Shopping Map of Salado on page 4B-5B this edition Salado illageillage oiceoice VOL. XXXIV, NUMBER V28V THUrsDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2011 254/947-5321 FAX 254/947-9479 V V WWW.SALADOVILLAGEVOICE.COM 50¢ Group told to clear F RIGHTFULLY FUN E VENTS OCTOBER 27 gravel from stream Thank You Salado Day The “View from the tion of the creek by lining The Salado Patio Bridge” committee will it with the anchored lime- apply for a permit from stone rocks, landscap- OCTOBER 28 Texas Parks and Wildlife ing the approaches to the to do work in and around banks with native plants Kinky Friedman’s Salado Creek, including and recasting the Sirena Monster Ball lining the banks of the sculpture by artist Troy at The Springs creek with large limestone Kelley. 7 p.m. - 2 a.m. rocks. In the 25 years that Si- Live Music, Costume The work was shut rena sat in the creek and Contest down this month by springs, she has been dam- ~ TP&W when gravel from aged by gravel and debris Live music the banks was piled in the during major flood events. at The Lounge stream of the creek. But Kelley says the damage is upstairs at The Range this week, the committee too extensive at this point Fighting for one of their own 6 p.m. was given authorization to try to repair. The cost Salado Firefighters have come to the aid of Saladoans for decades and are now asking OCTOBER 29 from TP&W to remove for recasting the mermaid local citizens to come to the aid of one of their own. Firefighters are shown above wear- the gravel that had been sculpture is estimated at ing special pink t-shirts that they are selling as a fund raiser to help Dawne Engelke with stockpiled in the stream $10,000. Live music at the medical bills she faces as she fights a rare and aggressive form of inflammatory Salado Creek Winery of the Salado Creek as a The on-again, off-again breast cancer. Since being diagnosed two days before Thanksgiving last year, Engelke temporary measure to ad- project will continue when and Vineyard has undergone surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatments and is now on a daily 6-9 p.m. dress the situation which the committee is given chemotherapy treatment. She said that this form of inflammatory breast cancer is not arose when gravel was a permit to do the work. ~ detectable by screened mammograms. She was diagnosed with it after developing a Live Music at scraped from the banks of It has made application severe itching and red spot that spread within 12 hours over her entire breast. Most the creek and piled in the to the TP&W, a process Rising Star Vineyard women with this form of cancer die within a couple of months after symptoms appear. 7 - 9 p.m. creek. which may take 60 days or Shown above surrounding Engelke (wearing a hat) are (in back) Jerad Rogers, Fire The committee has more and which includes a Chief Charles Young, Shane Berrier, and Nathan Houston and (in front) Hollie Niblett, OCTOBER 29-31 raised a majority of the period for public input and Engelke (wearing the hat), A.J. Lopez and Rylie Lynn and Josh Niblett. The pink t-shirts money it needs to com- comment. The announce- are $15 or two for $25 and can be purchased by calling the fire department at 947- Tablerock’s plete the work, but is con- ment of the public com- 8961 Berrier at 254-760-1937. They are also available at First State Bank, The Haire Fright Trail tinuing to seek funds for ment period will be made Shop, and the Salado Fire Station The Salado Chamber of Commerce is encouraging 6:30-10 p.m. the project. The project in this newspaper in the all businesses and local residents to buy and wear the pink shirts on Oct. 28 in support $5 Adults and $3 for includes the beautifica- future. children 12 and under of the cause. (PHOTO BY ROYCE WIGGIN) ~ Trick or Treat Early voting starts in amendment election at The Pizza Place Vote for best Pumpkin Early voting in the pro- tion from ad valorem tax- ture to permit a county to the permanent school ational facilities.” Order a Pumpkin Pizza posed state constitutional ation of all or part of the to issue bonds or notes to fund, allowing the Gen- Proposition 8: “The amendment election be- market value of the resi- finance the development eral Land Office to dis- constitutional amendment gan Oct. 24 and continues dence homestead of the or redevelopment of an tribute revenue from per- providing for the appraisal OCTOBER 31 through Nov. 4. Election surviving spouse of a 100 unproductive, underdevel- manent school fund land for ad valorem tax pur- day, the polls will be open percent or totally disabled oped, or blighted area and or other properties to the poses of open-space land Trunk or Treat at the Salado Church of veteran.” to pledge for repayment of available school fund to devoted to water-steward- at Salado United Christ Activity Center, 7 Proposition 2: “The the bonds or notes increas- provide additional fund- ship purposes on the basis Methodist Church a.m.