1 2 FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE IN WESTLIFE SECOND ALBUM COAST TO COAST Sutini Simanjuntak*), Pi it Rahayu1), Andi Ri%ki Fau%i2) 1 ' 2)English Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Pasir Pengaraian ABSTRA Gaya bahasa adalah cara mengungkapkan pikiran melalui bahasa secara khas yang memperlihatkan %iwa dan kepribadian penulis. Penelitian ini menganalisis lagu dalam album kedua (estlife yang ber%udul Coast to Coast. Penelitian ini bertu%uan untuk menemukan %enis gaya bahasa yang digunakan dalam lagu (estlife dan untuk mengetahui makna dari gaya bahasa dalam lagu (estlife. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Instrumen penelitian ini menggunakan dokumentasi, %enis dokumentasi adalah rekaman video. Gaya bahasa yang ditemukan peneliti dalam album ini terdiri dari enam metafora, empat simile, tiga belas personifikasi dan tu%uh alusio. Berdasarkan makna dari gaya bahasa tersebut, peneliti menggunakan makna leksikal dan makna kontekstual. (ata kunci: Gaya Bahasa, Makna Leksikal, dan Makna ontekstual. ABSTRACT Figurative language is the ways to show thought through special language that show the soul and the writer personality. This research analyzed Westlife‘s Second Al um Coast to Coast. Purpose of this research is to find out the types of figurative language and meanings of figurative language in Westlife‘s songs. The methodology of this research was qualitative research. Intrumentation of this research was video record. Figurative language that researcher found in this al um were six metaphors, four similes, thirteen personifications and seven allusion. Based on the meaning of figurative language, researcher used lexical and contextual meaning. Key words: Figurative Language, Lexical Meaning, and Contextual Meaning. INTRODUCTION nickerbocker and Reninger -1.231 3083 stated that Language is one of the crucial tools of human figurative languages are images used in particular way to beings to communicate with one another. It may represent e,plore than less know through the known. It can be special the e,plicit and implicit feelings and thoughts. Language repetition, arrangement or mission of words with le,ical could either be in the written or spoken form. Todd -1.801 23 meaning or a phrase with a specialized meaning not based on stated language is a set of signals by which we the literal meaning of the word. Figurative language gave communication. Other theory reidler -1..81 53 stated that more meaning to the words, beautify them, and emphasize language is comple, and subtle capable of e,pressing their meaning. So, Figurative language is embedded within whatever its speakers need to e,press and capable of and intimately connected to our cultures, behaviors, and changing to meet the changing needs of the speakers. So, models of the world. language is the things that human speak to communicate A song is a short piece of music with words that are with the other human to get the information. sung. The words in a song are called lyrics that may consist Eagleton -20031 13 stated that literature is as of an intro, verses, choruses, bridges and a coda. Lyric imaginative writing in the sense of fiction, writing which is derives from the Greek word for a song sung by the lyre, not literally true. But even the briefest reflection on what =lyrikos“ and came to be used for the =words of a song“ people commonly include under the heading of literature -Douglas in Dinata, 20123. Analyzing figurative language in suggests that this will not do. So, Literature most commonly song lyrics is important for some reasons. First, singing a refers to works of creative imagination, including poetry, song and knowing the meaning of the lyrics is better than drama, fiction, nonfiction, %ournalism, and song. singing without an adequate understanding concerning the Literature is an e,pression of the human being in lyrics. (e can also gain some lessons and fruitful the form of e,periences, thoughts, feelings, ideas, passion, information when we understand the le,ical and conte,tual confidence, in a concrete form that evokes the picture of meaning contain in song lyrics. Second, analyzing figurative charm with the tools of language. Many kinds of literature language provides us more practices to better understand give so much information in which they use non literal le,ical and conte,tual meaning. meaning of words. For e,ample, some lyrics on the songs In this research researcher taken the specific ob%ects used figurative language to make it more interesting and of the analysis were songs from (estlife in second album, imaginative. Figurative language is language using figures of the name of album was Coast to Coast. The songs are not speech a way of saying one thing and have the meaning. only listens from the tape recorder in oneAs room but also when going to store, supermarket the songs can be found. McMahan, Funk, and Day -1.881 2.3 stated that figurative 8p 1 082320385402 language consists of four types such us metaphor, simile, E-mail 1 sutinisiman%untak;gmail.com personification, and allusion. The researcher was interest to analyze the lyrics of (estlifeAs songs in second album because of many e,pression from singer that were imagine 1 about condition or situation which singer got. So, the has similarities. E,ample from Bruno Mars song =If you researcher found figurative language in lyrics to e,press the ever leave me, baby. Leave some morphine at my door“. emotion from singer to more interesting. 