. .,,; COiiege Appoints Eigh1 New Faculty_-Memb-er$ Eight new full-time faculty members Additionally, Mr. Gary Mayhood was ap­ lege. He was an assistant professor at Be­ have been appointed for the 1987-88 aca­ pointed assistant professor and assistant li­ rea College last year, and held that title at demic year. brarian. for technical services during the the University of Wisconsin in Eau Claire, Dean Robert F. Carberry has announced spring '87 semester, and will continue in 1982-86, and the University of Tennessee in the appointment of Dr. Bijan Moeinian, as­ that position this year. Chattanooga, 1980-82. Dr. Choksy - also sociate professor of business administra­ The new appointees bring a wide range served as an adjunct instructor at the Uni:_ tion and economics; Dr. George D .. Chosky, of experience to their positions at Flagler. versity of Tennessee in Knoxville from 1975 assistant professor of business administra­ Dr. Moeinian has, during the last 10 years, to 1979. tion and economics; Dr. Chun-Kuen Henry been on the faculty of the Tehran School of Dr. Chen's formal education · includes a Chen, assistant professor of mathematics Business, the National University of Iran, master's degree in computer science from and computer science; Dr. J. Robin King, the University of Maryland, Lakeland Col­ the University of Southern California in assistant professor of philosophy; Mr. R. lege, and Susquehanna University. 1986 and a Ph.D. in mathematics from David Barnett, instructor and assistant di­ He earned his bachelor's degree in eco­ Adelphi University in 1973. He received his rector of athletics, who is succeeding Glenn nomics and public administration from bachelor_'s degree from the -National Tai­ Aspinwall as the college's baseball coach Pahlavi University, his master's in eco­ wan Normal University. following Aspinwall's resignation last nomics of money and banking from the Dr. Chen served as an assistant profes­ May; Mr. John Alexopoulos, University of Lille in France, and his doc­ sor at Keene State College last year, and at instructor of mathematics; Ms. Darien torate in international economics from the Fu-Jen University from 1980 to 1984. He Andreu, instructor of English, University of Sorbonne in Paris in 1977. was also a teaching assistant at Adelphi succeeding Valerie D'Ortona who is Dr. Choksy received his master's degree University, 1973-79. now teachmg at St. Johns Community Col­ and doctorate in economics from the Uni­ lege; and Ms. Joan Hersey, instructor and versity of Tennessee in Knoxville, and his (Cont~ued On Page Five) reference librarian. bachelor's in economics from Roanoke Col- VOL. XVIll No. -1 The -Gargoyle, Flagler college, St. Augustine, Florida· Septembe 4, 1987 Barnett Bank Gives $50,000 Jo College Project A $50,000 grant from Barnett Banks Inc. and Barnett Banks of St. Johns County will assist Flagler College in completing its cur­ rent renovation, the restoration of the col­ lege's historic student dining hall. "We are proud to be part of this restqra­ tion process and to build a constructive re­ lationship with the college," said Charles Rice, Barnett's chairman,· president, and . chief executive officer, adding that it was appropriate for one of Florida's oldest banks to make this gift to the college locat­ ed in Florida's oldest city. "Flagler College has enjoyed a long­ standing relationship with Barnett Bank," said Flagler President William Proctor. "We are most grateful for their generous expression of support.'' _( Continued On Page Two) BULK RATE U. 5. POSTAGE PA ID St. Augustine, Fl_ Permit No. 64 Flagler College President William Hoadley, Barnett Banks Inc. vice Proctor points out restoration work · , president; Allen Lastinger, vice _ as he leads Barnett Bank represen­ chairman of Barnett Banks, Inc.; tatives on a tour of the dining hall, Dr. Proctor; and Bill Young, presi­ following the announcement of the dent of Barnett Bank of Sf. Johns corporation's $50.,000 donation to the County. · pro1ect. Picturea from left: Russell · ,. · The Gargy~ Page Two, September 4, '1987 Artisans are shown at work in the rals was completed in July. The are now at work on the west venido central sectio11 of the din)q.g hall, artisans completed the ceiling of the room muralsi which will be com­ where restoration of the cedmg mu- east venido room last month, and pleted this f al . Barnett Bank Donation (Continued From Page One)------~-- Noted author. and architect George E. Other works in St. Augustine by Carrere Kidder Smith described the college's dining and Hastings are the Memorial Presbyteri­ New eAp.,cn hall as "one of the greatest rooms in the an Church and Grace United -Methodist NAr:LJp.AL FOO'DS co-op United States," with its 48-foot high domed Church. A COOPERATIVELY-OWNED AND OPERATED , ceiling, Tiffany stained glass windows,alid The hotel complex was converted into NON-PROFIT SOURCE OF hand-painted murals designed by George Flagler College in 1968, and in 1975 was des­ NATURAL FOODS. W. Maynard. It was originally part of the ignated as a national historic site and listed bulk foods famous Hotel Ponce de Leon, built in 1888 · in the National Register of Historic Places.