-7 p.m. constitutional amendment es in ad valorem taxes im- ing for public education, of its productive capacity.” 650 Royal St. Early voting will be providing for the issuance posed by the county on and providing for an in- Proposition 9: “The 5-7 p.m. FREE conducted in person at of additional general obli- property in the area. The crease in the market value constitutional amendment the Salado Civic Center, gation bonds by the Texas amendment does not pro- of the permanent school authorizing the gover- 601 N. Main St. On week- Water Development Board vide authority for increas- fund for the purpose of nor to grant a pardon to a Salado Community days Oct. 27-28 and Oct. in an amount not to exceed ing ad valorem tax rates.” allowing increased distri- person who successfully Fall Festival 31-Nov. 4, early voting $6 billion at any time out- Proposition 5: “The butions from the available completes a term of de- at Wildfire Ranch will be open 8 a.m.-5 p.m. standing.” constitutional amendment school fund.” ferred adjudication com- 6-8 p.m. FREE Early voting will be open Proposition 3: “The authorizing the legislature Proposition 7: “The munity supervision.” ~ 7 a.m.-7 p.m. Oct. 29 and constitutional amendment to allow cities or coun- constitutional amendment Proposition 10: “The Sonic Trick or Treat noon-5 p.m. Oct. 30 at the providing for the issu- ties to enter into interlocal authorizing the legislature constitutional amendment Corn Dogs 2/$1 Salado Civic Center. ance of general obligation contracts with other cities to permit conservation to change the length of the Following are the prop- bonds of the State of Tex- or counties without the im- and reclamation districts unexpired term that causes CT OV ositions: as to finance educational position of a tax or the pro- in El Paso County to is- the automatic resignation O . 31 - N . 2 Thank You Salado Day Proposition 1: “The loans to students.” vision of a sinking fund.” sue bonds supported by ad of certain elected county The Salado Patio constitutional amendment Proposition 4: “The Proposition 6: “The valorem taxes to fund the or district officeholders if authorizing the legislature constitutional amendment constitutional amend- development and mainte- they become candidates to provide for an exemp- authorizing the legisla- ment clarifying references nance of parks and recre- for another office.” IN SIDE CALENDAR OF EVENTS 2B Chili Supper benefits Soccer Salado Masonic Lodge will serve chili before the CLAssIFIEDS 1C Subscribe final home football game Oct. 28 at the Salado FORUM 2A Intermediate School Cafeteria. Tickets are now Today SHOPPING MAP 4B available at Salado Village Voice, First State Bank 254/947-5321 SPORTS 7A Salado or from Lodge members: $7 for adults and ROOTED IN SALADO $3.50 for children. Proceeds will benefit the Salado SINCE 1979 High School soccer program. Page 2A, SALADO Village Voice, October 27, 2011 Great October for schools FIRST rating one of many successes FORUMFORUM We have had another great month of school here in Salado. We received a rating of “Superior Novotny’s An Open Exchange of Ideas Achievement” under Texas’ Schools FIRST financial accountability rating Notebook system. The Schools FIRST account- Dr. Michael Novotny ability rating system assigns one of four Salado ISD financial accountability ratings to Texas Superintendent school districts, with the highest being “Superior Achievement,” followed by “Above-Standard Achievement,” “Stan- by the Salado Masonic Lodge #296 5-7 dard Achievement” and “Substandard p.m. in the Salado Intermediate School Achievement.” The Superior Achieve- cafeteria. Tickets are $7 for ages 12 and ment rating is the state’s highest, demon- over, $3.50 for ages 6-11, and free for strating the quality of the Salado ISD’s those under age 6. All proceeds from the financial management and reporting sys- chili supper will be donated to the Salado tem. High School soccer program. This is the ninth year of Schools Our varsity volleyball team has FIRST (Financial Accountability Rating a record of 29 wins and 10 losses so System of Texas), a financial account- far this season and they have quali- ability system for Texas school districts fied for playoffs. Their first playoff developed by the Texas Education Agen- game will either be held on Monday, cy in response to Senate Bill 875 of the October 31, or Tuesday, November 1.
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