N S I D E MUSIC WEEK .grMarketsurvey- lUa&ic Copyright'BMI sian^to Powell's wind of change £1.80 U,S.$2.75 ISSN 0265-1548 after'l 9 lea^w^Te Company Industry allies fight them on the benches ium&iïs. fromssgîg the'Copyright Bifwhich con- smmcontact their MPs - in persan if maiority ot the begin £•;::== =5:" S':L iE5 se:- liPS ilËIW - 4:r-affi TO PAGE FOUR ► Siren, 10 loin forces Maxwell marches irrto CD ;.h:r «« SïS WMM S? WhMs TO PAGE FOUR >■ wm?*^^cg^Je^yMc^rTan «Sty^h^cd^ ONCE UPON A LONG AGO 7" R6170 12 12R6170 CD SINGLE CDR 6170 ORDER NOW FROM EMI TELESALES 01r848 9811 l'fc SBKSongs A very independent one year o/d! 3-5 Radibone Place London WIPIÛA 01-6375831 Telex: 28963 PAGE 2 SCiri and Mix gets co's new Vhm push m advertisingSTYLUS IS inspending support E'/imof Hit Mix,on TV a Pair Lady double-album compilation of 60 DETAILS HAVE been announced Myof PolyGram'sPair Lady, TVa newcampaign recording for starring Kiri te Kanawa, Jei KERR, KNOPFLER and Gabriel — included on Spiril Of Dealer priced at £5.21 {com- IronsThe and £300,000 Warren promotion Mitchell. is run- pact dise £6.95), the album con- ning this week in TSW, Anglia and tainsBody Laand Bamba, Maie AxelStripper. F, Jack Your Tyneout. It Teesis being prior supported to a national by nation- roll- Stirs £@iie out alpoint-of-sale press advertising, and in-slore nalionwide displays. £4.25The (compactalbum is disedealer-priced £7.29). at for Amnesty aturing some of the UK's biggest tsis into aid be ofTV-advertised. Amnesty Internation- Stylus' £350,000 promotion newSKIN sinqle GAMES on willEpie, be Nopromohng Criminal o ÎTE » TV sell for Lanza ourtnotruns * s been bought in • PHONOGRAM IS re- ^ahS m. C) housemaruns TAKENrni/rM FR0prom THF L ■P CASSETTE- QUANT|T|ES AND FR0M C.D. CBS "The tele. SALPeoplees on 0290 Who 395151 Grinned or direct Themselvesfrom your chrysalis to Death" sales rlp (AGOLP 9). OUT N0W MUSIC WEEK 14 NOVEMBER, 1987 'Terrifie' response as dealers Powell WohU ► FROM PAGE ONE BRIKFJNÇ rdly for charity day effort Powell feels that MCA c fetes^sa'how'lon'T LISBON: TherY Portuguese^re-aC 0 id□y, "theirsays that best Tower's day's theabsolutely Day bas delighted gone — wlth we've fhe wayhad arguesto reTse^CA's^irpotei that the Copyright Bill, DAT publication11^ gmvëIt ofcrise somes'flllowin of theg and the changing markels have put years by the trade group UN- pHHas| SSESSiE iim BscsaTS-a nated heaTlf' A&R^and Powell ceeded in reducing inflation iÉSErfS toTelhe^rSo^îe teom^'ttin9 Stmg mils i^P s u ► FROM PAGE ONE srMr:3^7£ ^~= IFVOUWAMT Three arrests Plant presses ÉÉilÉ To POTHÊ follow BRI £Vm info SE ewisufss pirocy swoop block vinyl Midem show rm ^|g3ES of strength for CD makers IM s: utLL.. wiity mm. owoh; ffà rn^chXvirv" to«!' r'xo oTr, Jndf^: ii 0X1% iflli sriSêwsiiœ r-^i Useîul oward -iijm for export SE SËËf ES hOvejseasETade "-pss toduced iiMi II S ËïSli Aztec caméra love A 4 C m P The New Album containing 9 superb songs... Press campaign includes: The Face, Q A0n the streets: flyposting major UK cities Music Papers, Smash Hits and more, producers include: Russ Titelman and Tommy LiPuma ^ Instore: 30 x 20 personality poster N^niecard.