1';:':)~~~~~~~~~ ~ . ~ ·~ 2 . ~ The Annual Report 3 ~ of the Public Schools ~ ~ Nutley, New Jersey ~ I ~ ~ I ~ ~ FOR THE YEAR ENDING ~ ~ JUNE 26,1931 ~ ·~~~~~· MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION June, 1931 Officers of the Board President, Dr. Horace Tantu:m Vice-President, Walter F. Reinheimer Clerk, Colin Linn Term Name Address Expires Mrs. Allan P. Ames __________________ 70 Vreeland Avenue __________ 1933 Richard W. Booth ____________________ 345 Centre. Street ________________ 1932 . Mrs. George·M. \G~ttfried, ___ .____ 41 Enclosure ; _____________________ 1932 Harry H. Halsted ______ , _______________ 102 Hawthorne A venue ------1934 Walter F. Reinheim_Eg--------------195 Prospect Street ____________ 1933-:- Mrs. Frederick H. Sanf!)rd ______ 197 Nutley Avenue ____________ 1934 Chester A. Shannon,; _____ ""~-------- 29 Elm Place ______________________ 1932 Horace .Tan tum --t---------------------245 Rutgers Place ----,---------1933 - Frederick H. You~g __________________ 201 Coeym~n Avenue ,. ______ 1934 COMMITTEES Finance Mr. Shannon Mr. Halsted Mrs. Sanford Teacher,s Mrs. Ames Mrs. Gottfried Mr. Young Buildings and Grounds Mr. Reinheimer Mr. Booth Mrs. Sanford Rules and Regulations Mrs. Sanford Mr. Shannon Mr. Young Curriculum Mr. Halsted Mrs. Ames. Mrs. Gottfried Extra-Curricular,· Activities Mr. Young Mrs. Gottfried Mr.. Reinheimer Publicity Mrs. Gottfried Mrs. Ames Mr. Shannon Lectures and Libraries Mr. Booth Mr. Halsted Mr. Reinheimer Regular. meetings of the Board of Education are held on the fourth Monday of each month at 4:15 P. M. in the Board Room, High Sc~ool. 3 lI . THE PRESIDENT'S FOREWORD I wish, first of all, to express my indebtedness to our former president, Mr. Richard W. Booth, whose guidance and sympathy have been invaluable to me during my long member­ ship on the Board of Education. It was a real loss to all of us when he refused to serve longer in· the capacity of chairman. If I can be as fine a public servant in the future as he has always been, I shall be very happy indeed. I wish further to express my deep appreciation of the loyalty of our teachers during the past difficult year. The very small turnover in our force speaks volumes. We sincerely . hope that the future will find us able to show our appreciation in a substantial way. We are passing through very trying times. The Board of Education, teachers and citizens generally must show patience for some time to come. As a beard of education we are concerned over the future of our school system. Our growth has been great during the past ten years and there see1:1s to be no probability that the yearly percentage of growth will be any less in the future. We are destined to be a large .town. Since this fact is manifestly true, we nwst prepare for the needs of our children in the years immediately ahead. Our greatest increases during the past ten ye.?rs have been in the upper six grades. The· High School is full even with the hvo rdditional rooms builftnepast summer. The Junior School building cannot accommodate the children who make up the Junior School unit. Five divisions are at the present time held back in the elementary schools. We are fast approaching the time when these elementary schools will need relief. The only solution seeins to be a Junior High School building large enough to accommodate the ninth year of the High School and all of the seventh and eighth grades. Such a plan would relieve: 1. The High School building. 2. The Park School building. 3. The elementary schools that are at present housing seventh grade divisions. We are the servants of the people of Nutley. We need your help in thesolution of-the problem. DR. HORACE TANTUM, President. 4 SUPERVISING PRINCIPAL'S REPORT For the Year Ending June 26, 1931 To the Board of Education, Nutley, New Jersey. I take pleasure in submitting my eleventh annual report of the public schools, as follows: School Calendar for the Year 1~30-31 September 2, ....... Tuesday...... - .......... Teachers' conference. September 3, ....... Wednesday........... Beginning of first term. January 30, .......... Friday................... End of first term. February 2, ......... Monday................. Beginning of second term. June 26, ............... Friday ___________________ End of second term. Holidays October 13, .......... Monday ................. Columbus Day. November 4, ...... Tuesday ________________ Election Day. November ll,...... Tuesday ................ Armistice Day. November 27 , ...... Thursday______________ Thanksgiving Day November 28, ...... Friday-------------------Thanksgiving Recess. December 23,.: ..... Tuesday to.......... January 5, ............ Monday ................. Christmas Recess. February 12, ....... Thursday.............. Lincoln's Birthday. February 23, ....... Monday ................. Washington's Birthday. April 3, ............... Friday................... Good Friday. April 2, ............... Thursday to........ April 13, ............... Monday .... c •••••••••••• Easter Recess. Number of teaching days-192. STATISTICS 1. Enrollment by Schools 1930-31 High SchooL ____________________________ Grades 9-12 .......................... 838 Junior SchooL.......................... Grades 7-8 .......................... 585 Park Elementary...................... Kdn. Grade 6.......................... 885 Yantacaw SchooL.................... Kdn. Grade 6 .......................... 507 Washington SchooL ................ Kdn. Grade 7 .......................... 823 Lincoln SchooL........................ Kdn. Grade 7-----------------------··· 728 Spring Garden SchooL............ Kdn. Grade 7 .......................... 674 Orphans Home SchooL........... Kdn. Grade 5.......................... 54 Total .............................. 5,094 5 2. Enrollment by Grades 1930-31 Boys Girls Total Kindergarten ---------------------------------------- 281 251 532 Grade 1 -------------------------------------------------- 272 286 558 Grade 2 ---·---------------------------------------------- 237 265 502 Grade 3 -------------------------------------------------- 244 247 491 Grade 4 -------------------------------------------------- 254 209 463 Grade 5 -------------------------------------------------- 239 228 467 Grade 6 -------------------------------------------------- 230 246 476 Grade 7 -------------------------------------------------- 195 191 386 Grade 8 -------------------------------------------------- 173 167 340 Grade 9 -------------------------------------------------- 176 149 325 Grade 10 ------------------------------------------------ 137 97 234 Grade 11 ------------------------------------------------ 88 76 164 Grade 12 ------------------------------------------------ 57 58 H.5 Ungraded Classes -------------------------------- 31 10 41 Totals ____________________________________________ 2,614 2,480 5,094 3. Enrollment by Ages 1930-31 Boys Girls Total 4 years ------------------------------------------------ 70. 77 147 5 " ------------------------------------------------ 210 192 402 6 " ------------------------------------------------ 217 244 461 7 " ------------------------------------------------ 210' 216 426 8 " ------------------------------------------------ 219 238 457 9 " -------------~---------------------------------- 236 237 473 10 " ------------------------------------------------ 220 174 394 11 " ------------------------------------'----------- 207 195 402 12 " -----------------------.------------------------- 210 206 416 13 " ------------------------------------------------ 203 206 409 14 " ------------------·------------------------------ 193 193 386 '15 " ------------------------------------------------ 177. 130 307 16 " -----------------------------------------------" 117 89 206 .17 " -----------------------------------------------" 79 50 129 18 " ------" ----------------------------------------- 28 26 54 19 " ------------------------------------------------ 14 4 18 20 " ----------------------" ------------------------- 4 3 7 · Totals ____ ..... ________________ ..... ____________ .. 2, 614 2,480 5,094 6 4. Comparative E.nrollment Statistics " 1920-21 to 1930-31 ). Lflf ;,. Boys' l"j·~~.t> ,,; H.S. Jr. S. Park Yant. Wash. Line. ·Sp. Gd. Orph. Voc. Total 1920-21-251 225 383 339 556 658 273 33 2718. 1921-22-297 283 339 331 552 752 274 25 2853 1922-23-346 266 337 353 623 794 298 21 3038 1923-24-390 394 729 299 500 635 293 3240 1924-25-420 449 807 316 553 674 328 3547 1925-26-465 464 826 354 568 698 421 63 3859 1926-27-527 513 878 364 582 680 480 69 4093 1927-28-552 600a 834 393 707 678 564 75 4403 1928-29-651 591b 844 408 751 657 631 72 46051 1929-30-694 575c 888 440 805 684 670 69 4825 1930-31-838 585d 885 507 823 728 674 54 5094 a-Does not include 27 pupils in Washington 7th grade. b-Does not include 110 pupils in Washington and Spring Garden 7th grades. , c-Does not include 131 pupils in Washington and Spring Garden 7th grades. d-Does not include 141 pupils in Washington, Lincoln and Spring Garden 7th grades. 5. Comparative Attendance Statistics 1926-27 to 1930-31 1926-27 1927-28 1928-29 1929-30 1930-31 Total Enrolled .............. 4,093 4,403 4,605 4,825 5,094 Percent of Attendance .931 .938 .928 .931 .942 Times Tardy .................. 6,605 6,092 6,079 5,047 4,885 Total Days Present .... 646,454 697,272 714,033 763,753 831,386~ Total Days Absent ...... 47,786i 45,967 55,543~ 56,020~ 51,44H Pre,sent Every Day ...... 261 392 352 370 520 Teachers Employed 1930-31 Kindergarten ........................................... 10 Grades 1-8 ..............................................
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