"v XLVin, NO. 45, Ittiud W««W, Entjrwl a* SMOIHI.CUM SUtUr at tfc* Fo»t> L offiei it Bid Btnk, N. JH unit* tb* Ant of MirtU t, 1879. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, MAY 5,. 1926. $i:50 PER YEAR. - PAGES.! TO READY TO OPEN BRIDGE. CONTROVERSY STILL QfL CONFERENCE ABOUT STREET, MANHOLE COVERS, OfficUlt if Three Bqir.ouflu to /Fix LOWS BIG BANQUET. NOT TO GO UNDERGROUND Spine of Them are Reported to be IN A PERUVIAN PAEER. WON A $1,000 PICTURE, ( TOWN IN GAY ATTIRE FOR BIG OFFICIALS AND WILLIAM S N«tno for Front Str«et. , In B«d Condition. ODD FELLOWS CELEBRATE MONMOUTH STREET, 'WIRES ICEBOATJNG AT RED BANK RED BANK WOMAN'S CLOal V CELEBRATION,, FRIDAY. ROSE CANT-ACRE.E. A uniform name for Front atree EIGHTIETH ANNIVERSARY. '•':'. The nianhble covers on a number Is being consideccd. The street is WILL REMAIN ON POLES. of streets at Red Bank arc of such PICTURED FAR AWAY. WINS ART WORK CONYS^'""•' Everything. Ironed Qul and Ar They Have field Several Confer. known OB West Frtnt street and They Feaited, Danced and Ltitened At Leatt That Seem« to be the Matt a'character that they get knocked Newipaper PuHi.hed at Lima, Pe- ranged 'Except tha Weather-7- «ncet With Regard to Paving A> The Priro wat Awarded last Week' East Front .street at Red Bank, but to Speechmakino; Lett Wednet. Plausible Conclusion li'be Drawn out of place when automobiles run ru, Feature* Benjamin L. Atwa- anJ We* for the Bett Construe'" * •i Jfufaim, Banqiiet, Fireworks and tettmentt on Branch Avenue- in the neighboring boroughs of Fair day Night—About BOO Pertont From the Meeting of the Red oyer. them.. Mayor William H. R. ter't "Pet" and Two Other \' Dancing, an the Bridge. ' ' ' No Further Arbitration. tire. Art Work by tha Federated. Haven and Rumson It is known 'by Attended the Feitivltiet. ' Bank Commiitionera. ] White, reported Monday night that Speedy'.'Red Baftk Ice Boatt. Women'* Club* of New JeMey," / - Flags are flying at Red Bank. a .different name. Mayor William an automobile owned by Vernon D. William S. Rose of Branch ave About 500 peisons attended the There was a di-sussion at the , That the'North Shrewsbury river The toton 1B putting on gala nttir nue sent another long letter to tho H. R. White 'was authorised Mon- Cook had been damaged b/y a man- Tho Red Bank Woman's club has for Friday, the da> when the now first annual banquet of Navesink meeting of the Red Bank comrais- : has the power to advertise Red Won % painting worth $1,000 for commissioners of Bed Bank Mon- day night to have a conference with lodge of Odd Fellows of Jtedy.Bank, sioners Monday night relative to hole cover bouncing up and striking Bank in distant lands and climes 'Cooper's bridge will be thrown day night relative to a controversy the ofllclalii of Fair, Haven and the car. The street committee was constructive work in art during tho* - open to traffic. The decorations on •which was held last Wednesday putting telephone and electric wires was Bhoun by a newspaper which past two years. The painting is by' >" which has been going on between Rumsdn with regard to having the night at the New Smoke Shop Tav- underground on Monmouth street instructed to ^investigate the man' was mailed to The Register office many of thq business buildings are him and tho town officials for sev- same name for the street in all hole covers and,to remedy the trou- Anna Fisher and it was glvon bys „ very elaborate. It is a big job re- ern in celebration of the eightieth before that street is. widened and last week. The newspapor, La Louis Bamberger of Newark, win* eral months, He claims that ho was three boroughs. There U consider- anniversary of tho 'lodge and of paved .with concrete Both com- ble. Street; Hupre'rintcndent Robert Prenza, is published at Lima, Peru quiring considerable Bteeplejacklng Overcharged $.600 for benefits for able speculation as to whether the Pierce said that the sewer manhole paid $1,000 for it. It was offered' , '.to cover the fronts of big buildings the 107th anniversary of Odd Fel- panies tiad been asked to have rep- in the Spanish language. The pa- two years ago in a contest among, paving' Branch ' avonuo with con etreet will bl named Front street jn lowship. The gathering was about resentatives aC the meeting to.'talk covers were not all of the same with flags and bunting «nd for this 1 per was mailed to The Register by all the women's clubs in tho "Neyr crete. He sayB his property was all th'ree boroughs or whether it will equally divide} between women and tho matter over with the comniis- size, and sometimes covers that did Theodore Ncstlei', son, of Edmond , reason the work 'wag started last not benefited as much as other Jersey, ttate federation for the best Thursday. be changed to some other name, men. The Daughters of Rebekah sicmors, but they did not do so. The not exactly/fit got on the wrong Ncstler of Broad street, Red Bank. constructive work in art for the Jlwo properties because the street is nar- lodge, which i3 the feminine equiva- commissioners ijnd been' advised by places.' ..."