VOL. 13 No. 4 APR IL, 1938 MORTON ARBORETUM JOY MORTON · FOUNDER BULLETIN OF LI SLE, ILLINOIS POPULAR INFORMATION JOURNAL OF A TOUR OF ARBORETA, BOTANICAL GARDENS AND NURSERIES OF NORTHERN EUROPE PART 2 ARBORETUM OF TI-IE STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, Wageningen, Netherlands Acreage : 15. Notes: collections rather ex tensive, well cared for. Aeswlus Pavia rosea nana (Dwarf Red Buckeye) Crataegus monogyna pendula (Weeping English Hawthorn) Prwws Petunnikowi (Turkestan Almond) Prwws serotina pendula (Weeping Black Cherry) Pterocarya fraxinifolia dwnosa (Shrubby Caucasian Walnut) Querws robur laurifolia (Laurel-leaved Engli sh Oak) Tilia platyphyllos nana (Dwarf Bigleaf European Linden) BOTANIC GARDEN OF TI-IE STATE UNIVERSITY OF UTRECHT, Utrecht (Baarn), Netherlands Established: 1920. Acreage: 10. Celtis jessoensis (Hackberry of Japanese and Korean origin) Crataegomespilus Gillotii (hybrid of Crataegus monogyna and Mespilus germanica) Liriodendron Tulipifera variegata (Variegated Tulip Tree) Suaeda fruticosa (low, heath.like shrub of saline habitats) BOTANIC GARDEN OF TI-IE UN IVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM, Amsterdam, Netherlands Established: 1682. Acreage: 4. N ates: collection rather small; large speci· mens of Corylus colurna (Turkish Hazel) , Davidia Vilmoriniana (Dove Tree) and Rhus vernici/liw (Lacquer Tree) . Aralia chinensis alba marginata (White margined Chin ese Aralia) Aralia chinensis aiireo marginata (Yellow margined Chinese Aralia) Crataegus monogyna /l exuosa (English Hawthorn with curiously twisted branches) Deutzia discolor maculosa (Chinese Deutzia variety ) BOTANICAL GARDEN OF TI-IE STATE UN IV ERSITY, Leiden, Netherlands Established:! 1587. This garden ranks as the fifth oldest in Europe. It originally covered only one·sixth of an acre and was laid out in 1594 by the noted botanist, Clusiu s (Charles l'Escluse) . Acreage: 50. A rboretum: 100 species. Fruticetum: 400 species. Affiliation: University of Leiden. Notes: many old trees still remain in the Arboretum. Among th ese are large speci· mens of Fraxinus angustifolia and F. oxycarpa, Ginkgo biloba (male), planted in 1785, Ginkgo biloba pendula (Weeping Ginkgo), ] uglans Sieboldiana (Japanese Walnut), the oldest in cultivation, Laburnum anagyroides (the Lab'i1rnum or Goldenchain), 57 feet high and over 300 years old, Marus alba 15 (White folberry) , planted before 1600, Parrotia persica, and a 300 year old Wistaria vine. Aesculus Hippocastanum pLUnila (Dwarf Horse-chestnut) Fraxinus ornus juglandi/olia (Walnut-leaved Flowering Ash ) Ginkgo biloba globosa (Round-headed Maidenhair Tree) Ginkgo biloba pendula (Weeping Maidenhair Tree) Viburnum Sieboldii reticulatum (a variety of the Si ebold Viburnum, smaller in every part) Zelkova Verscha/jeltii (a shrubby Zelkova originating in th e Caucasus region) F. G. GROOTENDORST & SONS NURS ERY, Boskoop, Netherlands Notes : In the vicinity of Boskoop, the nursery center of Holland, are located over 700 nurseries covering 1700 acres of land. Of them a ll , however, only 14 do an export business. A cer crataegifolium Veitchii (Hawthorn Maple wi th vari egated leaves) Hamamelis mollis aurantiaca (Chinese Witch-hazel) Magnolia Loebneri (M. kobus x stellata hybrid ) Prunus nana albi/lora (White-Aowered Dwarf Russian Almond ) Viburnum macrocephalLUn Keteleeri (Wild Chinese Viburnum) PUBLIC PARK SYSTEM, The Hague, Netherlands Notes: Park areas orderly and very well kept. Celtis Biondii (Hackberry speci es from C. China) Comas controversa variegata (Variegated Giant Dogwood) Elaeagnus wnbellata parvi/olia (Autumn Elaeagnus variety ) Fraxinus excelsior heterophylla variegata (Variegated One-l eaved Ash ) Fraxinus excelsior horizontalis (European Ash variety with spreading limbs and pendulous branches ) Fraxinus oxycarpa pendula variegata (Variegated weeping Ash from Turkestan) Quercus robur nigricans (Purple-l eaved Engli sh Oak) Quercus Schochiana (Willow Oak Hybrid) Robinia ps eudoacacia /astigiata (Columnar Black Locust) ARBORETUM OF GROENENDAEL, Brussels, Belgium Established: 1897. Notes: an experimental institution devoted particularly to studies of the comparative growth rates of trees. GEOGRAPH ICAL ARBORETUM, T ervueren, Belgium Established: 1902. Notes: Includes extensive geographical plantings as well as forestry plots; A cer macrophyllwn, the Oregon Maple, is doing well here; Avenues of Beech trees noteworthy. VrLMORIN-ANDRI EU X NURSERY, Verrieres Le Buisson, France Established: early 19th century. Notes: In addition to an extensive nursery, th ey maintain an arboretum for trial purposes. Many species are represented whi ch could not survive our climate. Ampelopsis heterophylla variegata (Variegated Porcelain Ampelopsis) }uglans Vilmoriniana (nigra x regia) (Vilmorin Walnut) Lonicera tatarica fol. purpureis (Purple-l eaved Tatarian