\, Drexel Oxford, 5 gn~. Best value - most comfortable When you buy you'r Selby shoes from D.J's you're sure to get full measure of comfort. Thanks to the experience of our expert fitter)' and 'Our range of fractional fittings, we can make sure you get your correct, exaot size; And when you buy Selby's you1re sure o:f getting full rµea~1,1re of style-right hardwearing good looks. Choose from Drexel Oxford, pictured, in supple .black or tan calf or sporty brogue: both at 5 gns, ,or the famous AP (arch preserver) Derby, priced at £5/19/6 I Dil\s· GUARAN'fJE·- ·sATISFACTION. OR Yo.ili{'M'ONt . :. ~u .~. ' 0 ....... , - .. ..,, SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1960 No. 4 . L . E E X HENTY ~IMBER YARDS A E (T. H. JENKINS & SONS) G C Saw and Planing Mills. Building & Hardware HENTY, N.S.W. PHONES: Busioess 95; Private 203 u u E T KNOW YOUR FOOTBALL the ball having been touched, and re­ I tains' possession wlien held by an Laws of the Game oppdnent, if the field umpire is satis­ V T~EA6. 1 . fied the player has not heard his call, PRES. : SEC.: 12. RUNNING WITH THE BALL E M, VENNELL A, E, PARR A, B, SADLEIR "Play on", no free kick shall be given, (a) A player may hold the ball for and the ball shall be bounced. But if any length of. time, provided he· is not EDITORIAL the ball has been · taken away from the Last week w~ appealed to all to support our •code through the clubs, in held by· an opponent. If he runs with order to assist with: the iinportant function of sound and proper development .of the ball, he must bounce it or touch player by another player the field um­ our youth. the ground with it at least once in every pire's· call, "Play on", shall hold good. This week we assume that our. appeal has been successful, and that ,there ten yards, which need not be in a are senral public-spirited potential supporters at eac.h of our matches. straight line-that is, he may turn and In order to assist with the retention of t'h:ese would-be supporters, here are dodge. · (e) If a player is in the act of kick­ several suggestions which could well be adopted by most clubs: " . (b) A player who runs with the ball, -ing or handballing, and he is swung Be prompt in th,~ commencement of. games, .. Lateness suggests d1sorgan­ hits it over an opponent's head . and · off his balance, and his foot or hand isation"-an unhealt'hy sign to even the ardent enthusiast. Remember, too, a catches it must, within ten yards of does not connect with the ball-play late start means a late finish, wit!b! obvious detrimental effects. commencing his run or striking the Dress your officials and players in the prop,er attire. Nothing. refle~ts more ball on the ground, bounce it or touch on. poorly on our code than the dressing of boundary and goal umpires, m street the ground with it or dispose of it. clothes and the player with a badly torn or numberless guernsey. Official scoreboards should be maned only by detegated, responsible persons. If a player is bumped and qall -falls It is a patron's·right to expect fh'e scores to be accurately kept. · . from his hands-play on. Fip.ally, assist the ne'Ycomer _by. in~erpretin_g. the Laws of the Game for, .bY so d_oing, you ate ,extending an mv1tatioo to Jom the vast army of Australian 13. HOLDING THE BAfL­ Football followers. When a player has the ball held to HOLDING THE MAN his ~dy by another play.er-ball up. LEAGUE TROPHY DONORS AND 1.959 WINNERS (a) A player in possession of the ball, When a player is knocked on arm when held by an opponent firmly enough to stop him -or retard his pro­ or elbow, causing him to drop the gress should be given a reasonable ball-play on. chance of disposing of it by kicking or handballing, otherwise a free kick shall When a player has his arms piimed be awarded to his opponent for holding the ball. to his sides, causing him to droll-, the ball~play _on. , (b) A player who lies on or over /! the ball is deemed to be in possession of it. The spirit of the rule is to keep the (c) A player not in possession of ball in motion. the bii,11, when held by an· opponent, shall be awarded a free kick. MR, M, BA:Z R, HA'eERECHT MRS, E. VERDON T . Mc;liil!Elli: • To be Continued in Next Issue. B, , lie F, 1ST XVIII WljllNER B. lie F, : 2ND XVIII 'W INl'tER (d) When a player claims a mark, PETERS JACK