6. Research Contributions 6.1 Outline of Research Contributions Published papers are classified as follows: Average umbers of papers for one researcher are as (A) refereed papers, follows; (B) research reviews, (A) 10.43 (previous review 5.68) (C) books, (A1) 4.89 (previous review 2.60) (D) research papers in bulletins and reports, (A2) 3.76 (previous review 2.23) (E) textbooks for lectures, (A3) 1.78 (previous review 0.85) (F) articles in newspapers and magzines, Papers of all categories have increased, in particular, (G) non-refereed papers, papers in (A1) increased by about 30%, considering the (H) data acquisition and collection reports. periods of collections. This indicates that many researchers are conscious of the importance of publishing papers in The refereed papers (A) are subdivided into three refereed journals. 57% of the refreed papers (A) were categories; (A1) complete refereed papers, which are usual written in English. refereed papers published in the scientific or technical In 2001, a book, ‘Handbook of Disaster Prevention journals. (A2) refereed papers, which are refereed papers ‘ was published as a memorial publication of the Disaster read at scientific meetings. (A3) abstract refereed papers, Prevention Research Institute. Besides, lectures to peoples of which abstracts are refereed. The papers in (G) are also were initiated as part of the 21st Century COE (Center Of subdivided into two categories; (G1) papers presented at Excellence) Program. It is quite important to inform the meetings or conferences and (G2) non-refreed papers public of recent research results to popularize knowledge published in academic journals. of disaster mitigation. However, the classification for refereed papers (A) is Other contributions, such as software developement, somewhat ambiguous at each research division or center. database constructino, improvement of computer networks, Total numbers of the papers are as follows; patents, editors and reviewers of academic journals, and (A) refereed papers 1137, (previous review 619) prizes and award-winners, are also listed in this report. (A1) 533, (previous review 283) (A2) 410, (previous review 243 (A3) 194, (previous review 93) 6-1 6.2 List of Research Contributions 6.2.1 Division of Integrated H. Li, B. Wu, L. Katafyoist, Y. Suzuki and X. S. Yuan: A Control Management for Disaster Risk Algorithm Based on Maximum Energy Dissipation Criterion for Semi-Active Fluid Dampers, Advances in Structural (A1) Complete refreed papers (21 papers) Dynamics, Vol. 2, pp.1333-1339, 2000. Zhu W.Q, Ying Z.G, Suzuki Y: Optimal nonlinear feedback (papers in Japanes, 54) control of building structures with AMD under non-white Tanaka, N.,and Tatano, H: A performance evaluation method of random ground acceleration excitation, Advances in Structural monitoring systems for inner basin drainage under imperfect Dynamics, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 1429-1436, observation, Hydrological Processes, 14, pp.621-638, 2000. December, 2000. Haruo Hayashi, Satoshi Tanaka, Kazunori Urabe, Haruhide W. Q. Zhu, Z. L. Huang and Y. Suzuki: Equivalent non-linear Yoshida, Satoshi Inoue, Hideki Shima, Nobuhisa Deki, Jun system method for stochastically excited and dissipated Kasagi, Takahiro Nishino, Yoshiaki Oganek and Masasuke partially integrable Hamiltonian systems, International Journal Takashima: Digital City for Disaster Reduction -Development of Non-Linear Mechanics, Vol.36, Issue 5, pp.773-786, 2001. of Pictogram System for Disaster Management-, Digital Cities: S. Saadat, M. Noori, H. Davoodi, Z. Hou, Y. Suzuki and A. technologies, experiences, and future perspectives, pp236-245, Masuda: Using SMA tendons for vibration control of coastal 2000. structures, Journal of Smart Material and Structures, Vol. 10, Masayuki KOHIYAMA, Norihiko YAMASHITA, Tadanobu pp.1-10, 2001. SATO, LU Hengjian, Norio MAKI, Satoshi TANAKA, and Zhu W.Q, Z.L. Huang and Y. Suzuki: Response and stability of Haruo HAYASHI: Expansion of the Nishinomiya Built strongly nonlinear oscillators under wide-band random Environment Database -Simulation of seismic motion excitation, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, Vol. distribution of 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu Earthquake-, Natural 36, Issue 8, pp.1235-1250, 2001. Hazards, Vol. 29, pp. 501-522, 2003. M. Yamamoto and Y. Suzuki: Practical applications of structural LU Hengjian, Masayuki Kohiyama, Kei Horie, Norio Maki, control systems to buildings in Japan, Earthquake Engineering Haruo Hayashi, and Satoshi Tanaka: Building Damage and and Engineering Vibration, Vol. 21, No. 4, 32-39, 2001. Casualties after an Earthquake –Relationship between Building Sakamoto, M. and Hagihara, Y.: An Attempt to Develop a Damage Pattern and Casualty Determined Using Housing Dynamic System Model of Social Conflict, Conflict Analysis Damage Photographs in the 1995 Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake in Systems Management, 2001 IEEE International Conference Disaster, Natural Hazards, Vol. 29, pp. 387-403, 2003. