University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Cerrillos Rustler, 1888-1891 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 8-21-1891 The Rustler (Cerrillos, N.M.), 08-21-1891 A. M. Anderson Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/rustler_news Recommended Citation Anderson, A. M.. "The Rustler (Cerrillos, N.M.), 08-21-1891." (1891). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/rustler_news/18 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Cerrillos Rustler, 1888-1891 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Fvry Item of m i r I r. 2 ltilT" (l tiallii, lietor, Oaln-owne- r. 'rtfrv-- and ileweli nifnt of and mi; luUlng rnn, k . I fliiil tunica S'.rtk an 1 nut ut of a profimM dl-tri- u tLloruia-tiQ- . tst from the jrTl mlni-r- ! -t J fvllatwttifirM.UIl of Han IVdro, nfHii Cars U laktu to pn-Vf-- of CVrrtilo. ; Uiilitpn, Dolor- - mil th RiuiU, the iarco of any tnlnifadlng will be published la this rr latciut.ts. On ttiia hauls ltif vb thti hoii can possibly be per ha lu to you end Obtained. merit your sutmrlptlou. VOL. IV, XO,7. CKIIUILLOS, XHW MEXICO 1'IUDAY AUU. 21, 1H9I. 63 VKll YEAU Cehriua) Ixmkie, No. 19, Alex. Iiv" ahipp-'- d two car Kanas rropa are excellent this I'rrsenal Itustllnia. Ran Pedro nnatltnra. Ua. F. & A. M-- , mt t at its load of ore from LU baud U mine year, tut the weather recently has Tony Nels did the capital Wed Mrs. 8. C. White I. alowly Im- on tne Haiuruay nrt to New Jeremy this wet k and sacked been o wet over the state that nesday. proving, but very alowly. bs in each month. addit- a wiilo of high grade to New York. tbrwhlng muld not be dono. This Ernest Hart is op from Albu- J. Jacope Is putting In CllAB. F. EaBLEY, W. M. great scarcity of ion-' shelving in bis atore. Another year should tee tb accounts for the querque. oats for feed through this section. The Copier Co., paid off on ViypER Lodge, No. 15, K of T. mlne of south Santa Fe county on O. W. North was in Santa Fe Shipper telegraph that It Is almost Tuesday evening of this Mfets evening of each a better producing baU than ever Tuesday. week. Tiiday impoHlble to get the grain In con Week, at 7:30. before, by several hundred pur Mr. U. C. North is up and In the absence of a hotel Mrs. J. ditiou to ship. Z. M. CnuTcnriEt n, C. C. cent. around again. M. Lemon is feeding some of the D. J. JoNKrt, K.of B. S. D. J. Jone-- , recently appointed hungry. t O. V. Alcxmdrr advertl e a mad overseer, has bt en Instructed, Gen: W.S. Fletchisr Is down from S. B. Ciine has C'burcu Directory. let of mining machinery lor sale. so wo are Informed, to report the the capital today. opened up his lodging house again. M. E. Church South. Bev. J. M. It will pay you to look this up If necessary material to repair the F. U. Mitchell was op from He has good pastor. Prwachloe: eve bods aud nice rooms. Crutchflnld, you want ait outflt. See advertise bridge across Osllsto at Cerrll-Ii- m ry Bahbath, morning and evening the Wallace, Tuesday. ment for list. com- T, Bland with part- fcUbbth school nt )A. a. in. Prayer to the board of county W. E. Myers has removed from J. several meetings Wednesday eveuings. O. W. Alexander will start In missioners, at once, so that the Eddy to White Oaks. ners, are reported lo have struck a few days for th upper Peccw moun- lumVir cau t e cupplled and the good prospect near town. Earl Turner says he is only A. ( tain country, where will put in bridge repaired. present the ken-dal- l, A. T. ti. r. Time ard. be At waiting on the weathei. Geo. J. Smith and Bert Coy Train carrying passengers leave a mouth doing assenamcut work on floor of tho is in an uuafo of Golden, relumed from a trlJe B. Y. Anderson was lo from the Uerrllloe as follow: mining property. condition. trip to Jemez Springs the first of Lincoln-Luck- y, Tueaday. EAST: To grit and muscle the opening week. No. 2, rassengcr, 3:10 e rn This paper need all monry due this gteat M. H. McDonnough is recreating " 6 42 a in It and uiut Insist on i nyment, up of most of the produciug Jas Bush wears a smile from ear "4 for a few days in Sunta Fe. " 84 Freight 9 HSpm Mnrch up to the Cuplutu's office mines of tho world is indebted. to oar, and from his nose as low " Sti " 1 ofi a m has occasionally stepped and settle. We cannot afford to True, luck Hon. C. F. Easley made a trip to down as his chin. "It is a boy, and " US 8 63 a m appear a WEST: work on ludlflnite time. in and made mining like Santa Fe ou Saturday last. a dandy." - No. 1, rasFenger, 1 06 a m Tho newspaper's ml-nlo- is not lottery, but chance- will no more L. I). 