June 18, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1269 gap between the retirement of the current zations and Catholic charities. Russert was retirement in 1993 and was one of the first space shuttle in 2010 and the launch of the concerned with the welfare of children in the surgeons in the Nation to successfully sepa- new Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle and Ares community, and specifically those who lost rate conjoined twins. Deeply committed to his I Crew Launch Vehicle in 2015. During this their lives to gun violence. practice and the pursuit of education, Dr. time, the U.S. will lose all human spaceflight On behalf of the people of the 11th Con- Votteler’s compassion, skill and spirit will be capability and will be forced to rely on foreign gressional District in Ohio and the United deeply missed in the community. nations to carry our astronauts to the Inter- States Congress, I extend my heartfelt sym- Born in 1927 in Portland, Oregon to Theo- national Space Station. These outsourced pathy. dore and Mary Gladys Parry Votteler, the fam- space flights are estimated to cost around f ily moved to the Dallas area in 1939. Mr. $700 million to $1 billion. The gap is also ex- Votteler graduated from Highland Park High pected to have adverse effects on our national IN RECOGNITION OF THE RETIRE- School and was attending the University of economy. NASA estimates that as many as MENT OF HARMON MASSEY Texas at Austin when he enlisted for the Navy 2,300 people could lose their jobs at Johnson FROM THE OFFICE OF THE in 1945. After serving his country, he went to Space Center in Houston as the shuttle fleet FLORIDA STATE ATTORNEY Tulane University School of Medicine where is retired. The funds that are included in this he graduated in 1951. In 1960, he was appointed medical director bill will help to accelerate the development of HON. JEFF MILLER of surgical services and director of general our next generation human spaceflight sys- OF FLORIDA surgery at Children’s Medical Center in Dallas. tems and minimize the undesirable con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Dr. Votteler performed one of seven success- sequences of this transitional period. Wednesday, June 18, 2008 ful separations of conjoined twins in 1978 and H.R. 6063 also includes funding for a wide became an international authority on conjoined range of different NASA initiatives such as Mr. MILLER of Florida. Madam Speaker, on behalf of the United States Congress, it is an separations and pediatric surgery. space weather research and robotics develop- In 2007, Dr. Votteler returned to the Univer- honor for me to rise today in recognition of ment. The bill allows NASA to maintain a di- sity of Texas at Austin to complete his Bach- Harmon O. Massey, Jr., upon his retirement verse portfolio of projects in science, aero- elor of Arts degree in Biology. During his ca- from the office of the Florida State attorney. nautics, and space exploration. By creating reer, Dr. Votteler received many awards in- Mr. Massey’s commitment to his country more quality jobs in this technical sector, we cluding the Children’s Medical Center Distin- will be able to encourage future generations of and community spans several decades and guished Service Award and the Tulane Med- students to pursue studies in science, tech- has taken on many forms. In 1965, Mr. ical School Lifetime Achievement Award. nology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) Massey was awarded wings as an Air Force Madam Speaker, the medical field has lost related fields. Creating this skilled workforce is pilot. With over 950 hours spent in combat an astounding surgeon; I send my condo- an important step towards protecting our eco- and 150 missions, Mr. Massey has dutifully lences to his wife, Vermelle Votteler, and his nomic strength, our global competitiveness, devoted his time to assignments across the sons and daughters-in law, Tad and Sally and our national security. globe including the ARC Light mission in Anne Votteler and Todd and Sharmon Sullivan Since its inception in 1958, NASA has been Southeast Asia. As a reflection of his immense Votteler. In addition, he is survived by his responsible for countless innovations and sci- bravery, valor, and dedication, Mr. Massey grandchildren Alexis Sutton Votteler, Theodore entific breakthroughs. For decades, it has was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross Paul Votteler III, Anna Grace Votteler, Vitoria symbolized our Nation’s position as the global as well as six Air Medals commending his out- Frances Votteler, and one granddaughter on leader in