INTERN AtlONAkS YM POSIU M RADIATION CREjyU (PLUTONR^^tfVEARS) PREPRINTS VOLUME Np , 'An. 19 P j ,, M '91' Th if « u;cr .-; "(TON1 - EARC BOMBAY ; FEBRUARY 4'-7, 1991 ! ()R(;ANISEI) BY BOARD OFIRESEARCH )N NUGLBAR|SCIENCES DEPARTMENTJOF ATOMIC ENERGY IN *,A oo^oA —^ ®J °® INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON RADIOCHEMISTRY & RADIATION CHEMISTRY (PLUTONIUM - 50 YEARS) PREPRINTS VOLUME _ Am |19( P I L » U BARC, BOMBAY FEBRUARY 4-7, 1991. ORGANISED BY BOARD OF RESEARCH IN NUCLEAR SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF ATOMIC ENERGY GOVERNMENT OF INDIA FOREWORD The Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) has been arranging symposia in the field of Nuclear Chemistry & Radiation ChemiBtry since 1964. After 1980 these symposia have become an annual feature, the present being 10 in succession. The importance of the current symposium is that it is being held as INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM TO COMMEMORATE 50 years of the discovery of PLUTONIUM by Prof. CJ.T. Seaborg and jothers in the year 1941 and memorable events thereafter that lead to the discovery of the entire group of trans-plutonium elements. Befitting *o the occasion, the symposium is being held at Bhabha Atomic Research Centre during Feb. 4-7, 1991. Major time of this symposium will be devoted to the topics of research and development in the field of actinides. Fourteen leading scientists from France, Germany, Japan, USA & USSR will deliver talks on the current international status of Science and Technology of Actinides and their impact on environment. Twelve senior Indian scientists will review the current actinide research in the country. Besides these, 76 research papers will be presented. Four invited talks and 109 research papers will be presented in the field of Nuclear Chemistry & Radiation Chemistry. As it has been a practice in the previous years, th© invited talks and research papers are published in Preprints volume which is made available to all the participants on the opening day. He hope this will enable the participants to involve them in indepth discussion during the delioerations of the symposium. The Symposium Committeo is grateful to Prof.Virendra Singh, Chairman, Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS) and other members of the BRNS for their financial support. In organizational matters, I am greatly indebted to Dr.R.M.Iyer, Chairman, Symposium Organising Committee and Director, Chemical & Isotope Group, Chri P.R.Roy, Chairman, International Advisory Committee and Director, Materials Group, Shri A.N.Prasad, Director, Reprocessing Group and all other members of the International Advisory Committee for their guidance in the organization of this symposium. Our sincere thanks are due to Dr.P.E.Natarajan, Chairman, Technical Coniinittee, Dr. H.C.Jain, Chairman, Local Organising Committee, Shri.A.V.Jadhav, Secretary, Symposium Organizing Committee and all members of these committees for their untiring efforts in the successful organization of this symposium. I have also received profound help from a large number of my colleagues in Fuel Chemistry Division and other Divisions of BARC. I express ipy sincere thanks to them. The symposium committee is grateful to all the invited speakers, authors of all research papers for their active participation & for timely submission of manuscript and