DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD, CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA, LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA JOURNALISM OF COURAGE WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 2021, PUNE, LATE CITY, 16 PAGES SINCE 1932 `5.00 WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM MAJORITY RULING CLEARS DECKS FOR NEW PARLIAMENT Ready for vaccination CentralVistagetsSupremeCourt’s within 10 days of ` 86 per kilo all-clear:2-1verdictsaysnoinfirmity approval: Ministry ` 114 per kilo On Covaxin,officials say‘Phase2data enough in apandemic as per rules ’ ` 140 per kilo Plea wanted us to Justice Khanna dissent: getintoterritory KAUNAINSHERIFFM beyond our Must make intelligible NEWDELHI,JANUARY5 BUSINESSASUSUAL power: Bench THE UNION Health Ministrysaid information public on Tuesdaythat stakeholders at BY UNNY the Centreand states were pre- posedredevelopment of Central paredtoroll out the mass immu- ANANTHAKRISHNANG SOFIAHSAN Vista, ParliamentBuildingand nisation programme against NEWDELHI,JANUARY5 NEWDELHI,JANUARY5 Common Central Secretariat. Covid-19within 10 days of the Avaccine dryrun in Beforepreparation of any vaccines getting approval. LucknowonTuesday. REJECTINGARGUMENTS of pe- HOLDINGTHATpublicpartici- plan and itssubmission to the The decision on rolling out Vishal Srivastav titioners who “enthusiastically pation cannotbeamechanical centralgovernment, the Delhi India’s biggestadult vaccination calledupon us to ventureinto Asketch of thedesign of the newproposedCentral Vista. exercise or formality in adeci- Development Authority (DDA), drivewill, however, be takenby territories that areway beyond Courtesy HCP Design, Planning &Management sion-making process, Justice under law, is required to invite the central government, it said. tual implementation; providing the contemplated powers of a SanjivKhanna, in adissenting objections and suggestions from Twovaccines —Covaxin de- confidence to programme man- constitutional court”, the judgment on the Central Vista the public or anylocal authority. velopedbyBharat Biotech with agers at various levels,” Health Supreme CourtTuesdaygaveits plex, buildings forcentral min- decision, said: “We hold that project matter,Tuesday said that The Authority has to also appoint Indian Council of Medical SecretaryRajesh Bhushan said. go-ahead to the government’s istries, anew enclavefor theVice thereisnoinfirmity in the grant the right to makeobjections and aBoardofEnquiryand Hearing Research (ICMR), and Covishield, “We conducted the dryrun Central Vistaredevelopment President, anew office and resi- of: (a) “No Objection”bythe suggestionswill also includethe (BoEH) forhearing and consid- avariant of OxfordAstraZeneca’s in 286 session sites, and exam- plan,upholding modifications in dence forthe Prime Minister, Central VistaCommittee (CVC); right to have intelligible and ad- eringrepresentations regarding AZD1222 manufactured under inedthe operationalisation of THE EDITORIAL PAGE land use forthe project and envi- among others. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 equateinformation regarding the draftMasterPlan. licence by the Serum Institute of SOPs and protocols. On the basis ronmental clearance recom- In a2-1 ruling while dispos- the proposal. While twojudges on the India—got regulatory approval of this exercise, we areprepared INFARMDEBATE, mendations. ing of aclutchofpetitions which He made thesecomments on Benchupheld the government’s forrestricted use in emergency forarollout of the Covid-19vac- The project in the heartof had raisedobjections, Justices A APPROVALS TAKEN, informationmade available to decision to redevelop the Central situation on Sunday. cine within10days from the THEMISSINGR&D New Delhienvisages construc- MKhanwilkarand Dinesh WORKON: COMPANY the public while invitingobjec- Vista, Justice Khanna, in a “The national dryrun (on dateofEmergency Use BY DEEPAK PENTAL tion of anew Parliament com- Maheshwari, in their majority PAGE 7 tions or suggestions to the pro- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Saturday) looked at four areas: Authorisation granted by the PAGE 8 testing operationalfeasibility of regulator,” he said. Co-WIN (softwareplatform) in CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 largescale use; assessing link- ages between planning, imple- mentation, and reporting mech- SERUM,BIOTECH TO Kohli invested in gaming anisms; identifying challenges ‘WORK TOGETHER’ platform firmwhich is and addressing them before ac- PAGE 11 TeamIndia’skit sponsor Shut for 10 months, ASI sites &monumentsinPune NIHALKOSHIE Kohli was NEWDELHI,JANUARY5 namedMPL to open forvisitors today brand IN WHATraisesquestions of po- ambassador tential conflict of interest, Indian in January EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE cricketteam captain ViratKohli PUNE,JANUARY5 had invested in acompanyin February2019, which todayis announcedMPL Sports as the AFTER BEINGclosedfor nearly 10 BCCI’s (BoardofControl for