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics Conference Proceedings, Kei Horie, , Norio Maki, Masayuki Kohiyama, LU Hengjian, pp.1760-1766, 2001. Satoshi Tanaka, Shin Hashitera, Kishie Shigekawa, and Haruo M.Hatayama, H.Kubilay, S.Kakumoto, and Y.Kajitani: A Study Hayashi: Process of Housing Damage Assessment –The 1995 About Implementation Process of Spatial Temporal GIS to the Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Disaster Case-, Natural Hazards, Local Government - A Case Study for DUZCE Municipality Vol. 29, pp. 341-370, 2003. in TURKEY –, The 8th International Conference on Ken Sudo, Hiroyuki Kameda, and Yujiro Ogawa: Recent History Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management, CD- of Japan's Disaster Mitigation and the Impact of IDNDR, ROM, 2003. Natural Hazards Review, ASCE, Vol.1, No.1, February 2000, Y.Kajitani, S.Kakumoto, Y.Hayashi, K.Yoshikawa, and M. pp.10-17, 2000. Hatayama: An Analysis of Damages and Recovery Status in Z. L. Huang, W. Q. Zhu and Y. Suzuki: Stochastic veraging of Duzce City after 1999 Turkey Earthquakes employing Spatial- Strongly Nonlinear Oscillators under Combined Harmonic and Temporal GIS, The 8th International Conference on White Noise Excitations, Journal of Sound and Vibration Vol. Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management, CD- 238, No. 2, pp.233-256, 2000. ROM, 2003. Z. L. Huang, W. Q. Zhu and Y. Suzuki: Jump and Bifurcation of Sakamoto,M. and Y.Hagihara: A Model Analysis of Social Duffing Oscillator under Combined Harmonic and White Group Conflict, Conflict Analysis in Systems Management, Noise Excitations, Advances in Structural Dynamics, Vol. 2, SMC 2003 Conference Proceedings (2003 IEEE International pp.1167-1174, 2000. Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics)、pp.4352-4357, W. Q. Zhu, Z. L. Huang and Y. Suzuki: Stability and Bifurcation 2003. of Duffing-van der Pol Oscillator Under Wide-Band Random Sakamoto,M. and Hagihara,Y: A Model Analysis of the Process excitation, Advances in Structural Dynamics, Vol. 2, pp.1239- for Building Consensus under the Conflict Situation between 1246, 2000. 6-2 Development and Environment, ICWRER 2002 Hayakawa: Damage Evaluation of Agro-meterological Dresden,Vol.1,pp.514-523,2002 Hazards in the Maize-Grwoing Region of Songliao Plain, Shimizu,Y. and Hagihara Y.: Reconstruction of Urban Water China: Case Study of Lishu County of Jilin Province, Natural Circulation Systems by Considering Water Reuse for Hazards, Kulvier Academic Publishers, No. 1, 1-25,2003. Earthquake Disaster Mitigation, ICWRER 2002 K. Horie, N. Maki, H. Hayashi, M. Kohiyama, K. Shigekawa, Dresden,Vol.2,pp.124-130,2002 and S. Tanaka: Framework for Damage Assessment Training System, Proceedings of the ICOSSOR'01, CD-ROM, 2001. (A2) Refreed papers (18 papers) N. Maki, K. Horie, H. Hayashi, and S. Tanaka: What does (papers in Japanese, 30) "Major Damage" of the building damage assessment by local Norio Okada and Hirokazu Tatano: Integrated Disaster Risk government mean, Proceedings of the ICOSSOR'01, CD- Management for Earthquake Disaster Risk in Japan, ROM, 2001. Proceedings of Workshop 2000 “Mitigation of Seismic Risk - Wakabayashi, H., Asaoka, K., Iida, Y. and Kameda: Mode Support to Recently Affected European of Seismic Risk - Choice Model with Travel Time Reliability and Commuters' Support to Recently Affected European Countries”, Joint Travel Behavior Before/After Major Public Transportation Research Center, European Union, CD-ROM, 2000. Service Closure, 1st International Symposium on Sakakibara, H., Okada, N. and Hipel, K. W.: Modeling Public Transportation Network Reliability, Extended Abstract, pp.35- Conflicts over Infrastructure Renewal Using a Japanese Case 38, 2001. Study, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on W. Q. Zhu, Z. G. Ying and Y. Suzuki: Nonlinear Stochastic Systems, Man and Cybernetics, CD-ROM, 2000. Optimal Control of Building Structures under Earthquake Tanimoto, K., Okada, N. and Tatano, H.: Project risk allocation Excitation, Proc. of Second Japan National Symposium on through contingent cost allocation, Proc. of IEEE International Structural Control, pp.207-214, 2000. Conference on System, Man, and Cybernetics, CD-ROM, H. Li, B. Wu, L. Katafyoist, Y. Suzuki and X. Yuan: Control 2000. Algorithm Based on Maximum Energy Dissipation for Semi- Norio Okada, Hirokazu Tatano, Hiroaki Tsubokawa: Innovation Active Fluid Dampers, Proc. of Second Japan National Loss Estimation Methods for Disaster Mitigative Urban Symposium on Structural Control, pp.71-76, 2000. Diagnosis -A Japanese Experience, World Bank Conference J. Miyakoshi, Y. Hayashi: Correlation of Building
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