Shri.M.R.Balakrishnan, Head, Library & Information Services and his colleagues for bringing out this Preprint volume in time. I have a special word of thanks to our friends from abroad for accopting our invitation and travelling long distances to be amongst us and giving us the opportunity to share their rich experiences and thoughts with us. (D.Ek-Sood) Convener International Advisory Committee P.R.Roy - Chairman ( BARC, India) S.N.Bhattacharyya (SINP, India) G.R£hoppln (Florida, USA) K.C.Dash (Utkal Univ., India) F.David (Orsay, France) R.Guillaumont (Orsay, France) E.P.Horwitz (ANL, USA) C.Keller (Karlsruhe, FRG) V'.Krishnan (Inst.ot Sc. Bangalore ) R.A.Mashelkar (NCL. India) C.K.Mathews (IGCARr India) H.Matzke (Karlsruhe, FRG) S.P.Mishra (BHU, India) B.F.Mysoedov (Moscow, USSR) K.Naito (Nagoya, Japan) R.H.Pembles (BNFL, UK) A.N.Prasad (BARC. India) A.R.Rsddy (Def.Lab., Jodhpur) H.Roepenack (Alkem, GmbH, FRG) S.B.Soman (HERB, India) Z.R.Threl (Inst. of Sc., Bombay) M ,S .Wadia (Poona Univ., India) M.Yamawaki (Tokyo, Japan) Symposium ©rganising Committee R.M.Iyer - Chairman ^.D.Sood - Convener fi.V.Jadhav - Secretary M.R.Balakrishnan K.R.Balasubramanian LS.Bhatt S.Gangadharan C.Ganguly Keshav Chander S.B.Manohar R.Narayanan P.R.Natarajan D.S.C.Purushottam N .Ramamoorthy A. Ramanujam P.R.U. Rao R.K.Singh P.K.Mattel Technical Committee P.R.Natarajart - Chairman S.K.Aggarbial A.U.Jadhav Keshav Chandor V,V.S. Man/ J.N.Mathur R.Parthasarathij R.Prosad K.L.N.Rao R.D.Saini B.SJbmar G.l/enkattfswarem Isocal 6rganising Committee H.C.Jnin - Chairman fi.R.Joshi - Reception & Transport Keshav Chander - Registration K. Raghuraman - Accommodation Ziley Singh - Catering MEMBERS T.R.Bangia S.P.Heisilkar R.I/.Kamat N.B.Khedekar H.R.Mhatre S.K.MukherjBS Q.Ramaswami R.K.Rastogi A.V.R.Reddy M.K.Saxena I/,HMaidya CS.Yadav TABLE OF CONTENTS No. TITLS OF THE PAPER NAME OF THE AUTHOR IT - INVITED LECTORES IT-01 HISTORICAL ACHIEVEMENTS OF PLUTONIUM Westrun E.F-Jr. ISOLATION,'DRY CHEMISTRY', AND THERMODYNAMICS AT CHICAGO MET.LAB. IT-02 STUDIES ON URANIUN AND PLUTONIUM FUELS Gurin Y. AT CADARACHE 1T-G3 PLUTONIUM TECHNOLOGY IN GERMANY : Stoll «. HISTORY AND PRESENT STATUS IT-B'l SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY OF Naito K. URANIUM PLUTONIUM MIXED OXIDE IT-05 RESEARCH ON CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF Zvara I. TRANS-ACTINIDE ELEMENTS IT-06 STUDIES ON PLUTONIUM AND NEPTUNIUM Beauvy M. , CHEMISTRY AT CADARACHE Larroque J. n-»7 ttyasoedov B-F- ELEMENTS IN SOVIET UNION IT-08 RECENT ADVANCES IN THE THERMODYNAMICS David F. OF TRIVALENT ACTINIDES IT-09 THERMODYNAMICS OF ACTINIDES Sood D.D. IT-18 NUCLEAR PROPERTIES OF PLUTONIUM Satya Prakash IT-11 SOME ASPECTS OF SOLUTION CHEMISTRY Patil S.K. OF PLUTONIUM If-12 STABILITY OF PENTAVALENT PLUTONIUM Capdevila H., Vitorge P. IT-13 PLUTONIUM FUEL FABRICATION AT BARC Ganguly C IT-14 THE INPILE BEHAVIOUR OF PLUTONIUM FUELS Mathews C.K- IT-15 CHEMICAL BEHAVIOUR OF FISSION PRODUCT Yamawaki M., Konashi K. IODINE IN IRRADIATED OXJDE FUEL PINS FOR NUCLEAR REACTORS IT-16 ACTINiDE EXTRACTION CHEMISTRY lilTH Nusikas C.,Conda»inc« C., AMIDE TYPE OF EXTRACTANTS Cuillerdier C.Nigend L. U-17 SPEUT FUtL RtPRfcCeS/SiHS -. ft PfctSPECTWE IT-18 PLUTONIUM CHEMISTRY AND FAST REACTOR Vasudeva Rat> P.R., FUEL REPROCESSING Sri ni vaean T-G. IT-19 REPROCESSING OF HIGH CONTENT Pu FUELS Balasubra«ar<i»n G.R. 1T-20 DEVELOPMENTS AND AUTOMATION