:|t;c|ii;;;/,;|;:::;:::.:;-(i;;.i!;:;,^ dl7.3M31 Digitized by tine Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from University of IVIassachusetts, Boston http://www.archive.org/details/pocketalmanaGkfo1845amer A : BIASSACHUSETTS REGISTER, AND mnlUti states ®alen5(av, 18 45. AND OTHER VALUABLE INFORMATION. JJoston JAMES LORING, PUBLISHER. 132 Washington Street. ECLIPSES IN 1845. There will be four Eclipses this year, two of the Sun, and two of the Moon, and a Transit of Mercury. I. The first will of the Sun, on Tuesdny morning, May 6 ; before, part the Sun rises a part of which will happen and after ; the last part will be visible, Beginning before sunrise, - - 4h. 56in. End, 5li. 2"?m. Visible duration, Oh. 26ni. Digits eclipsed, 5d. 15m. on Sun's N. limb. A Transit of Mercury, May Sth, visible at Boston. Ingress, ---- ---llh. 30m. m. Egress, 6h. 7m. a. II. The second eclipse will be of the Moon, May 21, at llh. in the forenoon ; invisible in the United States. III. The third will be of the Sun, October 30, at 7h. Om. in the evening, therefore invisible to us. Visible in Australia and New Zealand. IV. The fourth will be of the Moon, on Thursday evening, November 13, visible, and nearly total. Beginning, 6h. 30m. Middle, Bh. 20m. End, lOh. Om. Duration, - - - 3h. 7m. Digits eclipsed, 11 deg. on the Moon's north limb, in the south side of the Earth's shadow. Correspondents are particularly requested to forward their Communications for the Register by the first of December, or earlier if possible. 3l7.iM3l MH-I Ms" INDEX. Academy of Arts & Sciences 155 Court, Counsel, Circuit, U.S. 188 Academy of .Music - - - 157 " Supreme Judicial - 20 Agricultural Society - - - 163 " S. J. Calendar of - 22 American t>tatislical Assoc. 156 " Common Plea.-J - - 20 American Associatian - - 250 " C. P. Calendar of - 23 Amherst College - - - - 146 " Municipal - - - - 20 Andover Instiiution - - - 148 " Police 20 Antiquarian Society - - - 155 " Probate 25 Ancient <t Hon. artillery Co. 2.50 Custom House Officers - - 189 Army of the United stales 201 Debt of U. S. - . - - - 221 As.sessors, Boston - - 235 Deaths in Boston - - - - 242 Attorneys in Boston - - - 47 Dispensary, Medical - - - 160 Attorneys, Circuit Court, U.S. 188 District Officers of U. Slates 186 AtheniEum ------ 156 Dukes County Justices, &;c. 61 Auctioneers in Boston - - 240 Education Societies - - - 151 Banks in Boston - - - - J64 Electors of President U. S. 221 Banks in Massachusetts - 171 Electoral Votes - - - - 254 Barnstable Justices, &c. - 49 Emigration to United States 250 Baptist Convention - - - 151 Essex Justices, &c. - - - 62 Berkshire Justices, &;c. - - 51 Expenditures of A.B.C.F.M. 249 Bible Societies 152 Eye and Ear Infirmary - - 159 Bishops, Episcopal, Method- Farm School 161 ist & K. Catholic, in U. S. 123 Federal Courts 187 Blind Asylum 162 Fellows of Mass. Med. Soc- III Board of Education - - - 101 Fire Department, Boston - 236 Bowditch Library - - - 157 Foreign Ministers - - - 193 - Bristol Justices, &c. - - - 56 Franklin Justices, &;c. - 68 Cashiers of Banks - - - 172 Gilmanton Theolog. Sem. - 147 Census of Towns, Mass. 1840 17 Governors of Massachusetts 29 Charitable Societies - - - 158 " of the several State 222 Churche.