Pembrokeshire County Council Cyngor Sir Penfro Freedom of Information Request: 10437 Directorate: Resources – Finance & Business Services Response Date: 17/03/2020 Request: Request for information regarding – Transactions over £500 I would like to make a request under the Freedom of Information act for all transactions over £500 from JUL 2019 to DEC 2019. Please provide the data in a machine-readable format (preferably CSV). As a minimum, please be sure to include the date, value, recipient and the procurement category of each transaction. Response: Please see attached spreadsheet. Please note individuals names have been redacted in line with Section 40 of the FOI act. Section 40 – Third party personal information In accordance with section 40(2) of the FOI Act, personal information has been redacted (blanked out) as it relates to a third party. Purchase Cards Transaction - Transaction Transaction - Date Supplier - Name Line Amount 04/09/2019 A J Rees And Sons 508.87 28/11/2019 A J Rees And Sons 527.65 17/10/2019 A J Rees And Sons 546.85 12/09/2019 A J Rees And Sons 562.56 04/09/2019 A J Rees And Sons 566.64 09/12/2019 A J Rees And Sons 577.11 28/11/2019 A J Rees And Sons 584.85 12/12/2019 A J Rees And Sons 587.32 12/09/2019 A J Rees And Sons 590.62 09/12/2019 A J Rees And Sons 596.05 17/10/2019 A J Rees And Sons 640.99 22/11/2019 A J Rees And Sons 646.42 26/09/2019 A J Rees And Sons 676.04 28/11/2019 A J Rees And Sons 716.18 12/09/2019 A J Rees And Sons 817.36 28/11/2019 A J Rees And Sons 886.48 13/11/2019 A J Rees And Sons 909.93 12/09/2019 A J Rees And Sons 947.03 20/09/2019 Aberystwyth University 856.96 22/11/2019 Acop Training Ltd 1140.00 18/11/2019 Activepdf 584.97 19/07/2019 Alexandra Website 516.60 03/12/2019 Allpay *bron Afon Communi 1438.91 14/08/2019 Alob Ltd 750.00 13/12/2019 Amanda Cunliffe Solici 2300.00 11/09/2019 Amazon.Co.Uk 557.82 29/08/2019 Amazon.Co.Uk 600.43 07/09/2019 Amazon.Co.Uk 975.44 30/10/2019 Amazon.Co.Uk 980.00 23/10/2019 Amazon.Co.Uk 1476.28 24/09/2019 Amz*laptops Direct 579.92 24/09/2019 Amznmktplace 523.84 27/06/2019 Amznmktplace 524.99 08/11/2019 Amznmktplace 548.05 07/11/2019 Amznmktplace 697.75 25/09/2019 Amznmktplace 731.91 14/09/2019 Amznmktplace 997.01 25/10/2019 Amznmktplace 3177.99 08/11/2019 Amznmktplace Amazon.Co.Uk 799.50 14/11/2019 Amznmktplace Amazon.Co.Uk 1469.25 21/10/2019 Amznmktplace Amazon.Co.Uk 2225.00 20/11/2019 Amznmktplace Amazon.Co.Uk 2573.10 13/10/2019 Amznmktplace Amazon.Co.Uk 2847.20 20/10/2019 Amznmktplace Amazon.Co.Uk 3820.05 24/09/2019 Angel Springs Ltd 1058.23 13/11/2019 Ao Retail Limited 549.00 04/10/2019 Ao Retail Limited 647.00 05/12/2019 Ao Retail Limited 657.00 11/11/2019 Ao Retail Limited 1998.00 07/11/2019 Argos Direct 530.94 11/09/2019 Argos Retail Group 957.00 17/09/2019 Asda George Com Leeds 1515.00 12/12/2019 Ateb Group Limited 580.26 18/07/2019 Ateb Group Limited 1134.73 28/11/2019 Atebol Cyfyngedig 3799.38 06/09/2019 Atebol Cyfyngedig 4693.25 28/11/2019 Atebol Cyfyngedig 5497.84 06/09/2019 Atebol Cyfyngedig 5536.81 28/11/2019 Atebol Cyfyngedig 5577.18 19/07/2019 Atebol Cyfyngedig 6090.73 06/11/2019 Ats Euromaster 638.81 24/07/2019 Ats Euromaster 653.88 24/09/2019 Ats Euromaster 930.88 16/09/2019 Ats Euromaster 3927.25 24/07/2019 Ats Euromaster 20604.53 06/11/2019 Ats Euromaster 21643.58 05/12/2019 B & M Retail 652.80 21/10/2019 Baker Ross 691.55 03/07/2019 Batteries Specialists 804.00 03/12/2019 Bell Decorating Group 2040.00 12/08/2019 Bell Decorating Group 2280.00 07/10/2019 Bell Decorating Group 2712.00 01/07/2019 Bell Decorating Group 3280.80 28/08/2019 Bell Decorating Group 8728.80 27/06/2019 Better Equipped 639.67 13/12/2019 Bic Innovation Ltd 600.00 20/12/2019 