Acta Physica Polonica A: Guide for Authors 1. General The Editors assess, also on the basis of the bibli- ography, We welcome papers containing original research re- whether the research topic is of interest to the sults and review papers in the fields of field internationally, • General Physics, whether the topic is one of current interest, and • Atomic and Molecular Physics, whether the article is in scope. Acta Physica • Optics and Quantum Optics, Polonica A is a journal specializing in physics. • Quantum Information, In particular, please be aware that a tendency to co- • Biophysics, piously or prevailingly self-cite indicates poor science and lack of interest in the topic among the commu- • Condensed Matter Physics, and nity, while citing primarily old articles suggests that the topic is no longer relevant for advancing the state • Applied Physics, of the art. which correspond to the scope of the journal. Authors are obliged to present their results in Manuscripts should be submitted by e-mail to: a reliable, honest and unambiguous manner. Anal- [email protected] in direct-printable computer ysis should be carried out in a clear way. False version, as a ?.doc(x) file or ?.pdf file, or as LaTeX claims, falsification or data manipulation are consid- source with attached pdf file. ered unethical and are not accepted. The corresponding author should sign and send Authorship is limited to people who have had a sig- the Copyright Transfer Form, which can be down- nificant impact on establishing the concept, research loaded directly from http://info.ifpan.edu.pl/ methods and their implementation. Cases of so-called APP/Copyrightform. By signing this form they — guest authorship and ghostwriting are considered on behalf of all the Authors — accept all points listed unethical and are not accepted. in the document and agree to respect them, together with the resulting consequences. In particular, they Violations of scientific ethics will be reported confirm that the manuscript is not under active con- by the Editorial Board to the Authors’ affiliated sideration for publication elsewhere. institutions. Submission of a review paper can be made only after prior arrangement with the Editors. There are no author page charges in Acta Physica Polonica A. We encourage the Authors to upload the paper to arxiv before the submission to APPA. This has mu- tual benefits. It ensures the visibility of the research, Submissions containing all the required documents the priority of the results given: who as the first made are processed. The Editor-in-chief considers submis- the observations and which journal appreciated the sions, guided by their compliance with the journal Authors’ results as the first. scope, as well as striving to eliminate plagiarism. The Editors have the right to accept or to reject sub- mitted manuscripts. Any ambiguities are consulted with the Editorial Board. In the case of approval by the Editor-in-chief, a manuscript number is assigned 2. Content and relevant information is sent to the corresponding author. The manuscript needs to be written in good scien- The Editors select reviewers on the basis of com- tific English. Further guidelines are as follows: petence and expertise on the topic. The process of reviewing is single-blind. The reviewers are obliged Title to disclose any conflicts of interest. The time for mak- The title should be brief (less than 10 words), ing the report is usually 3–4 weeks. informative, without abbreviations or acronyms. Acta Physica Polonica A: Guide for Authors List of Authors – If figures are reproduced from other articles, Include author names, with affiliations in the for- the source must be quoted. Permission for mat: reproduction must be obtained by the Au- thors from the owner of the copyright (usu- name of institution/university, mailing ally the publisher), and should be submit- address, postal code and city, country. ted along with the manuscript. Regarding this point, see Sect. 3.1. Provide the corresponding author’s email – (preferably, from the institution where the Displayed formulae in the paper should be author is employed). clearly typed, each on a different line, num- bered on the right-hand side. Abstract (on the title page) – Formulas should be entered in formatted The abstract should summarise in a concise way text form (e.g., through LaTeX). Images of all core aspects of the paper: equations are not allowed! – the scope of research; methods used; Specification: figures and tables main results; originality or significance of the results. – The volume of figures and tables should not exceed the volume of the main text. – References to an article from the bibliog- – raphy or a footnote are not allowed in the The formatting of figures/tables is de- abstract. One can, however, cite the ref- scribed in