newkit sponsor and officialmer- months due to the Covid-19pan- CricketinIndia) official kit spon- chandise partnerfor the Indian demic, the Pune district adminis- sor and merchandise partner. cricketteam. trationonTuesdayallowedhistor- ViratKohliwas allotted As partofthe three-year ical monuments, memorials and Shaniwar Wada wasamong CompulsoryConvertible agreement, senior Indian men, archaeologicalsitesto openforvis- placesshut formonths. File Debentures (CCDs) forRs33.32 women and under-19teams will itors from Wednesday. Thead- lakh in Galactus Funware sportMPL jerseys.The Indian ministration has asked visitors to Technology Private Limited,a team has been sporting the MPL strictlyfollowsafetyprecautions, Survey of India(ASI),whichare lo- Bengaluru-headquarteredcom- Sports —anarm of MPL —logo failingwhichpenaltieswillbeim- catedinPune circle. pany, whichowns the online duringthe ongoing Australian posedonthem. With the reopening of ASI gaming platform Mobile tour.MPL Sports has theright to Shaniwar Wada, AgaKhan sites,visitors will also be able to Premier League (MPL). Galactus also sell licensedjerseys and THE VERY LONG AND WINDING ROAD Palace, Karla cavesand forts, in- book their ticketsonline. This can is asubsidiaryofM-League Pte other Team India merchandise. cluding Shivneri, Visapur, be done by visiting asipayu- Ltd, acompanyregisteredin Kohli wasnamedbrand am- Trucks on waytoSrinagar stucknear Jammu on Tuesdaywith the national highway shut due to heavy snowfall in the Valley. VishrambaugWadaandRajmachi, money.com and selecting SingaporeinApril 2018. bassador of MPL in January2020. Morethan 4,500vehicles were said to be stranded, withKashmir cut offfromthe rest of thecountry by road as well as air. PTI areamong the manysites operat- Mumbai city. On November 17,2020,BCCI CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 ing under the Archaeological CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Outgoing US Ambassador lists In first mention, Defence Nirav’s sister, her husband opt trade, Russia, Atmanirbhar as review says ‘unorthodox’ for pardon, to testify against him weapons used in Galwan mitted that their personal and friction points: ‘India must choose’ SADAFMODAK professional liveshad come to a Ministryhas officiallymen- MUMBAI,JANUARY5 To give ED “standstill” because of Nirav EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE tionedthe use of suchweapons ‘substantial’ Modi’s “alleged criminal activi- SHUBHAJITROY ED NEWDELHI,JANUARY5 by Chinaduring the eight- FUGITIVE DIAMOND jeweller proof on ties”. Theysought to be exam- NEWDELHI,JANUARY5 Amessage month militarystandoffthat be- Nirav Modi's younger sisterand Nirav Modi inedaswitnessesinthe two PLAIN E CHINAUSED “unorthodox ganinearly May. brother-in-law willbewitnesses cases of money laundering filed ● toDelhi IN Acandid farewell speech, out- EX weapons” and amassedalarge The Ministryhad mentioned against him in twocases filedby by theED, saying they could goingUSAmbassador to India number of troops along the Line China’s “unilateral aggression” the Enforcement Directorate courtstating that theywanted to makedisclosures whichwould Kenneth IJusteronTuesday WASHINGTON’S of Actual Control (LAC)ineast- in itsJunemonthlyreport; how- (ED) afteraspecial courton distance themselvesfromNirav provecritical to establish the facts talked about “frictions and frus- RESERVATIONS on ern Ladakh and escalated the sit- ever,that report, and all other Mondayallowedtheir applica- Modi, and could provide “sub- againstNirav and other accused. trations”onthe Indo-UStrade Kenneth Justeratafarewell India’s economic and uation, the Defence Ministryhas monthlyreports,weretaken off tion forgrant of pardon. stantial and important evidence” Nirav and othersare facing and investment front, expressed eventinDelhi Tuesday. PTI trade policies, as well said in itsyear-end reviewof itswebsitelater. Lastmonth, Purvi Mehtaand relevant to him and his dealings. cases filedbythe CBI and ED for Washington’s misgivings on as defence purchases 2020. The year-end reportsaid the her husband, MaiankMehta, Purvi, aBelgian national, and allegedly committingafraud of Delhi’s decision to buy Russian from Russia, have been This is the firsttime that the CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 had filedapplications before the Maiank,aBritish national,sub- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 defence equipment, and made a ket access forcertain US goods known in the policy veiledcritiqueofNew Delhi’s and services, “increasing tariffs”, circles and within the Make-in-India and Atmanirbhar “newlimitations” on the free Indian government. But campaigns. flow of data,and a “less-than- the US envoy’s public In an hour-long address at an predictable regulatoryenviron- commentsreveal the event organisedbythe US ment forinvestors”. frustration at atime Embassy and theObserver In aveiledreference to India’s when New Delhiis Research Foundation, Juster, who
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