Park North, North Street, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1RL Tel: (01403) 215100 (calls may be recorded) Fax: (01403) 262985 DX 57609 HORSHAM 6 www.horsham.gov.uk Chief Executive - Tom Crowley Personal callers and deliveries: please come to Park North E-Mail: [email protected] Direct Line: 01403 215465 Development Control (North) Committee TUESDAY 2ND AUGUST 2011 AT 5.30p.m. COUNCIL CHAMBER, PARK NORTH, NORTH STREET, HORSHAM Councillors: Liz Kitchen (Chairman) Roy Cornell (Vice-Chairman) John Bailey Ian Howard Andrew Baldwin David Jenkins Peter Burgess Christian Mitchell John Chidlow Josh Murphy Christine Costin Godfrey Newman Helena Croft Robert Nye Leonard Crosbie Jim Rae Malcolm Curnock David Sheldon Laurence Deakins David Skipp Duncan England Simon Torn Frances Haigh Claire Vickers David Holmes Tricia Youtan You are summoned to the meeting to transact the following business Tom Crowley Chief Executive AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence 2. To approve as correct the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 5th July 2011 (attached) 3. To receive any declarations of interest from Members of the Committee – any clarification on whether a Member has an interest should be sought before attending the meeting. 4. To receive any announcements from the Chairman of the Committee or the Chief Executive Paper certified as sustainable by an independent global forest certification organisation 5. To consider the reports of the following officers and to take such action thereon as may be necessary Head of Planning & Environmental Services Appeals Decisions on Lawful Development Certificates Applications for determination by Committee – Appendix A Item Ward Reference Site No. Number A1 Nuthurst DC/10/2592 GHYLL HOUSE FARM, BROADWATER LANE, COPSALE A2 Southwater DC/11/1131 OAKHURST BUSINESS PARK, WILBERFORCE WAY A3 Itchingfield, DC/11/0950 COACH PARK ADJACENT TO KINGSCOTE, DORKING ROAD, Slinfold & WARNHAM Warnham A4 Rudgwick DC/11/0543 SAXES PLAT, TISMANS COMMON, RUDGWICK A5 Itchingfield, DC/11/0397 BRIDGE HOUSE RIDING STABLES, FIVE OAKS ROAD, Slinfold & SLINFOLD Warnham A6 Holbrook East DC/11/1068 32 SLOUGHBROOK CLOSE, HORSHAM A7 Denne DC/11/1070 3 STANS WAY, EAST STREET, HORSHAM NOTE: (a) Those items which are headed DELEGATION in the recommendation are seeking authority for the application to be decided by the Head of Planning & Environmental Services. The Committee is not being asked to decide the application as it is unable to do so at this meeting. (b) The suggested conditions and reasons for refusal may alter from those set out in the agenda. (c) Applications relating to sites in two or more parishes are shown under the first Parish in alphabetical order. 6. Items not on the agenda which the Chairman of the meeting is of the opinion should be considered as urgent because of the special circumstances. DCN110705 DEVELOPMENT CONTROL (NORTH) COMMITTEE 5TH JULY 2011 Present: Councillors: Liz Kitchen (Chairman), Roy Cornell (Vice- Chairman), John Bailey, Andrew Baldwin, Peter Burgess, John Chidlow, Christine Costin, Helena Croft, Leonard Crosbie, Malcolm Curnock, Laurence Deakins, Duncan England, Frances Haigh, Ian Howard, David Jenkins, , Christian Mitchell, Josh Murphy, Godfrey Newman, Jim Rae, David Sheldon, David Skipp, Claire Vickers. Apologies: Councillors: David Holmes, Robert Nye, Simon Torn, Tricia Youtan DCN/18 MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 7th June 2011 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. DCN/19 INTERESTS OF MEMBERS Member Item Nature of Interest Councillor Malcolm DC/11/0224 Personal – recreational user of the Curnock land in question Councillor David DC/11/0224 Personal – he is a member of West Sheldon and Sussex County Council DC/11/0619 Councillor Peter DC/11/0673 Personal – he is a member of the Burgess Parish Council DCN/20 ANNOUNCEMENTS There were no announcements. DCN/21 APPEALS Notice concerning the following appeals had been received: Appeals Lodged Written Representations/Household Appeals Service Ref No Site Appellant(s) DC/11/0398 6 Rowan Way, Horsham Mr Timothy Jenner Development Control (North) Committee 5th July 2011 DCN/21 Appeals (cont.) Appeals Lodged - Written Representations/Household Appeals Service (cont.) DC/10/2637 Baldhorns Park Farm, Wimland Mrs A Armour Road, Rusper DC/11/0485 Ashton Grange Nursing Home, 3 Mr and Mrs Richmond Road, Horsham Ragunathan EN/2/2011 Stonehouse Farm, Hammerpond Mr G Cooper Road, Plummers Plain EN/3/2011 Stonehouse Farm, Hammerpond Mr G Cooper Road, Plummers Plain EN/4/2011 Stonehouse Farm, Hammerpond Mr G Cooper Road, Plummers Plain Public Inquiry: Ref No Site Appellant(s) Decision EN/6/2010 Waterland Chalet, Mr M De La Dismissed Guildford Road, Slinfold Pole Appeal Decisions: Ref No Site Appellant(s) Decision DC/10/2694 63 Greenway, Horsham Mr and