YOUR STATIONERY NEEDS Bay -only from responsible merchants. Supplied quIcMy and pleasingly by the Consult Times advertising column for Times Job Printing Department stores of proved' integrity. AND THE SHORE TIMES VOL. LVXIV No, 14 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1944 FIV E CENTS Three Square Bones A Day! Warning Against Careless Dumping; MID-YEAR SESSION OF and West Grove Join CONFERENCE FRIDAY Trailer License Fee Proposed The New Brunswick district In Holy W eek Services In St. Paul’s section of the mid-year session of the New Jersey Confer­ Township Com m ittee Passes O rdinance Three.>Hour Passion 'Service This A fternoon; ence will meet in St. Paul’s church Friday, April 14. This O n First Reading License Fee M usic O n Sunday. will be an important all-day A t $5.00 a M onth. session attended by all the for the men of the official boards, ministers of four districts. Pointing to Easter Sun­ officers of the men’s organiza­ The district superintendents day, Holy Week will b,e tions, and men teachers In the •Dumping of trash in vac­ Two Neptune M en will preside and mid-year re- climaxed with a three hour ant lots of the township is a schools, Rev, Smith, will pi-each iports will be received from all Passion service starting at on the topic, “Forgotten Men.” O n Lost Transport the. churches. Dinner will be violation of a local ordi­ noon today, Good Friday. Saturday will feature Young * served at the church by mem­ nance and violators will be People’s Night at 7:30, at: which Sgt, Gray, Formerly on , bers of the local W. S. C. S. St. Paul’s united with severely dealt with was the Strand Theatre Staff, and W;est Grove church this time a consecration service for the . young people of the choirs and warning issued by Police Corp. Disbrow, Reported : week in daily services at the schools of both churches, and offi­ Commissioner' .H erm an S. Among 1,000 Missing. former church. At the Passion cers of the youth groups will be service today the “Seven Words Johnson at the meeting of Petit Jury Panel held. A seli'-charting' talk, “My Staff Sgt. John C. Gray and From the Cross,” will be present­ the township committee Life Story,” will be presented by Corp. Thomas C. Disbrow, both of ed by the following ministers: Tuesday night. Listed In County Rev. Smith, A social hour will Neptune, were reported to have S. M. Smalley, Carlisle L. Hub­ follow . ■ A public dump is provided for been among the . 1,000 missing bard, Donald S. Stacey, B. S. Twenty-Four From Township, Easter will commence with a the disposal of trash, said Mr. when an Allied troop transport Crowcroft, Herbert J. Belting, Including Five From Grove, great Sunriso Service and proces­ Johnson. It is located on West ship was torpedoed and sunk in George H. Jackson and Penning­ Named for April Term, Start­ sion leaving the church nt 5:45. Bangs avenue. The hours , for European waters last November. ton Corson Rev. Smith will pre­ ing on the 18th. The committee in charge of the dumping are 7:00 a, m. to 3:00 Their families received word last side and conduct the closing lit­ service is as. follows. August p. m. 'There; Is a caretaker there w eek. any of consecration .Stoll, Bleeclccr Stirling and John to direct the dumping, and resi­ Both men were attached to the The April term petit Jury for This evening a . special service G. Syms. Rev. Donald Stacey will dents of Neptune, Ocean Grove and air . corps and had previously been Monmouth county was drawn by will, be held, featuring an instal­ That's what this stray puppy when he followed a Coast d eliv er r.he ad d ress, “ T he G arden Asbury Park may use the premi­ listed as missing by the war de­ Under-sheriff Ira E. Wolcott and (iudrdsman to a USO Club IT Jacksonville, Florida, recently. Maybe lation md consecration service of Light.” ' This service will be ses freely; all others must secure partment since November 26, 1943. Herman Epstein., . commissioners, i-.ell settle for a puppy biscuit. Anyway "Yotvco” (that’s the way held at the foot of Ocean Path­ a permit from the police depart* Sfet, Gray’s wife, Mrs. Jeanette in the presence of Judge J. Edward the Jacksonville boys insist it’s pronounced) uns a nice homelike place now, as assistant club director Rhobin Taylor outfits bits', with a dis­ way and will be led by the Sal­ ment, Among offenders who have Gray, 1521 Seventh avenue, and , .Knight, in Freehold on Tuesday. tinguished stomacher. CpI. Robert L. Robert;, the adoptee, holds him. W oodring Unopposed vation Army Band, ii weather been dumping haphazardly