PHILADELPHIA ® June 2006 The Monthly Newspaper of the Philadelphia Bar Association Vol. 35, No. 6 YLD Celebrates Law Week Discussion Boards Now Available at Bar Web Site by Mark A. Tarasiewicz Philadelphia Bar Association mem- bers have a powerful new tool for exchanging information with their col- leagues on practice-related issues and other topics of interest with the launch of the Association’s new Discussion Forums network at philadelphiabar.org. Discussion Forums have been created for members of every Section and the Young Lawyers Division. Forums will soon be launched for the Association’s Photo by Jeff Lyons Committees, as well as Committees with- in Sections. Attorneys Edward Goldis (left) and Joel C. Trotter offer legal advice during the Young Lawyers Division’s Law Fair at the Gallery at Market Any Bar Association member who is a East on May 3. The Law Fair was part of the YLD annual Law Week celebration. More coverage of Law Week events, Pages 12 and 13. member in good standing of one of these groups has instant access to the Discussion Forum for that group by log- 2006 Bench-Bar Conference ging in to their personalized homepage at philadelphiabar.org, and clicking “My Discussion Forums” at the bottom of the Media Relations Panel page. Members can also access the For- ums through a link on the right side of Section and YLD homepages. to Explore Viewpoints For example, a member of the Family Law Section can post a topic in the Sub- by Beth Huffman and the media have different needs ject line that might be called, “Satisfact- The viewpoint of the bench, and goals when it comes to high-pub- ion of Debt.” He or she can then write thoughts from two of the area’s top lit- licity cases, they need each other to continued on page 14 igators and the perspective of the me- accomplish those goals. The panel, dia will be considered as the Young which includes Jane L. Dalton, Chan- Lawyers Division presents a media and cellor-Elect of the Association; Hon. In This Issue ... ethics CLE seminar at the 2006 Bench- Frederica A. Massiah-Jackson, the Im- 4 Federal Bench-Bar Doyle to Moderate Seminar Bar Conference, scheduled for Sept. 29- mediate-Past President Judge of the Emmy-winning journalist Lynn Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas; 30 at The Quarter at The Tropicana in 6 Section’s 15th Year Doyle of CN8, the Comcast Network, Atlantic City. and Abraham C. Reich, who served as will moderate a panel on judicial Using a panel discussion, the semi- Chancellor of Association in 1995, will 10 Mfume to Speak June 19 independence at the Association’s nar will examine how to develop good discuss how each faction can get what Bench-Bar Conference on Sept. 29 relationships between lawyers and the they want and need to do their jobs 13 Law Week Wrap-Up in Atlantic City. See Page 19 for media within the bounds of the Rules effectively without setting off any ethi- 20 Bar Night at the Phillies more information. of Professional Conduct. While lawyers cal landmines. continued on page 18 KNIPES-COHEN COURT REPORTING Celebrating 40 Years of Service to the Legal 215-928-9300 Com umunity. ROBERT COHEN, PRESIDENT COURT REPORTING • VIDEOGRAPHY • VIDEOCONFERENCING 400 Market St., 11th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19106 (P) 800-544-9800 • www.knipescohen.com • (F) 215-627-0555 A CONDOMINIUM RESIDENCE Now Available—move in 2006 from the mid-$200’s VISIT OUR SALES GALLERY AND MODELS Distinguished homes featuring • 32 UNIQUE residence styles • EXTRAORDINARY VIEWS • Direct Access from lobby to suburban station concourse • 24-HOUR CONCIERGE FOR YOUR PERSONAL APPOINTMENT phillyphoenix.com 16th and Arch Streets philadelphia, pa 215-854-1770 2 JUNE 2006 / BAR REPORTER Association Remains Relevant, Needed by Alan M. Feldman amining just about every contempo- in technology, management, marketing rary issue that might affect you profes- or finance, just call the LPM hotline at From time to time, over the course FRONTLINE sionally, including such diverse matters (215) 238-6314. of my 30 years practicing law, I’ve as offering law practice management Insurance Requirements heard colleagues question the relev- services, the possibility of CLE credit If some members belong to the ance of the Philadelphia Bar Associa- for pro bono service, developing plans Association because of the insurance tion, and whether it really matters if for the legal community’s response to products we make available through they belong or not. Thus, a few part- the possibility of a pandemic, and re- USI Colburn, and the unmatched level ners in larger firms have said to me examining our relationship with the of service provided by Assistant Exec- “we have our own committees, in- Jenkins Law Library. utive Director Paul Kazaras, who could house publications and firm-sponsored Want to be a part of the excitement? blame them? Our staples, such as pro- social events: why do we need