1932 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 8275 ·6009. By Mr. MAGRADY.: Petition signed by W. W. Wel­ 6027. By Mr. TIERNEY: Petition referring to House bill liver and 106 other residents of Danville, Pa., and vicinity, 8549; to the Committee on the Judiciary. protesting against the cent-a-shell tax as proposed in House 6028. Also, petition opposing Federal salary reductions, bill 10604; to the Committee on Ways and Means. · etc.; to the Committee on Expenditures in the Executive 6010. Also, resolution adopted by the Game, Fish, and Departments. Forestry Protective Association of Shamokin, Pa., number­ 6029. Also, petition referring to the 1-cent tax on shells; ing more than 500 sportsmen, protesting against the bill to the Committee on Ways and Means. H. R. 10604, designed to place a 1-cent tax on all shotgun shells at the source; to the Committee on Ways and Means. 6011. By Mr. MAPES: Petition of R. E. Root, of Coopers­ SENATE ville, Mich., and 26 other residents of Ottawa Cmmty, Mich., FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1932 protesting against the enactment of House bill 8092, or any other compulsory Sunday observance bill; to the Committee (Legislative day of Monday, April 11, 1932) on the District of Columbia. The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, on the expiration 6012. By Mr. MURPHY: Petition of D. L. Gibson, Broad­ of the recess. acre, Ohio, and 136 other employees of the Pennsylvania The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senate will receive a mes­ Railway Co., urging the passage of House bill 9891, for the sage from the House of Representatives. benefit of railway employees; to the Committee on Interstate MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE and Foreign Commerce. 6013. By Mr. NIEDRINGHAUS: Petition of 11 voters and A message from the House of Representatives by Mr. Hal­ residents of St. Louis, Mo., asking that the tax on security tigan, one of its clerks, announced that the House had passed transfers be removed; that no further soldiers' bonus be a bill (H. R. 8750) relative t.o restrictions applicable to paid at this time; and that steps be made to reduce the Indians of the Five Civilized Tribes in Oklahoma, in which high cost of government; to the Committee on Ways and it requested the concurrence of the Senate. Means. ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED 6014. By Mr. PRATT: Petition of 115 World War veterans The message also announced that the Speaker had affixed of Columbia County, N. Y., praying for payment in full of his signature to the following enrolled bills, and they were the balance of the adjusted-compensation certificates; to signed by the Vice President: the Committee on Ways and Means. S. 826. An act conferring jurisdiction upon the Court of 6015. Also, petition of 15 veterans of the World War of Claims to hear and determine claims of certain bands or Woodstock, Ulster County, N. Y., praying for payment in tribes of Indians residing in the State of Oregon; full of the balance of adjusted-compensation certificates; to S. 1719. An act amending the act of Congress entitled "An the Committee on Ways and Means. act authorizing the Wichita and Affiliated Bands of Indians 6016. By 1\11'. RAINEY: Petition of R. P. Goben and 74 in Oklahoma to submit claims to the Court of Claims," ap­ members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars post, Havana, Ill., proved June 4, 1924; favoring payment of bonus in full; to the Committee on S. 3584. An act to require all insurance corporations Ways and Means. formed under the provisions of Chapter XVIII of the Code 6017. By Mr. ROBINSON: Petition signed by Mrs. C. S. of Laws of the District of Columbia to maintain their prin­ Anderson, 236 Linwood Avenue, Waterloo, Iowa, and 43 cipal offices and places of business within the District of others, urging the protection of the reindeer of the Seward Columbia, and for other purposes; Peninsula, Alaska; to the Committee on Agriculture. S. 3655. An act to provide for the leasing of the segregated 6018. By Mr. RUDD: Petition of Railroad Employees' Na­ coal and asphalt deposits of the Choctaw and Chickasaw tional Pension Association <Inc.), Altoona, Pa., favoring the Indian Nations, in Oklahoma, and for an extension of time passage of House bill 9891, the railroad pension bill; to the within which purchasers of such deposits may complete pay­ Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. ments; and 6019. Also, petition of National Wholesale Food Distribu­ H. R. 9575. An act granting pensions and increase of pen­ tors' Association, New York City, opposing the passage of sions to certain soldiers and sailors of the Regular Army and House bills 8874, 8875, and 10674; to the Committee on Navy, etc., and certain soldiers and sailors of wars other Merchant Marine, Radio, and Fisheries. than the Civil War, and to widows of such soldiers and 6020. Also, petition of Dr. A. G. Nast, Forest Hills, Long sailors. Island, N.Y., protesting against sales tax on dentifrices and CALL OF THE ROLL mouth wash; to the Committee on Ways and Means. Mr. ODDIE obtained the floor. 