© 2016 Adac. Tous droitsréservés Tous Adac. © 2016 S2:1-20 2016, 37(1),Table Algologie, Cryptogamie, Table S2. List of taxa and corresponding number of specimens in all Dinard Herbarium (Total), at the three periods of intensive collection (T1+T2+T3), at T1 (1843-1866), at T2 (1910-1931) and at T3 (1949-1967); taxa are ordered by increasing total number of specimens. Bold font indicates taxa for which all specimens were carefully re-examined by experts of our laboratory (continued). Taxon name Authority Phylum Class Order Family Total T1+T2+T3 T1 T2 T3 Cryptopleura ramosa (Hudson) L.Newton, 1931 Rhodophyta Florideophyceae Ceramiales Delesseriaceae 37 28 3 22 3 Chondrus crispus Stackhouse, 1797 Rhodophyta Florideophyceae Gigartinales Gigartinaceae 29 20 1 19 0 Plocamium (Linnaeus) P.S.Dixon, Rhodophyta Florideophyceae Plocamiales Plocamiaceae 28 22 2 20 0 cartilagineum 1967 Fucus vesiculosus Linnaeus, 1753 Ochrophyta Phaeophyceae Fucales Fucaceae 25 20 0 17 3 (Linnaeus) Weber & Palmaria palmata Rhodophyta Florideophyceae Palmariales Palmariaceae 25 22 1 19 2 Mohr, 1805 Phycodrys rubens (Linnaeus) Batters, 1902 Rhodophyta Florideophyceae Ceramiales Delesseriaceae 24 16 2 14 0 (Stackhouse) Papenfuss, Rhodophyllis divaricata Rhodophyta Florideophyceae Gigartinales Cystocloniaceae 23 22 3 15 4 1950 Hypoglossum (Stackhouse) F.S.Collins Rhodophyta Florideophyceae Ceramiales Delesseriaceae 21 13 1 11 1 hypoglossoides & Hervey, 1917 Ulva clathrata (Roth) C.Agardh, 1811 Chlorophyta Ulvophyceae Ulvales Ulvaceae 21 16 7 2 7 (Kützing) Gayralia oxysperma K.L.Vinogradova ex Chlorophyta Ulvophyceae Ulvales Gayraliaceae 20 17 2 0 15 Scagel et al., 1989 (Hudson) Stackhouse, Membranoptera alata Rhodophyta Florideophyceae Ceramiales Delesseriaceae 20 14 0 14 0 1809 Griffithsia corallinoides (Linnaeus) Trevisan, 1845 Rhodophyta Florideophyceae Ceramiales Wrangeliaceae 19 15 2 12 1 doi/10.7872/crya/v37.iss1.2016.S2 (J.Ellis) Maggs & Halurus flosculosus Rhodophyta Florideophyceae Ceramiales Wrangeliaceae 18 12 2 9 1 Hommersand, 1993 Monosporus pedicellatus (Smith) Solier, 1845 Rhodophyta Florideophyceae Ceramiales Wrangeliaceae 18 15 2 12 1 Callophyllis laciniata (Hudson) Kützing, 1843 Rhodophyta Florideophyceae Gigartinales Kallymeniaceae 17 13 3 9 1 Cladostephus (Hudson) C.Agardh, 1817 Ochrophyta Phaeophyceae Sphacelariales Cladostephaceae 17 10 3 6 1 spongiosus Plumaria plumosa (Hudson) Kuntze, 1891 Rhodophyta Florideophyceae Ceramiales Wrangeliaceae 17 15 4 10 1 Apoglossum ruscifolium (Turner) J.Agardh, 1898 Rhodophyta Florideophyceae Ceramiales Delesseriaceae 16 12 2 10 0 Calliblepharis ciliata (Hudson) Kützing, 1843 Rhodophyta Florideophyceae Gigartinales Cystocloniaceae 16 12 1 11 0 2 Table S2. List of taxa and corresponding number of specimens in all Dinard Herbarium (Total), at the three periods of intensive collection (T1+T2+T3), at T1 (1843-1866), at T2 (1910-1931) and at T3 (1949-1967); taxa are ordered by increasing total number of specimens. Bold font indicates taxa for which all specimens were carefully re-examined by experts of our laboratory (continued). Taxon name Authority Phylum Class Order Family Total T1+T2+T3 T1 T2 T3 Dictyopteris (A.P.De Candolle) Ochrophyta