--.~. '· ~' . The ?"'~": Quarterly Volume 8 Spring 1998 No. I A Publication of the Nebraska Center for the Book llebraska Literature Festival I 998 Announced Friday, Sep tember 18 wi ll he Student Day, with ark your ca/end.. ar no11 •! The ,Vebraska programming open to high school and under­ Literature Festiml 1998 Ll'ill be held graduate college students. The general public is M September 18-19 in \V{~) ' Jle , Nebraska, invited to attend events Friday evening and all day 011 the beautijitl campus of\Vayne Stale College Saturday, September 19. (student population 4,000). For people planning to stay in Wayne Friday night, Th e Festival will he located in th e brand new motel accommodations may be sparse due to other Student Center on the college's picturesque 1.)5-acrc events in the co mmunity. Wayne State College will be campus, which encompasses the North east \:ebraska providing information abou t bed & breakfa-;ts in Arboretum and Nature Center. Wayne is located 97 northeast Nebraska. Pl an ahead to make this a miles north of Seward on Highway 15. literary weekend and join us for this wonderful event. The th eme for the 1998 Festival is "The Wo rld in The Nebraska Literature Festival 1998 will be th e th e Plains: Plains Literature as World Literature... seventh Festival sponsored by th e Nebraska Center Invitations have been issued to speakers <Llld an for th e Book and the Nebraska llumanities Council. excellent response has been received already, In 1997, \CB received the D<miel Boorstin/Center fo r according to Edward Battistella. Chair of the Wa)11e the Book Award from the Library of Congress and a State College I lumanities Department, and Kath erine Mayor's Arts Award from th e Li ncoln Arts Council. L. Walter, Chair of NCB's Festival Committee. Both awards recogn ized th e Nebraska Cen ter for th e Programming will be announced in th e next issue of Book for its outstanding \ebraska Literature Festival. this publication. .... Upcomin9 Storytellin9 Festivals Polish up your s tor~1clli11 g skills and add to your by Maty ne a/tribute that distinguishes humans repertoire of stories at one of th ese area storytelling Jackson, from other animals is the pou•er lo festivals . Nebraska Library 0 OJgan ize e.\perience ~J ' telling stories. On May 29 and :)0, th e 1998 Buffalo Commission 'lll•o ujxoming s/01:rtelling emnls offer you the Commons Storytelling Festival \\'ill be held at chance lo discoL•er Ibis art form. various sites in McCook NE. It begins on Friday at Children benefit from stories, not only through 6 J>,,\1. in :\orris Park wi th a buff<Llo barbecue. Festival reading, but ;Llso by heari ng a message transmitted headliners perform at 7:.)0 1 >.~1. at the B;u1d Shell , directly from the mind of the stor~1eller. Stor~1elling followed by Ghost Stories. Saturday workshops begin ignites chi ldren 's imaginations mid motivates them to at 9 ' · \1. at the Museum of th e I ligh Plains. Carnegie read. It offers a purer and more intense sto ry expe­ Library, Fox Theater, and Norris Park. I lead lincrs rience and teaches listening skills. include Nancy Duncan, Omaha, :\ebraska's State Poet The absence of illustration in told stories helps Lo William Kloefkorn, Lincoln, Michael Cotter, MN , develop visualization skills. Stories arc passed from Cactus Chris Bu ethe. and Andy Wi lkinson. Fees vary. listener to listener and drawn from a common Contact McCook Arca Chamber of Commerce, memory pool. linking the listener Lo the p:L~t. to PO . Box :Sr. McCook \'E 6900 1, 800-657- 21 79. human it\'. .June I l) - 2 I , th e Nebraska Storytelling Festi val will be held at the College of Saint Mary in co11/i11ued 011 next page .. llebraska Center for the Book ltoves Forward legal , organizational , <Uld financial underpinnings. We by Linda 'th the leadership qfBoard President no\\' look forward to an exciting Nebraska Literature Hillegass Denise Brar(J'. 