Vol. 27: 107–118, 2018 AQUATIC BIOLOGY Published November 21 https://doi.org/10.3354/ab00700 Aquat Biol OPENPEN ACCESSCCESS Production of enzymes and siderophores by epiphytic bacteria isolated from the marine macroalga Ulva lactuca Natalia Comba González1, María Luna Ramírez Hoyos1, Liliana López Kleine2, Dolly Montoya Castaño1,* 1Bioprocesses and Bioprospecting Group, Instituto de Biotecnología, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 14490 Bogotá, Colombia 2Department of Statistics, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 14490 Bogotá, Colombia ABSTRACT: Macroalgae provide important habitats for microorganisms, with surfaces that are rich in nutrients and a microbial niche for isolation of different bacterial groups. In this study, we evaluated the production of enzymes (amylases, lipases, cellulases and agarases) and side - rophores by strains isolated from the macroalga Ulva lactuca growing in the Santa Marta region of the Colombian Caribbean Sea. We taxonomically identified a subset of the bacteria and tested 207 bacterial isolates. Of these, 25 (12%) and 121 (58%) produced agarases and siderophores, respectively. Out of the isolated bacteria with amylolytic (97), cellulolytic (118) and lipolytic (26) activity, 31 (32%), 78 (66%) and 4 (15%) strains, respectively, produced a zone of clearance >1.5 cm, indicating substantial activity. Enzymatic activities and siderophore production were sta- tistically different between years of sampling, and principal component analysis showed grouping for samples from the same year. These activities and production were recorded in bacterial strains belonging to the genera Vibrio, Pseudomonas and Bacillus. The results show that marine bacterial cultures isolated from the macroalga U. lactuca are a source of enzymes and siderophores that may have potential for biotechnological and industrial processes. KEY WORDS: Epiphytic bacteria · Siderophores · Cellulases · Lipases · Amylases · Agarases · Macroalgae INTRODUCTION Epiphytic bacteria (macroalgae-associated bacte- ria) play a key role in algal defense (by producing Macroalgae influence sediment structure and antimicrobial and antifouling compounds), spore ger- water trajectories and have a large surface area that mination and algal morphology (Hehemann et al. may be colonized by microbial communities (Martin 2014). Previous studies have assessed the antifouling et al. 2014). These surfaces are nutrient-rich environ- traits in epiphytic bacteria of Ulva lactuca and U. aus- ments and provide differentiated habitats for micro- tralis, which are capable of preventing the settlement organisms, with which they experience a range of of invertebrate larvae and germination of algal interactions. This association is important for growth spores. The results and conclusions showed that and development of macroalgae and may protect the microbial colonization of macroalgae surfaces is a macroalgal surfaces from colonization by species that dynamic process with differences in settlement interfere with macroalgal growth and survival (Egan strategies exhibited by epiphytic bacteria (Egan et al. et al. 2008, 2013). 2000, Rao et al. 2006). © The authors 2018. Open Access under Creative Commons by *Corresponding author: [email protected] Attribution Licence. Use, distribution and reproduction are un - restricted. Authors and original publication must be credited. Publisher: Inter-Research · www.int-res.com 108 Aquat Biol 27: 107–118, 2018 Compared to terrestrial plants, macroalgae contain lates and showed that U. lactuca provides a biotic a high content of water (90% fresh weight), carbohy- environment for the discovery of biocatalysts and drates (25−50% dry weight), proteins (7−15% dry bioactive compounds of marine origin. weight) and lipids (1−5% dry weight) (Sudhakar et al. 2018). In addition, algal monosaccharides (rham- nose, xylose, glucose, mannose and galactose) and MATERIALS AND METHODS complex polysaccharides (ulvans from green algae; alginates, fucans and laminarin from brown algae; Isolation and culture and carragenans and porphyrin from red algae) are a source of carbon and energy for epiphytic bacteria Sea lettuce Ulva lactuca was collected on the rocky (Hehemann et al. 2012, Egan et al. 2013, Singh & littoral site La Punta de la Loma (Santa Marta, Colom- Reddy 2014, Hamed et al. 2018). These compounds bian Caribbean) (11° 07’ 00.9’’ N, 74° 14’ 01.3’’ W). La can be degraded by enzymes that are synthesized by Punta de la Loma is an exposed rocky platform that al- epiphytic bacterial groups (de Nys & Steinberg 2002, lows the establishment of a diverse algal community. Kennedy et al. 2008, Ramanan et al. 2016). The region has 2 main climatic seasons, the dry sea- Marine environments are sources of enzymatic son, from December to April, and the rainy