Police Asencies Virginia Tech Police Deparfrnent B lacksburg Police Departrnent Montgomery County SherifPs Office Christiansburg Police Department Giles County Sheriff s Offrce Pearisburg Police Departuent Narrows Police Department Pulaski County Sheriff s Office Virginia State Police Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries-Game Wardens Virginia Alcohol Beverage Control Bureau of Law Enforcement Radford City Police Department ATF-Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms FBl-Federal Buredu of Investigation ICE-Immigrations Customs Enforcement DEA-Drug Enforcement Administration Secret Service Botetourt County Sheriff s Office Bedford County Sheriff s Office Henry County Sheriff s Offrce Roanoke County Police Department Roanoke City Sheriff s Office Roanoke City Police Department Salem Police Department Dublin Police Department Floyd County Sheriff s Office Vinton Police Department Wytheville Police Department Radford University Police Department James Madison University Police Departrnent Old Dominion University Police Department University of Virginia Police Department George Mason University Police Department Hampden-Sydney University Police Department Liberty University Police Department Longwood University Police Department J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College Police Department Hampton University Police Department Bridgewater College Police Department EMS Agencies Virginia Tech Rescue Blacksburg Rescue Blacksburg Fire Department Christiansburg Fire Department Elliston Fire Department Christiansburg Rescue Shawsville Rescue Longshop-McCoy Rescue Giles County Rescue Newport Rescue Salem Rescue Roanoke City Fire and Rescue Roanoke County Fire and Rescue Vinton Rescue Carilion Patient Transport Services Lifeline Ambulance Service Other Agencies/Businesses Montgomery County Emergency Services Coordinator Virginia Deparnnent of Emergency Management Virginia Deparnnent of Health American Red Cross Salvation Army Blacksburg Transit Southem Baptist Disaster Relief Second Harvest Wal-Mart McCoy Funeral Home Horne Funeral Home Pizza kn - Christiansburg Subway - Christiansburg Kroger's - Gables Shopping Center Pepsi/Gatorade - Wytheville Texas Road House Chick Fillet - Christiansburg "All Blacksburg, Christiansburg, Montgomery County Businesses that we ate unaware of' "A special thank you to our Faith Community" Vireinia Tech Departments University Administration Facilities Fleet Services Parking Services Communication Network Services Residential and Dining Programs Athletics t Page I of I Burton, Patricia From: Armbruster,Megan Sent: Monday, September24,2007 1:46 PM To: Woodard, Linda; Burton, Patricia; Plummer, Ellen; 'Thomas, Karen' Subject: Call Center details Details for call center. I will be there at 8:30 a.m. with water bottles. The telephone number for incoming (call back) calls will be (540) 231-0001. Meea n From: Rodgers, Patricia Sentr Thursday, September 06,2007 10:20 AM To: Armbruster, Megan Subjecfi Call Center Meg an, Per our conversation this morning, we have reserved room 109 in research building 14 for use by Office of Recovery and Support on September 25-27,9:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. and September 28, 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. There will be 8 phones and 8 computers available for your use, physically dispersed throughout the room. I will ask Bill Blevins to contact you concerning your specific calling needs. There will be technical sr1pport available, should any issues arise with the computers. Since RB14 is a secure building, a CNS employee must remain in the building until everyone has departed. As before, we ask that all guests sign-ln and sign-out as they enter and leave the building, throughout the day. Unfortunately, we will not be able to provide the adjoining conference room as a break room, as it is our largest conference room and is needed for meetings. Cost forvoice service will be consistent with charges for the prior call center. However, we are a cost recovery unit and must charge a rate of $3O/hour for someone to remain in the building after 5:00 and for any technical support (this should be minimal, based on the need from the last call center). Please let me know if you have any questions, or if you need anything else. (l will be out of the office the week of 9/17.) Pat Rodgers Network lnfrastructure and Services 1-1709 q/) A /1.nn'7 Burton. Patricia From: Woodard, Linda Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2007 8:17 PM To: Burton, Patricia Subject: RE: Check in I talked with ellen tshis evening. I will- be at the rneeting at 9 am on tuesday to help 'orienE' the callers. Karen Thompson did this wiLh the students earlier so I don't envision any problems. We are going to make a few changes tomorrow Eo the email and the survey. It will probably come from nark