Mrs K R Dismissed Moden (Delegated) DC/10/2440 3 Finians Field, Barns Mr R Cherriman Allowed Green, Horsham (Delegated) DCN/22 PLANNING APPLICATION: DC/11/0224 - OUTLINE APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT OF 2.8 HECTARES WITH UP TO 70 DWELLINGS (40% AS AFFORDABLE HOMES), ASSOCIATED OPEN SPACE, STRATEGIC LANDSCAPING AND ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS AND THE USE OF 1.5 HECTARES OF LAND WITHIN THE SITE AS NEW PUBLIC OPEN SPACE AND WOODLAND PLANTING SITE: LAND SOUTH OF ATHELSTAN WAY, HORSHAM APPLICANT: WEST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL (Councillor Malcolm Curnock declared a personal interest in this application as he was recreational user of the land in question. Councillor David Sheldon declared a personal interest in this application as he was a member of West Sussex County Council) The Head of Planning & Environmental Services reported that the applicant had submitted an appeal in respect of the non-determination of this 2 Development Control (North) Committee 5th July 2011 DCN/22 Planning Application: DC/11/0224 (cont.) application. As an appeal had been lodged, the application which would now be determined by the Planning Inspector. However, it was necessary for the Committee to consider the proposal and if appropriate to agree the grounds on which the appeal would be contested. Government policies PPS1, PPS3, PPG13, PPG17 and PPS25; Local Development Framework Core Strategy Policies CP1, CP2, CP3, CP4, CP5, C12, CP13, CP14 and CP19; and General Development Control Policies DC1, DC2, DC3, DC5, DC7, DC8, DC9, DC18, DC22 and DC40 were relevant to the determination of this application. Also relevant to the determination of this application were the Local Development Framework: Facilitating Appropriate Development Supplementary Planning Document May 2009; the Local Development Framework: Horsham Town Design Statement Supplementary Planning Document December 2008 and South East Plan 2009 Policies: SP1,SP3, CC1, CC2, CC4, CC6, CC9, H1, H2, H3, H5, NMM4, NRM5, C5, GAT1 and GAT3. The outline application sought to establish the principle of developing the site owned by West Sussex County Council, with residential development of up to 70 dwellings and public open space. Matters for consideration under this outline application comprised the principle of the development and the access. The appearance of the buildings, landscaping, layout of the site and scale would be dealt with as subsequent reserved matters. The site had a total area of 4.3 hectares and an indicative layout had been submitted with the application showing 2.8 hectares being developed for residential development of up to 70 dwellings, of which 40% were to be provided as affordable homes, and the remaining 1.5 hectares of land shown as new public open space and woodland planting. Access was to be taken off the end of Athelstan Way. A strategic landscaping plan had been submitted. The application also included an indicative layout and indicative street scene elevations. A Design and Access Statement had been submitted together with an environmental statement, a landscape character and visual assessment report, a sustainability report, foul drainage/surface water report, a housing land supply assessment, a draft s106 agreement and list of draft conditions. The County Council had originally acquired the site with vehicular access rights from Athelstan Way for the provision of a new School but, following improvements to existing schools to increase pupil capacity elsewhere in Horsham, the land was no longer required to meet current or future educational needs in the District. 3 Development Control (North) Committee 5th July 2011 DCN/22 Planning Application: DC/11/0224 (cont.) The application site was located at the end of Athelstan Way, outside the built-up area and within the Horsham/Southwater Strategic Gap. In 1973, planning permission had been granted for the erection of a middle school and playing field HU/132/73. Land at Athelstan Way had been included as a Greenfield site for potential housing allocation in the deposit draft of the Horsham District Local Plan in 1996. However, following the Examination in Public into the various proposals, the Inspector’s Report published in December 1996 recommended that the proposed allocation at Athelstan Way be deleted. Strategic Community Planning and the Landscape Architect objected to the proposals. The comments of the Arboricultural Officer; the Estates Management and Valuation Section; Leisure Services – Parks and Countryside; the Housing Strategy & Development Manager; Public Health and Licensing; the Engineering Section; the Environment Agency; Southern Water; the Sussex Police Crime Prevention Design Adviser; West Sussex County Council were noted. The Neighbourhood Council
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