OliverPresidentIn, I Bree: c‘.’1-,. ivt ‘._ 1v v s .1 ‘11 1 Derro Lag Far Behind Less than 1,000 voters Dr. Fred Warren—8“ of a possi- Rev. Bob Luster—489 published weekly by the students of north state college ble 3,000 plus turned out for the Lindsey Whichard—ZOG Wednesday-held primaries. The JamesS. Fulghurn—402 Alumni Athletic Trophy vol. XXXVII no. 24 state college station, raleigh, n. c. april 17, 1953 vote was sufficiently heavy though Clyde M. Garrison—95 to elect Bill Oliver as President of Robert Speight—888 Senior Class Ofleers Campus Government for the coming President: year. He will take office with the Jesse S. Cami—~47 Campus Siores lnvile Bill Collins—~43 CG Evaluation Form rest of the new council members . Vice~presidentz within the next two weeks. Roany B. Thomas-457 Clafide E. Layman—62 Unaccepled as Yel There follows a list of the men Treasurer: whose names will appear on the John H. Cable—78 Nears Completion Z. Dave Hewett—43 Nary a single letter has been ballot for the run-off on Wednesday, Secretary: April 29: Barbara Edmundson—bb received by the Student Supply Charles Lee Overman—-81 Council Considers Case of UNC Professor Campus Government Junior Class Oflcors Store Advisory Committee in re- President: President: Whose Car Was Damaged on Campus; Spirit, Billy Barnes Oliver—599 Gene L. Warren—75 sponse to their stated intention of Vice-president: Herman Porter—79 Bob Jordan—372 Treasurer: Elections, "Big-Four-Day” Also Discussed discussing the Stores policies and Bobby Cone—481 Joheph P. Hester-99 practices over WVWP in early Athletic Council David E. Boswell—86 Senior Representative: Sophomore Class Oflcers Tom Ward, vice president, pre- cil, although I appreciate their May. The members of the Commit- David Nixon—339 President: sided over the meeting due to the interest in the case. tee have stressed that the extent Claude Layman—418 Gordon Adams—63 Junior Representative: Gilmer Green—75 absence of President Vince Out- If my assumption is wrong, I of the student’s response may very Douglas R. Greene-288 School of Engineering Class Represent» land. The first matter of business should appreciate your returm well determine the success or fail- Harry K. Yarbrough, Jr.—234 tive to Campus Government College Union Board of Directorate Senior Class: was a letter from the Carolina pro- ing to me the service bills since ure of the venture. If the response One Year Term: Joe Trogdon—97 fessor which had seemed to have they are the originals and I comes close to being negligible, the Floyd Blue Sweet, Jr.—268 David W. Kane—78 Bill Collins—324 Sophomore Class: some trouble in parking his car in should like to have them for my whole program might be called off Two Year Term: Frank H. Connor—79 front of Tucker Dorm, during a files. to have a report submitted in its Donald M. Joyce—278 Mac McAllisten—‘lO Dow Perry—223 School of Textiles ,Class Representative basketball game, and some dam- Sincerely yours, place. Faculty Members: to Campus Government ages were made' to it while parked. Sterling A. Stroudemire (Continued on Page 2) George F. Slocum—260 Robert C. Sample—68 He has asked for full payment of (Continued on Page 2) the damages. We asked him in a letter to meet with us so the ,' Bevy of Beauties Will Sponsor Junior-Senior Ring Dance matter could be fully discussed, but Haggai May Jump instead of meeting with us he wrote a letter stating that he saw no For ,"S'pirit" Drive need in meeting with us and that he feels that it is an administration Student Chutest Offers affair and not the Campus Govern- Services for Publicity; ment’s. Stunt to Get Out the Vote Here follows a copy of the letter: Dear Chancellor Harrelson: The Operation Spirit people are have just received a letter stepping high, wide and hand- from Mr. G. Herman Porter in some in order to stimulate interest which he suggests that I come to in the election during the run-oil’s. State College to meet with mem- They will figuratively have the bers of the Student Council to campus jumping if plans which are discuss the damage done to my now vague“ ever crystallize. , car on the night of March 5. A former professional para- My original letter indicated chutist has offered to leap ofi’ into that I felt that this was a mat- space on the 29th and land on Doak ter to be considered by the North Field, where a gathering of stu- Carolina State College Adminis- dents will greet him and then ac- tration. Since I still have the company him to the polling both at same opinion, can see no rea- the “Y.” The Spirit Committee is son to come to Raleigh in order also attempting to get classes ex- to meet with the Student Coun- cused for several hours around mid-day in order to assure a favor- able turnout for the event. _ Chancellor Choice The jump, by Ted Haggai, a junior in Electrical Engineering, Now Down to Four has been tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, April 29. Ted plans to Advisory Committee delay the opening of his chute until Recommends Four Persons he has fallen one and one-third miles. He carries with him a sack To Gray as Qualified of self-rising flour which enables The advisory committees assist- sight-seers to observe his down- ing President Gordon Gray of the ward progress. At approximately :.