1997 tl'as a year of Festiv;ll in September at Wayne State Coll ege in Wayne. accomplishments and changesfor The leadership training session also cl early iden ­ the Nebraska Center/or the Book. The Board tifi ed an ongoing problem in th e lack of staffing. used a scholarship grant.from 'frustee Leadersb1jJ Without paid staff, Board members set policy and did De1 •elopment for a dc~1 · -long training session :lll of the work in volved. Based upon knowledge ear(J ' i11 the year This session helped the Board gathered at a Librarv of Congress Center for the Book lo r~focus 011 its mission and recognize that information exchange meeting, Laureen Ri edesel fostering a passion for books and maintaining a developed a propos<ll and made a presentation to the strong communi~J ' ofthe book tcilhin the stale Nebraska Library Commission which should help case are key. Although the organizations name this problem. The Commission now serves as the host for NCB. This brings a change of address, new suggests a pl~J ·sical location, our role real(J' revolves around :o.jJirit rather than place. channels for publicity, and some ve ry welcome help We affirmed th e Neb r:L<;ka Literature Festival as a with the workload. vit<ll part of our iden tity and purpose and resol ved to The Nebraska Center fo r the Book was honored in continue it. At the s'm1e tim e, we decided not to have 1997 with a $5,000 cash award from the National a festival in 1997 in order to step back, regroup, and Ce nter for the Book recognizing our innovati\'e liter- attack th e project in a more orderly way, \\'ith strong ~re ~~ . ~ Storytellin9 Festivals continued ... Peninnah Schram, New York City, Judith Simundson, Dubuque IA, Karen Lib rmm and Senator David L:mdis Om<ma. The event includes workshops and story­ of Lin co ln , and Omaha's Five Bright Chicks. Tickets telling for adults and chi ldren <Uld features Ghosting are available al the Story Monkey Bookstore, or by 9:30 P.~1. on F1iday night at Mcadlincrs include e<llling 402 -551-45.12. Donald Davis, Ocracoke NC. Charlotte Blake Alston , For more information about the power of sto ry­ Philadelph ia PA , Derck Burrows, Jamaica Plain MA , telling, contact Mary Jackson at 402-47 1--1006 or Angela Lloyd , Victo rville CA , Jack Gladstone, a 800-.)07-2665; email: member of th e Blackfeet Nation from K<llispell MT, <mjackson @neon .n lc.state.nc .us >. Thc llCBQuarterly Spring 1998 Vol. 8 No. I Nebraska Center for Nebraska Center Publications/Publicity 1998 Nebraska Center the Book Board for the Book 1998 Conunittee for the Book Board Ri chard All en. Lin coln Committees Linda ll illegass. C/Ja ir Meetings Ol il'er Pollak Lora lllack, l.incoln Meml>ership on corrnuittees is not May I I - Wm1ie State Den ise Hradl'. Omaha. lli chanl .\l ien restricted to hoard members. Man Jo ll\'an . e.r r!f/icio . College. Warne, I :00 P. \t. !'as/ l'reside11/ Please contact us if \OU \\'ould \ehraska J.ihran· Commission August 8. Oakland. 2:00 1>. \\. John Butler. Omaha. like to ht·co1m· in l'O l\'ed: Lauret·n staff (in conjun ction \\'ith the (;real Secre/a1:1·/Treas11rer lliedesel. \ ehraska Center for the Plains Chautauqua: site to he Linda ll illegass, l.incoln Book. The Atrium . I LOO \ Street. Networking/Membership ann ounced.) Jen'\· Kromherg. l.incoln Suite 120. J.incoln \E. (18~08 - Conunittee Mel Krutz, Sl'\\ ard 2025 Mel Krutz. 01air November 8 - Lin coln , Connie Osborne. Omaha Lora Jllack annual meeting, time and site Nebrm; ka Uterature OJi ,·er Poll ak. Omaha Laureen lli edcsel to he announced. ! ~tur een lliedescl. Beatrice. Festival Committee l'reside11/ K.uherine \\ al ter, Chair Fundraising/Development l/Je .\ 'CB Q 11n rler(r is Kath erin e \\'alter. J.in coln Dee Yost Conunittee published three times a 1·ear Dee Yost, I lastings. I 'ice l'reside11/ John But ler Dmise Brath. C/Jair h\' th e \eimL-;ka Center for the Molli' Fi sher. Lin co ln . I'.\' o/.Jicio Jen~ Kromherg Con ni e Osborne Book. The Atrium, 1200 \ llod \\'agncr. J.incoln. e.r o/.Jici11 Denise llrath· M o ll ~ Fi , Jirr Street. Su ite 120. Lincoln. \E E M. ":l>lorrie" l \1tt le. l.inco ln . Rod \\'agner. \ehr: L, Jrn J.ihr:uY 68508-202.).) Subscription is \'oluntetr. l::n!c11/il ·e 7/·east(J'l'I' Commission Director. is an free 11·ith membership. Editor: e.r-ofjici11 member of all Linda I tillegass. Design and © cop~ right 11J<J8 h ~ the \l'hr;.1:-.h.a co 111mi1tees to coordin ate staff production: Valerie l> a~1on Ctnlt'I' for till' Book , upport from the 1.ihran Co mmi "ion during the page transition ll'ar. I <J<JK • ''/('llCBQuarterly The Radio and the Book On Nebraska Public Radio (in Lincoln and the braska isjortu11ate to be rich in Public rest of the state): Book­ Radio stations that su/JjJorl book :\ehraska Public Radio broadcasts several book­ Relaced M·eadingjor children and adults and the related programs throughout th e state. The times oiven here are CST for the Lincoln station (Kl .CV at Prosrams book col/ec/01 : Here :<; a quick summm:J' to help b on Public youfl11d the book-related jJrogmms they offe1: 90.9 FM.) For other locations in the state, check Radio broadcast times locally.
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