^leeveT' love on Ip: WX128 dearcassette: WX128C cd: 242202-2 OUTNOW PAr,f MUSIC WEEK 14 NOVEMBER, 1987 —— f@P # 20 • ALBUMS COUNTRY c 0 U N T R Y 14 Novem iber 1987 MesliwiiSe ii@Bî@yrs Ul's Conroy 1 .1 DanielDONT O'Donnell FORGET TO REMEMBERC:RITZLCOO43/CD;RirZCD105 Rite RITZLP0043 |SP) E FER T H OONLI,3HT RCAPL86484 (BMG) 2 13- y R oger C; PK86484/CD; PD86484 3 3 PolÇ Parton/Linda Ronstc ?3 Rite RITZLP 0038 (SP) s BSf 4 ASTnne,, C; RITZLC 0038/CD: RITZCD104 =E 5 3^^° 6 sS2œ:riEL O'DONNELL RteR™^) k EE T REAMS 7 6 ^s y C|ine GMCGC6003^cÎmC4D6149 CMA's îspsto countryc u apartetf» from r N C: MCFC 3335/CD;MCA MCP DMCF 3335 3335 (F) ied?or aios=r 9 7 Steve^Earle & The Dukes C: MCFC 3379/CD;MCA MCFDMCF 3379 3379 (F| 5 l 0 1 0 ^ johnny'cash" " ltSMERHfo8m C:M°Ha08/CD:83203,.2 TOP 10 n ^oLn^srDFOREVEF GWX107C 12 B UXE sometimes seemed scandalous if 12 Dwig h'Y™ iwxiss 13 Warner Brothers K 925 352 14 ^^°FL,FE a ne Brolhers 925435^(W) RE G VE LITTLELOVE Gl 15 ThlJdds C;PK9o"vCD°PD9001 l 7T AKETHEMUKE '*■ i6 i KSïïr -oPKœŒ A NDBESTFRIE MC 17l8KL m s ^2MCFC3357 19 STATEOFMIND 18 ^S OMCrc33^Si 19 ^ES0RDSH0P CBS4^S R a S 20 <n =y C: rc EST 2035/CDp 7 4676^2 GEORGE JONES: compilafion release through EMI Compiled by Gallup for the Country Mi The |udds TAMMY WYNETTE GIVEÂLIÏÏLiLOVi Live dt the London Palladium NEW ALBUM AND CASSETTE (PL/ PK 90011 ) The new single: Alive and Wdl from the album 'Anniversary: Twenty Years OfHits" ij ^ jSi MUSIC WEEK 14 NOVEMBER, 1987 RICHARD ClAYDERMAN THE NEW ALBUM, CASSETTE & COMPACT DISC Includes TKemes from 'The Bretts', 'Howards Way' & 'Eastenders' Together with music from The Phantom of the Opéra, Les Misérables & Chess • /ONGSOF 5^ TbVE / - RICHARD CLAYDERMAN ri mglc "THETHEME BRETTS" FROM THE■ RC 110ITV £1.15 SERIES + VAT TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE FOR THE FcbruaryRICHARD MBRIGHTON CLAYDERMAN VALENTINEThe Dm TOUR 1615 BOURNEMOUTHBIRMINGHAM Inlei national Centrr 1817 NOTTINGHAMEDINBURGH RoyalVohcvHall Concort Hall 2019ABERDEEN STOCKPORT DatvnpartCapital Theatre Tboah 2221 CARDIFFLONDON Si.PallatHwn DaoidoHalt campaign includes NATIONAL TV ADVERTISING COMMENCING NOV16TH THROUGH UNTIL CHRISTMAS TRADE AND CONSUMER PRESS ADVERTISING. EXTENSIVE POINT OF SALE DISPLAYS INCLUDING POSTERS AND CENTRE PIECES. SINGLE RELEASE "THEME FROM THE BRETTS" TO BE SUPPORTEE BY SEPARATE POINT OF SALE. NATIONAL PRESS ADS AND ON AIR PROMOTIONS. UK TV APPEARANCES INCLUDING THE DES O'CONNOR SHOW ON WED. 25TH NOV MUSIC WEEK 14 NOVEMBER, 1987 MARKET SURVEY MY-SEFTEMBER '87 Gordon: Splcîng aop the PUBLISHING business for 50 pars 1 ï Warner Bros Music himself.Gordon's What 50 yearshe leaves oui are 2 — Ail Boys Music iishing. One of its besl-loved char- promotionmany triumphs which ofhave plugging broughl andhim 3 8 Dslarad Music aciers(apart nolchedfrom an upenforced 50 years' interlude service fiveger, yearsand then as av, Pearson'shis own silverSleepy record Shores for in Johnny 1 969 jrany, which hosted a party in his during sheet m and another tor Ray Stevens' 4 2 Virgin Music (Publishers) andBridge! the The friendship Midget twoof manyyears later,stars 5 3 Cbappell/Btrlersong lishingIl wasn't when called young EMI Johnny Music Gor-Pub- ggedKPM artistsbase inand Denmark bands downHe remembersIhrouqh the anhalf-century. 