BABE RUTH POLES LONGEST HOME RUN VIRGINIA FANS EVER WITNESSED Magnificent Pitching by QUEEN MAB FITTING Nehf Blanks White Sox THE LISTENING POST WITH MARCONI RIG * By W\lter Trumbull g Herald. Left Hander Also Aids at Bat in 8.0 Hit Hives Vir¬ Copyright. 19^2, by Tho New York X. P. Schooner Yacht Victory by Timely in Ninth THE REASON. A'yer's Now 4 to 3 at First to New Sail Pipp's Error in Ninth Gives Banging Out Three Doubles.Series ginia Victory Now is the time that poets $in<7 Try Stands a Tie. Charlottesville. Their piping tunes in praise of spring. Plan. Dodgers Fifth Straight They warble of the trees and flcnoers And sprouting grass and falling showers; Victory. By CHARLES A. TAYLOR. ARTHUR F. ( N Hut them, it would appear. By ALDRIDGK. Npxriat to Tub New 'iotK Herai.d. to and and Shinners romped few of Dispatch right, Kelly j Baseball Know we're that is here. Th« schooner Queen Mab, owned by i Norfolk, Va.. April 7..The world home. College why glad spring NT. F, Ayer, and the schooner Flying . In the fourth the New Yorkers counted seem to sense we 4 TO 3 IS FINAL SCORE champion Giants evened up their and Shinners They only sigh Cloud, recently purchased by Winthrop twice on singles by Kelly KCStl.TS OF YKSTEBDAY'S GAMES. For to come W. Aldrlch, will attract much attention aeries with the Chicago White Sox and Mr. Nehfs second twer base awu.t, Virginia. 4; Cornell April tripping by, of Giant 3. the this summer when they meet In yacht here this afternoon by winning, 8 to 0. this time to left. The last pair WV«t Virginia, 13; Duquettne, 12. And never figure out reason races because Mat) In the of Wilkin- Dartmouth, 10: Humpton Kouda, 6. Queen will appear Kach team has now captured Ave tallies were at expense Vermont, 5; Maryland, 3.. Is this month brings the baseball season. a new and novel rig and Flying Cloud son. Groh went to second on a Losers Field Poorly Behind so the contests the Polo singled, . .AMES TO-DAY. it, now being put In the best possible games, at passed ball and to third on a wild pitch. SCHEDULED Grounds to-morrow and will walked and stole second. Meusel Columbia t». N. V. U., at Ohio Field. racing trim and Is to have new hollow Shawkey, Who Twirls Sunday Young Fordham vs. Vuii*, at >r« Haven. HERE THEY ARE. spars and new Ratsey sails. have an added zest. scored Heinle with a fly to Hooper. I.eliigli vs. Princeton at Prlnrnton. and Young All that the fans are asking to-day la that the weather man be reason¬ Queen Mab -was formerly the Vagrant, So much on All the Wav. The Kelly singled over second C. C. N. Y. vi. Army, at Writ l'oint. built for Commodore H. depends magnificent pitching of Arthur counted when Shinners forced Kelly at Steven* vs. 1'ratt. at lloboken. able. The Giants are scheduled to appear at the Polo Grounds and the by Herrcshoff Manhattan vs. St. S. Vanderbilt. She Is 77 feet 4 inches Mehf and the heavy slugging of th-j second. Stephens. at Van Nest. their feud with the Robins over in your get-up. Dartmouth vm. 1'rnn. at PlidaOrlplua. Yankees will continue Brooklyn. length over all. 56 feet 3 lnchcs on the Giants about shut- Kid Gleason, manager of the Sox. 1 r.inns vs. at New Hrunswick. chance to see some of the rookies in action. Golf Norfolks. brought to-day's stoclsm Kutgcr*, This is the rabid rooter's waterllne, 17 feet 6 Inches breadth and By DANIEL, out. Nehf took the beating with old Oriole Cornell v». Navy, nt Annapolis. of interested in the but he to see a lot of allowed only two hits in that he would send Urban I'rovidence vh. Harvard, at Cambridge. He is, course, regulars, expects 10 feet 8 inches draft. She Is having her Attractive Scottish and vowed ( onn. vs. not Special Tn,p.tch to Tn« New Yo»k Herald. the eight innings he did the twirling, Faber the champions to-morrow Aggies Itrovvn, at Providence. them later on. The rookies may linger. sailing' plant remodeled and will appear against Cooper 1 uion vs. Selon Hall, at N. .1. are the last that Babe Ruth will lit for some with the so-called Marconi The tweeds and Richmond, Va., April 7..Babe Ruth and these »afo blows both came in tha j In order to get revenge. Manager Mc- Jnanila vs. Penn. State, at Itrthleliein, Pa. Also these games appel