IN PUREX RananujaM A. PROCESS CONTROL ANALYTICAL MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS IT-21 MANAGEMENT OF RADIOACTIVE WASTES GENER- Kuora M.S. ATED DURING PLUTONIUM SEPARATION AMD HANDLING OPERATIONS 1T-22 SPECULATIVE SUBTRACER CHEMISTRV OF GuillauMont R. PLUTONIUM IN ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS IT-23 ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS OF ACTINIDES Pillai K.C. IT-24 THE BIOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF PLUTONIUM Singh N.P.,Mrenn Mc.E. IT-25 METHODS FOR ANALYSIS OF URANIUM- Tiaofeev G.A- PLUTONIUM MIXED FUEL AND TRANS- PLUTONIUM ELEMENTS AT RIAR IT-26 ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY OF PLUTONIUM Jain H.C. IT-27 CURRENT STATUS OF RADIATION CHEMISTRY Pikaev A.K. AND RADIATION PROCESSING IN THE USSR IT-2S RADIATION CHEMISTRY OF MIXED CRYSTALS Muller Horst, Obergfell P. Hagenlocher I. IT-29 ASPECTS OF FORMATION AND CHEMISTRY OF Datta T. POSITRONIUM IT-30 FISSION PRODUCED 99Mo Desai C.N. NC- NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY NC-01 EFFECT OF MASS ASYMMEJRY ON ANGULAR Datta T., Dange S.P., Naitc H., DISTRIBUTION IN THE 2:>8U ia40MeV,F) Satya Prafcash SYSTEM NC-02 HALF-LIVES OF PLUTONIUM ISOTOPES EY Aggarwal S.K., Parab A.R., MASS SPECTROMETRY AND ALPHA Chitambar S.A., Jain H.C. SPECTROMETRY NC-03 POSITRON ANNIHILATION STUDIES IN Datta T., Pujari P.K. , URANIUM OXIDES Chaddha A.K., Satya Prakash NC -04 INITIAL RETENTION, ISOCHRONAL Dedgaonkar V.G., Apte R.6., ANNEALING AND THERMAL ANALYSIS - A Bhagwat D.A. CORRELATION NC-05 PREPARATION OF A MULTITRACER SOLUTION Ambe F. , Ambe S. , Iwaatoto M. , FROM GOLD FOIL BOMBARDED BY 95 MeV/ Ohfcubo Y., Chen S.Y., Garg A.N. NUCLEON 48Ar IONS IN RING CYCLOTRON NC-06 CHARGE DISTRIBUTION IN ALPHA PARTICLE Rattan S.S., Ramaswami A., INDUCED FISSION OF 209Bi Singh R.J., Satya Prakash NC-07 HELIUM ION INDUCED FISSION EXCITATION Iyer R.H. , Shari«a R.C. , FUNCTION OF ERBIUM Kalsi P.C., Pandey A.K. NC-08 ISOMERIC CROSS SECTION RATIOS IN 12, Tomar B.S., Goswani A., Dak S.K. INDUCED REACTIONS ON 89Y Reddy A.V.R.,Manohar S.B., Satya Prakash NC-09 THE LOW-LYING EXCITED STATES OF 197Hg Chakravarty N., Rattan S.S., (64.2H) AND THE ISOMERIC TRANSITION Singh R.J., Ramaswami A., AND ELECTRON CAPTURE DECAY OF197mHg<23 ,8H) Satya Prahash RC - RADIATION CHEMISTRY RC-01 SOLVATION OF EXCESS ELECTRON IN POLAR Bandyopadhyay T. LIQUID : AN OVERVIEW RC-02 THE EPR PARADOX, THE HYDRATED Gopinathan C. tSOLVATED) ELECTRON, AND THE REACTIONS OF THE HYDRATED ELECTRON RC-03 POLARITY EFFECT ON SOLVATED ELECTRON Kapoor S.K., Gopinathan C. REACTIONS RC-04 DIMER ANION FORMATION IN THE PULSE Nai k D.B., Hoorthy P.N. RADIOLYSIS OF 4-PYRIDINOL IN AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS RC-05 REACTION RATE CONSTANTS OF e~ AND Mahal H.S, Nanohar Lai OH. RADICALS WITH ALKYLBROMIDES<AB) IN AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS RC-06 CHARACTERISATION OF THE TRANSIENTS Manmohan Kuiar, Rao M.H. FORMED FROM ACRYLIC ACID AND METHACRYLIC ACID RC-07 PULSE RADIOLYSIS INVESTIGATIONS ON THE Hart Mohan, Ankla* E., REACTION OF ON RADICALS WITH ALKYL Asinue K.D. SULPHIDES II RC-08 PULSE RADlOLYSIS STUDIES ON THE Hari Mohan REACTION OF e "WITH SUBSTITUTED ALKYL SULPHIDES RC-09 PULSE RADlOLYSIS OF THIOUREA IN Ramnani S.P., Dhanya S., AQUEOUS SOLUTION Bhattacharyya P.K.
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