1 8-year-old deparlmentdon joined thein Novemberpas! and packing 1937. id then was aivenfirst there- andShiriey working Bassey on in herthe KPMfirst bigoffices re- 6 7 MCA Music " smployed' sic Publishing by the Keilh „ , ... récognitiontl in the berscord, himAs asI Love Old You.Spice, She with remem- which 7 — Carlin Music amemoerofthe10 years se'- laterJ- Gordon'sof chonging responsibilih'es times and increasedpriorities. supplyhe anointed which himselfgipsy singerdaily fromDanny a 3 5 Bondor Music (London) of Peter Maurice5 M whenand Francis KPM mergedDay & Hunterwith Feldman ta be- AmericaPurchese forhad him brought in the "backearly daysfrom Prowse-Pete^ Mai Publishingson, press andta en- ail of men's toiletries, and she slill calls 9 1@ SBK Songs himGordon by the rememberssame name. a young lad H® — Zomba Music Publishing postcalled deparlment Sacha Distel in theworking late Partiesin the bandleader Ray Ventura, Peterrecalls Maurice another calledeager youngsterBarry Took, at andregularly George after Shearing the war coming with hisin 1 1 Warner Bros Music such as In The Mood and Wood- 2 — Ail Boys Music choppers'Gordon Bail.remembers the early calledyears ofup, the dancing war before away heat wasthe 3 5 MCA Music Asloria ballroonn in Charing Cross 4 — Bsland Music off and he and his colleagues hur- performried over their to firewatchingDenmark Street dutles. to 5 10 10 Music He vividly recollects the night of the 6 — Chappell Music ingthe firewatchersincendiaries offwere Ihi ily shov- 7 2 Kondor Music (London} slreetone building below. to burn our m me donVirtually on both everybody sides of theknows Atlantic, Gor- S ô Virgin Music (Publishers) contestand he bywould a wide win margin.any popularity As Tim 9 — Carlin Music 10 — M 'n' S Music S TsZicalof the mon tha, when M ^X^sr^îhw ,o 3inco il rï,-: s fhSkBSo! n ES? HaveNo Namè rK^r^h, thi^ofV:^ 2^ I iilpss Pli MUSIC WEEK 14 NOVEMBER, 1987 ♦ W Ll t|: IL Y q a kl c ti ll 11 IL 11 il | a a U il q li a: à y. 0 N ' A I R NATIONAL RADIO ADVERTISING ON THE network chart show EVERY WEEK UP TO lllllli \J h e n e v e r Y o n INCLVDING: THE NUMBER ONE HIT "NEVER GONNA GIVE YOll DP" fi LIMITED EDITION COLOUR PC NOVEMBER 16 MAJOR CO-OP ADVERTISING UP TO TV APPEARANCES. n V^AT] A stock Aitke I N • S T 0 R E K NATIONAL DISPLAY CAMPAIGN COMMENCING NOVEMBER 16. > llllll W N e e d Sonebody i THE SENSATIONAL ilf SINGLE "WHENEVER YOU NEED SOMEBODY" OSTER WITH INITIAL ORDERS IN THE PAPERS EXTENSIVE NATIONAL PRESS ADVERTISING. SMASH HITS ; SKY ■ NO. 1 TRACKS LOOKNOW JUST 17 19 • OyER21 PLUS EXTENSIVE PRESS COVERAGE THE SOUNDOF A BRICHT YOUNG BRITA1N RICK < flsnty > ^4^ A RECORD • CASSETTE • COMPACT DISC PL 71529 PK 71529 PD 71529 f RELEASE DATE NOVEMBER l6th 1987 » ORDER FROM BMG OPERATIONS LYNG LANE • WEST BROMWICH ■ WEST MIDLANDS B70 7ST TELEPHONE 021 525 3000 11 OR FROM YOUR BMG SALES PERSON immmn» F WMWHVllLi YQU.
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