rig. homespuns, the we that Landis is sloop Carolina last year -with the this afternoon treated this fine old tifth. the who Graw is expected to use onje of the (¦ettysburi; vs. l.afayette, at Enston, l'a. weeks. And, in speaking of Bambino, believe Juu0a Jib cheviots woven Larry Benton, rookie, brothers in the box. probably in his but we can see no reason for headed mainsail rig easily outsailed all specially to the home run it has Barnes right enforcing suspension, keeping capital longest pitched the ninth inning for the New Jess. .Special Dispatch to The New York Herai.d. him off the field before a game begins. He needs all the practice he can the other sloops In her class, and Mr. for the "four corners." been Virginia's pleasure to witness Yorkers, retired the batters Charlottesville, Va., April 7..Vir¬ Ayer Is to try the experiment on a Chicago NEW YORK (N.) CHICAGO (A.) get to keep in condition. schooner. Some of :isScotch Mist. since Capt. John Smith made that in order. ab r h o u e| i\brli o «« ginia turned the tables on Cornell to¬ B'croft.ss 13 1 -J rJohnson,ss 4 00 »! 30 day, outhitting and outflelding the The Flying Cloud was formerly known All tailored for comfort. memorable dash with the assistance Aside from his airtight pitching, R'llngs,2b 3 0 0 3 3 0|MclVn,3h. 40 1 2 3 0 Ithacans and winning 4 to 3. Tli<; as the Radiant. and was built from de¬ Groh,3b.. 4 12 0 1 OlColllns.Sb. 3 0 0 2 3 0 TEAM WORK. of Miss Pocahontas. However, the southpaw Nehf distinguished himselt 4 00 6 0 0 visitors were forced to use three twirlera signs by "William Gardner for Lawley. We make them our¬ Young,rf. 3 1 0 0 0 ljHooper.rf. can more than half a dozen flashy feat failed to save the Yank<^ greatly with the stick, banging out thre« Meusel,If. 3 0 1 2 0 O'Strunk.cf. 4 00 2 0 0 to check the batting of the Southerners. Two horses pulling together accomplish tug¬ She Is 90 feet 6 Inches length over all, Kelly.lb.. 1 3 10 0 OjMostll.lf.. 3 00 1 00 Schreiner lasted but two innings an 1 in directions. Team work is what counts. The Yankees won a 81 feet 8 inches on the waterllne, 17 selves. from another heating by the Dodgers, doubles in succession. To show that he 4 00 t> 11 ging opposite Sh'nera.cf 4 2 2 .1 0 0|Sheely.lb. Kr,ipe was going well until a hot drive pennant last season, and they have a chance to win another this season. But feet 6 Inches breadth and 11 feet 4 for tho Brooklyns came through with can hit 'em to any field. Sir Arthur shot Snyder,c. 4 10 6 OOYaryau.c. 4 00 3 2 0 front Caps to match. Nehf,p... 413 O 1 0;Aeosta.p. 00 0 0 3 0 Parrlsh's bat in the eighth forcii ihey are not going to win anything if they don't cut out the temperamental inches draft. She Is five feet longer on a run in tho ninth on an error by his first two bagger to right, his second tCun'ham 1 00 0 0 0;*Schalk... 101 O 00 his retirement. stuff and get down to business. the waterllne than the Queen Mab. Wallie and took the final game to left and his third to center. JBoone.lf. 101 O 0 OiWIlk n.p.. 1 00 0 0 0 The winning tally was made off Rollo. which with her larger eall plant should T»ipp Gaston,c. loo 0 0 0| He walked and Mahnod fol¬ n d s are 0 0 Totals.. .32 0 2 27 10 1 Hubbard, give her quite an advantage, but these s°ggy grou on the road by 4 to 3. The Giants accumulated fifteen hits Benton.p. 000 01 lowed with a hit bacT< of second whi.-li PITCHERS. In all, Captain Pave Bancroft the two yachts will meet In several rn-os, for The Babe was not the lone home leading Total*. .40 8 13 27 0 2i Davies could not reach. A sacrifice by and It will be an interesting study to grounds enough buying' way with a triple, a double and a s'"' Carl.vlo advanced botli runners and The pitchers who won twenty games or more In tho National League last run crasher of the day. Jimmy collected three .Batted for Aeosta in the fifth Inning. watch the battles, particularly with the our oxfords.they dry gle. Txing George Kelly tUatttil for Grob In the eighth Inning, DeltrlcU's single to center scored Hub¬ season were Grimes of Brooklyn, Cooper of Pittsburgh, Oeschger of Boston new golf Johnston turned the too for a rig of the Queen Mab.
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