2. Simile Related to the description above, the researcher McMahan, Funk, Day -1.881 303 said that simile is analyzed the figurative language used in lyrics of (estlifeAs an imaginative comparison introduced by li)e or as or than. songs then the researcher found some kinds of figurative If you said, CMy sister is like a doll,C or maybe, CMy language used based on McMahan, Funk, and DayAs brotherDs good as gold,C you would be making a simile, a theories. Researcher also analyzed about the meaning of form of comparison in which one thing is compared to figurative language those lyrics used le,ical meaning and another unlike thing by using specific words of comparison. conte,tual meaning by Lyon and Ullman in Eliza. Poets try to find unusual metaphors and similes. 8atch in Figurative language is language that comprises of Afriani -200.1 223 stated that simile is a statement images. It is deviation from the usage of language ordinary. introduced by like or as. The structure of a simile is not too The meaning of words or series of word are use to research complicated. A clear e,ample is given by 8atch =The alert and produce a certain effect. Tarigan -200.143 stated that faces of women shoppers, turning this way and that like Figurative language or language style is an attractive foraging poultry“. So simile is language style that compares language which is use to increase the effect by introducing a thing with another thing use connector words or and comparing an ob%ect or certain matter or more general comparison words, such as1 li)e, as, and than. E,ample from soothing else. So, the usage of a certain language style earns Eelly Furtado and Bruno MarsAs song lyric in Dinata -20121 to alter and make certain connotative. 43 1 Parrine in Buri and Rosa -20131 033 stated that 1. IAm like a bird. figurative language is the language that cannot be taken 2. If I lose you, baby %ust like the clouds. literally -or should not be taken literally3 and say something 3. Personification other than ordinary ways or say one thing and mean other. McMahan, Funk, Day -1.881 313 stated that those So, figurative language is often used in the daily of us who love animals are so accustomed to personification, communication, literally works -novel, poem, song, and giving human characteristics to nonhuman things. That we short story3, speech, and advertisement. scarcely notice the figure of speech when Robert Frost says eraf in Buri and Rosa -20131033 stated that of the little horse. =he gives his harness bells a shake“, to ask figurative language or style is a way of showing mind if there is some mistake“. Reaske in Afriani -200.1 233 said through a special language that shows the soul and the that personification is the process of assigning human characteristic of the writer -language user3. (e can say that characteristics to nonhuman ob%ect, abstractions, or ideas“. language style or figurative language is the way of giving 8atch -1..518.3 states personification is another category of e,pression through a special language which shows the soul figurative language. (e talk about ob%ect as thought they and the writer personality -Language user3. A good language were people asking the listeners to assign the qualities of style has to certain three elements, there are1 sincerity, humanness to ob%ects“. (hole of e,planation above respectful, and attractive. personification is language style that give human abilities McMahan, Funk, and Day -1.881 2.3 stated that and human reactions to nonhuman. figurative language differentiated into four types, they are1 E,ample1 metaphor, simile, personification, allusions. These figurative 1. Fust a smile and the rain is gone languages are famous in society, and also in the field of 2. 8olding on to yesterday education starting from elementary school up to the senior 4. Allusion high school and university level. From the e,planation McMahan, Funk, Day -1.881 313 stated that above, it is considered that figurative language deals with sometimes poems, like novels, stories, and plays, contain language which use figure of speech and language cannot be allusions -indirect references to famous persons, events, taken literary only and it is use to e,press the inner feeling of places, or to other works of literature3.
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