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Opposing pages with va rying colourationor discolourations are filmed twice to ensure the best ' possible image I Les pages s opposant ayant des 3 may appear colorations variables ou des décolorations sont ' ese have been trlmées deux iois aiindobtenir la meilleure image i l poss b e. (ANSI a nd ISO VEST CHART No 2) AP P L IE D IMAG E I l GSJ E ast No un Str eet R ch st r o e e NewYork “609 USA (7 1 6) 482 0300 Phone 7 1 6 ( ) 268 5989 f ox The Chateau de Ramezay de Bamesay . eleventh Gover nor of oine l 708 was bornin rane 1 667 ame p t d . F c c Gom or De N . He was a lleutenant in de with thei r hear t and hand. s ” had the laat of Phi ?L 231 d m fleet around Poa . than o Ra ses - the altar Mar ie Charlotte Denys, a daug hter 0 a de la Rondo. one of the wealthiest families of Canada. ‘ com inarms, do Vaudreuil, at the same time marr ied L o daughter of Pier re de Joy bert de Soulanges. Could they have seeninto the futur e their happiness would have r f was ne a a son f the beenclouded b so row. or it desti d th t o Rm eny aho d be the one to openthe g ates of the E nglish in l 759 and a son of de Vaudreuil likewise. at Montreal. the following year . De Rameeay was one of the most prominwt menof his time. occu ying an offici al position in Canada for a ter m p was n ur la exceeding 0rt years. He Seig e de Geese. de Mon i Boi urent inFr ance an was t gny , de . dinCanada 8ei gneur de Monnoir and de Ram . Kni t of the Militar y Order of St. Louis, Gover nor of ontrea. , and Commandant of all r w the militi a in the count y. and as administr ator of the ’ Governor - Gener alship dur ing the two years absence of de Vaudreuil inFrance. w u 0 The a u as in1 5. Th ne o w Ch tea b ilt 7 e wighb rt as thenthe fashionable par t of the town, and as occupied by ’ the Baronde Longueuil, the Contmcoeur s, dE schambaults, ’ d Alllebousts and Madame de Portneuf. the widow of Bar on Becancour t. Situated ona hill. and opposite to the magnifi cent gar denof the Jesuits, this plain unembellished house tar y tions. the conferences with the Indians the annual f and fur trading mar ket, attracted to the shor ss of l foutr salmot only the G overncM meral the ; E 8 3 5 and to the exalted 5 beneficent Ramezay and his family showed sq Fearless to the Indian or enemy. his ty were uall exemplified inthe er sonal care and attention he and is amily gave to the pfer ing citizens of Montr eal dur ing the post which devastaud the townin1 721 . De Bamezay died in 1 724, and his family sold the Chsteau to the Com des I ndes in l 745. The latter re a ne ss ss onun the ess on in 1 768 en was t i d po e i c i . , wh it w s s of bou Wm. ran ho in ur n to the ht b G t, , t . di po ed it ish ver nment for the sum of It thus became ag ainthe residence remained such up to 1 849. I n 1 76-6 the ea was th ea f e 7 , Chat u e H d uarter s or th Continental Army under Montgomer y. and the spr ing of 1 776 there came BenjaminFr anklin. Carroll of Carrollton. and éamuel Chase. envo s sent b Congr ess to influence the French Canadians to jo the co onies inthe rev olt against r w B itish r ule. Thencame Benedict Ar nold ho occupied the The mar k of the old reception a s is sti seenonthe sa on d i ll w l walls. Lor d Meacalfe as the last resident governor . but for some year s after his establishment in a house the Chetsau was used the er nmen was gov t withdrawnfrom Montreal, the Chateau ser ved sever al pur poses. For some year s courts were held here, and later the Normal School, thencourts again. I n1 894 the Chateau was sold by the Pr ovincial Gover n ment and purchased by the Cor porationof the City of Mont rea for the um sma and n l. N i tic A tiquar ianSociety, which , in 1 895 e . obtaind the building for the pur pose of founding their Hi stor ical Portr ait Galler y and Museum. The Antiquarianand Numismatic Society of Montreal I nths month of December , 1 862, several gentlemancf l entassi , desirous of cultivating the stud of Numisma soms of whom had bsenmeeting inf y for a couple years at the house of Mr . James Per r ier , ju the forms tionof a pr oper ly or li ised associationas t e most effica “ cioua means of attainfi‘ that end formed The Numismatic i was Society of uontreal . The ssal of this soc ety the obver se of the Canadianbronze cent, with an outer cir cle “ inscr ibed SocieteNumismati que de Montr eal . Fondee w ane I nJanuar y, 1 866, the name of the society as ch g d “ to that of the Numismatic and Antiquar ian Societ ” r d ewsea was a o e vis. : a roun s Mont eal an a n l d pt d , d w d a ume bear in an quarteredby a tomaha lr, an c l t , g a“n ti na f dian lamp. anAtheniancoinwi th the head o Miner va, a Cana en t ea of or a and a ea er ;the s e en r e c t wi h h d Vict i B v hi ld ci cl d “ with a bear ing the wor ds : Numismaticss at Archeo politanas Societatis Sigillum. w en e I n1 91 2, the char ter of incor poration as am d d by Act of the Provincial Leg islature and the name of the “ Society changed to The Antiquar ian and Numismatic “ I nJuly , 1 872, the Society beganthe publicationof The CanadianAnti oar iau and Numismatic Journal . Up to the pr esent time ree ser ies making a total of twenty-nine was s n u volumes have beenpublished . It thi Society acti g pon the pr ojects of individual member s of it, that fir st suggested the project of celebrating: the 250th anniversar y of the founding of Montr eal, and pr oposed three things inor der to shed more lustre on so noteworthy an event. Fir st, the erecting of a monument to the memor y of Chomedy de Mai sonnsuvs, the founder of our city second, the savin of the Chateau de Bamessy fr om the destr uctionwith whio it was ;r an s or a e on the thi d, hi t ic l xhibiti by which public mi lit be enlightened regar ding the rar e and precious to be found among st us andwhich the Society is endeavoring to prevent being lost to the countr y for ever . The Society succeeded in br ing ing all thr ee of these ro ects p j to a successful issue, and the result of its labor s in the Chateau m bs ay read inthe pages of this catalogue. HI S H OM O? r a nDU KE OP DE VONSHI RE . W. D LI G HTHALL, E SQ , K. C. F . R. S . C VI TO H RN E WD KC. C R O , SQ . C. A . HAR OO . E SQ . W. H E s . R. cL ACHL AN , q I Z. HASSI OOTTB S. U . BAYLI S, E SQ. G E ORG E DURNFORD, E SQ. B . ALLAN, PHI LLI P S. E SQ. PM E RTON em u . E SQ. I ONTARVI L L E BOU CHE R DE LA DRU M E SQ. COUNCIL. m m E ' J. o. a . 3 SQ. o r. m mvamnarrcoonr w . u n m . w s o. use 1 . A . m am) . neg . o. as. n. LAPALI CE . seq. 0 . N .
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