space exploration and research. I am standing service. Despite his resignation in the way, Carol Elizabeth Votteler. proud to support H.R. 6063 so that NASA will 1973, Mr. Massey continued his military serv- f be able to build upon its own prestigious leg- ice by enrolling in the Air Force Inactive Re- acy as we move forward into this new millen- serve and serving as an Air Force Judge Ad- TRIBUTE TO MOUNT KEMBLE nium. vocate. HOME, OF MORRISTOWN, NEW JERSEY f In addition to his military service, Mr. Massey vigorously dedicated himself to the HONORING THE LIFE OF TIMOTHY civic aspect of his community. From 1999 to HON. RODNEY P. FRELINGHUYSEN JOHN RUSSERT, JR. June 2008, Mr. Massey served as a mis- OF NEW JERSEY demeanor and felony prosecutor as well as a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SPEECH OF supervisor for the office of the Florida State at- Wednesday, June 18, 2008 HON. STEPHANIE TUBBS JONES torney. Mr. Massey participates in a number of Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. Madam Speaker, I OF OHIO community groups including ARC Santa Rosa, rise today to honor the Mount Kemble Home, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in which he was chairman of the board, of Morristown, Morris County, New Jersey. On Kiwanis, in which he was president of the Tuesday, June 17, 2008 June 22, 2008, the residents and staff at the Santa Rosa Chapter, and the Santa Rosa Mount Kemble Home will be celebrating its Mrs. JONES of Ohio. Madam Speaker, I Kids House in which he is currently the chair- 125th anniversary. rise to honor a staple in the American house- person of the board of directors. The Mount Kemble Home was founded in hold on Sunday mornings, a political commen- The civilian duties Mr. Massey has per- 1883 by a group of parishioners from the Mor- tator, Tim Russert, whose untimely passing on formed, as well as his outstanding tenure in ristown Presbyterian Church as a refuge for Friday, June 13th in a Washington Bureau of the Air Force, is a sign of his dedication and women in need of a home. The Mount Kemble NBC News has been a devastation for Ameri- valor. Madam Speaker, on behalf of the Home has been assisting women in the lower cans everywhere. Tim Russert, 58, was a na- United States Congress, I am proud to honor income bracket for over 125 years. tive of Buffalo, New York and the NBC News’ Harmon O. Massey for his enduring allegiance The Mount Kemble Home provides each Washington Bureau Chief. to our great Nation and the State of Florida. resident with a quality one-room apartment, Russert was an advocate of strong family f complete with cooking facilities. There are two values founded on principles of love and sup- living rooms with comfortable chairs for read- HONORING DR. THEODORE PAUL port as displayed in his dedicated marriage ing, watching television, or playing the piano. VOTTELER with his wife, Maureen Orth, and his continued The front and back porches further enhance encouragement of his son, Luke. the Home with wonderful views of the sur- A passionate news journalist and attorney, HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON rounding neighborhood. Tim Russert accomplished many accolades OF TEXAS The Mount Kemble Home relies on dona- throughout his lifetime. As a bestselling author IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tions from the community and volunteer work and inspiration to many, Russert also devoted to keep the Home open, as the rent charged Wednesday, June 18, 2008 his time to athletics as an elected member of is only 25 percent of the residents’ income. the Baseball Hall of Fame board of directors Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. For 125 years the Mount Kemble Home has and as an avid supporter of the Washington Madam Speaker, it is with great sadness that been providing women in Morris County the Nationals and Washington Wizards. I recognize the passing of Dr. Theodore Paul opportunity to afford quality housing in a com- Tim Russert was a devout Catholic that Votteler of Dallas, Texas. Named to Best Doc- fortable and safe environment. Its staff, volun- spent much of his time giving back to the tors of America from 1996–2000, Dr. Votteler teers, and charitable donors are to be com- community by offering aid to non-profit organi- performed over 25,000 operations before his mended for their hard work. VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:04 Jun 19, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18JN8.050 E18JNPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC60 with REMARKS.
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