6021. By Mr. SANDERS of New York: Petition of senior Mr. FESS. Mr. President, will the Senator yield to enable class of the Perry <N. Y.) High School, urging Government me to make the point of no quorum? ownership of Mount Vernon, home of George Washington; The VICE PRESIDENT. Does the Senator from Nevada to the Committee on the Public Lands. yield for that purpose? 6022. By Mr. SMITH of West Virginia: Resolution of the Mr. ODDIE. I yield. Kanawha Coal Operators' Association, of Charleston, W.Va., Mr. FESS. I suggest the absence of a quorum. opposing the Davis-Kelly coal bill; to the Committee on The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. The legislative clerk called the roll, and the following Sen­ 6023. By Mr. STEWART: Petition of 717 residents of the ators answered to their names: State of New Jersey, opposing reduction of salaries of Fed­ Ashurst Costigan Jones Robinson, Ind. Austln Couzens Kean Schall eral employees; to the Committee on Ways and Means. Bailey Cuttlng Kendrick Sheppard 6024. By Mr. STRONG of Pennsylvania: Petition of citi­ Bankhead Dale La Follette Shipstead zens of Indiana County, Pa., opposing House bill 10604, to Barbour Dickinson Lewis Shortridge Barkley Dill Logan Smoot place a tax of 1 cent on each shotgun shell; to the Com­ Blngham Fess McGill Steiwer ·mittee on Ways and Means. Black Fletcher McKellar Thomas, Idaho Blalne Frazier McNary Thomas, Okla. 6025. Also, petition of citizens of Smicksburg, Pa., oppos­ Borah George Metcalf Townsend ing the pending legislation to place a tax of 1 cent on each Bratton Glass Morrison Trammell Brookhart Glenn Moses Tydings shotgun shell; to the Committee on Ways and Means. Bulkley Goldsborough Neely Vandenberg 6026. By Mr. THOMASON: Petition of the American Le­ Bulow Hale Norbeck Wagner gion post at Van Horn, Tex., objectuig to the statement of Byrnes Harrison Norris Walcott Capper Hayden Nye Walsh, Mass. National Commander Stevens in regard to the payment of Carey Hebert Oddie Walsh, Mont. adjusted .. service certificates; to the Committee on Ways Conna.lly Howell Patterson Waterman Coolidge Hull Reed Watson and Means. Copeland Johnson Robinson, Ark. Wheeler 8276 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. APRIL 15 Mr. SHEPPARD. I wish to announce that the . senior director of vocational education. public schools, of Tucson; Senator from Louisiana [Mr. BRoussARD] is necessarily de­ and Fred Reif, jr., chief Prescott Fire Department; A. E. tained from the Senate. Henry, president Arizona State Firemen's Association; and I also wish to announce that the senior Senator from Mis­ H. 'w. Reg gin, secretary and treasurer, of Prescott, all in the souri [Mr. HAWES] is necessarily detained from the Senate State of Arizona, remonstrating against reduction of the by illness. appropriation for vocational education, under the Office of I also desire to announce that the junior Senator from Education, which were referred to the Committee on Appro­ Utah [Mr. KING] is necessarily detained from the Senate by priations. illness. Mr. BARBOUR presented a resolution adopted by Allen Mr. BYRNES. I desire to announce that my colleague the Nutt Post, No. 126, American Legion, of Cliffside, N.J., favor­ senior Senator from South Carolina [Mr. SMITH] is neces­ ing the immediate payment of adjusted-compensation cer­ sarily detained by serious illness in his family. tificates of World War veterans <bonus), which was referred Mr. GEORGE. My colleague the senior Senator from to the Committee on Finance. Georgia [Mr. HARRis] is still detained from the Senate be­ He also presented a petition of sunctry citizens, being cause of illness. I will let this announcement stand for the foreign war veterans. of Manville, N. J., praying for the day. immediate payment of adjusted-compensation certificates Mr. GLASS. I desire to announce that my colleague the of World War veterans <bonus), which was referred to the senior Senator from Virginia [Mr. SWANSON] is absent in Committee on Finance. attendance upon the disarmament conference at Geneva. He also presented a resolution adopted by the board of The VICE PRESID~"'T. Eighty Senators have answered managers of the Montclair <N. J.) Savings Bank, favoring to their names. A quorum is present. repeal of the recapture clause (sec. 15a) of the transprota­ Several Senators addressed the Chair. tion act, which was referred to the Committee on Interstate Mr. ODDIE. I yield for the transaction of routine business. Commerce. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS He also presented resolutions adopted by the Kiwanis Mr. JONES presented petitions and papers, in the nature Clubs, of Lakewood and Newark, N.J., favoring the passage of petitions, of sundry citizens of Aberdeen, Aloha, Carlisle, of House bill 10492, for the control of interstate traffic in Hoquiam, Markham, Moclips, Montesano, Pacific Beach, and guns, pistols, and other death-dealing instruments, etc., Raymond, and of Post No.
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