detail in Sect. 3.1 and Sect. 3.2. erence giving its full form, e.g., Acta Phys. References Pol. A 140, 1 (2021). – Abbreviations are not used in the abstract – References in the text should be in square (except for the names of chemical com- brackets with Arabic numerals [1] (not with pounds and the abbreviations commonly superscripts, or author-year style). known in physics, i.e., NMR, EPR, BCS, – In the bibliography, entries should be or- etc.). dered according to their order of appear- – Instead, abbreviations are defined only in ance in the main text. the main text and only once, i.e., when the – Please do not group multiple works into one full name appears for the first time, the ab- reference, but give them separate numbers. breviation is given in round brackets. – For works with more than 10 authors, list the first 3 authors, followed by “et al.” in Keywords (just below the abstract) their bibliography entry. Maximally 4 keywords, written with small letters – The DOIs of cited articles, wherever appli- (except method abbreviations, personal names), cable, are required in the bibliography. all separated with commas. – Bibliography styles are detailed in Sect. 3.3. Organisation of the paper Acknowledgements – The paper should be divided into numbered Acknowledgements should be brief, contain grant sections (including Introduction, Conclu- and contribution numbers. A person can be sions), subsections, etc., ordered in ascend- thanked for assistance, comments, etc., without ing order with Arabic numerals. inessential adjectives. – In the main text, they should be quoted in abbreviated form, like: “Sect. 1”, “Sect. 2.1.”, etc. The same rule applies to figures, tables, and equations, quoted 3. Requirements – some details respectively, as: “Fig. 3”, “Table IV”, and “Eq. (5)”. Make sure that all quantities are defined/described – Arabic numbers are used for numbering the in the text. figures and equations while Roman numer- The units of quantities in the text, figures, tables, als for the tables. or captions, should be written in square brackets (for – As an exception, if the sentence begins from instance, “x [mm], E [eV]”), when not referring to the word “figure”, then the long-whole-word a particular value. For explicitly given values, the form is used, e.g., “Figure 3 represents . ”. format is instead like “x = 10 mm, E = 10 eV”. Acta Physica Polonica A: Guide for Authors 3 3.1. Figures 10− × ì ì (a) ì ì Figures, as well as tables, should be numbered 2 ì in order of appearance in the text, and placed in ì ì the vicinity of their first mention (NOT at the end ì à à à 1.5 à à à à à of the manuscript). ìà æ à æ æ æ æ 1 ì æ Voltage [V] à æ • Their maximal width should normally be 8 cm. æ æ Item 1 æ ì In the case of important small details, one should 0 .5 æ à Item 2 à æ prepare figures/tables at most 15 cm wide. ì ì Item 3 æ 0 • The preferable font size should be in the range (i) 0 1 2 6–9 pt for axes, (ii) 9–11 pt for axes labels. The Current [A] font sizes look good when they are not larger than in the main. • The preferred figure style is demonstrated in Fig.1. • The preferred figure format is one that shows all elements with high-quality. Thus, one should rely on vector graphics (e.g., eps) rather than raster images (e.g., png). • When there are several smaller panels within one figure, each of them should be labelled with small letters of the alphabet, i.e., (a), (b), ::: Fig. 1. (a) An example of a figure that meets the APPA criteria. (b) Reproduced from Ref. [3]. Note • In the axes, please use abbreviations rather than that the panel labels (a), (b) are slightly smaller than whole words. in the main text. • Placing any tables in the figure area is forbidden. • The symbol of multiplication, if necessary, • Footnotes to each table should be indicated by should be written using ×. superscript letters and placed in the table cap- tion or below the table. • The decimal point should be used rather than a decimal comma, i.e., 0:2 not 0; 2. • Text elements in tables should follow the same requirements as text in figures, see Sect. 3.1. • Numbers in labels should use the explicit expo- 4 nential form: 10 , not E-4. 3.3. Bibliography style • Inscriptions on figures should be kept to a min- We encourage the use of BibTeX to generate entries imum. Explanations of the different types of from the BibTeX meta-data provided by publishers curves or data points should be given in captions (using e.g., the natural, sciences, physics bibliography rather than on the plots. styles). Among bibliography elements relevant for the • When the paper includes a figure published else- APPA style are the following: a list of authors names, where, a note is formally required in the caption The Journal, volume, page (year), DOI.
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