DIRECTORY.] LINCOLNSHIRE. BASTON. 297 landowners. The soil is clay and sandy; the subsoil, clay ScHOOLS :-.- and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and National (mixed), built I855, to hold 100; average attend­ beans. The area is t,g4o acres; rateable value, £5,021 ; ance, 40; William Alfred John Leege, master ; Mrs. the population in 1881 was 725. Annie Leege, mistress PosT, MoNEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH bFFICE & Savings Wesleyan (mixed), built I855, for 146 children; average Bank.-Robert Pacy Boole, receiver. Letters arrive attendance, 6o; Josiah T. Phillips, master from Newark at 9.30 a.m. ; dispatched at 3.30 p.m CARRIERS TO :- LINCOLN.-John Gell, mon. wed. fri. &: sat. ; William PUBLlO 0FE'ICKRS :- Martin, fri. ; Samuel Martin, mon. wed. fri. & sat Registrar of Births & Deaths for the Bassingham Sub-Dis- NEWARK.-William Martin, wed. & sat.; Richard Hut- trict, Osborne Johnson; Deputy, R. P. Boole chinson, wed Johnson Osborne Edwards John, shoe maker Kelley Frederick, plumber & gla7jer Willis Rev. Chas. Francis M.A. [rector] For4 Henry Smith, beer retailer Lynn Joseph, shoe maker Ford John Alfred, brewer & maltster Marfleet Edward Henry, farmer COMMERCIAl" Freeman John, carpenter Moo re J esse, tailor Baguley William, market gardener Garratt Francis, tailor Nowell Charles, veterinary surgeon Barber William, farmer Garratt William, boot & shoe maker Read William, farmer Bartholbmew William, farmer Glover John, Bugle Horn P.H Reynolds Poole, chemist Bingham John, farmer Graves George, baker & brick maker Singleum William, wheelwright Boole Robert P. deputy registrar of Harris John, baker Talbot Elizabeth (Mrs.), grocer birtllS & deaths Hart Charles, tailor V eesey George, farmer Booth Conyers, farmer Heawn Thomas, miller (wind) ·wagstaffe Samuel, farmer . Brock William, bricklayer Holmes Jo~~eph, grocer Walden William, stocking weaver Brocklebank John, farmer Hutchinson Richard, farmer & carrier Willey John, butcher Brown Mary (Mrs.), farmer Johnson Osborne, surgeon, medical Wilson Helen (Mrs.), grocer & drapet Camamile Samuel, Five Bells P.H officer, Broughton district, N ewark Wino Matthew, blacksmith Carr Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper union & registrar of births & deaths Wilson Robert, grocer&; linen draper Dalwn Albert, farmer & butcher for the Bassingham sub-district • :BASSINGTHORPE-cum-WESTBY is a parish in yearly, arising from £r per annum left by Mr. Russell, and the Southern division of the county, parts of Kesteven, is paid by the vicar of St. Margaret'!!l, Lincoln, and the BeltlSloe wapentake, Grantham union and county court interest of £5 left by Mrs. Fisher, distributed in mone,Y by district, rural deanery of· Beltisloe,archdeaconry and diocese the vicar for the benefit of the poor. The Earl of Dysart is of Lincoln, 3 miles south-east from Great Ponton, and lord of the manor and the principal landowner. The soil is about the same distance north-west from Corby stations, clay; subsoil, ~hiefly clay. The chief crops are wheat, and 7! south-east-by-south from Grantham. The church barley, oats and cereals. The area of the pari~ is 1,790 of St. Thomas-a-Becket is an ancient fabric of stone, in the acres j rateable value, £4.877; the population r· 1881 W!lS Saxon style, with chancel, nave and south aisle, and a 136. western tower surmounted by a spire and containing 4 bells, WESTBY hamlet is half-a-mile south-west from the church. and south porch. The register, including Westby, dates Parish Clerk, George Green. from the year 154<~. The living is a vicarage, yearly value £2oo, with residence, in the gift of the Earl of Dysart, and Letters through Grantham. The nearest money order ~ held since I86g by the Rev. James Foottit B.A. of Exeter telegraph office is at Corb) College, Oxford. Near the church is the old manor house, This place is included in Bitchfield United District School • in the Elizabethan style, occupied by Mrs. Gibson : the Board, formed in 1875; the children attend the school there. moat is now dry. Here is a charity, value about £3 Ios. CARRIER TO GRANTBAM.-Henry Sentance, e¥ery sat l.ee David, farmer & grazier Bowden Adolphus, farm bailiff to the :Bassingthorpe. Scarborough Jas.farmr.