• •': .-.'•••••• Theodore attends Rider collego al years ending this spring. Fifty- 1 Everybody is hoping for good rower In front of his place than it lent of the Odd Fellowt lodge, and the borough* attorney at a previous Trenton and he Is business mana four clubs entered the /contest and weather. That is tl.o only uncer- is elsewhere.' He also claims that RIDING. STABLES SOLD. delegations of • Odd Fellows frqm meeting that there was no legal ger of the college year bbok. He the painting was awarded to- tr»a tain element, now. Everything elso the town took a considerable por- Lakewood and Newark were among way to compel the companies to has a room mate who is a Poruvian Red Bank club. la arranged. The celebration Is cer- tion of his land without paying any- those present. put their wires underground. NEW LUNCH WAGON HERE CRANFORD MAN BUVS STONE. and the newspaper which he seat tain to be a great success if the thing to him for it, A neighbor, to The Register was obtained from The painting is the greatest R. V. -R. H. Stout acted as toast- Tho matter was brought up Mon- ANDREW DOUGHERTY TO trophy'ever offered as a prize to' tha , weather ill good. If the weather is Mr. Rose says, received $1,050 for BRIDGE BUSINESS. J- master. The celebration opened day night by George K. Allen, the his room mate. , bad the parSde and the block dance a similar amount of land taken by with a prayer by Rev. W. Elwell HAYE ITONvMAPLE AVENUE. women's clubs pf New Jersey, The the county to widen Branch ave- Mr. Sionobrldga Take* Poiltion «• borou^ti engineer, who stated' that Prominently displayed on the picture is of a bowl of orchids. It on the bridge will be-postponed un Private Riding Imtruetor for Lake, ajter which the entire as- before drawing up plans arid, speei- He Hat Bought a Lunch' Wfigon front page of the paper are: three .tll/Monday night, Tho dinner a' nue south of the Red Bank bor- semblage sang "America1' and an will be hung for two weeks in ^ho ough line.) Francti P. Garvitt' of Lonj Ii fiations for the improvement of the With,Eighteen' Stoolt and He iceboats. ' The picture features Second national bank and trust the Smoke Shop Tavern will take land. Odd Fellows' song. Solos were sung street he needed to know whether Will Open 'It Friday on Land Benjamin L. Atwater's "Pet," place regardless of whether the company building in order that it Another claim of Mr. Rose's is by Eugeno Magrco and Alvin Whit- the wires were to remain on poles Which He Hat. Leaied.' .' which had won a race just before may be on view to all the residents ' weather la good or bad. that his lawn and hedges were torn William G. Stonebrldge, who con- ing. An address of welcome wad or to be put under the street. '.'. ducted a riding school and boarding Andrew Dougherty will open a the picture' was taken. The other of Red Bank and vicinity. • After-'. , Everybody is invited. Not onl, up and damaged when the street made by D. Warden Grooms, noble Councilman Robert S. Johnson two boats in the picture are owned Red Bankors but every inhabltanl was paved. Tho town oflkials,and and training stables at Silvcrbrook grand of the lodge. Several num- lunch wagon 'business Friday on that it will be hung in the clubhonsa farm jit Shrowsbury, has sold his advocated that the town put ducts land on the west side of Maple ave- by Robert Linton and Thomas Irv, of the Red Bank Woman's club.' of the United States.will be wel- Mr. Rose have had several confer- bers were played by two orchestras underground at it* own, expense for ing Brown. come. Mayor William H. R. White, ences with regard to the matter and business to W. H. Foales, who has led by Allan Woollcy and Norman nue,; at the: foot of White street, Last year the Red Bank club won bcon employed by W. B. RuthraufE the street light wires on Monmouth which'he has leased from Martin The paper thus described ice a painting as a-prize offered by'the the coUncllmen and all other per- no agreement has been reached.
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