Phaeophyceae Dictyotales Dictyotaceae 16 9 2 6 1 polypodioides J.V.Lamouroux, 1809 (Hudson) J.V.Lamouroux, Dictyota dichotoma Ochrophyta Phaeophyceae Dictyotales Dictyotaceae 16 16 1 15 0 1809 (S.G.Gmelin) Ruprecht, Dumontia contorta Rhodophyta Florideophyceae Gigartinales Dumontiaceae 16 11 2 9 0 1850 Heterosiphonia plumosa (J.Ellis) Batters, 1902 Rhodophyta Florideophyceae Ceramiales Dasyaceae 16 12 1 11 0 Kallymenia reniformis (Turner) J.Agardh, 1842 Rhodophyta Florideophyceae Gigartinales Kallymeniaceae 16 13 1 6 6 (Stackhouse) Greville, M. Robuchon Nitophyllum punctatum Rhodophyta Florideophyceae Ceramiales Delesseriaceae 16 11 2 6 3 1830 Padina pavonica (Linnaeus) Thivy, 1960 Ochrophyta Phaeophyceae Dictyotales Dictyotaceae 16 12 2 10 0 Pterothamnion plumula (J.Ellis) Nägeli, 1855 Rhodophyta Florideophyceae Ceramiales Ceramiaceae 16 13 4 9 0 Sphaerococcus Stackhouse, 1797 Rhodophyta Florideophyceae Gigartinales Sphaerococcaceae 16 11 1 9 1 coronopifolius et al. Bonnemaisonia (Woodward) C.Agardh, Rhodophyta Florideophyceae Bonnemaisoniales Bonnemaisoniaceae 15 12 1 9 2 asparagoides 1822 (Hudson) J.V.Lamouroux, Delesseria sanguinea Rhodophyta Florideophyceae Ceramiales Delesseriaceae 15 12 3 9 0 1813 Gastroclonium ovatum (Hudson) Papenfuss, 1944 Rhodophyta Florideophyceae Rhodymeniales Champiaceae 15 9 2 7 0 (S.G.Gmelin) M.Steentoft, Gracilariopsis L.M.Irvine & Rhodophyta Florideophyceae Gracilariales Gracilariaceae 15 9 1 8 0 longissima W.F.Farnham, 1995 (Lightfoot ex Turner) Lomentaria clavellosa Rhodophyta Florideophyceae Rhodymeniales Lomentariaceae 15 10 2 4 4 Gaillon, 1828 (Thuret) Neefus & Pyropia leucosticta Rhodophyta Bangiophyceae Bangiales Bangiaceae 15 6 1 3 2 J.Brodie, 2011 Rhodothamniella (Dillwyn) Feldmann, 1978 Rhodophyta Florideophyceae Palmariales Rhodothamniellaceae 15 9 2 7 0 floridula Ulva intestinalis Linnaeus, 1753 Chlorophyta Ulvophyceae Ulvales Ulvaceae 15 5 1 1 3 Table S2. List of taxa and corresponding number of specimens in all Dinard Herbarium (Total), at the three periods of intensive collection (T1+T2+T3), at T1 (1843-1866), at T2 (1910-1931) and at T3 (1949-1967); taxa are ordered by increasing total number of specimens. Bold font indicates taxa for which all specimens were carefully re-examined by experts of our laboratory (continued). Taxon name Authority Phylum Class Order Family Total T1+T2+T3 T1 T2 T3 Callithamnion (Smith) Lyngbye, 1819 Rhodophyta Florideophyceae Ceramiales Callithamniaceae 14 10 6 4 0 corymbosum Chylocladia verticillata (Lightfoot) Bliding, 1928 Rhodophyta Florideophyceae Rhodymeniales Champiaceae 14 5 3 2 0 Halurus equisetifolius (Lightfoot) Kützing, 1843 Rhodophyta Florideophyceae Ceramiales Wrangeliaceae 14 10 1 9 0 Lomentaria articulata (Hudson) Lyngbye, 1819 Rhodophyta Florideophyceae Rhodymeniales Lomentariaceae 14 10 1 8 1 Polysiphonia elongata (Hudson) Harvey Rhodophyta Florideophyceae Ceramiales Rhodomelaceae 14 8 1 7 0 Porphyra umbilicalis Kützing, 1843 Rhodophyta Bangiophyceae Bangiales Bangiaceae 14 9 2 7 0 (Goodenough & Brongniartella byssoides Woodward) F.Schmitz, Rhodophyta Florideophyceae Ceramiales Rhodomelaceae 13 8 1 6 1 1893 S2 Annexe table Colpomenia peregrina Sauvageau, 1927 Ochrophyta