&grazier,Lodge Earl Dysart Gibson John tMrs.), farmer & grazier, ' Burgess John, farmer Manor house Westby. Scarborough John, farmer & grazier Hall Henry, farmer & grazier Foottit Rev. James B.A. [vicar] Sentance Henry, carrier & farmer :BASTON is a village and large parish, in the Southern charge of the same amount, given by the Finch and Mostyn division of the county, parts of Kesteven, Ness wapentake, families, out of land at Little Weldon; also £to per year, Bourn union and county court district, rural deanery of left by Richard Seaton Norron esq. to be given away in coal!J Ness, archdeaconry and diocese of Lincoln, on the high road on Christmas Eve. Ancie!lt Saxon pottery has often been from Lincoln to Market Deeping, 4 miles south from Bourn, found in a field near the village. Thetford House, now con­ about 3 north-west from Market Deeping and 4J north by verted inro a farmhouse, is the property of Charles Whattofi east from Tallington station. The church of St.· John the esq. Lord Aveland P.c., D.L., .J.P. is lord of the manor. Baptist is an ancient srone structure, in the Early English Lord Kesteven .J.P. Charles Whatwff esq. and Frederick Bt. and Perpendicular styles and consists of chanc~, ~leresroried L. Pratt esq . .J.P. of Paswn Hall, Peterborough, are the nave, aisles, porch and a tower with four pinnacles, contain- principal landowners. The soil is loam; subsoil, gravel. 1 ing 5 bells and a clock: the stained east window was the The chief crops are cereals. The area is 2,382 acres; rate­ gift of Mrs. Rubbins, of this place. The register dates from able value, £4,084; the population in r88I was 774· the year 1558. The living is a vicarage,net yearly value from Parish Clerk, Clifford Ji\mes Sands · glebe £231, with house, built m r867, in the gift of the Lord PosT & MoNEY ORDER 0FFICE.-Augustus Pickering, post- Chancellor, and held since 1865 by the Rev. Henry Prior. master. Letters arrive through Market Deeping at Here is a Wesleyan chapel. There are a few small charities, 7.30 a. m. & dispatched at 6 p.m. The nearest telegraph amounting to about /., 16 annually, and distributed w the office is at Market Deeping poor, viz. :-In 1830 the Rev. John Mossop ga¥e IA. 2R. 25P. of land in I.angtoft, now let for £6 yearly, to be divided National School, erected in the year 1863, & enlarged in equally ~or the relief of poor parishioners of Langtoft and the year I87S, at a. co'!t of £xso, for 2~8 children, with an Baston: these have also the interest of £Ioo given by Lucy average attendance of 153; it is supported by Government Price: a yearly rent-charge of l'.x 6s. given by William grant & voluntary contributions; John Hannan, master Ireland in 1717, out of a house belonging to Mr. Richard CARRIER.-Edward Edis, to Stamford, mondays & friday; Bland, and called "Burnt Yard close," and another rent- to Peterborough, saturday, returning same days Blythe Mrs. Baston cottage Cole John, butcher Pearson John, tailor Hack Robert Cole Sarah (Mrs.), Black Horse P.H Peasgood Aquila, farmer Haynes Mrs Cook John, machinist Perci\·al John, White Horse P.H Prior Rev. Henry [vicar] Coulson Emma & Mary (¥isses), dress Pick John Joseph, farmer, Fen Stephens Mrs makers Pick Thomas, farmer COMMERCIAL. Dring Thomas, pork butcher Pickering Augu.stu~ grocer & draperp Abbott Charles, wheelwright Edis Edward, carrier k coal dealer & post office Allam Francis, general dealer Freeman Robert, vermin destroyer Pope ThomWl, carpenter Atter Allen John, baker Gray William, farmer Preston George, coal dealer Bland Richard, horse dealer Hallam Frank, coal dealer Ringham John, farmer Bland Robert, farmer, Truesdale lodge Hudaon Richard Wm. miller (wind) Rosbe John James, l"estry clerk Bland William, farmer Letts Angustus, land surveyor Rosbe Lncy (Miss), teacher of music Boor Martin, Red Lion P.H. & farmer Marriott Robert, farmer, Manor farm Rosling John, New inn, & fariiUll' Brudenel Joseph, farmer Maxey Henry Thompson, beer retailer Sands Clifford James,saddler &; harness Cave William, farmer, Fen Morris Frederick, baker maker Clark John, horse dealer Pa.teman Wm. cattle dealer & grocer Scampion Thoma.s, carpenter .
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