Big Brums Limited 504.25 25/10/2019 Big Brums Limited 526.00 17/10/2019 Big Brums Limited 598.50 17/12/2019 Big Brums Limited 652.00 13/08/2019 Big Brums Limited 653.58 04/09/2019 Big Brums Limited 668.50 19/11/2019 Big Brums Limited 867.61 25/07/2019 Blackwater Hostel 4200.00 18/10/2019 Bookpoint Limited 1230.27 11/11/2019 Boots Flu Vouchers 925.00 15/11/2019 Boots Flu Vouchers 1299.00 13/09/2019 Bt Pay By Phone 813.98 07/11/2019 C K Office Furnitu 1344.00 12/11/2019 Caer Beris Manor Hotel 540.00 04/07/2019 Cantre Mobility 2682.00 14/11/2019 Cantre Mobility 2752.20 02/10/2019 Cantre Mobility 2874.00 20/08/2019 Cantre Mobility 3567.60 20/08/2019 Cantre Mobility 5904.00 14/11/2019 Cantre Mobility 6666.00 05/11/2019 Capita Bus Svs-Moto 3032.70 05/11/2019 Capita Bus Svs-Moto 5216.24 04/07/2019 Capricorn Contract Furnis 1238.40 18/07/2019 Car Hire Days Of Swans 526.56 01/08/2019 Car Hire Days Of Swans 526.56 18/09/2019 Car Hire Days Of Swans 526.56 18/10/2019 Car Hire Days Of Swans 526.56 18/11/2019 Car Hire Days Of Swans 526.56 18/12/2019 Car Hire Days Of Swans 526.56 09/07/2019 Car Hire Days Of Swans 528.74 01/08/2019 Car Hire Days Of Swans 528.74 05/09/2019 Car Hire Days Of Swans 528.74 08/10/2019 Car Hire Days Of Swans 528.74 19/11/2019 Car Hire Days Of Swans 528.74 07/12/2019 Car Hire Days Of Swans 528.74 24/07/2019 Car Hire Days Of Swans 590.02 23/07/2019 Car Hire Days Of Swans 590.02 02/08/2019 Car Hire Days Of Swans 590.02 01/08/2019 Car Hire Days Of Swans 590.02 17/09/2019 Car Hire Days Of Swans 590.02 17/12/2019 Car Hire Days Of Swans 590.02 01/08/2019 Car Hire Days Of Swans 594.00 16/09/2019 Car Hire Days Of Swans 594.00 16/10/2019 Car Hire Days Of Swans 594.00 16/11/2019 Car Hire Days Of Swans 594.00 17/12/2019 Car Hire Days Of Swans 594.00 12/11/2019 Car Hire Days Of Swans 613.87 09/12/2019 Car Hire Days Of Swans 613.87 19/12/2019 Car Hire Days Of Swans 638.40 19/12/2019 Car Hire Days Of Swans 638.40 19/12/2019 Car Hire Days Of Swans 638.40 05/12/2019 Cardiff Council Epay 534.56 10/12/2019 Cardiff Council Epay 759.86 12/07/2019 Cardiff Council Epay 1300.00 05/12/2019 Cardiff Council Epay 1400.23 05/12/2019 Cardiff Council Epay 1412.57 05/12/2019 Cardiff Council Epay 1472.70 05/12/2019 Cardiff Council Epay 1527.12 10/12/2019 Cardiff Council Epay 1751.03 05/12/2019 Cardiff Council Epay 2028.59 29/10/2019 Carms County Counc 798.91 19/08/2019 Carms County Counc 824.17 13/11/2019 Carms County Counc 824.17 24/07/2019 Carms County Counc 1060.00 01/08/2019 Carms County Counc 1421.19 03/10/2019 Carms County Counc 1446.36 01/08/2019 Carms County Counc 2056.61 03/10/2019 Carms County Counc 2074.21 01/08/2019 Carms County Counc 2194.81 03/10/2019 Carms County Counc 2223.46 12/08/2019 Carms County Counc 3231.53 15/10/2019 Carms County Counc 3562.42 03/10/2019 Carms County Counc 4479.18 03/10/2019 Carms County Counc 4564.43 01/08/2019 Carms County Counc 4623.25 03/10/2019 Carms County Counc 4677.80 01/08/2019 Carms County Counc 4697.70 19/11/2019 Carms County Counc 5869.00 01/08/2019 Carms County Counc 6154.39 03/10/2019 Carms County Counc 6253.20 25/07/2019 Carms County Counc 7159.20 29/10/2019 Carms County Counc 7195.20 12/08/2019 Carms County Counc 17374.74 10/09/2019 Carms County Counc 17374.74 15/10/2019 Carms County Counc 18477.79 06/08/2019 Carms County Counc 39552.08 01/08/2019 Carms County Counc 50000.00 25/07/2019 Carms County Counc 52295.40 15/11/2019 Carms County Counc 54492.70 20/11/2019 Castell Howell Ltd 616.04 14/10/2019 Ccs Media Ltd, 1038.00 18/07/2019 Ccs Media Ltd, 1702.68 12/11/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 500.59 18/11/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 503.24 