— l- fe * --1 1 • 1 ^^^^ \ •'" 1 • L. \ \\ i :w.::J^ ( ' ? ' 1 ' I ' / JANUARY, 1960 INDIANA ARCHITECT Patents pending TOTALLY INTEGRATED SHALLOW RECESSED LIGHTING SYSTEM 9200 SERIES 2' X 4' (nominal) shallobeam QPLM9200-48RS illustrated 1. Simply lift from carton. 2. Snap into ceiling opening. 3. Adjust and connect to supply leads. That, in a proverbial nutshell, is how simple it is to install the Sunbeam Lighting Company's new ultra-shallow, recessed lighting system called the shallobeam! Integral mounting bars automatically trigger into supporting position in most ceiling structures. Locked-in leveling devices speed up adjustments. Die-castings and die-formed parts assure precision alignment, shallobeam is designed to minimize the use of tools in installation and maintenance. Modular in concept and amazingly compact, these ore available in T x 4', 2' x 4' and 4' X 4' (nominal) sizes. Application flexibility is greatly enhanced by a wide choice of light control and diffusing mediums. For complete detalis, write today for bulletin #D-99. SUNBEAM LIGHTING COMPANY LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA GARY, INDIANA glued laminated wood structures UNIT ARCHES • BEAMS • TRUSSES fahricatiul to prci ixc dinii iisions to siitisjy the most exacting designs and spec ifientions Look to UNIT for SERVICE • Members delivered by truck direct to jnbsite for economy in unloading and erecting. • Efficient staff at nearby headcjuarlers assures conijjeteni engineering service and keen personal interest in each job. • Complete bids prcjjared by trained esliuiators. • Concise, easy-to-read shop drawings featuring design iiueg- rity and accurate fitting. • Factory-applied stain and varnish to save you labor costs ;ii jobsite. • Erection service included in overall cost, if you j)refer. • All available species of roof decking. UNIT DECK - a panel graded interlocking CLEAR • PANEL DECK - the Aristocrat of Central School Addition, Porter County, Indiana wood decking providing unobstructed ceil• decking materials. Knot-free hardwood Architect: R. S. Kastendieck, Gary, Indiana ings of unusual strength and beauty. A facing in luxurious birch or oak, suitable variety of species in 2"x6", 3"x6" and 4"x6" sizes. for your very finest construction projects. INDIANA DISTRICT OFFICES: 1020 Bristol Road, Indianapolis 20, Indiana UNIT STRUCTURES, INC. 640 Eastern Avenue, S.E., Grand Rapids, Michigan Telephone: CHerry 3-6514 General Offices: Peshtigo, Wisconsin 1217 South Seventh Street, Mayv»ood (Chicago), lllinc Plants at Peshtigo, Wisconsin, and Magnolia, Arkansas Telephone: Fllmore 5-2822 Member AUG WHAT'S ON YOUR BOARDS NOW? INDIANA ARCHITECT OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE LNDIANA SOCIETY OF ARCHITECTS j!'^ MSk • ^^'^^^ • SCHOOLS A CHAPTER OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS a7 • CHURCHES • MOTELS 3637 N. MERIDIAN STREET P.O. BOX 55594 • FARM STRUCTURES INDIANAPOLIS 5, INDIANA WAlnut 5-2325 ' • INDUSTRIAL PLANTS President Secretary n COMMERCIAL BLDGS. ( HARLES J. BETTS DONALD E. CLARK Vice-President Treasurer Now You Can Specify the RAYMOND S. THOMPSON GEORGE N. HALL DON E. GIBSON, Secretary The Indiana Architect is edited and published monthly in INSULATION Indianapolis by Don E. Gibson and Associates, 3637 North Meridian Street, P. O. Box 55594, Indianapolis 5, Indiana. that satisfies all requirements for Editorial and advertising policy is governed by the Public Relations Committee, Indiana Society of Architects, John BLOCK and CAVITY D. Martindale, chairman. Current average monthly circulation is 3,200 copies, in• WALLS! cluding all resident and non-resident Indiana architects, M //(»<>/ officials, selected public officials and members of the Indiana construction industry. Further information and advertising rates available on request. VOL. NO. 9 JANUARY, 1960 perma^^ushioii mmmmmmammmm FREE FLOATING RESILIENT FLOORS SPEEDY APPLICATION AT O'HARE CHICAGO MOTEL Workman filling cores of blocks of new motel near Chicago's O'Hare Field Internafiono! Airporf. Also used in cavity walls between rooms. Arch.: Arthur Swanson. Gen. Contr.: John Theodosokis. Renderedwater-repellent by a special patented proc• ess, Zonolite Masonry Fill meets an age-old need for an insulation that will remain permanently dry and efficient in block and cavity walls. By actually doubling the insulating value of such walls, it often eliminates the cost, labor and delay of installing interior wall treatment...saves up to 50% on heat• ing costs...25% on air conditioning. Low in cost, 100% fire safe, fast and easy to install, Zonolite Masonry Fill gives you free use of the exciting new versatility of this type of construction. Mail coupon now for full details. adually float on spct ial resilient pads to ZONOLITE® pnMill IiardwootI fl<)orin}> and sl(i |>{ rs liom WATER-REPELLENT coiuaetiiig slab. S|)Ctify PermaCushioii to MASONRY FILL INSULATION provide dinuiisional stability and loni^ run eeonomy. MAIL COUPON ZONOLITE COMPANY, Dept. IA-10 For Free Data 135 South LaSalle Street, Chicago 3, lllinoit Write or call jar full information ofi the Booklet Send me