st 51 Eddie Soens Memorial Cycle Race Saturday 3rd March 2012 Aintree Racecourse LIST OF COMPETITORS (revised 01/03/12) No Forename Surname Club / Team Cat Group Licence 1 George Atkins 100% ME E 4 448553 2 Owain Doull 100% ME E 4 450563 3 Samuel Harrison 100% ME E 4 449745 4 Joseph Kelly 100% ME E 4 463170 5 Thomas Moses 100% ME E 4 452669 6 Simon Yates 100% ME E 4 441612 7 Matthew Gee BC PM E 4 714103 8 Stuart Reid BC PM E 4 437702 9 Richard Hepworth Cyclepremier Racing Team E 4 426016 10 George Moore Cyclepremier Racing Team E 4 427674 11 Ian Bibby Endura Racing E 4 418895 12 Alexander Blain Endura Racing E 4 13 Russell Downing Endura Racing E 4 405627 14 Jonathan McEvoy Endura Racing E 4 437290 15 Robert Partridge Endura Racing E 4 427042 16 Scott Thwaites Endura Racing E 4 430760 17 Ian Wilkinson Endura Racing E 4 407953 18 Jack Anderson Endura Racing E 4 19 Tom Murray IG-Sigmasport E 4 420020 20 Andrew Udall Mammoth Lifestyle Racing Team E 4 453480 21 Dale Appleby Metaltek - Scott E 4 433964 22 Tom Barras Metaltek - Scott E 4 406724 23 Marcel Six Metaltek - Scott E 4 467091 24 Ben Stockdale Metaltek - Scott E 4 428136 25 Simon Wilson Metaltek - Scott E 4 408040 26 David Clarke Node 4 Giordana Racing E 4 413455 27 Matt Higgins Node 4 Giordana Racing E 4 444994 28 Pete Williams Node 4 Giordana Racing E 4 434834 29 Mike Cuming Rapha Condor Sharp E 4 453495 30 Luke Grivell-Mellor Rapha Condor Sharp E 4 427375 31 Richard Handley Rapha Condor Sharp E 4 449814 32 Chris Jennings Rapha Condor Sharp E 4 882943 33 Matthew Jones Team Corley Cycles/Blue E 4 423624 34 Matthew Holmes Team Raleigh - GAC E 4 444988 35 Liam Holohan Team Raleigh - GAC E 4 418433 36 Tobyn Horton Team Raleigh - GAC E 4 443693 37 Jeroen Janssen Team Raleigh - GAC E 4 463085 38 Evan Oliphant Team Raleigh - GAC E 4 203658 39 Jacob Tipper Teamwallis CHH Racing Team E 4 450256 40 Dillon Byrne Vanillabikes.com E 4 454769 41 Alistair Rutherford Vanillabikes.com E 4 403254 42 Alistair Slater 100% ME 1 4 451807 43 Clem Berrill BC PM 1 4 463655 44 Declan Byrne Cyclepremier Racing Team 1 4 439700 45 Jamie Caldwell Cyclepremier Racing Team 1 4 704415 46 Jon Mozley Cyclepremier Racing Team 1 4 414128 47 Daniel Harris Halesowen A & CC 1 4 705032 48 Milan Sihelsky Kuota - Spinergy - GSG 1 4 465565 49 Anthony Gibb Metaltek - Scott 1 4 407213 50 James Gullen Metaltek - Scott 1 4 448947 51 Keiran Frend Node 4 Giordana Racing 1 4 447646 52 Philip Lavery Node 4 Giordana Racing 1 4 53 James Sampson Node 4 Giordana Racing 1 4 439400 54 Felix English Rapha Condor Sharp 1 4 446704 Results by ccs www.ccs-uk.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk Issued: 01/03/2012 16:43 Page: 1 st 51 Eddie Soens Memorial Cycle Race Saturday 3rd March 2012 Aintree Racecourse LIST OF COMPETITORS (revised 01/03/12 contd) No Forename Surname Club / Team Cat Group Licence 55 Duncan Moralee Sportscover Altura RT 1M 4 401693 56 Christopher Daddy Squadra RT 1 4 419316 57 Ben Dean Team Bglobal 1 4 722959 58 Shane O'Neill Team Bglobal 1 4 410886 59 Matthew Pilkington Team Bglobal 1 4 718292 60 Chris Sherriffs Team Bglobal 1 4 447761 61 Michael Smith Team Corley Cycles/Blue 1 4 444095 62 Russel Hampton Team Raleigh - GAC 1 4 428044 63 James Sparling Team Raleigh - GAC 1 4 830938 64 Brennan Townshend Team Raleigh - GAC 1 4 722147 65 Luke Ryan Team Toachim 1 4 715497 66 David McGowan Team UK Youth 1 4 404590 67 William Penn Team Wheelbase.co.uk MGD 1 4 424130 68 Ben Greenwood Vanillabikes.com 1 4 418648 69 Harry Grey Vanillabikes.com 1 4 718154 70 Samuel Jackson Vanillabikes.com 1 4 716972 71 Julian Pearson Vanillabikes.com 1 4 434353 72 Jack Pullar Vanillabikes.com 1 4 453023 73 Jack Rees Velo29-OTR-Vankru 1 4 442738 74 Karl Freeman Alpha Road Club 2 3 407105 75 David Arthur BC PM 2 3 448762 76 Simon Hayes BC PM 2 3 401648 77 Ashley Marshall BC PM 2 3 706560 78 Francis Pilkington Bill Nickson Cycles RT 2 3 833611 79 Michael Ashurst Champion System/Maxgear/Kyklos 2 3 839118 80 Matt Limacher Champion System/Maxgear/Kyklos 2 3 101987 81 Michael Rawson Champion System/Maxgear/Kyklos 2 3 715411 82 John Rigby Champion System/Maxgear/Kyklos 2 3 705018 83 James Rutherford Champion System/Maxgear/Kyklos 2M 3 401215 84 Dan Spashett Champion System/Maxgear/Kyklos 2 3 833062 85 Giles Pidcock Chevin Cycles.com 2M 3 419044 86 Matthew Smithson Clay Cross RT 2 3 469810 87 Lee Tunnicliffe Clay Cross RT 2 3 425530 88 Jordan Hargreaves Crosstrax 2 3 444666 89 Martin Woffindin Cycle Sport Pendle 2 3 436102 90 Tom Black Cyclepremier Racing Team 2 3 435371 91 Matthew Bulmer Dirtwheels Cycles 2 3 469850 92 Mark Perry Dirtwheels Cycles 2 3 442726 93 James Ratcliffe Fred Williams Cycles 2 3 449513 94 Jess Wieckowski GWR 2 3 440863 95 Jordan Matthews Hetton Hawks Cycling Club 2 3 711999 96 Mark Barfield MJS Racing 2M 3 413619 97 Matthew Jones New Brighton CC 2 3 440198 98 Dan Whelan Onimpex Bio Racer RT 2 3 444227 99 Graham Payne R Whitfield Heating & Plumbing RT 2M 3 417459 100 Richard Lang Rapha Condor Sharp E 4 882945 101 Oliver Rossi Rapha Condor Sharp E 4 429551 102 Dan Evans Rhos On Sea Cycling Club 2 3 723583 103 Matthew Ryan Rhos On Sea Cycling Club 2 3 836077 104 Paul Ray Ribble Valley CRC 2M 3 431635 105 Jody Warrington Rock Racing Team UK 2 3 424665 106 Alex Mitchell Sheffrec CC 2 3 722521 107 James Wagner Sportscover Altura RT 2 3 712788 108 Richard Moore Squadra RT 2M 3 405310 Results by ccs www.ccs-uk.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk Issued: 01/03/2012 16:43 Page: 2 st 51 Eddie Soens Memorial Cycle Race Saturday 3rd March 2012 Aintree Racecourse LIST OF COMPETITORS (revised 01/03/12 contd) No Forename Surname Club / Team Cat Group Licence 109 Richard Barnett Stone Whls CC 2M 3 403512 110 Stephen Leigh Team Bglobal 2 3 405250 111 Joshua Teasdale Team Jewson/Thule/Kinesis 2 3 706002 112 John Holt Team Tredz 2M 3 101916 113 Andrew Brind - Surch VC St Raphael 2 3 459568 114 Thomas Timothy Velo29-OTR-Vankru 2 3 715406 115 Robert Adlard Wheelguru 2 3 413896 116 Mark Hammersley Wheelguru 2M 3 420612 117 Nathan Wilson Wilsons Wheels Race Team 2 3 440364 118 James Dyson 3RT 3M 2 708566 119 David Micklethwaite 3RT 3 2 401076 120 Stephen Robinson 3RT 3 2 424311 121 Alastair Wood Aire Valley Racing Team 3M 2 458245 122 Hamish Graham ASFRA Racing Team 3 2 444931 123 Matt Chester BC PM 3 2 409600 124 Neil Hamilton BC PM 3M 2 423161 125 Dean Hitchings BC PM 3 2 401567 126 Darren Howitt BC PM 3 2 404196 127 James Lyon BC PM 3 2 413959 128 Stephen Pomfret BC