manamee and me instead of dr. Steger. We are not going to include the physically injures (the faculty member. Wally Grant, or the custodial worker who later had lhe heart attack) . Vie may end up with just one version of the email- - focusing more on helping us plan. I lhink we will be ok. Thanks for checking on j. Long. I don'E know anything about him. sent from my Goodlink synchronj.zed handheld (www.good.com) --- --oriqinal Messaqe-- -- - From : Burton. Patricia Sent: Sunday, september 23, 2007 07:50 PM Eastern Standard Time To: Woodard, Linda subj ect: Check in 1inda - .Iudy is out tomorrow and Tuesday. I don't know what is happening with ,I Long - the name is not familiar to me. He has noE been a subject of Case Managemen! discussion as far as I can recall. I will check with Teresa Lyons for info. I need a rnajor upda.te on the survey - I will check in with Rosie on that. I am concerned that tshere is an rtorientaEion,' on Tuesday that HR seems to have some responsibility for. Tf tshere is anything rL^! r ^- *j^^l-^ -.-^ we start the week, let me know. Pat Sent from my Goodl,ink synchronized handheld (www.good.com) Page I of2 From: SarahThompson[[email protected]] Sent: Tue 7OO7-04-74 23:75 To: [email protected]; Osborne. Mary (Beth) Cc: Subject Wednesday Schedule Attadrments: Amy and Beth, Here is a list of specialists who will be on-site tomorrow. Please ieel free to change this schedule as needed. You may also call me with any questions and/or concems. Again, my number is 616*460-3751. SG - Marilyn Hutchins: 540-357-2157 (Scheduled until 12:30 only) SG - Lois Koufiran: 617-818-8099 (Scheduled until 2:30, but can stay the tull day if needed) SQ - Richard Mague: 614-946-3486 (Scheduled until 12:30, but can stay the full day if needed) SG - Lowell Thomas: 804-873-1 552 (Scheduled until 12:30, but can stay the full day if needed) SG - Amy Moler: 540-616-7289 SQ/SG- Charfene Easter: 434-262-2450 SQ -Sue Rogge: 919-878-5858 (Can leaveearly ifneeded) SQ - Jan Gray'. 757-3734259 SQ -Tom Northem: 757-535-2945 SO - Bifl Gamble: 5404214008 SQ - Katherine Meyersohn: 804-833-8776 SQ - Jennifer Slusher: 540-293-2041 Here are the assignmentsr 8a-9a - HR - Jeff Gorter 8:30a - 10:30a - Financial Aid - &ry Moler (Be sure to give herthe information listed on the calandar. 9a-1 1a - Bake Shop - Sue Rogge 1Oa - 12p - College of Business - Lowell Thomas 1:30p3:30p - ESM - Amy Moler 9a-2p - Dining Hall visits - Lois Koufman Drop In - Lan Stadium - Sue Rogge Squires Lead Person - Jan Gray Squires: Jan Gray (Lead) Richard Mague - until 12:30 Charlene Easter - until 1:00, then go to SG Sue Rogge - based there, but will be doing drop ins Tom Northern Bill Gamble Jennifer Slusher Katherine Meyersohn Southgate: Marilyn Hutchins - until 't2:30 Lois Koufrnan - based there, but will be doing drop ins Amy Moler - Groups at 8:30-10:30 and 1:30p-3:30p Charlene Easter - will come over at 1:00p to relieve Amy Lowell Thomas - scheduled until 12:30 - Group at 10a-12p Sarah J. Thompson Response Center Supervisor Crisis Care Network 2855 44th Street, SW Suite 360 Grandville, Ml 49418 https://weboutlook.vt.edr.r/exchange/aroszak/Inbo::/Wednesday%20Schedule.EMl?Cmd=o... 412512007 Contact Iufbrnralion Mondar'. ApLil 2i Phone Nunrber Sarah Thompsou 6t6-460-3751 line 540-231-074 Jefl'Gorter' 616-304-4915 Chuck Taylor 919-306-6 r 49 304-741-5022 Karen McComb 304-74t-5002 l-heresa [)icone 804-2t2-69t6 Heidi 'laylor' 304-680-3377 Ruth Irielder 540-580-6300 Arny Moler s40-616-7289 Jennifer Slusher s40-293-2041 540-355-1720 BillGamble 540-42t-4008 Galen Diehl 276-340-1173 Katlierine Meversohn 804-833-8776 Marilyn Flutchins 540-357 -2157 Sylvia Wri 304-320-5314 540-392-5567 804-405-2949 Lowel Thomas 804-873- 1 552 Bob Miller 540-250-3605 540-3 57 -3696 Name Phone Number Comments Amy Adams 540-23t-7772 Southgate Connie Wilkinson 540-231-3788 Hearing impaired - interpreters Cook Counselins Center 540-231-6557 Students Cranwel I International 540-230-8747 International Students and Emolovees Narne Phone Number Darren Wagnon 540-529-9510 Bozana Young 540-808-81 10 Susan Atley 540-793-2631 Kathy Taylor 540-588-7274 Kirnberly Montgornery 540-353-6116 Marsha Jaudon 540-392-5567 S usan Blair 757-408-0440 .'?n- -Q 15- Qc1"t -\.c ? ofle fir- srs( Sr:o^ eaP rt -*/a ] 4s 4r oc fa.t & kiitn- z"- Y &a Cl'i to* €c5P','* Bq -JbA e U X) t-lnrr'[4&,Lu'- 3rO - ]:ct' Q3',rct (.iir'k,6ren -bl7- g 16- lo?? D 1,.a ln D rt n,t- Q 17- b lo- bTas t') | -r I tnz-tt't,a-l nt/t C(,t--Qf",kt ^ Contact Information Thursday 4119107 Judy Ridinger, HR 540-808-232 O i\fu#!;I Amy Adams, HR 540-998-0834 Bob Miller, W 540-250-306b/540-357-3696 Chuck Taylor 919-306-6149 Jeff Gorter 616-304-4915 Sarah Thompson 616-460-3751 Amy Moler 540-616-7289 Go through Sarah Thompson Linda Tiffany 804-405-2949 Go through Sarah Thompson Marilyn Hutchins
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