstand that without Your help, they economy grow, and one of the ways it cannot succeed. Today, use them to f will do so is by providing legislative tools to advance tax reform. I thank work and act to accomplish Your pur- TAX REFORM AND THE BUDGET poses on Earth. Help them not to repay the Budget Committee for all its good Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, yes- evil with evil but plant seeds of good- work so far, and I look forward to its terday, Chairman HATCH held another continued efforts to get our fiscal ness that will bring a harvest of joy. hearing on a subject that is incredibly Arise, O Lord. Lift Yourself up in house in order and our economy back important to the economic future of these dangerous times to bring Your on a path to solid growth after the lost our country: tax reform. peace to our hearts. Help us to remem- decade of disappointment I just spoke For too long, our economy has failed ber that You save the upright in heart, about. to live up to its full potential. For too and Your justice will sustain us. Keep long, Americans have suffered through f us from conceiving troubles and em- stagnant paychecks, a lack of steady bracing falsehoods, as we focus on lov- work, and retirement that can seem to NOMINATIONS ing and serving You. We pray in Your loving Name. Amen. slip further away by the day. These are Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, ear- the forgotten men, women, and fami- lier this week, I filed cloture motions f lies of the last decade. For many Amer- on four qualified nominees for various PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE icans living on the coasts, working in agencies throughout the Federal Gov- The Presiding Officer led the Pledge Silicon Valley, or in finance, the reces- ernment. I shouldn’t have had to. In of Allegiance, as follows: sion of 2008 to 2009 may seem like just different times, we may have even con- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the a moment in history, but for too many sidered them on voice votes. But this is United States of America, and to the Repub- Americans, the last 10 years have been where we are, and now it is time to ad- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, a lost decade where our economy has vance and confirm them as soon as pos- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. stumbled along and opportunities have sible. f declined for American workers and Later this morning, the Senate will APPOINTMENT OF ACTING their families. consider Eric Hargan to be Deputy Sec- PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE Tax reform represents the single retary of the Department of Health and most important thing we can do today Human Services. As the people of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The to get our economy back on track and Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico, and the clerk will please read a communication give American workers a leg up. It is U.S. Virgin Islands continue to recover to the Senate from the President pro our once-in-a-generation opportunity from a series of devastating hurricanes, tempore (Mr. HATCH). to replace an outdated tax code that Mr. Hargan’s expertise in disaster re- The bill clerk read the following let- holds us back with one that works for sponse and public health will help the ter: American families and small busi- Department respond to these crises. I U.S. SENATE, nesses. We want to lower taxes and look forward to confirming Mr. Hargan PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, simplify rates. We want to expand job soon so he can help coordinate multiple Washington, DC, October 4, 2017. To the Senate: creation and grow paychecks. Put an- agencies under his supervision to re- Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, other way, we want to take more spond to the hurricanes, deliver relief, of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby money out of Washington’s pocket and and help save lives. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S6293 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:17 Oct 05, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A04OC6.000 S04OCPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S6294 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 4, 2017 After that, this afternoon we will own A.B. ‘‘Happy’’ Chandler, who The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- take up the nomination of Randal served as Governor, Senator, and base- pore. Without objection, it is so or- Quarles, the President’s nominee to ball’s second commissioner. Tom’s pas- dered. help oversee the Federal Reserve Sys- sion for Kentucky’s rich history is ob- RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY LEADER tem. Mr. Quarles brings with him both vious. The Democratic leader is recognized. domestic and international financial He has been a wonderful friend and PUERTO RICO AND U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS experience from multiple administra- resource for me, a real champion and RECOVERY EFFORT tions, and he will be a strong guide for advocate for our Commonwealth, and Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, I un- our Nation’s monetary policy. We also has made a lasting impact on the next derstand the administration intends to intend to confirm Mr. Quarles to the generation through his teaching. As submit its first request for disaster aid position of Vice Chair for Supervision. one former student recalled, ‘‘Dr. Ap- for Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Is- This is an essential role created by pleton’s mission in teaching Kentucky lands today. It is a good first step, but Dodd-Frank, and it is critical that Mr. history was less about imparting facts it is just the start of the financial aid Quarles begin this work over at the and dates and more about ensuring we will need to provide to the Amer- Fed. that students departed the class with ican citizens in Puerto Rico and the Tomorrow, the Senate will confirm an enhanced understanding of the rich U.S. Virgin Islands. Lee Francis Cissna to be Director of cultural tapestry of Kentucky. He ad- I urge my colleagues to work quickly U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Serv- monished students to be worthy of the to add additional and urgent funding ices. Mr. Cissna has a wealth of experi- proud legacy of our Commonwealth’s for recovery, like community develop- ence in immigration policy, serving in great statesmen, military leaders, ment block grant dollars, just as we senior policy positions in both the writers, and sports legends.’’ That is a did for Texas after Hurricane Harvey, Bush and Obama administrations and legacy to be proud of. with the understanding that an addi- then working for the chairman of the After his final semester of teaching, tional and more comprehensive request Senate Judiciary Committee. He was Tom could be forgiven for wanting to for Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, voted out of committee with bipartisan retire from his work as a historian al- Florida, Texas, and the western support. I look forward to his con- together, but that is not Tom. He plans wildfires will be coming from the ad- firmation to this important role. to continue his research and writing ministration once the damage assess- Then we will consider Callista Ging- about the lives and events that shaped ments are complete. rich, whom the President has nomi- our home State, and I plan to continue LAS VEGAS MASS SHOOTING nated to be our Nation’s Ambassador reading his fascinating take on our Mr. President, returning to the to the Holy See. Ms. Gingrich’s work shared Kentucky heritage. events in Las Vegas on Sunday, we will continue the strong relationship I wish Tom well, and I urge all of my cannot let this American tragedy, an- between our Nation and the Vatican, colleagues to join me in congratulating other in a long line of American trage- building upon shared values, goals, and Dr. Tom Appleton on a truly remark- dies, fall out of our hearts and minds global responsibilities.
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