PM 3M 2 407286 129 George Richardson BC PM 3 2 407709 130 Tom Dalton Bill Nickson Cycles RT 3 2 719726 131 John Findley Bill Nickson Cycles RT 3 2 469860 132 Nick Hall Bury Clarion Cycling Club 3M 2 704734 133 Luke Beswick Buxton CC/Sett Valley Cycles 3 2 447021 134 Richard Binks Clay Cross RT 3M 2 403578 135 Mike Salkeld Crosstrax 3M 2 446722 136 Jason Livesey Dirtwheels Cycles 3M 2 471344 137 Ian Donohue Fareham Wheelers Cycling Club 3M 2 412794 138 David Spencer Fibrax Wrexham Road Club 3M 2 413144 139 John Guy High On Bikes RT 3M 2 406894 140 Ryan Pike High On Bikes RT 3 2 831564 141 Ivan Boyes Huddersfield Star Whlrs 3 2 418175 142 Mark Walker Hull Thursday RC 3 2 454412 143 Julian Ramsbottom I-Ride.co.uk 3M 2 406411 144 Thomas Lowe Kingsnorth International Whlrs 3 2 444791 145 David Christian Liverpool Century RC 3 2 444577 146 Andrew Horrobin Lune RCC 3M 2 439713 147 Robert Bishop MJS Racing 3 2 408821 148 David Hooper MJS Racing 3M 2 705755 149 Rik Waddon Para-T Cycling Team 3 2 412583 150 Gary Williams R Whitfield Heating & Plumbing RT 3M 2 428532 151 Jonathan Clarke Rhos On Sea Cycling Club 3M 2 440236 152 Sion Jones Rhos On Sea Cycling Club 3 2 101766 153 Aled Roberts Rhos On Sea Cycling Club 3 2 716744 154 Neil Hanson Ribble Valley CRC 3M 2 434227 155 Scot Bullivant Rock And Road Cycles 3 2 706386 156 Michael Collins RST Racing Team 3 2 417555 157 Mark Thwaites Sportscover Altura RT 3 2 430759 158 Stewart Dwyer St Helens CRC/D.Sparrow 3M 2 436207 159 Duncan McLaren Stockport Clarion CC 3 2 402775 160 Darren Reynolds Stockport Clarion CC 3 2 407817 161 Paul Belfield Stone Whls CC 3M 2 469937 162 Michael Knight Team Hope Factory Racing 3 2 466533 Results by ccs www.ccs-uk.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk Issued: 01/03/2012 16:43 Page: 3 st 51 Eddie Soens Memorial Cycle Race Saturday 3rd March 2012 Aintree Racecourse LIST OF COMPETITORS (revised 01/03/12 contd) No Forename Surname Club / Team Cat Group Licence 163 Dave Cockram Team Jewson/Thule/Kinesis 3M 2 401627 164 Gareth Owen Team Swift 3 2 706470 165 Roland Clark Velo Club Rutland/Rutland Cycling.com 3 2 722637 166 Stephen Smith Vita Cycle Team 3 2 717164 167 John Wright Wakefield CC 3M 2 414136 168 Christian Ellis Wheelguru 3 2 423829 169 Paul Johnson Wheelguru 3 2 447943 170 James Newey Cadence Sport 1J 2 715066 171 Christopher Latham Champion System/Maxgear/Kyklos 1J 2 443346 172 Samuel Lowe Hargroves Cycles-Specialized 1J 2 447353 173 Ryan Mullen Planet X 1J 2 711388 174 Harry Tanfield Teamwallis CHH Racing Team 1J 2 447317 175 Hugh Carthy Champion System/Maxgear/Kyklos 2J 2 430167 176 Luc Hall Champion System/Maxgear/Kyklos 2J 2 715856 177 Chris Lawless Champion System/Maxgear/Kyklos 2J 2 460143 178 Jacob Ragan Champion System/Maxgear/Kyklos 2J 2 451300 179 Tom Armstrong Mountivation Academy 2J 2 429137 180 Matt Flynn Mountivation Academy 2J 2 724774 181 Jack Sadler Mountivation Academy 2J 2 443336 182 Jacob Scott Planet X 2J 2 458075 183 Joseph Moses Sportscover Altura RT 2J 2 457304 184 Ashley Proctor Sportscover Altura RT 2J 2 459639 185 Jake Womersley Sportscover Altura RT 2J 2 458588 186 Oliver Wood Sportscover Altura RT 2J 2 457691 187 Adam Holt
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