1902. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE~ 7575 CONFIRMATIONS. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Executi'L'e nominations conji1·rned by the Senate June 2.8, 1902. SATURDAY, June 28, 1902 • .APPOINTMENTS IN THE ARMY. f t The House met at 12 o clock noon. Capt. Joseph C. Byron, quartermaster, to be captain of in an ry, Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. H~~Y N. Co1JDEN, D. D. with rank from March 2, 1899. f d din d d d Capt. Chauncey B. Baker, Infantry Arm (detailed as quarter- The Journal o yester ay s procee gs was rea an approv-e . master), to be quarterma ter with the rank of captain, :March 2, MESSAGE FROM THE SENA-TE. 1899. A messaO'e from the Senate, by ::M:r. PARKIKSON, its reading John P. Kelly, of Florida, contract surgeon, Uruted Sta~e~ clerk, ann~unced that the Senate had passed bills of the follow­ Arm-y, to be assistant surgeon, United States Volunteers, With ing titles in which the concurrence of the House was r equested: the rank of captain, June 26,1902. s. 268. 'An act .authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to fix MA.RSRALS. the salaries of the deputy collectors of customs at the subports Walter F. Matthews, of Oregon, to be United States marshal of Tacoma and Seattle, in the State ofWashingl()n, and repealing for the district of Oregon. all laws inconsistent therewith; FrankS. Elgin of Tennessee, to be United States marshal for · S. 3 50. An act in regard to a monumental column to commem- the western district of Tennessee. orate the battle of PrinDeton and appropriating $30.000 therefor; COLLECTORS OF CUSTOMS. S. 5732. An act establishing a regular term of United States f th distl'ict court in Lewisburg, W. Ya.; William Mahone of Virginia, to be coll ec t or 0 f enst oms or e s. 5914. An act .establishing a regular term of United States district of Petersbu'rg, in the State of Virginia. district court in Addison, w. Va.; Walter L. Robb, of Oregon, to be collector of customs for the s. 5956. An act to provide for the allotment of the lands of the district of Oregon. Cherokee Nation, for the disposition of town sites therein, and for Isaac L. Patterson, of Oregon, t.o be collector of customs for the other purposes; and district of Willamette, in the State of Oregon. s. 6091. An act extending the time for making .final proof in Robert Smalls of South Carolina, to be collector of customs for · · y ,_. c t Stat f w hi ....+~ .~.,..e di·sti.;ct of B.e'aufort, in th.e State of South Carolina. _ de ert-land entrws m a.~>..rma oun y, e 0 as n5uvn. II.Ll' .. The message also announced that the Senate had pa sed with- INDIAN AGENT. out amendment bills of the following titles: William H. Smead, of Montana, to be agent for the Indians of H. R. 8644. An act granting a pension to John W. Thomas; the Flathead Agency, in Montana. H. R. 9501. An act to provide for the sale of the unsold_portion INDIAN INSPECTOR. of the Umatilla Indian Reservation; William H. Code, of Mesa, Ariz., to be an Indian "inspector E H.B R. 10824:. An act gra-nting an increase of pension to George . ) . ump; (irrigation engmeer · H. R. 1165(). An act to incorporate the Society of the Army of RECRIVERS OF PUBLIC MONEYS. Santiago de Cuba; and Frank Bacon. of Nebraska, to be receiver of public moneys at H. R. 12026. An act granting an increase of pension to Baley North Platte. Nebr., to take effect August 8, 1902. W. Small. Eugene B. ·Hyde, of Spokane, Wash., to be receiver of public The message also announced that the Senate had passed with moneys at Spokane, Wash. amendment bills of the following titles; in which the concunence REGISTERS OF THE LAND OFFICE. of the House was requested: H. R. 12805. An act 1·equiring the Anacostia and Potomac Henry V. Hinman, of Roslyn, Wash., to be register of the land River Raihoad Company to extend its Eleventh street line, and office at North Yakima, Wash. for other purposes; George E. French, of Nebraska, to be register of the land office H. R. 12549. An act granting an increase of pension to Ransom at North Platte, Nebr., to take effect August 8, 1902. Simmons; POSTMASTERS. H. R. 120 6. An act to extend the time for th-e construction of James E. Karns tO be postmaster at Springdale, in the county the East Washington Heights Traction Railroad· Company; of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania. H. R. 11400. An act to amend an act entitled ·"An act in rela- A. M. Smith, to be postmaster at Brunsw10k, m the county of · tion to taxes' and tax sales in the District of Columbia,'' approved Glynn and State of Georgia. February 28, 1898; Allen P. Dickey, to be