TheJackpile Sandstone Member 0f the MorrisonFormation in west-central New Mexico- a formaldefinition byDonald E. jwen,Consulting Geologist, Tulsa, 0K 74152,and Lester J. Walters,Jr. andRonald G. Beck, ARCO Oil and Gas Co., Dallas, IX75221 The JackpileSandstone Member of the uranium mine. The JackpileSandstone is stonelenses Contactswith the underlying Morrison Formation(Upper Jurassic)in west- typically a whitish, crossbeddedsubarkose Brushy BasinMember of the Morrison For- central New Mexico is named here formallv with clay matrix and interbedded, varie- mation may be gradational, scoured, or from a stratotype near the Jackpile-PaguatL gated, pale-greento red, bentonitic mud- interbedded. The Jackpileextends only a short distancesouth of the stratotvDedue R.5W. to truncation along the basal Dakota un- conformity. However, it extendsnortheast to Lamy, north to near Cuba, and a short distancewest and a longer distancenorth- west into the subsurfaceof the San Juan Basin.Thickness of the Jackpileranges from near zero to 300ft (91 m); at the stratotype it is 100 ft (30 m) thick. Crossbeddingin- dicatesa regional easterlypaleocurrent-flow direction for the braided-streamand distal alluvial-fan complexesin which the Jackpile was deposited. Source areas were to the west and southwest,south of Gallup, and in the Mogollon Highlands. Introduction The Jackpile sandstone of economic usage has been employed informally in strati- graphic nomenclature for a distinctive bed in the uppermost part of the Brushy Basin Member of the Morrison Formation in west- central New Mexico since the Jackpile ura- nium body was discovered in that bed dur- ing 1951.The stratigraphic name fackpile has Alsoin this issue Temperatureof.mineralization in Mogollonmining district p. 53 EarlyPaleocene vertebrates, 1000 2000 3000 4000 50oo 6000 7000 FEET SanJuan Basin p. 56 1 KILOMETER Service/News p. 61 Statfnotes p. 64 JA c K P IL E s A N JURi.,s-sJgW JURASS|C B'o'"o!'o#r'$?o'ft Kffi lJ f,,BH'#J"R^P3l ^yf #3 fi ' Gomingsoon Fossilrock glaciers on CarrizoMountain QUATERNARYDEPOSITS. CRETACEOUS uNDrvrDEDl | | IDAKOTASANDSTONE Adobeas a buildingmaterial Dinosaursfrom the McRaeFormation. FIGURE 1-Geologic index map of the stratotype area of the Jackpile Sandstone Member (Morrison Formation). Note location of surface measured section illustrated in Fig. 2 and subsurface reference SierraCounty section (DDH 2664) illustrated in Fig. 3. LE is the location of an additional measured section. The map MorphyLake State Park has been simplified and modified from Schlee and Moench (1963b); small igneous dikes and sills hav-e been omitted. appeared in many publications in various sec. 35, T. 11 N., R. 5 W., Cibola (formerly Following establishedinformal usage,the forms since its first published use bv Free- Valencia)County, New Mexico. The contig- fackpileSandstone Member of the Morrison man and Hilpert (1956),The Jackpilesand- uous Jackpile-Paguatemine is the world's Formation is split from the underlying Brushy stoneappears on many geologicmaps (e.g., largesturanium mine;24.1million metrictons BasinMember. The Brushy Basinis the most Schleeand Moench, 1,963a,b), in many gov- (26.51million short tons) of uranium ore were extensivemember of the Morrison, being ernmentreports (e.g., Moench and Schlee, shipped between 1954,when the mine ^teaupresent over nearlv all of the Colorado Pla- 1967;Santos, 1.975),and in several correla- opened, and 7982, when the mine closed (Craig et a1.,igSS, p. 155).At the stra- tion diagrams(e.g., Owen andSiemers,1,977; (Mclemore, 1982). The stratotype for the totype, the fackpile is overlain unconformably Maxwell, 1982).In spite of its use, the fack- JackpileSandstone is a measuredsection of by the basalsandstone bed of the Oak Can- pile sandstonehas never been named for- a surfaceoutcrop in SEt/+NW1/s SW1/a sec. yon Memberof the DakotaSandstone, which mally. Nash (1,968,p. 738) used the term 10, T. 10 N., R. 5 W., Mesita Ttlz-min quad- forms the rimrock in all of Oak Canyon (Fig. |ackpile ". as if a Morrison member."The rangle(Fig. 1). This locationis approximately 4). late Gary Fleschsuggested that the Jackpile 2.5 mi (4 km) southwestof the original mine should be a formal member of the Morrison opening. The section (Fig. 2; Table 1) was Description Formation and established two reference measuredon a series of south-facingcliffs LrrHolocv sectionsfor it, but he did not actually for- north of the south fork of Oak Canyon. These malize it (Flesch, 7974; 1975). cliffs occur on the face of an unnamed tri- The fackpile Sandstonevaries consider- The purposesof this paperare to designate angular mesa between South Oak Canyon ably in detailed lithology. Typically, it is an crossbedded,fri- the fackpile SandstoneMember of the Mor- Mesaand North Oak CanyonMesa at a point off-white to yellowish-tan, rison