22/10/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 504.65 05/11/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 505.61 05/09/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 509.72 12/11/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 509.76 04/12/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 514.32 26/09/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 515.23 24/09/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 515.68 10/09/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 516.42 22/11/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 520.42 29/11/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 520.42 26/09/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 520.83 05/12/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 522.96 02/07/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 524.29 27/06/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 524.56 10/12/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 527.05 03/07/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 527.38 28/10/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 532.48 28/06/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 538.34 18/10/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 539.98 18/10/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 545.38 12/09/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 549.14 03/10/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 549.37 20/09/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 549.54 11/07/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 549.80 19/09/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 552.24 19/09/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 553.72 06/09/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 555.11 11/10/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 555.66 03/09/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 556.67 11/10/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 559.24 05/07/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 561.58 26/09/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 562.27 19/12/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 564.24 03/10/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 566.08 08/10/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 566.54 15/11/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 570.83 03/10/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 573.18 03/10/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 573.24 08/07/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 573.25 03/07/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 577.87 13/11/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 584.45 09/09/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 587.58 15/11/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 588.49 28/06/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 589.91 08/11/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 594.49 01/10/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 597.69 04/07/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 597.71 17/09/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 598.05 06/09/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 598.53 03/12/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 598.78 10/12/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 599.42 12/11/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 599.70 13/12/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 604.82 14/10/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 605.48 27/11/2019 Celtic Foodservices Li 607.25 07/10/2019
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