- fix! Consolidated University of North r1,000 feet chutist Haggai pulls the BITS! JOHNNN Carolina in the selection of a new cord and as a result is able to make KAY JOHNSON chancellor for North Carolina a pin-point landing. The former State College met at the college professional retired in‘1951. 0 Wednesday afternoon, April 8, and The Spirit Committee has a recommended to President Gray number of oother tricks up its “the names of four persons con- sleeve, but the details are not sidered by the committee as quali- known as THE TECHNICIAN goes fied for the position as chancellor to press. of State College.” 4 After the meeting, Major L. P. McLendon of Greensboro, chairman Recent Meeting Clears of the joint committee, issued the following announcement: “The joint committee consisting Troubled CUSC Air of alumni, faculty members, and trustees met this afternoon at 2:30 The air which surrounded re- p.m. at State College and received cent happenings in Consolidated a report of the sub-committee. University Student Council is. After receiving the report of the clearing. sub-committee, the joint committee The Carolina delegation has ex- .I unanimously recommended to Pres- pressed a willingness to support a ident Gordon Gray of the Greater move to have the Carolina Student Pictured here are the sponsors of the 1953 Junior-Senior Ring Dance to be presented by the Junior University the names of four per- Legislature rescind the provisional Class of North Carolina State College in honor of the Senior Class in the William Neal Reynolds Coli- sons considered by the committee ratification which that body gave seum at the college Saturday night, April 25, from 8 o’clock until midnight. Shep Fields am! his orchestra as qualified for the position of the CUSC Constitution. The pro- will provide the music. Grouped around a picture of the State College class ring are the sponsors, With chancellor of State College. vision was to have the Legislature their escorts listed. Top row, left to right: Harriette Davis of Carthage with Roy E. Congieton of Chad- (Continued on Page 2) review and then ratify the Consti- bourn, dance committee; Mishew Edgerton of Raleigh with Lloyd Check of Gibsonville, decoration com-' tution each year instead of giving mittee; and Jeanette Uzzell of Ashcville with Bob Turner of Grecuville, treasurer of the Junior Clam. Mr. Chiles, representative of it one blanket ratification as is Middle row, left to right: Kay Johnson of Middlesex with Bobby Cone of Middlesex, secretary of the Jun- JOSTENS will be at the College usually done. ior Class; Dorothy Knott of Knightdale with Jackie Daughtry of Mount Olive, dance committee; and YMCA Tuesday, May 28 to dis- A clause in the CUSC Constitu- Betsy Johnson of Hamptonviile with Alan Home of Richlands, president of the Senior Class. Botto- row, cuss an adjustments or correc- tion which has been a bone of con- left to right: Julianne Boone of Raleigh with Jesse Cape] of Troy, president of the Junior Class; Ann tions in herings for the class of tention at Carolina for a long. time Turner-of HendersonwithBill Collinsof Henderson, baudcomrnittee; audPolly SandersomelthIusith 1954. (Continued on Page 2) , Jim HiltonofRaleigh,vicepresideutoftheJunio1-Classandchairmauofthedaneeeommittss. run TECHNICIAN April 24, 1953 CHANCELLDR— fice in the Publications Building, respective student governments are New Ag Club Officers are Elected (Continued from Page 1) or drop them in the mail box not abridged.”- . “The combined committee is com- marked TECHNICIAN which is The next meeting of CUSC is posed of 17 persons, and 16 were located in the hall on the south planned for May 3 at the Woman’s present for the meeting today.” College at 3:00 p.m. Ham Horton “For obvious reasons, the names end, first floor, of the 1911 Build- has' promised to attend the next of the four persons recommended ing. It is also planned to accept meeting which may be followed by by the joint committee are not be- phone calls on the night of the one other on the 17th of May to ing released.
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