the Bar You can join a section or committee fessional liability coverage, medical Association?” And from some collea- online by visiting philadelphiabar.org; insurance and life and disability poli- gues at small firms, I’ve been told that forces, joint bench-bar projects and it’s really that easy. If you have an cies, are regularly reviewed by our were it not for their need for group more, every Philadelphia lawyer has interest in one of the special projects Insurance Programs Committee to health insurance and malpractice cov- the opportunity to enrich himself or I’ve described (or perhaps another that make sure that Bar Associa-tion-end- erage, they could do without the Bar herself professionally in his or her cho- you’ve been thinking about), contact orsed insurance products offer quality Association as well. sen specialty. All Association members me at [email protected]. coverage at competitive rates. Those of Are they right? Our executive dir- can attend meetings with colleagues Law Practice Management you who have experienced a coverage ector for the past three decades, Ken from their area of practice, hear terrific I wrote about this last month, so I issue know that Paul is always there to Shear, has come up with what I think speakers address topics of interest, and won’t beat the drum again here (and help resolve your concern. is the best test of whether we’re neces- experience the pleasure of getting to you hear a podcast of all of my col- For a complete list of endorsed sary. Ken asks, if there wasn’t a Phila- know colleagues (and even opponents) umns on the Association’s Web site). insurance products, visit www.col- delphia Bar Association, would we better. And one’s professional develop- But if a bar association’s relevance is to burn.com/philadelphiabar. My col- have to invent one? It’s a fair question. ment need not be limited to a substan- be gauged by the support it provides leagues from small firms were right: Let’s answer it. tive area of law; if you’re interested, for to lawyers and law firms for the busi- continued on page 15 Professional Development example, in the rights of women or ness of practicing law, then I’m delight- Any bar association worth its salt minorities, professional responsibility ed to let you know that you belong to PHILADELPHIA should help support the professional issues or volunteer opportunities, there the first local bar association in the growth and development of its mem- is a Bar Association committee com- country to develop its own law practice bers. Do we? Well, with nine energetic posed of lawyers who share your inter- management division. To access our sections, more than 60 committees and ests. And specialized committees and brand new and exclusive free one- an ever-changing assortment of task task forces of the Association are ex- hour consultation benefit with experts Editor-in-Chief Molly Peckman, Esq. Chancellor’s Forum Associate Editors Sunah Park, Esq. Lawrence S. Felzer, Esq. Program on Diversity Beyond Large Firms June 5 Heather J. Holloway, Esq. Stacey Z. Jumper, Esq. Top officers from Philadelphia-area general counsel to the Redevelopment Hairston Jr., vice president for Govern- Asima Panigrahi, Esq. law firms that have had success in div- Authority of the City, deputy director ment Affairs and Community Relations ersifying their work force will share for Community Legal Services and city and deputy general counsel for the Contributing Editor Richard Max Bockol, Esq. stories and discuss best practices for solicitor of the City of Philadelphia. Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia; reaching diversity goals at the Chan- Melissa M. Gomez, Ph.D., a trial con- Deborah R. Willig, the first woman to Advisory Editors cellor’s Forum: “Diversity Beyond the sultant for TrialGraphix, will give a pre- serve as Chancellor of the Philadelphia Bruce H. Bikin, Esq. Large Firms” on Monday, June 5 at the sentation on hiring and retaining min- Bar Association; Louis S. Rulli, a profes- Merih O. Erhan, Esq. Pennsylvania Bar Institute’s CLE Con- ority attorneys as well as the impact sor of law at the University of Pennsyl- Marc W. Reuben, Esq. ference Center located on the 10th diverse counsel has on business devel- vania Law School; and James A.A. Pab- Director of New Media and Publications floor of the Wanamaker Building at 100 opment and during trial proceedings. arue, a Philadelphia attorney with ex- Mark A. Tarasiewicz Penn Square East. Karen Jackson Vaughn, the diversity tensive experience in the areas of em- Managing Editor The forum will focus on helping program manager for Saul Ewing LLP, ployment law, sexual harassment, racial Jeff Lyons mid-sized and small law firms as well will moderate a panel discussion on and gender discrimination, FMLA and Copy Editor as public interest law agencies with at- creating a progressive diversity model.
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