M/s.Building Lime Stone Mine of Hardasbhai Merubhai Odedara Survey No. 1/11 paiki 2 Vill. Miyani , TAL: Porbandar, Dis. Porbandar. Mo. No. 9825919283 To. State Level Expert Appraisal Committee, Paryavaran Bhavan, Sector-10/A, Gandhinagar. Sub: Application for Environmental Clearance for the Bldg.Lime Stone Mine of Hardasbhai Merubhai Odedara Admeasuring 1.00.00 Hector. Survey No. 1/11 paiki 2 ,Vill. Miyani , Tal. Porbandar Dis. Porbandar. Respected Sir, We propose to start the operation of the Building lime stone of mine in above mentioned location. As per the moEF circular dated 18/05/2012. We require to obtain the prior environmental clearance. We herewith apply (in From-1) for environmental clearance with and other supporting documents. We request your good selves to kindly consider our case in earliest Committee meeting and grant us the recommendation/Environmental Clearance. Thanking You, Sincerely Yours, Hardasbhai Merubhai Odedara (LEASE OWNER) 1 Project Details Minor Minerals (Other Than Sand) Sr. Details Particulars No. About the Proposal 1 Name of the Lease Holder Hardasbhai Merubhai Odedara 2 Location Address Survey No. 1/11 paiki 2 Village Miyani Taluka Porbandar District Porbandar 3 Lease Area 1.00.0 Hector 4 Ownership of Land (Gov./Private Land) Private Land 5 Status of Operation (New Project or Existing Status New project Project Operation Since ) Operating Since After obtain EC certificate 6 Status of Lease No., Date of Issue, Lease Lease Code Period, Date of Application for Lease Grant Order No. GP/QL/ 1336/6056 to 6062 Renewal etc.) Date of Grant 07/12/2010 Date of Execution Lease Period 10 Years Date of Renewal Not applicable Application 7 Name of Mineral to Mine Building Lime Stone 8 Mineral Reserve (M.T.) 360000 9 Rate of Mining Of Mineral (M.T./Annual) 36,000 MT per Annum 10 Life of Mine 10 years 11 Whether project involves forest Land? If yes, No Forest land involved status of application for diversion of forest land 12 Applicability of the CRZ Notification, 2011 This unit is not come under the CRZ Notification 2011. 2 Environment Setting 13 If located within 10 Km, aerial distance of the lease area from the nearest I. Water Bodies Caustal Zone 1.30 Km from direction ii. National Park/ Wildlife Sanctuary/ NA NA Biosphere reserve iii. Reserve Forest/ Protected Forest NA NA iv. Human Habitation Miyani Village 1 km v. Railway Line Porbandar 30 Km Railway station vi. Road National highway 1.12 km 8E vii. Notified/ Protected Archaeological NA NA site viii. Social infrastructure, e.g. school, Miyani primary 1 km hospital, historic/ cultural/ religious School places, defense establishment, etc. Miyani Ram 1 km temple Porbandar 15 km Hospital 14 Present Land use of Lease area Non use because of doing Non agricultures 15 Geo-hydrological features No surface water body exists in the core zone 16 Predominant Wind direction Predominant wind direction SW Wind Speed – Max 12 Km/Hr & Min 04 Km/hr 17 Endemic & endangered Species of Flora & No Endemic & endangered species of flora & fauna Fauna, if any, in the area found in the core Zone. 18 Width and condition of access road Semi mechanized open cast method of excavation. (Kacha/Paka) to the lease area The soil cover be remove by use of a JCB. The Production is in form of lime stone blocks. The limestone block is generated with help of stone cutter. Wet cutting is employed. The blocks are liberated manually and loaded into trucks or Tractor to be sent the construction site. The blocks measure around 15” X 09” X 09” 3 Details of Mining/ Excavation Activities 19 Requirement of Power Supply and its Power supply required is 60 HP at the mine site. Sources 20 Requirement of Water Supply and its source About 3.00 KLD water is required for the purpose of drinking, dust suppression & green belt development & water will be made available Farmer well. 21 Type of mining (Manual/Semi-mechanized/ Open cast Semi mechanized method of mining. mechanized) 22 Equipment's to be used (Bulldozers, Cutter machine hydraulics, excavators, JCB, scrapers, loaders, etc.) 23 Details of method of working with phasing of Semi mechanized open cast method of excavation. activates (Sequence of mining operation) The soil cover be remove by use of a JCB. The Production is in form of lime stone blocks. The limestone block is generated with help of stone cutter. 24 Explosives, detonators to be used 25 Details of Drilling and Blasting No Drilling & Blasting is involved in the mining Method. 26 Safety measures at the time of blasting No need to store explosive Because there is no proposal for blasting. 