$c 20 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Sat.. May 22. 1982 BUSIISESS I Watkins plan Manchester becomes invite Renoir bites the dust more complicated into your home Cost of drug abuse is skyrocketing . page 3 . J page 6 . page 9 > '*'* conservative yet tragically high figure — higher than morphine — endorphin — m ay lead us to u n d ersta ^ that of any other developed country in the Western that the heroin addict’s brain may not produce a The United States is a society that spends at least $120 flcient amount of endorphin. That’s a concept w Manchester, Conn. world. BILLIO N a year on drug abuse and its consequences. couldn’t have considered 10 years ago, let alone hav6 Rain tonight; Ours is a nation in which up to 40 million people use Your W H A T ’ S M O R E , accounting in past for the trend Monday, May 24. 1982 tested. Antagonists, to block the effects of drugs aflfl clearing Tuesday marijuana, 15 million use cocaine and in which thereare reversals are certain social changes over which we have remove the craving for them, are in the making one about 500,000 heroin addicts. Since 1972 our use of Money's Single copy 25<t little control. Nationally, drug abuse peaked in the late for marijuana. M m l h cocaine has risen faster than our use of marijuana, ac­ — See page 2 Worth 1970s along with the percentage of the population among BUT, NEW AND MORE powerful psychedeUc drugs' cording to the Narcotics Intelligence Estimate. Over adolescents and young adults and then drug abuse began are In the future. In a decade or two, flieir usage wlll^ the past five years, cocaine-related admissions to drug- Sylvia Porter to decline. Coincidentally, so did record sales. Inflation double — with unforeseen results. ; ^ abuse clinics have soared 300 percent, reporte the and cuts and spending money added their Impact. National Institute of Drug Abuse. ^ There were changes in perception, too hovvever. Do not forget! LSD, PCP and the amphetamines were Although considered non-addictive and an enter­ Marijuana is no longer seen as “ no big deal,” as in the virtually unknown only 20 to 30 years ago, the warning Ji- tainment” drug by many of iU users, cocaine has ruined wrapped up in one statistic: At least $120 billion a yegh. “ angel dust,” dropped more than 50 percent from 1979 late 1960s. Among high school seniors, 30 percent to 55 Top court careers, destroyed families and businesses and taken percent now see regular use of marijuana as damaging. is wasted on drug abuse in our society alone. ' to 1981, or from 7 percent to 3.2 percent. the lives of people whose names are household words. ( “ Sylvia P orter’s N ew Money Book for the 80s,” 1,3^, On the negative side, though, the use of am phetam ine “ Since we began telling kids that experimenting with Yet, the typical user is affluent, white, in his 20s or 30s pages of down-to-earth advice on personal money- and over-the-counter diet and pep pills has increasM drugs would endanger, and might cost them, -their and apt to be a professional man, an athlete or an enter­ management, is now available through her coluirti. Both si(Jes autonomy rather than gain it for them, we ve been will decide sharply. Pollin calls the marijuana drop “ the inost sub­ tainer. ,. listened to,” Pollin stresses. There also is an increasing­ Send $9.95 plus $1 for mailing and handling to “ SylvfW Every estimate above is, if anything so conservative stantial single decline we’ve seen since the increase Porter’s New Money Book for the 80s,” in care of this started in the 1960s.” But there’s still a long way to go. ly negative attitude toward drugs and dramatic declines 2 it must err on the low side. Yet, this is a risk Dr. newspaper, 4400 Johnson Drive, Fairway, Kan. 66205. An overwhelming two-thirds of the high school class in their usage at the college level, some surveys show. William Pollin, director of the prestigious National ’The discovery that the brain manufactures its own Make checks payable to Universal Press Syndicate.) on abortion Institute of Drug Abuse, insists on taking — for just as of ’81 admitted to some drug use, the N ID A reports, a you cannot measure the cost to society of drug abuse in see losses WASHINGTON (UPI) - The terms of damaged or lost lives and expectations, so you Supreme Court, stepping into the cannot measure it in terms of dollars either. The very J 1 ? .