postmaster at Waynesburg, in the county H. R. 7013. An act granting an increase of pension to Jason E. of Greene and State of Pennsylvania. Freeman· Lucian T. Claybaugh, to be postmaster at Donora, in the county H. R. 5809. An act for the further distribution of the reports of Washington and State of Pennsylvania. of the Supreme Court; and AndrewS. Warner, to be postmaster at Tarentum, in the county H. R. 619. An act p1·oviding for the recognition of the military of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania. service of the officers and .enlisted men of the First Regiment George B. Crooker, to be postmaster at Anthony~ in the county Ohio Volunteer Light Artillery. of Harper and State of Kansas. A further message from the Senate had annm.mced that the Charles M. Junkin, to be postmaster at Fairfield, in the county Senate had passed without amendment bills of the following of Jefferson and State of Iowa. · titles.: Bennett M. Grove, to be postmaster at Liberty, in the county H. R. 10775. An act for the relief of Charles E. Sapp; of Union and State of Indiana. · H. R. 14082. An act to provide for the construction of a bridge Frank J. Davis, to be postmaster at Larned, in the county of by the Duluth, Pierre and Black Hills Raihaad Company across Pawnee and State of Kansas. the Missouri River at Pierre, S.Dak.; George W. Watson, to be postmaster at Kinsley, in the county H. R. 15003. An act to .authorize the construction of a bridge of Edwards and State of Kansas. by the New York, Chicago and St. Louis Railroad Company and James A. Arment,tobepostmasteratDodgeCity,inthecounty the Chicago and Erie Railroad Company across the Calumet of Ford and State of Kansas. River at or near the city of Hammond, Ind., at a point-about 1,200 Rufus F. Bond, to be postmaster at Sterling, in the county of feet east of the Indiana and illinois State line and about 100 feet Rice and State of Kansas. east of the location of thei}resent bridge of the New York, Chi- Benjamin A. Allison, to be postmaster at McPherson, in the cago and St. Louis Railroad Company across said river; also to county of McPherson and State of Kansas. authorize the construction of a bridge by the Chicago and State Martin L. Grimes, to be postmaster at Lyons, in the county of .Line Railroad Company across said·river at the point where said Rice and State of Kansas. company's raih·oad crosses said river in Hyde Park Township, George H. Pond, to be postmaster at Ann Arbor, in the county Chicago, lll., being at the location of the p1·esent bridge of said of Washtenaw and State of Michigan. company across said river in said township. Isaac N. Strawn, to be postmaster at Hopkins, in the county of The message also announced that the Senate had agreed to the Nodaway and State of Missouri. report of the committee of conference on the disagreeing votes of Mark L. Doughty, to be postmaster at Farmington, in the the two Houses on the amendments of the Senate to the bill (H. R. county of St. Francois and State of Missouri. 15108) making appropriations to supply deficiencies in the app~·o- William E. Osmun, to be postmast!'!r at Montague, m the priations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1903, and for pnor county of Muskegon and State of Michigan. years, and for other pm·poses. Frank B. Lamson, to be postmaster at Buffalo, in the county of Wright and State of Minnesota. NATIONAL E.'l"CAMP~IE:r-.--r, GRAND ARMY OF THE RBPUBLIC. • Frederick G. Ellison, to be postmaster at Springfield, in the Mr. BABCOCK. Mr. Speaker, I call up House joint resolution county of Windsor and State {)f Vermont. 198, giving authority to the Commissioners of the District of 7576 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. JUNE 28, Columbia to make special regulations for the occasion of the The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Tennessee, reserving thirty-sixth national encampment of the Grand Army of the Re­ the right to object, asks permission to be heard for five minutes. public, to be held' in the District of Columbia in the month of Is there objection? October, 1902, and for other purposes, incident to said encamp­ There was no objection. ment, and ask unanimous consent for its present consideration. Mr. MOON. Mr. Speaker, on the 14th of March last, the Com­ The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Wisconsin asks unani­ mittee on Territories reported to this House a bill to create the mous consent for the present consideration of House joint resolu­ Territory of Jefferson and establish a temporary government tion 198.
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