27 Details of Over Burden (OB) removal and About 40 % waste as mineral reject will be staking generated in next 5 years which will be used for backfilling by step wise. 28 Height and Width of benches and side slope Semi mechanized open cast method of excavation. The soil cover be remove by use of a JCB. The Production is in form of lime stone blocks. The limestone block is generated with help of stone cutter. Wet cutting is employed. The blocks are liberated manually and loaded into trucks or Tractor to be sent the construction site. The blocks measure around 15” X 09” X 09” 29 Depth of ground water table (Meters). 45 to 50 meter 30 Maximum depth of working (Meters). 07 meter Whether it will intersect ground water table? 31 Land use pattern of the lease area 4 Sr. Particulars Per Post No. Operational Operational Phase (Ha) Phase (Ha) 1 Pits 0.6461 0.4316 2 Dumps 0000 0000 3 Plantation 0.2872 0.2872 4 Road/ Building 0.03 000 5 Mineral Stack 0.01 000 6 Bake Filled 000 0.2812 7 Remaining 0.02670 0000 8 Water Total 1.00.00 1.00.00 32 Man power requirement 7 person 33 No of working days in a year 250 days 34 Time of Working hours in a day 8 hour 35 Measure proposed for protection of Developed green belt around Lease area for environmental attributes like and water, air, environment. Provide noise mouse and air plug, human health etc. helmet, spectacles and safely shoes for human health and safety measure 36 Measures for noise, vibration and fly rock Blasting pattern is not applicable in Building Lime problems due to blasting stone process. 37 Plane for managing storm water. Details of Yes, Garland drain will be provided around working garland drains to be provided. pit. 38 Plan for managing dust, noise, silt and other • Proper Plantation within and around working pollutants during mining activates. area. • Regular water sprinkling to suppress dust • Avoid unnecessary & idle running of machine &make its optimum use. Regular maintenance of machineries, vehicals etc and use PPE 5 39 Details on transportation route and • Creating berm on the side of benches/ haul roads measures proposed for control of fugitive of hight greater than or equal to ½ tyre radius. emission during transportation. Minimum height of berm shall be 1.2 m and slop 45°. Minimum clearance of 1.5 m will be maintained between outer tyre and berm. • Fire fighting equipment in the machinery / workshop/ office will be maintained. Persons will be trained in the use of fire fighting equipment and mock rehearsal will be conducted 40 Plan for post mining use/ reclamation of pits. Reclamation works in way of backfilling & convert land for forestry and agriculture will be done. 41 Provision of fencing the pits in case of use as Yes water reservoir. 42 Plan for green belt development, area of We Have Attached environmental Management green belt, No and Types of Species to be Plan . Proper plantation of saplings, suitable for the planted and budgetary outlay for the same. region will be carried out in consultation with forest department. Geologist Geology and Mining Dept. Porbandar Note : (1) Details of Sr No. 1 to 14 are Verified by Geology and Mining Dept., Porbandar, Other Details as Provided by Applicant. 6 APPENDIX –I FROM 1 • Basic Information Name of the project: Building Lime Stone Mine of Hardasbhai Merubhai Odedara Location : Plot No. 1/11 paiki 2 , At. Miyani , Tal. Porbandar, Dis. Porbandar. Size of the Project: 1.00.00 Hactor Expected cost of the project: 15 lakh Contact Information: Building Lime Stone Mine of Hardasbhai Merubhai Odedara Vill. Miyani, Dis. Porbandar. Mo. No. 9825919283 Screening Category: “B” • Capacity corresponding to sectoral activity (such as production capacity for manufacturing,mining lease area and production capacity for mineral production, area for mineral exploration, length for linear transport infrastructure, generation capacity for power generation etc.,) Activity • Construction operation or decommissioning of the Project involving actions which will cause physical changes in the locality (topography, land use, changes in water bodies, etc.) S.N Information/Checklist confirmation Yes Details thereof (with approximate o /No quantities/rates, wherever possible)with source of information data 1.1 Permanent or temporary change in land Yes Change in the land use of Mining use, land cover or topography including Lease area is envisaged as the increase in intensity of land use (with existing land use category is respect to local land use plan) barren land which shall continue to be so even after mining operations cease. Present topography is having flat terrain. Please refer layout plan and short view is attached as per Annexure - 7 6 & 7 respectively. 1.2 Clearance of existing land, vegetation and No Clearance of some weeds/grasses building? may take place. No vegetation exists within the lease area. 1.3 Creation of new land uses? No Not Applicable 1.4 Pre-construction investigations e.g. bore No Not Applicable house, soil testing? 1.5 Construction works? No Office and store house set up temporary basis so no new construction work is required.
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