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Is Victim of Heart At­ Conditions of Agricul­ _____ f the Best Medium Through Which Relief Move­ tack in New Haven— ture And the Cause of Under a New System—Present Method Seems Installation exercises were held by ment Could Be Organized—Could Be Assisted the recently organized Veterans of Was Pastor of St. Ber­ the Same. to Be Inadequate to Provide Proper Protection. Foreign Wars in Recreation Hall last By Other Organizations And Individuals. Tuesday evening. The exercises were nard's For 11 Years. A very informative address on the in charge of Albert M. Simmons of There are numerous signs that a economic situation in agriculture was that have occurred in the past few Hartford, Department Commander. Several influential citizens, all of created to Systematically handle such Rev. Thomas J. Picker, for eleven months. The failure to apprehend given to the members of the Rotary determined effort will be made this Other officials of the organization whom are willing to contribute to a funds years pastor of St. Bernard's Church <I!lub at the noon luncheon meeting at fall to reorganize the local police de­ the perpetratprs of these misdeeds is taking part in the ceremonies were One of the leading provision deal­ laid to the lack of men and time to fund for the relief of the scores of in Hazardville, died suddenly in the the Enfield Inn yesterday, by Presi­ partment. Just what direction this George H. Farrell, vice-commander ers of the town has expressed his dent E. H. Thompson of the Federal properly investigate and follow up people of the town who have reached rectory of St. Aedan's Church, West- reorganization will take, or what plan of the Department of Massachusetts; willingness to sell meat and grocer­ Land Bank of Springfield. Mr. the informiation gained. George Garrapay, member of the the limit of their resources by con­ ies at cost to any organization that ville, yesterday morning, the victim will be finally adopted is not yet clear Practically all the duty performed Thompson stated the present situa­ Council of Adams, Mass., and Henry tinued lack of employment, have ex­ would be engaged in distributing the of a heart attack. Father Picker tion in agriculture could be traced to for the situation has hardly develop­ by the members of the department is J. Bernard of the Springfield Post. ed to that point. The idea that ap­ pressed the opinion during the past same for relief work. Several of the was transferred from Hazardville to the period just following the Civil patrol service, e'ven, it is understood, The officers installed were as fol­ fraternal organizations are already pears to be given most consideration that the chief of the department is week that the movement, it's initia­ the Westville parish a little over two War, when farm land in New Eng­ lows: Commander, Martin J. Tierney; doing some work of this character years ago, after 11 years of excep­ land had reached the peak of its val­ at the present time is that the de­ called upon to do street duty at cer­ senior vice-commander, James Rab- tion at least, properly belongs to the partment, so far as its administra­ among their own members, and some tionally faithful service, during which ue. With the beginning of the de­ tain hours of the day. This leaves bitt; junior vice-commander, Martin local branch of the Red Cross So­ of the more fortunate citizens of the tive and disciplinary control is con­ the police headquarters without a he had gained the respect of not on­ flation whicji followed this war came J. Watton; chaplain, William Barton; ciety. It is pointed out that annual­ town are known to be quietly aiding ly his own parishioners and the resi­ the decline in land values and it has cerned, would be taken entirely from man on duty for a considerable por­ trustees, Peter J. Kapinos, John M. ly this organization makes an appeal the board of selectmen and placed in those of their immediate acquaintance dents of Hazardville but of the towns­ been steadily going one ever since. tion of the day. It is held that it is Lynch and Russell Maylott; officer of for funds for the promotion of the who are not in good circumstances at people in general. While it was This situation was largely influen­ charge of an elective police commis­ far more important to have a man the day, Pasquale Verdiglio; judge sion. Red Cross work, and that this fund is the present time. known that he was not enjoying the ced, too, by the opening up of the stationed regularly at headquarters, advocate, Gregory M. Sapsuzian, Jr.; used primarily to meet emergencies What is required, according to best of health, his sudden death was grazing land of the west for agricul­ This plan is not exactly new, in so that calls, information and com­ surgeon, Dr. James E. Breslin. that are brought about by a catas­ fact it got so far before as to have a those who are advocating the Red a shock to his many friends and par­ tural purposes and the invention of plaints could be promptly lodged, Following the installation a social trophe in some form or another. Cross participation in the movement ishioners here. farm machinery. The New England bill to that end introduced in the gen­ than any other service that could be was held during which addresses were That the local situation has assum­ eral assembly. The measure at that is some basic organization that would Father Picker was a native of farmers found themselves unable to rendered. delivered by the visiting officials. The ed all the aspects of an emergency, fit into the scheme, and that its ac- Stamford, and received his early ed­ compete with this method of farm­ time created no particular interest Scores of instances are related new organization has a charter mem­ according to the Red Cross standards, tivities have been along the lines of and lacked anything in the way of ucation in his native city. He pre­ ing, particularly in the raising of where the effort to get in communica­ bership of about 40 veterans, and is is insisted upon by those who have | the work that is necessary in organ- pared for the priesthood at St. Char­ wheat. The change from horses to organized support when it was heard tion with the police was seriously de­ planning a drive for membership had an opportunity to observe the j izing this relief movement. The by the committee. The revival of the les' Seminary, Baltimore, and was or­ the gasoline engine was another era layed because of the fact that there with the expectations of inducing all situation that has gradually develop- question of the character of the aid dained on December 22, 1905. He which brought about a marked in­ plan or some improved method is in­ was nobody at headquarters to re­ the veterans of the town who saw ed here. The almost continuous un-; to be rendered would be one of the spired by the fact that it has been celebrated his first mass in his native fluence in agriculture and this was ceive the message, due to the men be- service in any of the foreign wars in employment for several months in early decisions to be made in organ- parish, St. John's, Stamford, on the followed by the situation which de­ clearly demonstrated that thu pres­ •ing on patrol duty. There has been which the country engaged, in its many families, has not only exhaust­ izing the movemnt, following Sunday. His first assign­ veloped during the World War, when ent method continues to prove whol­ j repeated complaints, too, regarding membership. The Post will take an ed their reserve, but strained their It is realized that in many instan­ ment was in New Britain, and he was intensive farming was carried out to ly inadequate, and that there will be the manner in which the extra duty active part in the promotion of all credit to the point where it no long­ ces, what would be required is some later transferred to St. Patrick's in a greater degree than was ever n0 disposition on the part of the tax­ | men are handled, and this is said to matters of interest to the ex-service­ er exists. With the approach of the method whereby the families who are Bridgeport, where he served as a cur­ known in this country. payers to provide any additional i be due largely to no system being de­ men of the community, and also in­ fall and winter, this outlook is far reluctant to accept assistance on a ate for 14 years. During this period The period of deflation which fol­ funds for the very necessary increase mised for the proper supervision of terest itself in the civic and other from encouraging, and many of these purely charitable basis might be tem­ he was chaplain of St.
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