<! and Ministers - 124 Hampshire Justices, &c. - 73 Cincinnati of Massachusetts 161 Hampden Justices, &c. - - 71 Circuit Courts ----- 187 Handel and Haydn Society 157 City Officers of Boston - - 233 Harvard University - - - 143 Colleses in .Massachusetts - 143 Health Officers, Boston - - 234 Collectors of t.'ustonjs - - 192 Historical Society - - - - 155 Commerce of Boston - - 243 Howard Benevolent Society 162 Commissioners of Mass. - 101 Hospital Corporation - - 158 •' of other States 104 Horticultural Society - - 163 Constables in Boston - - 240 House of Reformation, In- Congress, 28th 181 dustry and Correction - 236 Consuls Foreign, in U. S. - 193 Houses built in Boston - - 242 Convention of Cong. Min. 121 Humane Society - - - - 162 Congreaational Char. Soc. 122 Importations in Boston - - 244 Counsellors in Boston - - 47 Instructers in Public Schools 238 County Commissioners - - 21 Insurance Comps. in Boston 174 " Meetings of - - - 24 Intercourse with For Nations 192 IV INDEX. Library Associations - - ]56 Postage ------.JIO Lunatic Hospital, Worcester 158 Post Offices 105 Lying-in Hospital ... - Kif) Population of U. Slates- - 223 - Lyceum, Boston - - - ].-,t; " Massachusetis - 17 Manuluctures of Mass. - - 40 " Cities - - - - 180 Marine Hospital, U. «. - - ItiU Piesidenis of Li. S. - - - 40 Masters in (Jhancery - - - 99 I'robaie Ct)urts - - - - 25 Mass. Char. Mechanic Asso. 249 Public Administrators - - 100 McLean Asylum - - . - i^a Kail Hoad Corporations - - 245 Mechan. Apprentices Library 156 Representatives ol Mass. - 33 Medical Society of Mass. J 11, 1.52 Revenue in Boston - - - 221 " School - - - - 154 Sabbath School Societies - 157 " Dispensary - - - 159 Salaries of State Officers - 28 Mercantile Library - - - ]5L> U. S. " - . 185 Merchants Exchaiige - - - 163 Savings Banks in Boston - 160 Middlesex Justices, &:c. - 77 Secretaries of De|)artment - 185 Militia of Massachusetts - 224 Seamen's Societies - - - J62 Ministers of the Gospel - - 124 School Committee, Boston 235 Missionary Societies . - - 149 Slaves in U. States - - - 223 Mount Auburn Cemetery - 163 South Cove Corporation - J63 Municipal Court - - - . 20 State Prison 163 Musical Societies - - - - 157 State Inspectors - . - - 24i Nantucket Justices, fcc. - 84 Suffiilk Justices, &c. - - 43 Natural History Society - 155 Supreme Court of Mass. - 20 Navy of the United States 204 " U. States 185 Navy Vards - - - - - 206 Surveyors of Lumber - - 239 Navy Agents ----- 206 Tariff of Duties, 1845 - - 208 Naval Store Keepers - - - 207 " Comparative - - - 219 Naval Constructors - - - 207 Theological Institutions - 148 Newton Institution - - - 148 Thursday Lecture - - - 126 Norfolk Justices, &c. - - 85 Tract Society ----- 157 Notaries Public in Boston - 46 United States Treasury - 221 Odd Fellows 249 Undertakers in Boston - - 240 Overseers of the Poor, Bost. 235 Unitarian Association - - 150 Peace Society - - - - 155 Vessels of War - - - - 207 Physicians in