S5274 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 26, 2013 SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS proved to be worthy and honorable adver- SENATE RESOLUTION 189—REL- saries and also deserve recognition: Now, ATIVE TO THE DEATH OF THE therefore, be it HONORABLE WILLIAM DODD SENATE RESOLUTION 187—CON- Resolved, That the Senate— HATHAWAY, FORMER UNITED GRATULATING THE CHICAGO (1) congratulates the Chicago Blackhawks STATES SENATOR FOR THE BLACKHAWKS ON WINNING THE on winning the 2013 Stanley Cup; STATE OF MAINE 2013 STANLEY CUP (2) commends the fans, players, and man- agement of the Boston Bruins for allowing Mr. KING (for himself, Ms. COLLINS, Mr. DURBIN (for himself and Mr. the Chicago Blackhawks and the many sup- Mr. REID, Mr. MCCONNELL, Mr. ALEX- IRK K ) submitted the following resolu- porters of the Chicago Blackhawks to cele- ANDER, Ms. AYOTTE, Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. tion; which was considered and agreed brate at the TD Bank Garden; and BARRASSO, Mr. BAUCUS, Mr. BEGICH, to: (3) respectfully directs the Enrolling Clerk Mr. BENNET, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. of the Senate to transmit an official copy of S. RES. 187 BLUNT, Mr. BOOZMAN, Mrs. BOXER, Mr. Whereas, on June 24, 2013, the Chicago this resolution to— (A) the 2013 Chicago Blackhawks hockey BROWN, Mr. BURR, Ms. CANTWELL, Mr. Blackhawks hockey team won the Stanley CARDIN, Mr. CARPER, Mr. CASEY, Mr. Cup; organization; and CHAMBLISS, Mr. CHIESA, Mr. COATS, Mr. Whereas the 2013 Stanley Cup title is the (B) the Blackhawks owner Rocky Wirtz. first Stanley Cup title for the Blackhawks COBURN, Mr. COCHRAN, Mr. COONS, Mr. since 2010; f CORKER, Mr. CORNYN, Mr. COWAN, Mr. Whereas the Blackhawks joined the Na- CRAPO, Mr. CRUZ, Mr. DONNELLY, Mr. tional Hockey League in 1926 and have a rich DURBIN, Mr. ENZI, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mrs. SENATE RESOLUTION 188—RECOG- history in the league; FISCHER, Mr. FLAKE, Mr. FRANKEN, NIZING JUNE 30, 2013, AS THE Whereas the Blackhawks were 1 of the Mrs. GILLIBRAND, Mr. GRAHAM, Mr. original 6 teams in the National Hockey CENTENNIAL OF THE LINCOLN GRASSLEY, Mrs. HAGAN, Mr. HARKIN, League; HIGHWAY, THE FIRST TRANS- Mr. HATCH, Mr. HEINRICH, Ms. Whereas the Blackhawks have won 15 divi- CONTINENTAL HIGHWAY, WHICH HEITKAMP, Mr. HELLER, Ms. HIRONO, sional titles, and 3 conference championships ORGINALLY SPANNED 3,389 Mr. HOEVEN, Mr. INHOFE, Mr. ISAKSON, in 1992, 2010, and 2013; MILES THROUGH 13 STATES, IN- Whereas the Blackhawks won the Stanley Mr. JOHANNS, Mr. JOHNSON of Wis- CLUDING THE GREAT STATE OF Cup in 1934, 1938, 1961, and 2010; consin, Mr. JOHNSON of South Dakota, NEBRASKA Whereas the Blackhawks posted a regular Mr. KAINE, Mr. KIRK, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, season record of 36–7–5, and won the Presi- Ms. LANDRIEU, Mr. LEAHY, Mr. LEE, Mr. dent’s Trophy for earning the most points in Mr. JOHANNS (for himself, Mrs. the National Hockey League; FISCHER, and Mr. KIRK) submitted the LEVIN, Mr. MANCHIN, Mr. MCCAIN, Mrs. Whereas, during the playoffs, the following resolution; which was consid- MCCASKILL, Mr. MENENDEZ, Mr. Blackhawks defeated the Minnesota Wild in ered and agreed to: MERKLEY, Ms. MIKULSKI, Mr. MORAN, the conference quarterfinals, earning their Ms. MURKOWSKI, Mr. MURPHY, Mrs. S. RES. 188 first series win since their Stanley Cup win MURRAY, Mr. NELSON, Mr. PAUL, Mr. Whereas Carl G. Fisher, creator of the Lin- in 2010; PORTMAN, Mr. PRYOR, Mr. REED, Mr. coln Highway, believed this project would Whereas the Blackhawks outlasted the De- RISCH, Mr. ROBERTS, Mr. ROCKEFELLER, troit Red Wings in a thrilling overtime win ‘‘stimulate as nothing else could the building Mr. RUBIO, Mr. SANDERS, Mr. SCHATZ, during game 7 of the conference semifinals; of enduring highways everywhere that will Whereas the Blackhawks advanced to the not only be a credit to the American people Mr. SCHUMER, Mr. SCOTT, Mr. SESSIONS, Stanley Cup finals with a 4–1 series win over but that will also mean much to American Mrs. SHAHEEN, Mr. SHELBY, Ms. STABE- the defending Stanley Cup champions, the agriculture and American commerce;’’ NOW, Mr. TESTER, Mr. THUNE, Mr. Los Angeles Kings, in the conference finals; Whereas, on October 31, 1913, this great TOOMEY, Mr. UDALL of Colorado, Mr. Whereas the Blackhawks won the Stanley highway became the first national memorial UDALL of New Mexico, Mr. VITTER, Mr. to the 16th President of the United States, Cup by scoring 2 goals in 17 seconds during WARNER, Ms. WARREN, Mr. WHITE- the final 2 minutes of game 6 to defeat the Abraham Lincoln; Whereas the Lincoln Highway brought eco- HOUSE, Mr. WICKER, and Mr. WYDEN) Boston Bruins and return the Stanley Cup submitted the following resolution; back to Chicago; nomic development, tourism, and adventure Whereas the Blackhawks won their 5th to every community it touched; which was considered and agreed to: Stanley Cup, tying the Edmonton Oilers at Whereas, on June 22, 2013, hundreds of mo- S. RES. 189 5th place on the franchise list for most titles torists will