· by Henry Flagler, the man responsible for juices . the development of Florida's East Coast Historically significant, the room, as cheeses through his building of the Florida East well as the building that houses it, marks a vitamins Coast Railroad and a string of luxury re­ distinctive era in American history. Here, cosmetics snacks LA sort hotels. Henry Flagler entertained presidents Gro­ b ooks ver Cleveland, Warren Harding, and Theo-_ FAN'CASIA . Flagler chose two young architects from A CAFE OF WONDERFUL New York, John Carrere and Thomas Ha­ dore Roosevelt, financiers John Jacob As­ tor and John D. Rockefeller, entertainer FOODS. WITH YOUR CHOICE OF stings,· to design the Ponce de Leon, and INGREDIENTS. YOU'LL FIND THE MENU their creation helped propel tl'.le two to the Will Rogers, and many other n~tables. AS UNLIMITED AS YOUR IMAGINATION. forefront of American architectural design. omelets sauteed veggie"s Their later achievements included design The Barnett Bank grant wili assist the salads pizza of the New York Public Library, the office college in its restoration campaign, begun sanc'wiches fresh juices buildings of the U.S. Senate and the House earlier this year to finance the complete Monday - Saturday 9AM - 4PM Inside New Earth renovation of the dining hall. Deterioration of Representatives in ·Washington, D.C., -'-II Cordova. 82.lJ-3878 the Memorial Amphitheater in Arlington, of the ceilings and murals had increased at VA, and the interior of New York's Metro­ such a rate that immediate restoration was polit~ Opera House. mandatory. ~ ·, Page.Three; 'J:'he Gargoyle, ~ ember 4·, '1987 - . R~egistration Procedures-- Orientation Staff STEPS IN REGISTRATION . 1. YOU must obtain your financial clear­ C. Fill out the white schedule card for . Assists New Students ance card before you can register. New stu­ your own personal use. Students new to Flagler College this se­ dents will receive theirs on opening day, D. Sign the pink dishonesty form. This mester will have a special group of upper­ September 5th, when they check in at the will be turned in at the check-out desk. classmen to assist them in the orientation gymnasium. Business Services personnel process - the orientation guides, resident will be on hand tio settle any accounts on . 4. Report to your faculty adviser for schedule consultation. Your adviser must assistants, and Student Government Asso- that day. Returning students will -pick up ciation officers. · their cards in tht~ college rotunda before initial_your schedule card. Any proposed registering on Wednesday, September 9th. changes must be made on the white course · This group of nearly 60 students arrived Any returning student whose account has a change sheet for final approval by the dean August 31st to attend a week of workshops balance must report directly to the busi­ of the college or the registrar. Do not make and to prepare for the arrival of the new ness office at 20 V~llencia Street. changes on the master schedule card. students on opening day, Saturday, Sept. · 2. Stop at the check-in desk in the gym­ 5. Proceed upstairs to the mezzanine for 5th. The orientation staff is here to assist nasium to have your clearance card veri­ , your I.D. card; turn in your blue student new students as they go through the pro­ fied. You will receive your master schedule affairs information card. cess of checking ih, moving into their card (yellow), a blank schedule card 6. Proceed to the dean and registrar's ta­ rooms, and becoming acquainted with stu­ (white) , a student affairs information card ble for final approval of your schedule. dent life at Flagler. (blue), and an adviser release/academic Dean Carberry or Capt. Lloyd will verify or change your yellow master schedule card. The 33 orientation guides this year are: dishonesty form (]Pink). The master sched­ Lisa Arena, Stacey Bissell, Dolly Brown, ule cards must niot be removed from the . ~OTE_: .I~ your_major/minor or faculty ad­ viser 1s listed mcorrectly, notify the dean Gretchen Carter, Sarah Champagne, Cher­ gym - a $20 fine fa in effect. yl Dralus, Kim Goodwin, Michael Hayes, · 3. While waiting your turn at any sta- or registrar so that changes can be made. tion: · 7. Proceed to the check-out desk. (You Jack Henry Jr., Cheryl Hill, Robin Kinard, Becca Laughlin, Sophie Laval, Aurin Low- A. Fill out the back of your yellow mas­ must have your new ID. card in order to check out).
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