on Corp. Disbrow’s mother, Mrs. Car­ ; Those from Neptuhe township prevents, the’service will be held vacant lots ore said to be collect­ rie Disbrow, 12 New street, were ^ and the periods they will serve are, In G . O . P. Primaries in St. Paul’s church. ors of trash, in Ocean Grove. notified of the loss of tho troop­ ns follows: April 18 to May 12—; Thom pson and H erbert Special music-.will'be heard by The collector’s report for the ship and of 1,000 of the personnel Julia Lawlor, housewife, 1215 FORMER POLICE CHIEF Yesterday Was Last Day the Cecelian and Senior choirs at ■month of March was read by Clerk aboard. No further details were Ninth avenue; George A. Parker, ENJOYS 96th BIRTHDAY for Filing with Ocean Grove A ssem bly Candidates the regular morning service. Rev. John W. Knox. Total collections given. - ! manager, Oxford W ay, and Gen­ Hotel'M an Only Candidate Smith will speak on “Life Begins amounted to $24,232. Included Sgt. Gray will be remembered eva Gravatt, housewife, 1130 Cor­ Frank “Chief’' Tantum is' on Republican Ticket.for Announce Their Candidacies at Easter.” The Assembly Bible were 1944 taxes, $9,684; 1943, by Ocean Grove residents as hav­ lies avenue, all of Neptune.. now-entering his 97th year. Sheriff. for Reelection ia Republican Class will also observe the day $3,434; 1942 and prior, $171. Tax ing been for a number of years on ! Term beginning May 15 and end­ .Yesterday he .celebrated his P rim a ry . in their afternoon Meeting with title liens continue to be redeemed the staff of the Strand Theatre at ing June 2—Wesley Brock, banker, 9Gth birthday at his home, 135 Morris J. Woodring, of Ocean a study of the Easter story. Rev. ir; tlie amount of $3,356. Rents the North End boardwalk. He is 27 Olin street, and Rena Megill, Cookman avenue, where he Merrill H. Thompson and J. Grove, is unopposed ir the Re­ B. S. Crowcroft is the teacher of in the month of March amounted the first casualty among tho seven telephone operator, 143 Broadway, Was the recipient of a large Stanley Herbert this week an­ publican primaries for the office this class. Special music by to $2,406. former employees of the Strand both of Ocean Grove; also Mae stack of congratulatory cards nounced their candidacies in the of sheriff. The time for filJng ex­ guest, soloists will feature the who are in tho armed forces. Phillips, housewife, 1115 Ninth ave­ and letters. Mr. Tantum, re­ Trailers Must Be Licensed Republican primary for l-eelection pired yesterday. evening service at 7:30, when . '_ _ v — - \ nue; Reuben Lewis, electrician, tired police chief, if one of An. ordinance' regulating and li­ to the New Jersey House of As­ In a statement issued yester­ Rev. Smith will deliver his mes­ censing of trailers and trailer 1501 Corlies avenue, and Alvin Occean Grove’s pioneers, and' sembly. -1,. < v i day, Mr. Woodring said: sage, “The Final Note is a Noto Martin, caiyenter, State Highway has lived here for three- camps in the township was passed Missionary To China Assemblyman Meirill H. Thomp­ “For the second time the leaders of Jo y .” No. 33, all of Neptune, quarters of a century. He is by the committee on first reading son is president of -the Thompson of the Republican party have asked Term from June 5 to June 30— in good health and still en­ or, motion of Committeeman John­ To Address W. S. C. S. Coal company of South Main me; to be a candidate for the oflice Marion Reed, housewife, 119 Ab­ Joys his visits to the firehouse. son, -seconded by Committeeman street, Neptune, and resides in of Sheriff on a regular Republican Miss Edith Fredericks, former bott avenue; Ada Natter, dress­ Mr. Tantum has three sons L ovem an. Interlaken, where the served on tho tic k e t Elizabeth Hannah evangelistic missionary of Kaui maker, 129 Heck avenue, and and three daughters. They A fee of $5.00 will be charged borough council. is a graduate “In 1938, when I.:\vas first a Kangi, China, will be the guest Viola Buxton, clerk, 98 I.awrence are Dr. Horace Tantum, of Wed At Parsonage ^ for a period of one month for a of Rutgers University. Assembly­ candidate, I-pledged the citizens speaker at the regular meeting of avenue, all of Oceari Grove; also Nutiey; William, Philadelphia; trailer permit upon-.application to man Thompson - Served ... in - tho of Monmouth County to conduct the Woman's Society of Christian Gladys' Evans, housewife, 1215 John, East Orange; Miss The morriogi! of Miss Elizabeth tho. license collector. No - trailer Navy in World War No.
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