SKEERS ICE CREAM CYCLE AND MOTOR CYCLE· SPECIALIST "THE HEALTH FOOD OF A NATION" 27 Baylis Street, · Wagga Wagga, Phone 3880. Lawn Mower Sales and Repairs , BUCHAN ANS MOTORS MOTOR REPAffiS (BOB ~UCHANAN) HAGEN BROS. THE ROCK SHELL AGE~TS I CULCAIRN HOTEL Petrol, Tyres and Repairs Steel Construction Works Personal attention· to all woi:k PHONE YER@NG CREEK 317 (KEITH BRODIE, 'Licensee.) THE ROCK NOTES Creek tood lightly. This .you cannot I We11, Magpies, the same old tale: do, as they are grand triers as well as I you played your heart out against the being good blokes, but we feel we have EAT - DRINK - AFTER MATCH Tigers in the first half to hold them the talent to break the ice against our to a 'low score, and you looked good. Southern neighbours. It should be an This first half was a display of ten­ interesting game. acity and guts. Then, in the second half, Wagga kicked a few sixers and what did ·you do about it? You took a YERONG CREEK NOTES THE ROCK , YERONG CREEK rest for 1t quarters. Then, when things were hopeless, you · fought back like 1. D. TAYLOR (c). 1. T. CONWAY 2. H. HORGAN demons in the last 10 minutes. If this Don Ratcliffe 2. C. PREST misguided energy had been used in the 3.. J. VERDON • first ten minutes after half time, some 4. D. FEENEY Mason St. 3. G. wn.,us of those Tigers who were so much on I 5. E. FEENEY 4. J. YATES 6. K. ROSER WAGGA top later may not have been so awe­ 5. B. GRAETZ inspiring. \ 7. D. THOMPSON Congratulations tb Tim Robb's boys, 8. E. CHAPLIN Top prices for 6. R. GEDDES especially Ness, Morrow, Bradley, l 9. G. McCASKILL Sm;plus Poultry 7. M. GEDDES Breust a.nd McGee. Not many Magpies 10. W. HUNTER 9. I. WESTOARTH turned on four quatters of good foot­ 11. J. VENNELL Phone 4571 ball, . but notable exceptions were E. 12. M. GRIFFITH 10. R. TAYLOR (v.c:) Chaplin, Don Taylor, Feeney brothers 11. B. BREED and Col Vennell. A good perform­ I 13. R. CHAPLIN ance, too, was turned in by half back I 14, B. CHAPLIN 12. W. BREED flartker John Verdon. ' I 15. D. LEWINGTON 13. P. DRISCOLL 16. C. VENNELL The Seconds · once again were beat­ 14. N. RAINBIJW en, but put up quite an improved per­ No notes to hand at time of 17. I. WEILY JOHN 'McMULLEN formance. Captain John McMullen, Printing. 18. B. PASSLOW 15. I. SMEATON gave not only his Seconds team-mates, 19. ROY CHAPLIN Radio and Eiectrlcal. 16. D. PALK but in any -sense, players an object I 20. A. BRAMFORD lesson on how to "come through" a 22. W. COLLINS Service 17. (;. KNOBEL pack; as did our indestructible "flying 23. ,A,. BUCHANAN THE ROCK 18. ·D. GALVIN Dutchman", Harry Hoogeveen. I 24. 'C. ROBINSON 19. T. WILLIS Were it possible to field a .team of 25. D. COX Full Stocks of Electrical Hoogeveens in the tag wrestling at I , 26. V, GROSSE Appliances 20. R. GALVIN the stadium, we:: would, without doubt, 27. Ii'. HOOGENVEEN 21. R. BROUGHTON win hands down. I 28. M. CONDON Repairs a Speciality Other Seconds to catch the eye were 29. I. CONDON 24. GRAHAM WILLIS 30. K. JONES N. Taylor and B. Chaplin. Paul Mc­ 1 Mullen filled in for •the absent-without I SCORE CARD leave Kevin Jones in the Firsts. He was inexperienced. and was unfortunately Gls. Bhds. Gls. Bhds. Gls. Bhds. Gls. Bhds. injured, but we feel confident this THE ROCK player is a first grader of the future. I II I I We will n'ot be taking Y erong YERONG CREEK I I I i II I I I I KINGS OWN HOTEL ,FALKS CAFE' Send surplus Stock to S~EATONS AND SERVICE .. STATION DALGETY'S THE ROCK Y}:RONG CREEK An Equal to any Choice Experienced salesmen at Wagga GOOD BEER-GOOD CHEER Grills, Fish, Hamburgers Renowned Marlret ·Grocer_ie!i and Frozen Food& For your Merchandise or Snack Bar also here. 1 ALL HOURS. .. PRONE 323 VRANA st., THE ROCK Insnrance­ Dalgety's, Wagga or The Rock AFTER THE GAME - DON'T FORGET­ MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS BOB ASHTON'S Sales - 'fDning - Repairs Sports ' Centre THE BLACK SW AN HOTEL All Footy Gear-Jerseys, Socks, \ TED F. HAYNES Badges - AND REPLAY THE GAME i Shorts, Club· Famous Phone: "ARENA" BOOTS WITH GOOD BEER AND SERVICE 159 Baylis St. (Near Plaza) Albury 836 - Wagga 2442 Phone 2689 NORTH WAGGA NOTES M.C.U. NOTES M.C.U. NORTH WAGGA The ice has been fairly thick up to· Beaten, but not disgraced, must hav:e 1.
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