season, biocatalysts, and microorganisms associated with from May to November. La Punta de la Loma has macro algal surfaces have proven to be producers of more than 55 macroalgal species, and the most abun- enzymes required to metabolize macroalgae-synthe- dant include the brown alga Padina gymnospora, the sized compounds (Egan et al. 2000, Trincone 2010, green algae Caulerpa sertularioides and U. lactuca Bakunina et al. 2012a, Rampelotto 2013). Examples and the red algae Acantophora spicifera, Laurencia are bacteria of the genera Pseudomonas and Vibrio papillosa and Gracilaria mamillaris. In addition, the isolated from marine samples that are able to pro- macroalgal community from La Punta de la Loma is duce extracellular agarases, carrageenases and β- more diverse in the rainy season than in the dry, al- galactosidases (Ziayoddin et al. 2010, Lee et al. though species such as U. lactuca are common in both 2014). Epiphytic bacteria isolated from Ulva samples, seasons (García & Díaz-Pulido 2006). specifically Bacillus aquimaris and Cellulosimicro- Samples were collected during 2 yr (2015−2016) in bium sp., synthesize extracellular alkaline cellulases February and July, under the Framework Permission as well as amylases, with highest activity in the pres- (Resolution No. 0255 of March 14, 2014). Macroalgae ence of sodium chloride (NaCl) (Trivedi et al. 2011b, were stored inside sterile plastic bags containing sea- Al-Naamani et al. 2015). These enzymes are used in water and transported on ice until processing. In the applications in pharmacological and food industries, laboratory, macroalgae were washed several times textile production, cosmetics and other fields includ- with sterile seawater to remove loosely associated ing (1) environmental biotechnology and (2) biofuel microorganisms, and part of each macroalgal thallus and bioenergy resource production (Antranikian et was transferred to conical flasks with marine broth al. 2005, Leary et al. 2009, Bakunina et al. 2012b, (Zobell, HiMedia Laboratories) and placed in a rota- Hehemann et al. 2014). tory shaker at 180 rpm and 30°C for about 24 to 48 h. The cultivable fraction of bacterial communities After incubation, a loop full of each sample mixture associated with macroalgae is a potential source of was streaked onto nutrient agar with NaCl (1% w/v) novel marine enzymes with biotechnological poten- and incubated another 24 h. tial. This culture-based approach also allows the Subsamples of macroalgal thalli were also trans- identification and selection of isolates showing enzy- ferred to petri dishes with marine agar and placed in matic activities and the production of bioactive com- an incubator at 30°C for 24 to 48 h. In both isolation pounds (Hehemann et al. 2014, Martin et al. 2015). strategies, bacterial colonies were separated by opti- The carbohydrates, proteins and lipids on macro- cal appearance and subcultured several times until algal surfaces are likely to be a source of carbon and pure bacterial cultures were obtained. The isolates energy for epiphytic bacteria. We thus surmised that (207 strains) were deposited in the bank of strains bacteria associated with the marine macroalga U. and genes of the Instituto de Biotecnología of the lactuca would be a source of enzymes (amylases, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Strains with lipases, cellulases and agarases) and siderophores. larger degradation zones (zones of clearance) were We isolated bacterial strains from U. lactuca growing also deposited in the International Collection of in the Santa Marta region (Colombian Caribbean Microorganisms of the Pontificia Universidad Javeri- Sea). We taxonomically identified some of these iso- ana (CMPUJ), with the codes CMPUJ 454−456. Comba González et al.: Bacterial activity in Ulva lactuca 109 Screening of amylolytic enzyme production After 48 h to 1 wk, strains that showed hydrolytic activity (a hole in the jellified medium) were consid- To identify the amylolytic activity of the bacterial ered as positives for this activity. A strain of Vibrio strains, each isolate was cultured in nutrient starch azureus was used as the control. agar plates (containing 2% starch, 0.5% peptone, 0.3% beef extract, 1% NaCl and 1.5% agar) and incubated at 30°C for 24 to 48 h (Tiwari et al. 2014). Siderophore detection After incubation, amylase production was deter- mined by a zone of clearance surrounding the strain, To detect the production of siderophores in the after Lugol’s iodine solution (1% iodine in 2% potas- bacterial isolates, the overlaid chrome azurol sul- sium iodide w/v) was added to the plate. The diame- fonate (CAS) assay was used, as modified by Pérez- ters of the digestion zones were measured in each Miranda et al. (2007). The composition per liter
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