booklet MF-2 giving complete data patented PermaCushion floor system. on Zonolite Masonry Fill Insulation. Nome- G. E. WEAVER CO., INC. 1147 Mishawaka Ave. Ph. Atlantic 8-1458 South Bend 1 5, Indiana City & Zone. Srate. Anton Scherrer Eldridge Named Architect, Artist, Convention Speaker Musician, Writer James A. Eldridge. publicity director of Anton Scherrer, one of the most beloved the Indianapolis office of The Bobbs-Merrill and respected members of the architectural Company, Inc., publishers, will be the speak• profession in Indiana, passed away at Method• er for the ISA Annual Convention on Friday ist Hospital in Indianapolis on January 8. night. May 19th. Although not as active in the profession Announcement of the .speaker selection during the most recent of his eighty-two was made recently by Dick Zimmerly. In• years, Mr. Scherrer was honored several diana Society Program Chairman, whose years ago by his fellow ISA members by committee is now completing plans for the election to Honorary Associate Membership. annual event. In earlier years, he followed the architec• tural footsteps of his father. Adolph Scherrer. Prior to joining Bobbs-Merrill, Mr. Eld• architect for the Indiana Statehouse, and ridge had a notable career in journalism and studied architecture in this country and in public affairs. From December, 1946. to Feb• Switzerland. Among his best known projects ruary, 1953, he served as Midwest Field Di• are the Antlers Hotel and Cathedral High rector of the American Association for the School, both in Indianapolis. United Nations. He was a frequent visitor to UN Headquarters in New York during the For ten years immediately prior to 1958, formative years of the UN and was an active Mr. Scherrer served as president of the Art ISA Queen Contestant participant in UN affairs from the opening Association of Indianapolis, which directs Miss Shirley Ann Frey, beautifnl nineteen- days of the Truman Doctrine through the Ko• John Ilerron Art Museum. He was also a year-old daughter of ISA member E. Roger rean War. former president of the Indiana Historical Frey, recently represented the Indiana So• From September, 1954, through July, 1959, Society. ciety in the annual Indianapolis Home Show Mr. Eldridge was a member of the editorial With an outstanding reputation established Queen Contest. staff of The Indianapolis News. In 1958. he in architecture prior to 1929, Mr. Scherrer A Sophomore at Transylvania College, held the John Winant Lecture Fellowship in went on to distinguish himself as an artist, Lexington, Kentucky, majoring in History Great Britain, giving 75 lectures in a three- musician, critic, and story teller, not only and Religion, Miss Frey is a member of Phi month period in Northern Ireland, Scotland, in Indiana and California, but also in Europe. Mu Sorority, works on the staff of the col• Wales and England, including lectures at Ox• lege yearbook, serves as secretary to one of ford, Cambridge and Manchester Universities. The citizens of central Indiana came to the school departments and teaches Sunday A native Hoosier, Eldridge attended But• know Mr. Scherrer best through his column, school in her off-hours. ler University and is a member of the Eng• "Our Town," a chronicle of his reminiscences Her father is associated with the Board lish-Speaking Union, the Indianapolis Com• which appeared in the Indianapolis Times of Church Extension, Disciples of Christ mittee of Foreign Relations, the American during the 1930's and 40's. His silhouet, com• Church, in Indianapolis. Academy of Political and Social Sciences, and plete with pipe and stubby beard, became an Sigma Delta Chi, the professional journalism Indianapolis trademark, and Tony became fraternity. the friend of thousands. November Contracts The topic of Mr. Eldridge's speech will be Mr. Scherrer's death followed his wife's, announced at a later date. Josephine, by almost two years; their only son, Adolph Turner, died twenty-five years Up One Per Cent Other plans for the convention include the ago. He is survived by two cousins, Mrs. Producers' Council Annual Golf Outing and November contracts for future construc• Walter H. Biddlecombe of Indianapolis, and Banquet on Thursday, May 18th, a seminar tion in Indiana totalled $45,415,000, an in• Mrs. Robert W. Rockwood of Minneapolis. on Specifications for Friday morning and a crease of one per cent compared to Novem• discussion of architect's ethics for Friday ber, 1958, according to the F. W. Dodge Cor• afternoon. May 19th, and an outing to the poration. Indianapolis Motor Speedway following the A breakdown of contracts by the major ISA Business Meeting on Saturday, May 20th, Mechanical Code construction categories in November, com• to watch qualification trials for the 1980 Me• pared to the corresponding 1958 m o n t h, morial Day Race. Reprint Available showed: non-residential at $16,876,000, up 23 per cent; residential at $23,767,000, down 3 Additional information will be presented The Indiana State Board of Health has per cent: and heavy engineering at $4,772,000, in coming issues.
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