-■ casualties must be kept to a most important abortion controver­ nature of the subject - ranging from the shameful to sy in nearly a decade, today agreed the illicit to the criminal — tends to prevent the ac­ BritCnn QG ltinQ minimum. “ We are not going to fiddle to settle the power of state and local cumulation of “ hard” data. ____________ « around,” a British government governments to place limits on a 4 __ COUPON BEHIND THE STAGGERING total of $120 billion a SAVE i l o M a mOr& supporr source said Sunday. woman’s right to an abortion. year in drug abuse costs lie a number of estimates. The ■ Kingsford Charcoal Country Time Lemonade • Clear skies were expected ■ to The justices will hear joint National Narcotics Intelligence Consumer Committee, ^ 2 . 4 0 i BW OUET8 replace cloudy weather that bad appeals in six cases, focusing on the I n wWtlNs*h»ble coupon, urn* ewpw WNh M t uatwaMa eaiwsn. UNW on * M r a federal interagency group that lists NID A among its with these customof.VBdMwlS-W.ltMXXorooimodblow ■ V>MMM»eMfawWorMSW>db ‘ ^ , shrouded the Falklands during-a constitutionality of state abortion members and is chaired by the Justice Department's fiy United Press International storm that as rapidly passing over laws in Virginia and Missouri, as Drug Enforcement Agency, offers the following es­ SUPER Britain said it downed seven, and islands, well as a local ordinance in Akron, l l I 55^1 L J ' L Ohio. timates of the range of street values of drugs for 1980 in „ _ _ 1 possibly 10, Argentine fighters but Buenos Aires, the military billions of dollars: COUPONS admitted one of its frigates was bur- command Mid it lost only one com- The move to settle the disputes $ 7.9 to $ 9.5 could result in the most significant Heroin COUPON ning today following fierce air, sea P*®"® during attacks Sunday on 26.8 to 32.3 ! f ^ ] » abortion ruling by the high court Cocaine ?nd land battles off its beachhead on f*’® j ^ ^ Marijuana 18.3 to 26.8 Upton Iced Tea Mix the disputed Falkland Islands. ‘ ^an^s and said its forces damaged since its landmark 1973 decision in 1.5 1.5 Roe vs. Wade, which generally up­ Hashish _ „ W tth tM tn lu u lM coupon. L M I e n t pur : In B ru s s e ls . B r ita in to d a y three British ships in the fighting^ Other drugs 1^ ® ® cu«tomor. V a M May tM 2 M a$oroa ha»ad botow received support from seven of its One British serviceman was killed held a woman's right to have an Total ^68.5 to $90.0 billion European Common Market allies f>v® vyounded a^ rd the bur- abortion. k I•cne^^^♦*e•#*•*l>s•d•«e*»s•4*eqe•*•d Until a short time ago, some experts would have I Mi« ■••• M iowibe •ffve'i'sed p"ce >n sscb A6P S for its action to retake the South [rigate, the defense ministry The six cases involve a variety of r »»e«t.c>ii| "Pled >a__________________ 3 0 * favored the low side of these estimates, especially in Di Atlantic islands. A Belgian said, bringing the British dea^, toll issues; hospitalization of women seeking abortions in the fourth-to- cocaine, but recent drug busts have shaken their spokesman said seven o f the nine ®*"®® ® i"' thinking. On March 9, a cocaine bust in Miami turned up 'nations agreed to an indefinite eluding M aboard the sunk HMS Ar- sixth month of pregnancy, parental drugs worth about $1 billion on the street. The very next extension of economic sanctions ‘l®"^ 21 soldiers in a helicopter consent, “ informed” consent, 24- hour waiting periods, proper dis­ day in the Bahamas, agents seized cocaine worth $130 wttb Mponnarket p rlcn against Argentina. Ireland and Italy hat ditched in maneuvers before posal of aborted fetuses and million on the street. last week decided to drop sanctions. T h e S t a r n e w s p a p e r in “ There has been no further con- requirements that two physicians be THIS PAST FALL, NIDA received the draft of a Johannesburg, meanwhile, reported toct with Argentine forces and no present for second-trimester abor­ study it had commissioned that included the cost of drug that South Africa is sending arm s— further damage to ships or air- tions. abuse to society in certain categories. Not counted was Fresh Chicken Legs including Gabriel missiles and craft, the defense spokesman Mid In another case, the court rejected the street value of drugs; noted, but not counted, was a LESSER QUANTITIES B9-LB. Mirage jet fighter spare parts - to ‘?day. “ Qur lads are consolidattog an appeal by a California woman figure for property stolen to support the cocaine habit, boost the Argentine war effort. ‘heir positions on their bridgehead. who suffered birth defects from her M over $6 billion.
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