Boston 117, 242 Votes for Governor - - - 40 " in Mass. - - - 111 Votes in Bost. for Mayor, &c. 244 Phillips Academy . - - - 147 Ward Officers, Boston - - 237 Pilgrim Society - - . - ]55 Williams College - - - - 146 Plymouth Justices, &c. - - 89 Worcester Justices, &.c. - 93 Police Court in Boston - - 20 Weather Table - - - 251 Police Officers, Boston - - 240 West Point Academy - - 203 JANUARY, 1845, begins FEBRUARY, 1845, begins on Saturday. New Moon, 6tb day, Ih. 53m. evening. First Quarter, 1 4th day, Oh. Om. morning. Full Moon, 22d day, 2h. 4m. morning. Observable Days, &c. | r.^s. f.sea. #r. m|w| | | 1 1 MARCH, 1845, begins on Saturday. APRIL, 1845, begins on Tuesday. MAY, 1845, begins on Thursday. New Moon, 6th day, 5h. Om. morning. First Quarter, 14th day, 9h. 26th nnorning. Full Moon, 2lst day, llh. Om. morning. Last Quarter, 28th day, Ih. 42m. morning. M|w| Observable iJiiys, «&-c. | r.^s. | f.sea. ^r. | 1 Asc. day. 5 3 71 7 4 2 14 2 5 2 7 8 19 2 43 'S Columbus dis. Jamaica, 95 5 7 9 18 3 12 4 Sun. after Ascension. 4 59 810 7 3 43 5 Gen. Elec. N. Hav. Con. 58 10 53 4 13 6 S. J. C. Barnstable. 57 11 31 s'ts a 7 More than mid, tides. 55 morn. 8 32 8 7*s set 8h. 54 24 9 23 9 Fine weather. 53 58 10 10 10 7 O apoo-ee. 52 1 31 10 52 II B. Whitsunday. 51 2 7 11 28 12 50 2 41 11 59 13! 3iS. J. C. Len. & Plyra. 49 3 23 morn 14| 4 Low tides. 48 4 9 15i 5 Baron Cuvier died, 1832. 47 16 6 As. H. Th. 46 17 7 Great frost, 1794. 45 18 B. Trin.Sun. 44 19, 2 Dark day, '80. 43 20 3| Lafayette d. '34. 42 21' 4jC. C. Edgirtown. 41 22 5 High tides. ® per. 40 2;i 6;Battle of Ramillies, 1706. 39 24 7 Queen Vict, born, 1819. 38 25 B. 1st Sun. after Trinity. 38 26; 2 C. P. Edg. C. C. P. Wore. 37 27j 3 7*s rise 4h. 36 28i 4 Old Elec. Mass. 36 29 5i Low tides. 35 30 6 Pope died, 1744. 34 31 71 33 JUNE, 1845, begins on Sun JULY, 1845, begins on Tuesday. AUGUST, 1845, begins on Friday. New Moon, 3d day, 2h. 43m. morning. First Quarter, lOih day, 5h. 58m. evening. Full Moon, 17th day, 8h. 35m. morning. Last Quarter, 24th day, Ih. 46m. evening. |F.sea.| M|w| Memorable Days, (Sic. | r.^s. 0r. 1 (JLam. D. : 51 8 JO 29( 3 23 2 7 Battle of Blenheim. 1704. 52 11 lO's'tsa 3 B nth Sun. after Trinity. 53 til 44 7 4 2 7*s rise llh. 16m. 54 4 7 5 3C. C. Ply. 54 35 8 6 4 Com. V. Univ. at Bur. 57 1 6 8 7 5 Com. Wash. Col. 58 1 37 9 8 6 Louis Philippe elected king 59 2 12 9 9 7 of France, 1830. 2 46 10 10 B. I2th Sun. after Trinity. 1 3 26iJ0 59! 11 2!C. P. Gr'f. & Ply. 2 4 1211 36 12 3 Low tides. 4 5 /morn. Il3 4 Brit. Sloop Alert tak. 1812. 5 6 24! 33 jl4 SCom. Am. CoL 6 7 47! 1 37 15 6% perigee. 7 9 9! 2 47 !l6 7 High tides. 9 10 13 4 2 17 6.13th Sun. after Trinity. 10 11 6 ris. a. 18 2C. P. North. 11 11 54 7 17 119 3Guerriere taken, 1812. 12 15 7 50 ^>0 4 Com. WiU. & Mid. Col. 14 59 8 20 5 Com. Yale Col. 15 1 37 8 531 6 Battle of Bosworth, 1485. 16 2 18i 9 28 23 7 Dr. Herschel died, '22. 18 2 57 24 B. 14th Sun. after Trinity. 19 25 2 Q,uite low tides. 20 26 3 7*s rise 9h. 40m. 22 27 4 Com. Harv. Univ. 23 28 5 apogee. 24 29 6 St.
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