participate in the Lincoln High- Whereas William Dodd Hathaway served in won; way Centennial Auto Tour, which will start the Army Air Corps during World War II Whereas General Manager Stan Bowman, simultaneously from the bustling streets of from 1942 to 1946, during which time he was Head Coach Joel Quenneville, President John New York’s Time Square in the East and held as a prisoner of war for 2 months after F. McDonough, and owner Rocky Wirtz have from San Francisco’s serene Lincoln Park in being shot down over Romania; put together and led a great organization; the West; Whereas William Dodd Hathaway achieved Whereas all 27 active players, including Whereas a centennial celebration will take the rank of Captain and received a Decorated Bryan Bickell, Dave Bolland, Brandon place from June 30, 2013, through July 1, 2013, Air Medal, a Purple Heart, a Presidential ci- Bollig, Daniel Carcillo, Michael Frolik, Mi- when Lincoln Highway tour motorists will tation, and a Prisoner of War Medal for his chael Handzus, Marian Hossa, Patrick Kane, join at the central meeting place of Kearney, military service; Marcus Kruger, Jamal Mayers, Brandon Nebraska, which is precisely 1,733 miles from Whereas, following his military service, Saad, Patrick Sharp, Andrew Shaw, Ben both the Atlantic and the Pacific coasts; William Dodd Hathaway graduated from Smith, Viktor Stalberg, Jonathan Toews, Whereas the Lincoln Highway served as a Harvard University in 1949 and Harvard Law Sheldon Brookbank, Niklas Hjalmarsson, model and an inspiration for President School in 1953; Duncan Keith, Nick Leddy, Johnny Oduya, Dwight D. Eisenhower’s grand initiative for Whereas William Dodd Hathaway began his Michal Rozsival, Brent Seabrook, Ryan a national highway system to connect every legal career in the State of Maine, working Stanton, Corey Crawford, Ray Emery, and person in the United States; and in both private practice and government Henrik Karlsson, whose shared goal was to Whereas the Lincoln Highway, more affec- service; win the Stanley Cup, collectively contrib- tionately known as ‘‘America’s Main Whereas William Dodd Hathaway was first uted to a victorious season; Street’’, will continue to be a symbol of elected to the United States House of Rep- Whereas the 2013 Blackhawks players fol- Americana and the sense of freedom that resentatives in 1964 and served 4 terms as a low in the footsteps of the great players in comes from driving on the open road: Now, Representative from the State of Maine be- the Blackhawks history who have had their therefore, be it fore running for the United States Senate in numbers retired, including Glenn Hall (#1), Resolved, That the Senate— 1972; Keith Magnuson (#3), Pierre Pilote (#3), (1) recognizes June 30, 2013, as the centen- Whereas, as a Senator, William Dodd Bobby Hull (#9), Denis Savard (#18), Stan nial of the Lincoln Highway; Hathaway served on the Committee on Agri- Mikita (#21), and Tony Esposito (#35); (2) commemorates the important role that culture and Forestry, the Committee on Whereas the Stanley Cup returns to the the Lincoln Highway has played in signifi- Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, the City of Chicago and gives fans across the cant historical and cultural events in the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, the State of Illinois a chance to celebrate cham- United States; and Committee on Finance, the Select Com- pionship hockey twice in the last 4 seasons; (3) recognizes the economic growth, mod- mittee on Small Business, and the Select and ernization in infrastructure, and rural devel- Committee on Intelligence of the Senate; Whereas the Minnesota Wild, Detroit Red opment that resulted from the Lincoln High- Whereas, as Chairman of the Sub- Wings, Los Angeles Kings, and Boston Bruins way. committee on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse of VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:29 Sep 21, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00072 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD13\RECFILES\JUN2013\S26JN3.REC S26JN3 rfrederick on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE June 26, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5275 the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, to be proposed to the bill S. 744, supra; which tended to be proposed by him to the William Dodd Hathaway crafted numerous was ordered to lie on the table. bill S. 744, to provide for comprehen- legislative measures that addressed health SA 1731. Mr. REID submitted an amend- sive immigration reform and for other problems related to substance abuse and ment intended to be proposed to amendment purposes; which was ordered to lie on worked to ensure that the Federal and State SA 1664 submitted by Mr. REID and intended governments responded effectively to those to be proposed to the bill S. 744, supra; which the table; as follows: problems; was ordered to lie on the table. At the appropriate place, insert the fol- Whereas, in 1978, William Dodd Hathaway SA 1732.
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