Honeysuckle) Magnolia Nicholsoniana (Magnolia species of Western Chinese origin) Viburnwn brevipes, Rebel. ESTATE OF R. CHENAULT, Orleans, France Notes : At th e Ch enault nursery have originated a number of worth-while shrubs. Among them may be mentioned Berb eris Tlwnbergii atropurpurea, Symphoricarpus Ch enaultii and others. Orleans lies in th e center of the French nursery district, a region especially suited climatically and physiographically to this industry. Cornus alterni/olia variegata (Variegated Pagoda Dogwood) 16 Hamamelis mollis brevipetala (Chinese Witch-hazel Variety) Parrotia ]acquemontiana (Himalayan Parrotia) Staphylea holocarpa ros ea (Pink-flowered Chinese Bladdernut) Syringa microphylla superba (Littleleaf Lilac variety) Viburnum Purdomi (Purdom Viburnum) ARBORETUM DES BARRES ET FRUTICET UM VILMORINIANUM, Nogent-sur- Vernisson (Loiret) , France Established: 1866 (Arboretum ), 1894 (Fruticetum) . Acreage: 170. Notes: At this noted institution is to be found the fin est and most compl ete collec­ tion of trees and shrubs in France. Ailanthus altissima pendulifolia (Variety of th e Tree of Heaven with drooping leaves) Am.Orpha /ruticosa crispa (False Indigo variety with curled leaflets) Evonymus Thunbergianus (Spindle Tree) Halesia carolina Meehanii (Meehan Silver Bell ) Quercus heterophylla (Q. phellos x borealis maxima) (Variable Oak) Rha11uws jrangula angusti/olia (Alder Buckthorn variety with lance shaped leaves of uneven margin) Tilia kiusiana (Linden species from Japan) Tilia platyphyllos Baumontii pendula (Weeping Bigleaf European Linden) Viburnwn stellulatum NATIONAL M usEUM D' ATURELLE HISTOIRE, Paris, France Established: 1635. A creage: 58. Arboretum: annexed to the Carden of J ussieu near Versailles. Fruticetum: 1500 species. Acer platanoides variegatum (Variegated Norway Maple) Caragana arborescens globosa (Globe Siberian P ea Tree) Fraxinus crataegifolia (Hawthorn-leaved Ash) Gleditsia triacanthos excelsa pendula (Weeping Honey Locust) Pyronia Danieli (Hybrid between the Common Quince and P ear ) Tilia Henryana subglabrata (Chinese Linden variety) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDE NS, Kew, Surrey, England Established: 1841, although famous as a horticultural center since the latter half of the 17th century. Acreage: 288. Arboretum and Fruticetum: 7000 species and varieties. Notes: Ranks first among the botanical institutions of the world. Collections very complete and exceptionally well cared for. Cornus mas nana (Dwarf Cornel ian Cherry) Lonicera amoena ros ea (Rose-flowered Gotha Honeysuckle) Lonicera syringantha minor (Lilac Honeysuckl e variety) Philadelphus multiflorus plenus (Double-flowering Mock Orange) Pyronia Veitchii luxembergiana (Pyrus x Cydonia hybrid) Pyrus communis pendula (Weeping P ear) Pyrus nivalis variegata (Variegated Snow P ear) Rhamnus dwnetorum crenoserrata (Buckthorn variety) Sorbopyrus malifolia (Sorbu s [!\fountain Ash] x Malus [Crabapple] hybrid) Sorbus meliosmi/olia (Mountain Ash from W. China) Sorbus pluripinnata (Mountain Ash from China, introduced by E. H. Wilson ) ROYAL HORTICULTURAL SocIETY's GARDENS, Wisley, Ripley, Surrey, Engl and Established: 1904. Acreage: 60. Notes: Collection of Lilacs, Rhododendrons and Roses noteworthy. 17 HILLIER AND SONS NURSERIES, Winchester, England Established: 1864. Notes: In the extensive nurseries of this firm are grown a wid e range of choice plant material. Aralia elata aureo-variegata (Variegated Japanese Angelica-Tree) Hamamelis nwltis pallida (Pale Chinese Witch-h azel) Pinus sylvestris aurea (Yellow Scotch Pine) Syringa villosa alba (White Late Lilac) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN, Edinburgh, Scotland Established: 1670. Acreage: 60. Affiliation: th e University of Edinburgh. Notes: Next to Oxford this is th e oldest Botanic Garden in Great Britain. Interestingly situated topographically. Includes many fin e mature specimen trees and shrubs. Especially ri ch in Ericaceae. A cer pseudoplatanus foliis purpureis digitatis (Sycamore Maple variety with purplish foliage) Acer pseudoplatanus luteo virens (Sycamore Maple variety with yellow foliage) Acer ps eudoplatanus trilobatwn (Sycamore Maple variety with three­ lo bed leaves ) Acer pseudoplatanus tricolor (Sycamore Maple variety with varicolored foliage) Aesculus carnea rubro petiolata (Red-petioled Red Horse-chestnut) Carpinus betulus pendula (Weeping Hornbeam) Carpinus quercifolia variegata (Variegated Oak-leaved Hornbeam) Cornus Spaethii robusta (Spaeth Dogwood) Sorbus munda rnbarachnoidea (Mountain Ash with pearly white frui t) Tilia Miqueliana Chinensis (Chinese Linden with long-pointed ovate leaves with felty undersurfaces) Tilia Miqueliana glauca (Chinese Linden with glaucous foliage) THE BoTA 'IC GARDENS, Glasnevin, Dublin, Irish Free S tate Established
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