Phaeophyceae Scytosiphonales Scytosiphonaceae 13 7 0 7 0 (Linnaeus) J.V.Lamouroux, Desmarestia aculeata Ochrophyta Phaeophyceae Desmarestiales Desmarestiaceae 13 9 1 7 1 1813 Mastocarpus stellatus (Stackhouse) Guiry, 1984 Rhodophyta Florideophyceae Gigartinales Phyllophoraceae 13 11 2 9 0 Punctaria latifolia Greville, 1830 Ochrophyta Phaeophyceae Ectocarpales Chordariaceae 13 10 2 6 2 Rhodymenia (J.V.Lamouroux) P.C.Silva, Rhodophyta Florideophyceae Rhodymeniales Rhodymeniaceae 13 11 1 9 1 pseudopalmata 1952 Scytosiphon lomentaria (Lyngbye) Link, 1833 Ochrophyta Phaeophyceae Scytosiphonales Scytosiphonaceae 13 10 2 8 0 Ulva Linnaeus, 1753 Chlorophyta Ulvophyceae Ulvales Ulvaceae 13 13 0 0 13 Ulva lactuca Linnaeus, 1753 Chlorophyta Ulvophyceae Ulvales Ulvaceae 13 7 1 2 4 (Goodenough & Calliblepharis jubata Rhodophyta Florideophyceae Gigartinales Cystocloniaceae 12 9 1 8 0 Woodward) Kützing, 1843 Cladophora pellucida (Hudson) Kützing, 1843 Chlorophyta Ulvophyceae Cladophorales Cladophoraceae 12 4 1 2 1 Dilsea carnosa (Schmidel) Kuntze, 1898 Rhodophyta Florideophyceae Gigartinales Dumontiaceae 12 7 1 6 0 Gracilaria bursa- (S.G.Gmelin) P.C.Silva, Rhodophyta Florideophyceae Gracilariales Gracilariaceae 12 10 2 6 2 pastoris 1952 Sphondylothamnion (Hudson) Nägeli, 1862 Rhodophyta Florideophyceae Ceramiales Wrangeliaceae 12 10 2 8 0 multifidum 3 4 Table S2. List of taxa and corresponding number of specimens in all Dinard Herbarium (Total), at the three periods of intensive collection (T1+T2+T3), at T1 (1843-1866), at T2 (1910-1931) and at T3 (1949-1967); taxa are ordered by increasing total number of specimens. Bold font indicates taxa for which all specimens were carefully re-examined by experts of our laboratory (continued). Taxon name Authority Phylum Class Order Family Total T1+T2+T3 T1 T2 T3 Fucus ceranoides Linnaeus, 1753 Ochrophyta Phaeophyceae Fucales Fucaceae 11 5 1 4 0 (Woodward) Kützing, Halarachnion ligulatum Rhodophyta Florideophyceae Gigartinales Furcellariaceae 11 10 1 7 2 1843 (Linnaeus) Sauvageau, Halopteris scoparia Ochrophyta Phaeophyceae Sphacelariales Stypocaulaceae 11 6 2 4 0 1904 Sphacelaria cirrosa (Roth) C.Agardh, 1824 Ochrophyta Phaeophyceae Sphacelariales Sphacelariaceae 11 7 4 2 1 Ahnfeltia plicata (Hudson) E.M.Fries, 1836 Rhodophyta Florideophyceae Ahnfeltiales Ahnfeltiaceae 10 5 2 3 0 Bryopsis plumosa (Hudson) C.Agardh, 1823 Chlorophyta Ulvophyceae Bryopsidales Bryopsidaceae 10 8 3 2 3 Champia parvula (C.Agardh) Harvey, 1853 Rhodophyta Florideophyceae Rhodymeniales Champiaceae 10 9 2 7 0 M. Robuchon Chondracanthus (Roth) Fredericq, 1993 Rhodophyta Florideophyceae Gigartinales Gigartinaceae 10 8 2 6 0 acicularis Dudresnaya verticillata (Withering) Le Jolis, 1863 Rhodophyta Florideophyceae Gigartinales Dumontiaceae 10 6 1 5 0 G.I.Zardi, K.R.Nicastro, Fucus guiryi E.S.Serrão & G.A.Pearson, Ochrophyta Phaeophyceae Fucales Fucaceae 10 8 0 8 0 et al. 2011 Gelidium pulchellum (Turner) Kützing, 1868 Rhodophyta Florideophyceae Gelidiales Gelidiaceae 10 2 1 1 0 Polysiphonia stricta (Dillwyn) Greville, 1824 Rhodophyta Florideophyceae Ceramiales Rhodomelaceae 10 7 4 3 0 Pylaiella littoralis (Linnaeus)
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