8ugar is on a business ttip Mr. aud Mrs. Jas. Carruthcra, " pros- - 3 " 10 33 pm to pleao everylMxly. It Is the great apply to rytcmatie mining or to Kansas City and Chicago. attended the funeral of Mrs. Evans " 3.1 Freight CSliiu progreohlve age, InTling, than to any other busineis la " " 1 teucher of its and Miss I'hanla Uutegrove is Albuquerque last Monday, re- 8i 06 a in in life. Thu tenderfoot may stum visit " 87 " 6 06 p in must of necessity sometimes b ing her sister, Mrs. C. F. Jonis, at turning Tuesday evening. ble on a mine by accident, but the In effect Suntfny Fob. 1st 1SU1. cruul in order to be kind. Sj'riug.r. Bobt Cunciick aud John Manor experienced prospector and hardy C. E. IlAKNEV, Agent. Mr. V. II. Konnedy.of the Ccr have leased the old Lucky dump, miner have discovered and pro Miss Frank G. Horry, niece of rillos Supply Co., informs us that and Intend lk'nlnir fur what duccd the world's money metal. Mr. B. Glbiln, Is confined to Let it Local IluHf IIiiri. his house has ordered a stock of bed with fever. there is in il. Beport aays It Id harness and will hereafter carry A public meeting of the mlnrrt good. Melons and fruit are plenty. Prof. of and claim-owne- rs of San Fedro and Chatfleld, the Las Vegas good in this lino. The babe of Mr. and Mrs. Ad. Mrs. Nesbllt lost a valuable cow (iolden is called for H.tturdiiy night, Seminary, was a visitor to our week. Tho election Tuesdiiy for town Bogers died Sunday aud was hur- this August 22, to rtr.'d arrangements If town Wodnesduy. officers pas-w'- fT very quietly. ried ou Mull Jay. It had long been It is bettor to creep forward than poseible to employ JuJgo Warren, Gov. Friuco Is down today, look- there belricr but one tlfket in the ailing. Universal sympathy is ex- to fall backward. of Albuquerque, to reprucent them ing at the mines. He will field. The new board will orga visit tended the bereaved parents. The r air rosters are out and are in looking after tho case of the Sun 1'edro nizo and get to butlness at an M. B. Bowman and Hubert Car-le- y, truly a work of art. miueral vs. the grant claimants, to Flavtl Slmonson and W. early day. P. both engineers at the smelter, Air. and Mrs. Brady have come up in tho Unlu d States bu- - Geuld took a trip to the moved Ortiz are ou the Blck list. Mr. Bowman over to tho south aide. The Chevalier, Aldo Martini, promo court, at Vublnnhtou iu mountains Wednesday. will present his company Bnd show October. The Judge is well ac has quite a severe caau of fover, but The bridge across the Gallsteo 1 Col. J. T. O'Brien, an extensive shows of a at Hurt's hall this evening. The quainted with the cuio, ho huviug evidence change for tho in neud of a new floor. mine developer of Sun Pedro, visi entertainment was ao well received enrried !t '.:.roU"h thu cou.ta so far better. Mr. Carley has been ouly ted Santa Fe over Sunday. The Cernllos Supply Co., has re at Santa Fe (hut it was repeated by lo a successful ls.tuo, and is thought allghtly ludbpoaed. ceived a car load of new furniture request. to be the proper umn to reprusent Prof. Bamsey, of the Las Vegas Dr. Lund is accorded the cham- this week. Academy, was down The good Lord sometimes wisely the mineral rights iu the higher from the pionship belt as a eprluter. Mod- "meadow city," last Saturday. The hilarious roasting ear and discriminates between the Just and court. esty will not permit the Doctor to the flubby cucumber tro displayed the unjunt. For tu'tance, It rained If smi Iters at other poiuts under Mrs. M. L. Hurt came down say much, but his friends suggest among the vegetables. in Cerrillos the Got of thu week heavy ixpeuse totdilpiu coal, coke, from Sunt a Fe Tuesday, to make that it there are any professionals Mr.
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