Formation as a formal stratigraphicunit 0.3mi (0.5km) eastof NM-279. A subsurface able, subarkosicsandstone with mostly me- meeting the requirementsof the new North referencesection (Fig. 3) also is provided from dium and coarse,subangular to well-rounded, American StratigraphicCode (North Amer- a core and log taken in Anaconda Diamond poorly to well-sorted grains in a white clay ican Commission on StratigraphicNomen- Drill Hole 2664in SWt/+NE1/+ NEt/a of the matrix. The white clay matrix, which is a clature, 1983)and to discussthe deposition samesection, approximately 0.8 mi (1.3km) distinctive feature of the Jackpile,is mostly very of the fackpileSandstone. northwest of the stratotype (Fig. 1). Flesch kaolinite.Some beds are coarsegrained (1974, 1975) suggestedtwo reference sec- and a few, chiefly at the base of scour sur- faces,contain a few pebbles,mostly of chert. Nomenclatureand location tions farther to the north that also are avail- able for study. His 1975section was published Chert-oebblezones are more common in the The JackpileSandstone is named for the in Siemerset al. (1975,p. 30). south*est part of the Jackpiledistribution, fackpile mine that was opened in the SEtin in the vicinity of the stratotype, than to the north and east.Some fackpile beds are fine- ELECTRICLOG grained sandstone, but very fine grained ANACONDADDH 2664 SW NE NE SEC 70 sandstoneand siltstone beds are rare. Po- T1ONRsW CENTURYGEOPHYSICAL COFP rosity rangesfrom near )Vo to 20% or more SELF poTENTtAL MAY 30, 1969 BESTSTANCE and varies inversely with clay-matrix con- tent. Most outcropscontain a few thin lenses and beds of variegated, pale-greento red, New AAexfico GEOLOGV . Scienceand Sorvice Volume 6, No. 3, August 1984 published quarterly bY New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources a division of New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technolo8y BOARD OF REGENTS Ex Officio Toney Anaya, Gooernor of Nru Mexico Leonard Delayo, Supqintendent of Public lnsttuction AgDointed Judy Floyd, Pre; ; L977 1987, Ias Cruces William G Abbott, Secty/Ireas ,7961-1985, Hobbs Donald W Morris, 1983 1989, Los Alamos Robert Lee Sanchez, 1983 1989, Albuqueque Steve Torres, 7967-7985, Socorro New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology President Laurence H Lattman New Mexico Bureau of Mines & Mineral Resources DirecLor Frank E Kottlowski Depufy Director George S Austin Subxriptions: Issued quarterly, February, May, August, .,r."ro", "o^o"ro*.ffiotoo" November; subscription price $6 00/yr uuosrorueffi@cusrs Editorial mqllet Contributions of possible material for consrderation in future issues of NMG are welcome FIGURE Articles submifted for publication should be in the editor's 3-Electrical log and core log of the fack- hands a minimum of five (5) months before date of pile Sandstoneand adjacentunits at the subsur- publication (February, Ma, August, or November). face referencesection. See Fig. I for location of Address inquiries to Deborah A. Shaw, editor of Nru DDH2664 "Squared off" ends of spontaneouspo- Mexico Geology, New Mexico Bureau of Mines & Mineral Resources, Socoro, NM 87801 FIGURE 2-Craphic measured section of the Jack- tentialand resistancetraces indicate off-scale read- Published qs publk domain, thercfore reprcducible without pile SandstoneMember (Morrison Formation) and ings. Kdoc is the Oak Canyon Member of Dakota permission Source credlt requested adjacentunits at the stratotype. SeeTable 1 for Sandstone;fmj is the JackpileSandstone Member Ciculatiofl:1,4N description of units and Fig. 1 for location of of Morrison Formation;Jmb is the Brushy Basin Printer: lJniversily of New Mexico Prinling Plant stratotype. Member of Morrison Formation. August 1984 Nm MexicoGeology TABLE l-Lrrnolocrc DESCRIPTIoN oF JACKPILE fining-upward sequence at brown; medium to verv coarse SaNosroNgsrRATorypE. Unit numbers correspond base; sharp lower contacti grained, moderately to poorly to numbers in Fig. 2. moderately resistant . 10 ft (3 m) sorted, angular to rounded; clay matrix; abundant mud- Unit Description Thickness stone clastsup to 6 inches (15 IJ Sandstone (subarkose), off- cm) diameter in bed near top; DakotaSandstone: white, weathers tan; fine to medium-scale,planar to wedge basalsandstone bed of medium grained, moderately crossbedding; load casts on Oak Canyon Member: to poorly sorted, subangular base with up to 1 ft (0.3 m) 18 Sandstone(quartz arenite), tan, to subrounded; clay matrix; relief; sharp, very uneven weathers rusty brown; very small-scale trough crossbed- lowercontact. ....3-5ft fine to fine grained, well ding; sharp, uneven lower (0.9-1.5m) sorted, subangularto rounded; contact; moderately resistant ....2-4ft iron oxide and silica cement; (0.6-1.2m) Mudstone, grayish-green,
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